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Glutathione S-transferases in human prostate   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A number of human prostatic tissue biopsies have been analyzed for glutathione S-transferase activity, using 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) as a substrate. Samples from nine patients (age range 61-90) with benign prostatic hypertrophy who had received no prior chemotherapy had a mean glutathione S-transferase activity of 137 +/- 44 nmol/min per mg with a range of 97-237. A qualitative comparison of the glutathione S-transferase of normal prostate and benign prostatic hypertrophy samples was carried out. Approximately 260-fold purification was achieved using glutathione-Sepharose affinity chromatography, with glutathione S-transferase accounting for approximately 0.19-0.33% of the total protein. Substrate specificity determinations suggested similar, but not identical, glutathione S-transferase subunits in normal prostate and benign prostatic hypertrophy. One- and two-dimensional electrophoresis (isoelectric focusing and 12.5% SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) identified at least seven stained polypeptides in the purified glutathione S-transferase preparations. These ranged in Mr from approximately 24,000 to 28,500 and in pI from near neutral to basic. Western blot analysis using polyclonal antibodies raised against rat liver glutathione S-transferase suggested crossreactivity with five of the human isoenzymes in both normal prostate and benign prostatic hypertrophy. One of the glutathione S-transferases, present in both normal prostate and benign prostatic hypertrophy, had an Mr of approx. 24,000 and a near-neutral pI and crossreacted immunologically with a polyclonal antibody raised against human placental glutathione S-transferase (Yf, subunit 7 or pi). These data suggest that four glutathione S-transferases are expressed in human prostate, with subunits from each of the major classes alpha, mu and pi. These are characterized as Ya, Yb, Yb' and Yf (analogous alternative nomenclature subunits 1, 3, 4 and 7).  相似文献   
A Walker 256 breast carcinoma cell line (WR) exhibiting a greater than 20-fold resistance to alkylating agents has been selected from a parent cell line (WS). Karyotypic heterogeneity was apparent, with a number of differences evident between WR and WS cells. The modal chromosome number for WS is 62; for WR, 54; double minutes were found only in WR, whereas spontaneous chromosomal aberrations were present in approx. 40% of the WS cells. No similar aberrations were observed in WR. Using SDS-gel electrophoresis and subsequent silver staining, differences in the profile of nuclear matrix proteins in WR and WS were observed. A diffuse band at approx. 70 kD in the WS was absent in WR cells. This protein was phosphorylated, together with a number of the other major matrix polypeptides. Levels of phosphorylated matrix proteins were approximately equivalent in both WR and WS cell lines, but matrix protein phosphorylation levels were approx. 2-fold higher than corresponding values for bulk nuclear proteins. Selective pressure of drug exposure has resulted in enhanced genetic stability in WR cells and observed karyotype differences are accompanied by modifications in the structural proteins of the nuclear matrix. Whether the observed differences are the cause or result of drug resistance remains to be established.  相似文献   
Cereals are the world's major source of food for human nutrition. Among these, rice (Oryza sativa) is the most prominent and represents the staple diet for more than two-fifths (2.4 billion) of the world's population, making it the most important food crop of the developing world (Anon., 2000a). Rice production in vast stretches of coastal areas is hampered due to high soil salinity. This is because rice is a glycophyte and it does not grow well under saline conditions. In order to increase rice production in these areas there is a need to develop rice varieties suited to saline environments. Research has shown that Porteresia coarctata, a highly salt tolerant wild relative of rice growing in estuarine soils, is an important material for transferring salt tolerant characteristics to rice. It is quite possible that Porteresia may be used as a parent for evolving better and truly salt resistant varieties. The inadequate results and the difficulties associated with conventional breeding techniques necessitate the use of the tools of crop biotechnology in unravelling some of the characteristics of Porteresia that have been highlighted in this report. In view of the limited resources available for increasing salinity tolerance to the breeders to wild rice germplasm, Porteresia is undoubtedly one of the key source species for elevating salinity tolerance in cultivated rice.  相似文献   
Antigen persists for months or even years in lymphoid tissues of immune animals and this antigen is believed to participate in the induction and maintenance of B-cell memory as well as in the maintenance of serum antibody levels. In the present report we describe the phenomenon of antigen localization and long-term retention on mouse follicular dendritic cells (FDCs). The antigens used were injected in the hind footpads of immune mice and the popliteal lymph nodes were the lymphoid organs generally studied. In addition to presenting the morphological features of mouse FDCs, we report the results of a study of the mechanism of antigen migration from the site of initial localization in the lymph node subcapsular sinus to the regions of follicular retention in the cortex. The migration was followed by light and electron microscopy. The results support the concepts that immune complexes are trapped in the subcapsular sinus and are transported by a group of nonphagocytic cells to follicular regions. The mechanism of transport may involve either migration of pre-FDCs with a concomitant maturation into FDCs, or cell-to-cell transport utilizing dendritic cell processes and membrane fluidity; or a combination of the two mechanisms may be in operation.  相似文献   
