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Summary 1. Changes in chemical composition and caloric content as well as the cumulative efficiencies of yolk utilization have been studied in the developing eggs and freshly hatched protozoea of the shrimpCrangon crangon L.2. Per unit dry weight of the fresh egg the following relative increases were observed during the development: 16.8% water, 5.9% ash, 10.6% protein, and 0.5% non-protein nitrogen. During the same period (fresh egg to freshly hatched protozoea) fat content decreased from 32.6% to 15.6% and energy content from 6443 to 5287 cal/g dry organic substance.3. The cumulative efficiencies of yolk utilization for the different constituents varied; they were 70.3% for dry weight, 54.0% for total energy, 83.0% for protein, and 33.6% for fat.4. Of the 0.0453 cal expended on the metabolic processes of the embryo, only 20.8% was drawn from the oxidation of protein, while fat oxidation contributed as much as 75.0%.5. Considerable quantities of inorganic salts (0.29µg/egg) were absorbed from the surrounding sea-water by the egg during its development.
Änderungen in der chemischen Zusammensetzung und im Kaloriengehalt sich entwickelnder Eier der GarneleCrangon crangon
Kurzfassung Pro Trockengewichtseinheit ergeben sich während der gesamten Eientwicklung vonCrangon crangon L. folgende relative Zunahmen: Wasser 16,8%, Asche 5,9%, Eiweiß 10,6%, Nicht-Eiweiß Stickstoff 0,5%. In gleichem Zeitraum sinken die entsprechenden Werte für den Fettgehalt von 32,6% auf 15,6% und für den Energiegehalt von 6443 auf 5287 cal/g organische Substanz. Für die Entwicklung der aus dem Ei geschlüpften Protozoea beträgt der Kumulativ-Nutzeffekt 70,3% für Trockengewicht, 54,0% für Energie, 83,0% für Eiweiß und 33,6% für Fett. Während der ganzen Entwicklung eines Eies werden im Mittel 0,0453 cal für den Stoffwechsel aufgewendet; davon stammen 20,8% aus dem Eiweiß und 75,0% aus der Fettoxydation. Im Verlauf der Eientwicklung werden offensichtlich beträchtliche Mengen anorganischer Salze (0,29µg pro Ei) aus dem umgebenden Meerwasser absorbiert.

This paper is based on a lecture presented during the Annual meeting of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea in Hamburg, October, 1967.

Dedicated to Prof.R. V. Seshaiya, the founder of the Marine Biological Laboratory, Porto Nova, South India, on his 70th birthday.  相似文献   
The marine cyanobacterium Phormidium valderianum BDU 140441 exhibited the ability to grow at 0.25?mM tannic acid, a known hindering chemical for microbial growth. The tannic acid-degrading ability of the organism is evident from the UV–visible absorption spectrum. In addition, the existence of tannase has been localized by activity staining, and its induction in activity upon tannic acid exposure was confirmed in native gel. The critical tannic acid metabolization enzymes tested for are polyphenol oxidase and esterases; both are well known for tannic acid degradation. Upon tannic acid exposure, increased activity of polyphenol oxidase and expression of few new isoforms of esterase were identified by activity staining.  相似文献   
Although the presence of nanoplastics in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems has received increasing attention, little is known about its potential effect on ecosystem processes and functions. Here, we evaluated if differentially charged polystyrene (PS) nanoplastics (PS-NH2 and PS-SO3H) exhibit distinct influences on microbial community structure, nitrogen removal processes (denitrification and anammox), emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, and N2O), and ecosystem multifunctionality in soils with and without earthworms through a 42-day microcosm experiment. Our results indicated that nanoplastics significantly altered soil microbial community structure and potential functions, with more pronounced effects for positively charged PS-NH2 than for negatively charged PS-SO3H. Ecologically relevant concentration (3 g kg−1) of nanoplastics inhibited both soil denitrification and anammox rates, while environmentally realistic concentration (0.3 g kg−1) of nanoplastics decreased the denitrification rate and