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Summary In the present investigation atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) was localized in striated myocytes of the venae cavae and the pulmonary veins in the rat by the use of immunohistochemical and immunocytochemical staining techniques. ANP was stored in granules which appeared to be morphologically similar to the atrial specific granules (ASG) of the atria. In general, the amount of ASG in the great thoracic veins was less than observed in the atria, and the specific granules appeared to be more evenly distributed throughout the sarcoplasm. However, the presence of ANP-containing specific granules in the venae cavae and the pulmonary veins may suggest participation of these veins in the production and secretion of the hormone.  相似文献   
Brome mosaic virus (BMV), a member of the alphavirus-like super-family of positive-strand RNA viruses, encodes two proteins required for viral RNA replication: 1a and 2a. 1a contains m7G methyltransferase- and helicase-like domains, while 2a contains a polymerase (pol)-like core flanked by N- and C-terminal extensions. Genetic studies show that BMV RNA replication requires 1a-2a compatibility implying direct or indirect 1a-2a interaction in vivo. In vitro, la interacts with the N-terminal 125-amino-acid segment of 2a preceding the pol-like core, and prior deletion studies suggested that this 2a segment was essential for RNA replication. We have now used protein fusions and deletions to explore possible parallels between noncovalent 1a-2a interaction and covalent fusion of similar protein domains in tobacco mosaic virus and to see whether the N-terminal 2a-1a interaction was the primary basis for 1a-2a compatibility in vivo. We found that 2a can function as part of a tobacco mosaic virus-like 1a-2a fusion and that a 2a segment (amino acids 162 to 697) comprising the pol-like core was sufficient to provide 2a functions in such a fusion. Unexpectedly, the unfused 2a core segment also supported RNA replication when it and wild-type la were expressed as separate proteins. Moreover, in gene reassortant experiments with the related cowpea chlorotic mottle virus, the unfused 2a core segment showed the same 1a compatibility requirements as did wild-type BMV 2a. Thus, the pol-like core of 2a must interact with la in a way that is selective and essential for RNA synthesis, and 1a-2a interactions are more complex than the single, previously mapped interaction of the N-terminal 2a segment with 1a.  相似文献   
A close spatial relationship between specific granules containing atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and microtubules was demonstrated in primary cultures of neonatal rat cardiac myocytes. For the detection of specific granules and microtubules, the myocytes were double immunolabelled with antibodies against -ANF and -tubulin and examined by conventional fluorescence or laser scanning confocal microscopy. In addition, the ultrastructural distribution of specific granules was demonstrated by electron microscopy. In the atrial myocytes, ANF was stored in numerous specific granules that were mainly localized in the perinuclear sarcoplasm. In the ventricular myocytes, however, a minority of the cells (10%) exhibited limited ANF immunoreactivity after 4 days in culture. Microtubules were present throughout the sarcoplasm of the myocytes. They were most densely packed in the perinuclear regions. Depolymerization of the microtubules with nocodazole was followed by dispersal of ANF immunostaining both in the atrial myocytes and in the ventricular myocytes exhibiting ANF immunoreactivity. When the microtubules were allowed to recover, the perinuclear distribution of specific granules, as seen in non-treated myocytes, reappeared. Measurements of secreted immunoreactive ANF by radioimmunoassay revealed that the secretion of ANF from atrial myocytes into the medium was significantly reduced following nocodazole treatment, whereas a similar decrease in secretion from ventricular myocytes was not observed. These findings indicate that ANF-containing specific granules are closely associated with microtubules within the myocytes. It is suggested that secretion of ANF from the atrial myocytes, in contrast to the ventricular myocytes, is microtubule-dependent.  相似文献   