Regulation of JNK signaling by GSTp   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Shortly after secondary immunization germinal center (GC) B cells obtain antigen from follicular dendritic cells (FDC) in the form of immune complexes. This antigen appears to be degraded by the GC B cells and may be processed for presentation to T cells. The present study was undertaken to determine whether GC B cells can process and present antigen obtained from FDC in vivo to appropriate T cells in vitro. GC B cells were isolated from immune mice with the use of Percoll density separation followed by a panning procedure which utilizes the ability of the plant lectin, peanut agglutinin (PNA), to selectively bind to GC B cells. The enriched GC B cells were approximately 80% highly positive for PNA, 97% positive for Ia and surface IgM, but less than 0.01% positive for Thy-1.2 or esterase. In some experiments, this population was further purified to near 100% highly PNA-positive cells with the use of fluoresceinated PNA and a fluorescence-activated cell sorter. Cell sorting analysis indicated that the antigen (125I-labeled ovalbumin (OVA)) was restricted to the highly PNA-positive cell fraction. The capacity of these highly PNA-positive B cells to present antigen was assessed by monitoring interleukin 2 (IL-2) production by the OVA-specific T cell hybridoma, 3DO-54.8. GC B cells obtained from mice 3 wk or more after secondary immunization did not elicit IL-2 production in the absence of added OVA. However, GC B cells isolated as early as 1 day and for over 1 wk after a challenge with OVA, were able to stimulate high levels of IL-2 production, in the absence of adding OVA to the cell cultures. This response was maximal on day 5 and corresponded precisely with the kinetics of the ultrastructural studies which document the uptake of antigen by GC B cells in vivo. The FDC-derived antigen was remarkably immunogenic when compared with exogenous antigen. These findings demonstrated that antigen obtained in vivo by GC B cells could be processed and presented to T cells. In vivo, GC B cells may induce the T cell help needed for the germinal center reaction, generate B memory cells, and help induce the high titers of antibody associated with the secondary antibody response.  相似文献   
This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of four harvesting methods on juice quality and storability in sweet sorghum. Three cultivars (Dale, Theis, and M81-E) were harvested at 90, 115, and 140 days after planting. Stalks were stripped of leaves and topped at the peduncle, then divided into four treatments (whole stalk, 20- or 40-cm billets, or chopped). The sorghum was stored outside at ambient temperature in a shade tent, and juice was extracted from samples removed at 0, 1, 2, and 4 days after harvest. Changes in juice Brix and sugars were reported in an earlier paper (Lingle, Tew, Rukavina, Boykin, Post-harvest changes in sweet sorghum I: Brix and sugars, BioEnergy Research 5:158–167, 2012). In this paper, we report changes in juice pH, titratable acidity (TA), and protein, starch, and mannitol concentrations. Juice pH dropped rapidly after harvest in chopped sorghum, but changed little during 4 days of storage in whole stalks or billets. Similarly, TA increased with storage time in chopped samples, but was unchanged in whole stalks and billets. Protein concentration was highly variable, and no pattern with treatment or storage time could be discerned. In whole stalks and billets, starch content slowly decreased during storage, while in chopped samples starch appeared to increase. This was most likely a result of an increase in dextran synthesized by microorganisms in those samples, which was also detected by the enzymatic starch assay. The concentration of mannitol increased with storage time in chopped samples, but not in whole stalks or billets. Within a harvest date, pH was highly correlated with total sugar, while TA and mannitol were highly negatively correlated with total sugar. The results confirm that whole stalks and billets were little changed over 4 days of storage, while chopped sorghum was badly deteriorated 1 day after harvest. Changes in pH, TA, or mannitol could be used to measure deterioration in sweet sorghum after harvest.  相似文献   
Alternaria alternata is a common fungal parasite on fruits and other plants and produces a number of mycotoxins, including alternariol (3,7,9-trihydroxy-1-methyl-6H-dibenzo [b,d]pyran-6-one), alternariol monomethyl ether (3,7-dihydroxy-9-methoxy-1-methyl-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-6-one), and the mutagen altertoxin I {[1S-(1α,12aβ,12bα)] 1,2,11,12,12a, 12b-hexahydro-1,4,9,12a-tetrahydroxy-3,10-perylenedione}. Alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether have previously been detected in some samples of fruit beverages. Stability studies of these toxins as well as altertoxin I added to fruit juices and wine (10–100 ng/mL) were carried out. To include altertoxin I in the analysis, cleanup with a polymer-based Varian Abselut solid phase extraction column was used, as recoveries from C-18 columns were low. The stabilities of alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether in a low acid apple juice containing no declared vitamin C were compared with those in the same juice containing added vitamin C (60 mg/175 ml); there were no apparent losses at room temperature over 20 days or at 80°C after 20 min. in either juice. Altertoxin I was moderately stable in pH 3 buffer (75% remaining after a two week period). Furthermore, altertoxin I was stable or moderately stable in three brands of apple juice tested over 1–27 day periods and in a sample of red grape juice over 7 days. It is concluded that altertoxin I is sufficiently stable to be found in fruit juices and should be included in methods for alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether.  相似文献   
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