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Bacteria-assisted bioremediation is widely recognized as a low-cost method to minimize the consequences of soil pollution with toxic metals originating from industrial sites. Strains used in bioremediation have to deal with high metal load via biosorption, reduction, bioprecipitation, metal sequestration, and/or chelation. Actinobacteria, and streptomycetes in particular, are considered a perspective group for bioremediation as natural soil inhabitants with extensive secondary metabolism. Nevertheless, there is no reference information on survival of the model streptomycetes in the presence of the most abundant metal pollutants. Also, there are no reports describing the selection approaches towards improvement of bioremediation properties. In this work, the resistance of Streptomyces coelicolor M145 and Streptomyces sioyaensis Lv81 to certain transition metals and their growth under different pH values are described for the first time. Spontaneous chromate-resistant S. sioyaensis Lv81-138 strain was selected in the course of this work. Strain Lv81-138 is the most efficient actinobacterial Cr(VI) reducer reported so far, capable of converting 12 mmol/L of Cr(VI) into Cr(III) in a medium supplemented with 50 mmol/L K2CrO4.  相似文献   
Saline rivers are supposed to be ‘hot spots’ of high biological productivity in arid landscapes. To test this, we quantified the production of chironomid larvae, because river production is known to be transferred to arid landscapes primarily by birds fed on these larvae. In addition, we studied the potential biochemical quality of the larvae for birds based on the essential highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA) contents in their biomass. We studied species composition and measured production of chironomid larvae in two saline rivers (Volgograd region, Russia). We also evaluated the fatty acid composition and contents of the dominant taxa and estimated the flux of HUFA from the studied saline rivers to land via chironomid potential emergence. Average monthly production of chironomids measured for only 1 month, August, was quite comparable to annual production in some freshwater rivers. All the dominant chironomid larvae had comparatively high essential eicosapentaenoic acid contents, especially Cricotopus salinophilus, which showed the highest value, reported for Chironomidae. The monthly flux of HUFA from the studied rivers to land due to the chironomid potential emergence was roughly comparable to the global average estimation of annual water–land HUFA export via emerging insects.  相似文献   

Although there is an abundance of species delimitation methods on the market, most approaches depend on predefined assignment of specimens to species or populations. Assignment-free methods, which can simultaneously infer boundaries and relationships among species, are of high importance in cases, when correct pre-assignment is difficult or not at all possible. In this study, we use assignment-free multispecies coalescent-based species delimitation (STACEY, tr2-delimitation, and BP&P), phylogenetic methods, and clustering algorithms to investigate the inter- and infraspecific relationships within a common and widespread group of lichens with contentious species boundaries. The Cetraria aculeata group presents a good example of extreme morphological variability and unclear species delimitation in lichens. Based on DNA-sequence data from 26 fungal loci and 10 microsatellite loci, as well as morphological and chemical data, our results provide evidence for the occurrence of five different taxa within the group and highlight the difficulties of morphologically distinguishing these species. We discovered a separate lineage (clade C) within C. aculeata s. str., which does not fully coincide with any of the a priori identified species C. aculeata, C. crespoae, or C. steppae and conclude that this clade constitutes a semi-cryptic, genetically isolated lineage within C. aculeata. We recognize this lineage at subspecific rank as C. aculeata subsp. steppae and synonymize Cetraria crespoae with C. aculeata subsp. aculeata. Epitypes are designated for all involved names to stabilize their usage. The PKS8 gene locus is recommended as a barcode for the separation of C. aculeata subsp. aculeata and subsp. steppae. We demonstrate the potential use of microsatellite data for species delimitation in lichens that might offer an alternative insight or be used to test species delimitation hypotheses, when dealing with closely related or potentially cryptic species. Our results also confirm the presence of an undescribed sister lineage to C. odontella previously misidentified as C. muricata and extend the known range of this lineage to Central Asia (Altay Mts.) and the Central European Alps (France, Switzerland), which calls for a critical reappraisal of records of C. aculeata and C. muricata from these mountain ranges.