Crustacean plankton in Høylandet   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Crustacean plankton was studied in 12 lakes in theHøylandet area in 1986–87. Basic lake characteristicsare elevation 134–415 m, surface area 9–530 ha, pH 5.9–7.1,conductivity (25 °C) 12–40 µS cm-1 andSecchi depth 4–9 m. Number ofspecies present varied between 3 and 11. Populationnumbers between 4000 and 400 000 per m2 andbiomasses were within the range 30 to1800 mg m-2 dry weight. Cladocera dominated overCopepoda in lakes with allopatric brown trout (Salmo trutta L.), on the contrary to lakes also populatedby Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)). Thesevariations are caused by differences in elevation,lake morphometry, water quality, fish predation andthe general distribution of the species. The largestlakes at lowest elevation were richest in species. Theacid sensitive genus Daphnia was represented by 3species. The lakes Storgrønningen (530 ha) andRøyrtjønna (27 ha) were sampled monthly in theice-free seasons of 1986–89, and Storgrønningen moreintensively from June to November in 1987 and 1988. The same6 species of Cladocera and 5 of Copepoda were presentin both lakes. Their life cycles were traditional orknown from several other Scandinavian lakes. Meanseasonal biomasses were of the range600–750 mg m-2. At the species level, there wereconsiderable variations between years inStorgrønningen and particularly in Røyrtjønna. Noeffects of human impacts on the crustacean planktonwere found. The Høylandet lakes are representative forScandinavian oligotrophic to almost ultra-oligotrophiclakes. Storgrønningen is well qualified as a referencesystem. The between year variations in Røyrtjønna areso extreme, that any human impact could only be traced at alevel causing the extinction of species.  相似文献   
The species composition of aquatic insects in theboreal stream, Skiftesåa, was investigated usingemergence traps, Malaise traps and kick samples. Atleast 13 Ephemeroptera, 16 Plecoptera, 25 Trichopteraand 120 Chironomidae species were recorded. This faunais representative for non-polluted, northern streams.The production of macrobenthos was estimated to beonly about 1 g dry weight per year and m2,possibly due to the fluctuating flow of water.  相似文献   
Rapid, detailed, and accurate analysis of the length spectrum of 3' terminal poly(A) in an RNA population can be obtained by 3'-terminal 32P-labelling of RNA with T4 RNA ligase, digestion with ribonucleases T1 and A, and use of gel sequencing methods. Length distributions of 3'-terminal poly(A) of EMC virus, poliovirus, rhinovirus, RAV-61, and CPMV virion RNAs as well as mouse globin mRNA are presented.  相似文献   
One series of 12 rats was exposed to X-irradiation (1500 R) of the stomach 19 days before implantation of Walker tumour cells in the gastric mucosa, and the frequency of tumour take and the extent of tumour growth after 10 days were compared with a second series with the same tumour implantation, but without X-ray exposure. In a third series simple gastric ulcers without tumour were produced by clamping the gastric wall with a heated (80 degrees) surgical needle holder, and the animals were killed 5-7 day later. All the rats were given injections of vinblastine sulfate 3 hours and of 3H-TDR 1 hour before sacrifice. In viewfields with diameter 180 mu the vinblastine-arrested mitoses and labelled cells on the tumour side of the tumour/mucosa border were calculated as percentages of all tumour cells. In the mucosa the total number of proliferating cells was counted at various distances from the border of the tumour or ulcer. No clear differences in the frequency of tumour take and the extent of tumour growth were found between the X-irradiated and the normal rat stomachs, and it is concluded that the X-ray exposure 3 weeks prior to tumour implantation did not reduce the normal mucosal resistance to tumour growth. The percentage of arrested mitoses and labelled cells in the tumour decreased one view field away from the mucosal border, and the number of proliferating cells in the mucosa bordering on the tumours showed a gradual fall with increasing distance up to 0.8-1.0 mm from the tumour border; within these distances, however, the numbers were much higher than at corresponding distances from edges of the ulcers. The Walker tumour thus seems to stimulate cell proliferation in mucosa to a much greater extent than a simple ulcer does. The causes of this phenomenon and the possible roles of "chalones" or "anti-chalones" are discussed.  相似文献   
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