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Valuable biological information can be obtained by monitoring the movement of organisms. However, the choice of monitoring method becomes highly restricted when following small organisms (<100 mm), especially in aquatic ecosystems. Stable isotopes are being increasingly used in this respect but rarely at the local spatial scale, i.e. 10–1000 s of metres. We sought to identify movement of small fishes between a main river channel and its tributary. Little overlap in isotope baseline was detected between the two channels despite some temporal variability in δ15N of baseline indicator organisms in the main river. The individuals of two small cyprinid fish species (Leuciscus souffia and Alburnoides bipunctatus) of all the size classes (40–100 mm) caught within the tributary showed considerable heterogeneity in δ15N values. Classification and discriminant analysis on isotope-derived data distinguished two significantly different groups. Moreover, this result was supported by further sampling of fish caught in the main river (in May and December 2006). Alternative hypotheses, such as dietary differences, biological factors, temporal shifts and spatial differences in diet, did not explain δ15N variability. This application of stable isotopes at a relatively small spatial and temporal scales further demonstrates its potential as a tool for ecologists.  相似文献   
3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (diuron), an inhibitor of cytochrome b oxidation, has been used for the selection of three resistant mutants (diur) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The mutant diur-64 exhibits in vivo cross-resistance to antimycin A while diur-34 and diur-1 are more sensitive to antimycin A than the parental strain. The three mutants exhibit mitochondrial inheritance according to the following criteria: mitotic segregation of diuron-resistant and diuron-sensitive diploids is obtained among the diploid progeny of a cross between diur and dius; non-Mendelian segregation of diuron resistance (4:0) is observed in spores of tetrads issued from diuron-resistant diploid; extensive ethidium bromide treatment leads to the formation of Q- mutants which no longer transmit diur and dius alleles. Evidence for two distinct diuron-resistant loci were obtained by allelism tests. Recombination analysis shows that diuron-resistance is not located in the polar region of the mitochondrial genome. The diur loci are not linked to the erythromycin locus since the upper limit in recombinants frequency (26%) for a non-polar region is obtained between diur and eryr. A low recombinants frequency (3%) is observed in crosses between diur-34 mutation and the two mutants cob1 and cob2 suggesting that diur-34 might be located between these two cytochrome-b-deficient loci. The resistance to diuron is also expressed in vitro since the oxidation rates of succinate by sonicated submitochondrial particles from the mutants are clearly less sensitive to diuron than that of the wild type.  相似文献   
下丘脑外侧区注射TRH对大鼠胃酸分泌的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文采用连续收集胃腔灌流法,观察下丘脑外侧区(LHA)注射促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH)对大鼠胃酸分泌的影响,并分析TRH在LHA促进胃酸分泌的作用机制。结果表明:(1)LHA注射TRH(1μg)明显地刺激胃酸分泌;(2)预先向LHA注射酚妥拉明(10μg)、美多心安(5μg)及胃泌素抗体1μl(1:640)并不影响TRH的泌酸作用,如预先向LHA注射阿托品(5μg)则可消除TRH的泌酸效应;(3)垂体摘除及肾上腺切除均不影响TRH的泌酸作用;(4)隔下迷走神经切断后,LHA注入TRH的泌酸效应仍然出现,但持续时间显著缩短;腹腔交感神经节摘除后,TRH仍能促进胃酸分泌,但分泌量少而平稳。以上结果提示:LHA是TRH中枢泌酸效应的有关结构之一,其中枢机制是通过胆碱能M受体中介的,腹腔交感神经节和膈下迷走神经是TRH泌酸效应的传出途径。前者引起的泌酸反应出现较早且引起泌酸高峰,但持续时间短;后者则引起低平的持续分泌。  相似文献   
Fresh bovine, porcine and canine hearts were homogenized and mitogens for mesoderm-derived cells were purified in three different steps. Extraction by two different ammonium sulfate precipitations was followed by cation-exchange chromatography and by heparin-Sepharose affinity chromatography. A heparin-Sepharose fraction from heart (eluted at 1.1 M NaCl) increased mitotic activity in serum-deprived cultures of porcine aortic endothelial and smooth muscle cells, and in human fibroblasts. This mitogenic activity is potentiated by heparin and inhibited by gamma-interferon. The heart mitogenic fraction showed one double peak on HPLC at A215 and one polypeptide band on SDS/PAGE. These peaks and bands were identical to those obtained from bovine brain. The heart acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) showed a positive signal in Western blots using antibodies raised against brain aFGF. Gas-phase amino acid sequencing established that the mitogens were identical to aFGF and the N-terminally truncated aFGF. Extraction in the presence of a protease inhibitor (pepstatin A) produced a higher-molecular mass form of aFGF with a blocked amino terminus. Another mitogen, eluted at 1.6 M NaCl from heparin-Sepharose, reacted with polyclonal antiserum against human recombinant basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and showed a 66% (12 from 18 amino acids determined by gas-phase sequencing) similarity with bFGF. This polypeptide increased the mitotic activity of the same cell lines but was more potent than aFGF.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Rückstände chlorierter Kohlenwasserstoffe in Eiern und Lebern von im Binnenland Niedersachsens brütenden Vogelarten — Feldsperling, Mehlschwalbe, Weißstorch, Graureiher, Saatkrähe, Stockente und andere Arten — werden angegeben und deren Abhängigkeit von Brutort, Nahrung und Zugverhalten diskutiert.
Chlorinated hydrocarbons of some bird species breeding in the inland of Lower Saxony (FRG)
Summary Residues of chlorinated hydrocarbons in eggs and livers of some bird species — Tree Sparrow, House Martin, White Stork, Heron, Rook, Mallard, and further species — are presented. The dependence on place of breeding, food web, and migration is discussed.
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