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Phosphorylation of Ser180 in cytoplasmic loop D has been shown to reduce the water permeability of aquaporin (AQP) 4, the predominant water channel in the brain. However, when the structure of the S180D mutant (AQP4M23S180D), which was generated to mimic phosphorylated Ser180, was determined to 2.8 Å resolution using electron diffraction patterns, it showed no significant differences from the structure of the wild-type channel. High-resolution density maps usually do not resolve protein regions that are only partially ordered, but these can sometimes be seen in lower-resolution density maps calculated from electron micrographs. We therefore used images of two-dimensional crystals and determined the structure of AQP4M23S180D at 10 Å resolution. The features of the 10-Å density map are consistent with those of the previously determined atomic model; in particular, there were no indications of any obstruction near the cytoplasmic pore entrance. In addition, water conductance measurements, both in vitro and in vivo, show the same water permeability for wild-type and mutant AQP4M23, suggesting that the S180D mutation neither reduces water conduction through a conformational change nor reduces water conduction by interacting with a protein that would obstruct the cytoplasmic channel entrance. Finally, the 10-Å map shows a cytoplasmic density in between four adjacent tetramers that most likely represents the association of four N termini. This finding supports the critical role of the N terminus of AQP4 in the stabilization of orthogonal arrays, as well as their interference through lipid modification of cysteine residues in the longer N-terminal isoform.  相似文献   
Abstract: Laminin A, B1, and B2 chain mRNA levels in degenerating and regenerating mouse sciatic nerves were examined using northern blot analysis. In normal intact nerves, B1 and B2 mRNA steady-state levels were high, but when the nerves were crushed, the steady-state levels of B1 and B2 mRNA per milligram wet tissue weight of the distal segments of the nerves increased five- to eightfold over that of control levels as the total RNA and β-actin mRNA levels increased, suggesting that these increases were the consequence of Schwann cell proliferation after axotomy. When the steady-state levels of B1 and B2 mRNA were normalized as the ratio to total RNA or β-actin mRNA levels, however, they drastically decreased to about 20% of the normal nerve levels in the nerve segments distal to both the crush and transaction sites 1 day after injury. In the crushed nerves, B1 and B2 mRNA levels gradually increased as the regenerating nerves arrived at the distal segments and reestablished normal axon–Schwann cell contact, and then returned to normal levels on the 21 st day. In the transected nerves, where Schwann cells continued to be disconnected from axons, both B1 and B2 mRNA levels remained low. Cultured Schwann cells expressed detectable levels of B1 and B2 chain mRNA which significantly increased when the cells were cocultured with sensory neurons. However, mRNA for A chain was not detectable in the normal, axotomized nerves or in cultured Schwann cells. These data indicate that Schwann cells express laminin B1 and B2 chain mRNA that are up-regulated by axonal or neuronal contact, but they do not express A chain mRNA.  相似文献   
6-Hydroxymellein (6HM) synthase is a multifunctional polyketide enzyme induced in carrot cells, whose fully active homodimer catalyzes condensation of acyl-CoAs and the NADPH-dependent ketoreduction of the enzyme-bound intermediate. 6HM-forming activity of the synthase was markedly decreased when the reaction mixture pH was adjusted from 7.5 to 6.0. However, under these slightly acidic conditions, the acyl condensation catalyzed by the dissociated monomer enzyme was appreciably stimulated by addition of free coenzyme A (CoA). In contrast, the condensation reaction at pH 6.0 was significantly inhibited in the presence of CoA when the reaction was carried out with the NADPH-omitted dimer synthase. Among the kinetic parameters of the acyl condensation, velocity of the monomer-catalyzing reaction at the acidic pH was appreciably increased upon addition of CoA while K(m)s did not show any significant change in the presence and absence of the compound. These results suggest that CoA associates with a specific site in the dissociated monomeric form of 6HM synthase, and the velocity of the acyl condensation reaction catalyzed by the CoA-synthase complex appreciably increases in acidic conditions.  相似文献   
We have used human β2 and β4 cDNA probes to map the genes encoding two isoforms of the regulatory β subunit of voltage-activated Ca2+ channels, viz. CACNB2 (β2) and CACNB4 (β4), to human chromosomes 10p12 and 2q22-q23, respectively, by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The gene encoding the β2 protein, first described as a Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS) antigen in humans, is found close to a region that undergoes chromosome rearrangements in small cell lung cancer, which occurs in association with LEMS. CACNB2 (β2) and CACNB4 (β4) genes are members of the ion-channel gene superfamily and it should now be possible to examine their loci by linkage analysis of ion-channel-related disorders. To date, no such disease-related gene has been assigned to 10p12 and 2q22-q23. Received: 5 February 1997 / Accepted: 4 April 1997  相似文献   