One of the central paradigms of ecology is that only about 10% of organic carbon production of one trophic level is incorporated into new biomass of organisms of the next trophic level. Many of energy-yielding compounds of carbon are designated as ‘essential’, because they cannot be synthesized de novo by consumers and must be obtained with food, while they play important structural and regulatory functions. The question arises: are the essential compounds transferred through trophic chains with the same efficiency as bulk carbon? To answer this question, we measured gross primary production of phytoplankton and secondary production of zooplankton and content of organic carbon and essential polyunsaturated fatty acids of ω-3 family with 18–22 carbon atoms (PUFA) in the biomass of phytoplankton and zooplankton in a small eutrophic reservoir during two summers. Transfer efficiency between the two trophic levels, phytoplankton (producers) and zooplankton (consumers), was calculated as ratio of the primary production versus the secondary (zooplankton) production for both carbon and PUFA. We found that the essential PUFA were transferred from the producers to the primary consumers with about twice higher efficiency than bulk carbon. In contrast, polyunsaturated fatty acids with 16 carbon atoms, which are synthesized exclusively by phytoplankton, but are not essential for animals, had significantly lower transfer efficiency than both bulk carbon, and essential PUFA. Thus, the trophic pyramid concept, which implicitly implies that all the energy-yielding compounds of carbon are transferred from one trophic level to the next with the same efficiency of about on average 10%, should be specified for different carbon compounds.  相似文献   
We studied composition and concentrations of fatty acids (FAs) in benthos from pebbly littoral region of the Yenisei River in a sampling site near Krasnoyarsk city (Siberia, Russia) for 1 year from March 2003 to February 2004. Special attention was paid to major long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) of the ω3 family: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5ω3) and docosahexaenoic acids (DHA, 22:6ω3). In phytobenthos, which was dominated by diatoms, the annual maxima of EPA and DHA pool occurred in spring and early summer. In zoobenthos, EPA and DHA pool peaked in autumn, due mainly to an increase of the biomass of dominant taxa (gammarids) and to a moderate increase of the PUFA content per body weight. Seasonal peaks of EPA in overwintering insect larvae (chironomids and caddisflies) generally coincided with those of biomass of these larvae, while there was no such trend for amphipods and oligochaetes. In spring and early summer, the main part of ω3 PUFA, 40–97% of total amount, in the littoral region was contained in biomass of producers, i.e., benthic microalgae, and in autumn it was transferred to primary consumers—benthic invertebrates, which contained ∼76–93% of total ω3 PUFAs.  相似文献   
Neutropenia has been shown to markedly increase plasma TNF-alpha concentration after LPS injection and to enhance LPS-induced mortality. Experiments reported here demonstrate that the 15-fold higher plasma TNF-alpha concentration elicited by LPS in neutropenic vs. nonneutropenic unanesthetized mice correlated with increased hepatic and splenic, but not pulmonary, TNF-alpha mRNA. Core 2 beta-1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-null and CD18-deficient mice also exhibited exaggerated plasma TNF-alpha responses to LPS injection. Findings suggest that extravasated neutrophils inhibit systemic TNF-alpha production and that they do so through organ-selective mechanisms involving CD18 integrin and selectin binding.  相似文献   
The present study investigated the effect of mono/bicyclic terpenoids and phenol derivatives on the viability of Drosophila melanogaster and their influence on the multiplication of the nuclear genome. The fertility and viability of fruit flies were assessed after oral administration and inhalation exposure of compounds 15: guaiacol, eugenol, borneol, menthol and carvacrol. The influence of terpenoids and phenols on the degree of chromosomes polyteny in salivary gland cells of D. melanogaster larvae was determined. Among all tested compounds, carvacrol demonstrated the most significant impact on fecundity and insect survival when inhaled or adding to the culture medium. Oral administration of carvacrol had an impact on giant chromosomes increasing their average level of chromosome polyteny degree while eugenol adding to culture medium had the opposite effect. The possible mechanism of terpenoids and phenols action is discussed.  相似文献   
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