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The ultrastructure of the wall of the main blood vessels of the phoronid Phoronopsis harmeri is described. The walls of the lophophoral and left lateral vessels consist of myoepithelial cells of the coelomic lining (peritoneal cells), a thin basal lamina, and an incomplete endothelial lining. In the head region of the body, the wall of the medial vessel consists of myoepithelial cells of the coelomic lining (peritoneal cells), a basal lamina, and true muscular endothelial cells. The anterior part of the medial vessel functions as the heart. In the anterior part of the body, the medial vessel wall consists of five layers: the external nonmuscular coelothelium, a layer of the extracellular matrix, the internal muscular coelothelium, an internal layer of the extracellular matrix, and an incomplete endothelial lining. The complicated structure of the medial vessel wall may be explained by the superimposition of the lateral mesentery on the ordinary vessel wall.  相似文献   
Larval protonephridia appear as paired ectodermal invaginations on the posterior body end of the larva (actinotrocha), at early stages of its development. The protonephridium of the early actinotrocha has a straight canal and one group of solenocytes distally. The protonephridium of the late actinotrocha has a U-shaped canal and two (upper and lower) groups of solenocytes. After metamorphosis, solenocytes degenerate and the canal is connected with metacoel. The metanephridial funnel is formed from the upper metacoelomic wall epithelium and the lateral mesentery. The definitive nephridium consists of two parts: the ectodermal canal (derived from the protonephridial canal) and the mesodermal funnel, a derivative of the coelomic epithelium. Thus, the phoronid excretory organ is a nephromixium. Consecutive stages of the evolution of nephridia in phoronids are discussed.  相似文献   
Microsporidia‐like spores (2.0–3.0 × 1.3–1.5 μm) were discovered upon examination of histological sections taken from Phoronis embryolabi Temereva, Chichvarkhin 2017 found inhabiting burrows of shrimps Nihonotrypeae japonica (Decapoda, Callianassidae) from the Sea of Japan, Russia. Ultrastructural examination of spores revealed one nucleus and a uniform polar filament of 7–11 coils. Representatives of the phylum Phoronida have never been recorded as hosts of microsporidia. Parasites developed in vasoperitoneal tissue and caused formation of multinucleate syncytia. Basing on unique host and fine morphology, we assign the novel finding to Microsporidium phoronidi n. sp. and place provisionally in the collective genus Microsporidium.  相似文献   
The organization of the body cavities is an important morphological trait that can be used for establishing the phylogenetic relationships between different groups of animals. In the present study, the hemocoel and coelomic systems of 10‐hr‐old juveniles and adults of the hermaphroditic oikopleurid Oikopleura gracilis were examined using light and transmission electron microscopy. The trunk hemocoel in 10‐hr‐old juveniles was represented by small clefts containing layers of extracellular matrix of adjacent tissues or interstices with migrating primordial germ syncytium. The wide hemocoel in the tail contained extracellular strands, subdividing the hemocoel into hemal sinuses. In adults, a large hemocoel appeared in the trunk and tail, and also contained extracellular strands. The hermaphroditic gonad was surrounded by its own lining, separating it from the hemocoel. The gamete‐filled cavity in the ovary and testis appeared only at late‐stage gonadogenesis, when the pre‐spawning reduction of syncytium occurred in the gonads. The true coelom in 10‐hr‐old juveniles and adults was represented by the pericardium. The lining of the pericardium consisted of myoepithelial and peritoneal cells. In the myoepithelial cells of 10‐hr‐old juveniles, myofibrils had been formed. The myoepithelial cells of adults had several parallel rows of completely differentiated myofibrils. The substantial reduction of the coelomic and circulatory systems in O. gracilis evidently results from the extreme shortening of ontogeny in appendicularians. Development in O. gracilis from early juvenile to adult involves the following steps, which also suggest how the tunicate heart may have evolved: a single‐layered coelomic sac gives rise to a grooved pericardium with an open hemal sinus (simple heart). In ascidians, this simple heart in turn gives rise to a closed tubular, double‐layered heart–pericardial complex, with a separate pericardial cavity and a closed heart, whose wall is formed by specialized myocardium.  相似文献   
The histology and ultrastructure of the body wall in Phoronopsis harmeriwere studied using light microscopy and TEM. The ectoderm epithelium of tentacles, anterior body region, and ampulla consists of monociliary cells. Gram-negative bacteria were found between microvilli, in the protocuticle of the anterior region, and in the ampulla. The epithelium of the posterior body region lacks both monociliary cells and bacteria. The bundles of nerve fibers run between the layer of epithelial cells and basal membrane. The musculature of the body wall comprises circular and longitudinal muscles. The circular muscle fibers are applied to the basal membrane and constitute a solid layer extending almost throughout the length of the body. This pattern is broken in the posterior body region, where there is no solid layer of circular musculature, and the latter is arranged in isolated muscle bands. In the ampullar (terminal) body region, the inversion of circular and longitudinal muscle layers takes place, so that the latter appears to be pressed against the basal membrane. The apical surfaces of longitudinal muscle cells bear cytoplasmic processes; some of the cells have a flagellum. The basal portion of the longitudinal muscle cells forms a cytoplasmic process containing bundles of tonofilaments. The processes of all cells making up the muscle bands are interwoven and anchored to the basal membrane.  相似文献   
We studied the embryonic development of the phoronid Phoronis ijimai Oka, 1897. The egg cleavage is radial. The fourth and fifth cleavage furrows extend along the meridian of the egg. The blastula is flattened. Gastrulation occurs by a combination of epiboly, bending, and invagination. The mesoderm originates from two sources. The anterior mesoderm arises through immigration and gives rise to the first and second coeloms. The third coelomic mesoderm originates enterocoelically from the hindgut. The newly hatched larva has preoral and postoral ciliary bands, which can be compared with the corresponding ciliary bands of dipleurula and with the prototroch and metatroch of trochophore larvae.  相似文献   
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