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Patterns and sources of variation in Daphnia phosphorus content in nature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has recently been shown that Daphnia can vary in the phosphorus (P)-content of their body tissues, but the relative importance of genetic versus environmental causes for this variation is unexplored. We measured variation in P-content (as % body mass) of Daphnia from eight lakes and conducted experiments to contrast three sources of variation: interspecific variation, clonal variation and phenotypic plasticity. Daphnia P-content decreased with increasing seston C:P ratio across lakes. This relationship reflected both inter- and intraspecific variation. Daphnia parvula and D. dubia exhibited high P-content and were found in shallow lakes with low C:P seston, whereas D. pulicaria had low P-content and was found in deep, stratified lakes having high C:P seston. Populations of D. dentifera spanned this lake gradient and exhibited P-content that was negatively related to seston C:P. Evidence for phenotypic plasticity came from experiments with D. pulicaria and D. dentifera collected from a lake with P-deficient seston and fed a P-sufficient diet in the laboratory. In addition, populations of D. dentifera differed in P-content even after 7 d of feeding on P-sufficient resources, suggesting within-species clonal variation. However, mesocosm experiments revealed broad and surprisingly continuous variation in the P-content of individual clones of D. pulex (range 1.54–1.05%) and D. mendotae (1.51–1.07%) over a gradient in dietary C:P. The broad range in P-content exhibited by individual clones, acclimated for generations, suggests that variation in Daphnia P-content from laboratory experiments needs to be interpreted with caution. These results also show that phenotypic variation in response to environment can be a larger source of variation in P-content than genetic differences within or among species.  相似文献   
Summary A cDNA copy of the M2 dsRNA encoding the K2 killer toxin ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae was expressed in yeast using the yeastADH1 promoter. This construct produced K2-specific killing and immunity functions. Efficient K2-specific killing was dependent on the action of the KEX2 endopeptidase and the KEX1 carboxypeptidase, while K2-specific immunity was independent of these proteases. Comparison of the K2 toxin sequence with that of the K1 toxin sequence shows that although they share a common processing pathway and are both encoded by cytoplasmic dsRNAs of similar basic structure, the two toxins are very different at the primary sequence level. Site-specific mutagenesis of the cDNA gene establishes that one of the two potential KEX2 cleavage sites is critical for toxin action but not for immunity. Immunity was reduced by an insertion of two amino acids in the hydrophobic amino-terminal region which left toxin activity intact, indicating an independence of toxin action and immunity.  相似文献   
Three hundred thirty-three blue grouse (Dendragapus obscurus) were examined for blood parasites from 11 sites: southern Yukon Territory, southeast coastal Alaska, northern and central interior British Columbia, south coastal British Columbia, northcentral Washington, southcentral Oregon, northwestern California, eastcentral Nevada, northwestern Colorado, and westcentral Montana. Three species of protozoan parasites (Leucocytozoon lovati, Haemoproteus mansoni, Trypanosoma avium) and a splendidofilariid nematode (Microfilaria sp. B) were found in nearly all locations. Prevalence levels were consistently high for L. lovati (92%). The other hematozoa were found less frequently (H. mansoni 29%; T. avium 46%; and microfilaria 29%). The range of these parasites in blue grouse was extended to a more northern (Yukon Territory) and more southern distribution (Nevada than previously reported. Ranges were also extended to blue grouse populations in Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California.  相似文献   
A double-blind study of the effects of supplementing with selenium vs. placebo on the physiological responses to acute and chronic exercise was conducted in 24 healthy, nonsmoking males, mean age 22.9±2.1 yr, randomly divided into two groups of 12 (Pla/Sel). After a controlled period in the absence of training, all subjects were put on an individualized endurance training program with the same rules of progression and overload (3 sessions/wk×10 wk). Supplementation, either real (240 μg of organic selenium/d in Sel group) or imaginary (Pla group) was administered during the same period. In each of the conditions Pre- and Post- (training ± sel supplementation), muscle, plasma, and systemic parameters were determined before (BF) and after (AF) acute exercise, involving the repetition of muscle work cycles separated by 5-min recovery periods, combining 20 min at 65% and a maximal duration of 100% VO2 max of running on a treadmill, leading the subjects to exhaustion between 2 h 40 min and 3 h 30 min. Changes in parameters as a function of three independent variables:
  1. Acute exercise (E);
  2. Chronic exercise (T); and
  3. Selenium supplementing (S)
were tested with ANOVA and the Student\rsst-test on paired series. Among the variables examined, muscle glutathione peroxidase (GPx) presented a remarkable behavior. Enzymatic activity:
  1. Decreased significantly (p<0.05,n=24) between the beginning and the end of acute exercise: 29.6±12 vs. 20.8±8.1 IU·g protein?1 in Pre conditions;
  2. Remained at the same level in resting conditions between the beginning and end of training (from Pre to Post) regardless of the group: 33.5±10.8 vs. 32.3±19.8 and 25.7±12.4 vs. 23.5±10.2 IU·g protein?1 in Pla and Sel subjects, respectively; and
  3. Increased from 23.5±10.2 to 37.3±28.5 (P=0.057) during acute exercise in Post-conditions (after training) in supplemented subjects (Sel group).