enhanced the anammox rate. The soil N2O flux was always inhibited 6%–51% by both types of nanoplastics, whereas emissions of CO2 and CH4 were enhanced by nanoplastics in most cases. Significantly, although N2O emissions were decreased by nanoplastics, the global warming potential of total greenhouse gases was increased 21%–75% by nanoplastics in soils without earthworms. Moreover, ecosystem multifunctionality was increased 4%–12% by 0.3 g kg−1 of nanoplastics but decreased 4%–11% by 3 g kg−1 of nanoplastics. Our findings provide the only evidence to date that the rapid increase in nanoplastics is altering not only ecosystem structure and processes but also ecosystem multifunctionality, and it may increase the emission of CO2 and CH4 and their global warming potential to some extent.  相似文献   
Bestrophin, an integral membrane protein existing in basolateral region of the retina is a propitious target for drug discovery. Mutations in the Bestrophin protein cause Best Vitelliform Macular Dystrophy (BVMD) leading to retinal damages and loss of visual acuity. Owing to the lack of three dimensional structure and related structural homologs in the protein data bank, we modeled the bestrophin protein using Robetta ab initio method. Further, no treatment is available for the disease. In this situation, anthocyanins from natural sources are reported to combat retinal damages. Hence, we identified anthocyanins from Syzygium cumini fruit skin using Electrospray Ionization tandem mass spectrometry. These compounds were docked into the predicted bestrophin model to study the interactions within the active site. The results may provide a valuable insight into the structure of bestrophin and efficacy of anthocyanins in molecular docking studies.


PTP - Putative transmembrane proteins, VMD - Vitelliform macular dystrophy, BVMD - Best''s vitelliform macular dystrophy, RPE - Retinal pigment epithelium, ESI-MS/MS - Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry, UNIPROT - Universal Protein Resource, PSIPRED - Protein secondary structure prediction, TMH - Transmembrane Helices, SCFS - Syzygium cumini fruit skin DP - Declustering Potential IFD - Induced Fit Docking.  相似文献   
To produce all-male progenies in the fighting fish, Betta splendens, six groups of fry were subjected to discrete immersion treatment at different 17alpha-methyltestosterone (MT) doses (viz. 100, 200, 500, 700, 900, and 1,000 microg/l) for a constant duration (3 hr/day) and frequency (second, fifth, and eighth day after hatching). The treatment at 900 microg/l led to 98% masculinization and 71% survival at sexual maturity. Treated groups, which showed significant deviation from the 1:1 sex ratio, were classified into two different series: S1 and S2. The groups that showed nearly cent-percent masculinization were classified as S1, and the other groups were classified as S2. The S1 males showed remarkably slower growth and attained 3.5 cm total length compared to 6.0 cm attained by a normal male. The S2 males attained 5.4 cm total length. Apart from these morphological defects, both S1 and S2 males suffered functional (decreased sperm count and sperm motility) and behavioral defects (incomplete embracing during mating) in their reproductive ability, leading to approximately 50% and 30% reduction in fecundity per mating, respectively. The cumulative fecundity loss suffered by the S1 male during its active reproductive phase is discussed. When normal and sex-reversed males were presented, a female preferred the former. Progeny testing of the sex-reversed males showed the occurrence of 12.75% males, indicating the possible role of autosomal genes in the sex determination mechanism of this species. Discrete immersion treatment at optimal/super-optimal doses ensured not only a higher percentage of masculinization, but also a higher frequency of homogametic males (XX).  相似文献   