Patients with chronic hepatitis C, with a high serum viral load (> or = 1 Meq/ml) and genotype 1b seem to be resistant to interferon (IFN) therapy. To evaluate the efficacy of a herbal medicine (Mao-to) in combination with natural IFN-beta for the treatment of these patients, eighteen Japanese patients were enrolled in this study. Every patient received 6 million units (MU) of IFN-beta intravenously daily for 8 weeks. Mao-to was given orally 3-4 times a day during the IFN-beta administration, Sixteen of the 18 patients (89%) became negative for serum HCV RNA at the end of treatment, but only 2 of them (11%) remained negative for the virus RNA at 6 months of follow-up. Serum ALT levels normalized in 17 patients (94%) at 2 weeks of follow-up after the cessation of therapy, and 11 patients (61%) retained normal ALT levels for more than 6 months of follow-up. This rate of biochemical response was high as compared with that of therapy with IFN-beta alone (19%) in the largest IFN-beta trial in Japan. Serum hyaluronic acid levels were decreased significantly from 147.0 +/- 110.5 ng/ml to 77.4 +/- 67.4 ng/ml in the sustained biochemical response group (P = 0.003). None of the patients needed to interrupt therapy because of side effects of IFN-beta. Thus, Mao-to administration together with IFN-beta treatment could increase the sustained biochemical response rate, and reduce liver fibrosis.  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of vitamin E deficiency on the monoamine metabolism in the rat brain. Male Wistar rats fed on the vitamin E deficient diet for 24 weeks were analyzed. At 28 weeks, they showed a reduced growth rate (52% of reduction), muscle atrophy, a motor weakness of hind limbs and disturbance of gait. The concentrations of monoamines, their precursors and metabolites in the brain were simultaneously determined using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with a coulometric detection with electrode array system. In addition, tryptophan hydroxylase activity was measured. The dopamine (p = 0.009) and serotonin (p = 0.04) levels in the brain stem of vitamin E deficients rats were significantly lower than in the controls, whereas their precursors tyrosine (p = 0.0009) and tryptophan (p = 0.0065) levels in the brain stem were significantly higher than in the controls. Moreover, tryptophan hydroxylase activity (p = 0.0005) in the brain stem of vitamin E deficient brains was significantly lower than in the controls. All statistical comparisons were done using non-parametric tests (Mann-Whitney U test). These results suggest that vitamin E deficiency may play a role in the disturbance of monoamine metabolism in rat brain.  相似文献   
The site of action of synthetic progestins or danazol in the treatment of endometriosis is considered to be mainly the hypothalamo-pituitary level, but the direct action to the uterine endometrium and the ovary is also suggested. We investigated the effect of these synthetic steroids to rat ovarian steroidogenic enzymes. The effect of norethisterone, levonorgestrel, danazol, gestrinone, desogestrel and 3-keto-desogestrel was studied in vitro. The sources of the enzymes were prepared from ovaries of immature rats treated either with pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMS) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) for 3 beta-hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase (3 beta-HSD), or with PMS for 17 alpha-hydroxylase and 17,20 lyase. The substrates used were pregnenolone (P5) for 3 beta-HSD, progesterone (P4) for 17 alpha-hydroxylase, and 17 alpha-hydroxy-progesterone (17 alpha-OH-P4) for 17,20 lyase. The substrates were incubated with the enzyme sources and coenzymes, and the products formed were measured. All the steroids inhibited 3 beta-HSD, and the inhibition by gestrinone (Ki = 3.0 microM) and 3-keto-desogestrel (17.5 microM) was particularly marked. Only desogestrel (Ki = 30.3 microM) and danazol (168 microM) inhibited 17 alpha-hydroxylase. All the steroids inhibited 17,20 lyase, and the inhibition by desogestrel (Ki = 0.70 microM), danazol (0.80 microM), and gestrinone (30 microM) was particularly marked.  相似文献   
The factors influencing the tissue-specific pattern of somatic mosaicism in CAG-repeat diseases have not yet been fully resolved. We performed a detailed analysis of the degree of somatic mosaicism in various tissues from 20 patients with spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA), including 4 who were deceased. The most outstanding feature was the prominent somatic mosaicism observed in the cardiac and skeletal muscles, composed predominantly of postmitotic cells, and in the skin, prostate, and testis. The CNS tissues, liver, and spleen showed the least mosaicism. The tissue distribution of somatic mosaicism in patients with SBMA was markedly different from that in patients with Huntington disease (HD) and from that in patients with dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA). The degree of somatic mosaicism correlated with the CAG-repeat number but not with age at examination. Furthermore, tissues with a higher mosaicism level corresponded well to those with a higher expression level of androgen receptor protein. The tissue-specific pattern of somatic mosaicism related not only to cell composition with different cell turnover rates but to repeat size and gene expression levels, and postnatal cell division is unlikely to be a major cause of somatic mosaicism probably because of the relative stability of CAG repeat in SBMA.  相似文献   
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