The situation was as if acute exercise played the role of allosteric stimulator of the GPx reaction in muscle.  相似文献   
Four tributaries of Lake St-Jean (Québec, Canada) are used for spawning and juvenile habitat by land-locked Atlantic salmon. Spawning runs have drastically declined since the mid-1980s, and consequently, a supportive-breeding programme was undertaken in 1990. In this study, we analysed seven microsatellite loci and mtDNA, and empirically estimated effective population sizes to test the hypotheses that (i) fish spawning in different tributaries form genetically distinct populations and (ii) the supportive breeding programme causes genetic perturbations on wild populations. Allele frequency distribution, molecular variance and genetic distance estimates all supported the hypothesis of genetic differentiation among salmon from different tributaries. Gene flow among some populations was much more restricted than previously reported for anadromous populations despite the small geographical scale (40 km) involved. Both mtDNA and microsatellites revealed a more pronounced differentiation between populations from two tributaries of a single river compared with their differentiation with a population from a neighbouring river. The comparison of wild and F1-hatchery fish (produced from breeders originating from the same river) indicated significant changes in allele frequencies and losses of low-frequency alleles but no reduction in heterozygosity. Estimates of variance and inbreeding population size indicated that susceptibility to genetic drift and inbreeding in one population increased by twofold after only one generation of supplementation.  相似文献   
In a previous study, it was shown that replacing Asp158 in papain by Asn had little effect on activity and that the negatively charged carboxylate of Asp158 does not significantly stabilize the active site thiolate-imidazolium ion pair of papain (Ménard et al., 1990). In this paper, we report the kinetic characterization of three more mutants at this position: Asp158Gly, Asp158Ala, and Asp158Glu. From the pH-activity profiles of these and other mutants of papain, it has been possible to develop a model that enables us to dissect out the contribution of the various mutations toward (i) intrinsic activity, (ii) ion pair stability, and (iii) the electrostatic potential at the active site. Results obtained with mutants that place either Gly or Ala at position 158 indicate that the hydrogen bonds involving the side chain of Asp158 in wild-type papain are indirectly important for enzyme activity. When CBZ-Phe-Arg-MCA is used as a substrate, the (kcat/KM)obs values at pH 6.5 are 3650 and 494 M-1 s-1 for Asp158Gly and Asp158Ala, respectively, as compared to 119,000 M-1 s-1 for papain. Results with the Asp158Glu mutant suggest that the side chain of Glu moves closer to the active site and cannot form hydrogen bonds similar to those involving Asp158 in papain. From the four mutations introduced at position 158 in papain, we can conclude that it is not the charge but the hydrogen-bonding interactions involving the side chain of Asp158 that contribute the most to the stabilization of the thiolate-imidazolium ion pair in papain. However, the charge and the hydrogen bonds of Asp158 both contribute to the intrinsic activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   
The amount of zinc adsorbed onto the cell surface of the unicellular green algae Scenedesmus subspicatus Hodat and Chlamydomonas variabilis Dangeard was operationally defined by extraction with EDTA; it was a function of the concentration of free ionic zinc remaining in the growth medium, rather than that of the total (free plus complexed) zinc concentration, and could be described by Langmuir isotherms. Conditional adsorption equilibrium constants for zinc were 0.123 and 0.039 L ·μmol?1 for S. subspicatus and C. variabilis, respectively. A portion of the zinc adsorbed onto C. variabilis was released into solution after 1 h of contact with the metal, providing a possible tolerance mechanism for this alga; the division rate of C. variabilis was not altered by up to 12 μmol Zn2+· L?1, although the cell yield obtained during the stationary phase was significantly decreased. The amount of transported or cellular zinc, for both algal species, was operationally defined as the zinc remaining with the cell after EDTA-extraction; it was a linear function of the free ionic zinc concentration remaining in solution, suggesting that the zinc transported into the cell was not derived from the total adsorbed fraction, although the latter may contain some zinc originating from specific sites leading to zinc transport.  相似文献   
An unidentified halophile isolated from plates of a complex agar medium containing 4.25 M NaCl showed optimum growth in broths containing 0.5-1.0 M NaCl but exhibited a wide range of growth from 0.045-4.5 M. The organism can be classified as a facultative halophile with wide salt tolerance. Logarithmic phase cells grown in media containing 0.5 M NaCl were rod-shaped in long chains which changed to smaller, single, or paired cells in stationary growth. The internal Na+ and K+ concentrations were 0.05 M and 0.34 M for logarithmic phase cells and 0.29 and 0.32 M for stationary phase cells. In 4.3 M NaCl media the cells were rod-shaped throughout the growth cycle, occurring primarily in pairs. The internal Na+ K" concentrations in cells in logarithmic phase growth were 0.62 M and 0.58 M while in stationary phase growth these values were 1.01 M and 0.66 M respectively. In contrast, logarithmic phase cells of the extreme halophile Halobacterium cutirubrum had internal Na+ and K+ concentrations of 0.80 M and 5.32 M when grown in 3.3 M NaCl. The internal Na+ and K+ concentrations, therefore, in the unidentified halophile do not resemble those found in H. cutirubrum but are much closer to those present in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   
Cellular senescence triggers various types of heterochromatin remodeling that contribute to aging. However, the age-related mechanisms that lead to these epigenetic alterations remain elusive. Here, we asked how two key aging hallmarks, telomere shortening and constitutive heterochromatin loss, are mechanistically connected during senescence. We show that, at the onset of senescence, pericentromeric heterochromatin is specifically dismantled consisting of chromatin decondensation, accumulation of DNA breakages, illegitimate recombination and loss of DNA. This process is caused by telomere shortening or genotoxic stress by a sequence of events starting from TP53-dependent downregulation of the telomere protective protein TRF2. The resulting loss of TRF2 at pericentromeres triggers DNA breaks activating ATM, which in turn leads to heterochromatin decondensation by releasing KAP1 and Lamin B1, recombination and satellite DNA excision found in the cytosol associated with cGAS. This TP53–TRF2 axis activates the interferon response and the formation of chromosome rearrangements when the cells escape the senescent growth arrest. Overall, these results reveal the role of TP53 as pericentromeric disassembler and define the basic principles of how a TP53-dependent senescence inducer hierarchically leads to selective pericentromeric dismantling through the downregulation of TRF2.  相似文献   
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