Microalgae are extensively used in the remediation of heavy metals like iron. However, factors like toxicity, bioavailability and iron speciation play a major role in its removal by microalgae. Thus, in this study, toxicity of three different iron salts (FeSO4, FeCl3 and Fe(NO3)3) was evaluated towards three soil microalgal isolates, Chlorella sp. MM3, Chlamydomonas sp. MM7 and Chlorococcum sp. MM11. Interestingly, all the three iron salts gave different EC50 concentrations; however, ferric nitrate was found to be significantly more toxic followed by ferrous sulphate and ferric chloride. The EC50 analysis revealed that Chlorella sp. was significantly resistant to iron compared to other microalgae. However, almost 900 μg g?1 iron was accumulated by Chlamydomonas sp. grown with 12 mg L?1 ferric nitrate as an iron source when compared to other algae and iron salts. The time-course bioaccumulation confirmed that all the three microalgae adsorb the ferric salts such as ferric nitrate and ferric chloride more rapidly than ferrous salt, whereas intracellular accumulation was found to be rapid for ferrous salts. However, the amount of iron accumulated or adsorbed by algae, irrespective of species, from ferrous sulphate medium is comparatively lower than ferric chloride and ferric nitrate medium. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis shows that the oxygen atom and P?=?O group of polysaccharides present in the cell wall of algae played a major role in the bioaccumulation of iron ions by algae.  相似文献   
Reaction of [Mn(2,2′-bpy)2(OAc)](ClO4)(H2O) with a series of aromatic carboxylic acids yields new Mn(II)carboxylates [Mn(2,2′-bpy)2(L)](ClO4)}2 (1-3), [Mn(2,2′-bpy)2(L)2] (4-5) and [Mn(2,2′-bpy)2(L)(H2O)](ClO4) (6) (L = 2-aminobenzoate (2-aba) (1), 4-hydroxybenzoate (4-hba) (2), thiophene-2-carboxylate (2-tca) (3), 2-hydroxynapthoate (2-hnapa) (4), 3,5-diisopropylsalicylic acid (dipsa) (5), 2,4,6-triisopropylbenzoate (tipba) (6)). The new compounds have been characterized with the aid of elemental analysis, spectroscopy, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Compounds 1-3, which have been synthesized from less bulky carboxylic acids, are dimeric in the solid-state. Compounds 4-6, which are derived from more bulkier aromaric carboxylic acids, exist as monomeric complexes. In the case of 6, where very bulky 2,4,6-triisopropyl benzoic acid is used as the starting material, only one carboxylate ligand binds to the metal, resulting in a cationic complex. Interestingly in all the six complexes, the C-H hydrogen atoms of the 2,2′-bpy ligands are involved in extensive hydrogen bonding with the carboxylate oxygen atoms of the adjacent molecules and hence form non-covalent 1-D or 2-D aggregates in the solid state.  相似文献   
Summary 1. Chemical composition and caloric content of egg and zoea of the hermit crabEupagurus bernhardus have been determined and the cumulative efficiencies of yolk utilization calculated.2. The cumulative efficiencies of yolk utilization for different constituents were 70.0%, 55.3%, 79.4% or 35.0% for dry weight, caloric content, protein or fat.3. Since the efficiencies with which the different constituents of yolk utilized vary, the chemical composition of the developing eggs undergoes considerable changes. While fat and caloric content showed remarkable decreases, water, ash and protein contents of the eggs increased.4. Of 0.0722 cal expended on metabolic processes of the embryo, only 28.4% was drawn from the oxidation of protein, while fat contributed as much as 66.6%.5. Considerable quantities of inorganic salts (0.77µg/egg) are absorbed from the sea-water by the developing egg.
Chemische Zusammensetzung und Kaloriengehalt von Ei und Zoea des EinsiedlerkrebsesEupagurus bernhardus
Kurzfassung Im Laufe der vollständigen Eientwicklung findet eine Zunahme von Wasser um 31,5%, Asche um 5,7%, Eiweiß um 8,8% und Nicht-Eiweiß-Stickstoff um 0,2% statt. In der gleichen Zeit sinkt der Fettgehalt von 29,5% auf 14,8% und der Energiegehalt von 6292 auf 5282 cal/g organischer Substanz. Der Kumulativ-Nutzeffekt der Entwicklung von einem Ei zur Zoea-Larve beträgt 70,0%, 55,3%, 79,4% bzw. 35,0% bezogen auf Trockengewicht, Kaloriengehalt, Eiweiß bzw. Fett. Von den 0,0722 cal, die sich auf den Stoffwechsel der gesamten Entwicklung eines Eies beziehen, werden nur 28,4% aus Eiweiß gewonnen; 66,6% werden durch Oxydation von Fett beigetragen.
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