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The skin accommodates multiple dendritic cell (DC) subsets with remarkable functional diversity. Immune reactions are initiated and modulated by the triggering of DC by pathogen-associated or endogenous danger signals. In contrast to these processes, the influence of intrinsic features of protein antigens on the strength and type of immune responses is much less understood. Therefore, we investigated the involvement of distinct DC subsets in immune reactions against two structurally different model antigens, E. coli beta-galactosidase (betaGal) and chicken ovalbumin (OVA) under otherwise identical conditions. After epicutaneous administration of the respective DNA vaccines with a gene gun, wild type mice induced robust immune responses against both antigens. However, ablation of langerin+ DC almost abolished IgG1 and cytotoxic T lymphocytes against betaGal but enhanced T cell and antibody responses against OVA. We identified epidermal Langerhans cells (LC) as the subset responsible for the suppression of anti-OVA reactions and found regulatory T cells critically involved in this process. In contrast, reactions against betaGal were not affected by the selective elimination of LC, indicating that this antigen required a different langerin+ DC subset. The opposing findings obtained with OVA and betaGal vaccines were not due to immune-modulating activities of either the plasmid DNA or the antigen gene products, nor did the differential cellular localization, size or dose of the two proteins account for the opposite effects. Thus, skin-borne protein antigens may be differentially handled by distinct DC subsets, and, in this way, intrinsic features of the antigen can participate in immune modulation.  相似文献   
The capacity to sorb P varied among some Ethiopian soils. Volcanic ash soils sorbed the maximum P while Fluvisols and Regosols sorbed the least. Sorption of P was significantly correlated with exchangeable and extractable forms of Fe and Al as well as pH and organic matter. But is was not related to the clay content of the soils. The role of Al was more important than that of Fe even though more dithionite and oxalate extractable Fe than Al was found in all soils.  相似文献   
Pollinators, honey bees in particular, are continuously exposed to various mixtures of pesticides, which contribute to their population decline. Both amitraz and thiacloprid have been proven less toxic to honey bees and are frequently applied in- and out-hive, respectively. We examined the sub-lethal effects of amitraz, thiacloprid and their sequential exposure on learning, memory and sugar responsiveness in Apis mellifera using the Proboscis extension response (PER). Sub-lethal doses of amitraz (0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 µg/bee) and thiacloprid (0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 µg/bee) were tested. Sub-lethal effects were observed only at the highest doses of each pesticide treatment; amitraz (0.4 µg/bee) and thiacloprid (0.2 µg/bee) but not in lower doses. In sequential treatment of amitraz and thiacloprid, reduced acquisition and memory retention were significant across all tested doses. The same profile was also obtained on sugar responsiveness of foragers. Our results suggest that the sequential exposure would pose higher risk to honey bee compared to single pesticide exposure by reducing the bees’ appetitive olfactory learning, memory and sugar acuity more than individual pesticide exposures.  相似文献   
The C-type lectin langerin/CD207 was originally discovered as a specific marker for epidermal Langerhans cells (LC). Recently, additional and distinct subsets of langerin(+) dendritic cells (DC) have been identified in lymph nodes and peripheral tissues of mice. Although the role of LC for immune activation or modulation is now being discussed controversially, other langerin(+) DC appear crucial for protective immunity in a growing set of infection and vaccination models. In knock-in mice that express the human diphtheria toxin receptor under control of the langerin promoter, injection of diphtheria toxin ablates LC for several weeks whereas other langerin(+) DC subsets are replenished within just a few days. Thus, by careful timing of diphtheria toxin injections selective states of deficiency in either LC only or all langerin(+) cells can be established. Taking advantage of this system, we found that, unlike selective LC deficiency, ablation of all langerin(+) DC abrogated the activation of IFN-γ-producing and cytolytic CD8(+) T cells after gene gun vaccination. Moreover, we identified migratory langerin(+) dermal DC as the subset that directly activated CD8(+) T cells in lymph nodes. Langerin(+) DC were also critical for IgG1 but not IgG2a Ab induction, suggesting differential polarization of CD4(+) T helper cells by langerin(+) or langerin-negative DC, respectively. In contrast, protein vaccines administered with various adjuvants induced IgG1 independently of langerin(+) DC. Taken together, these findings reflect a highly specialized division of labor between different DC subsets both with respect to Ag encounter as well as downstream processes of immune activation.  相似文献   
The effect of foliar and soil applied paclobutrazol on potato were examined under non-inductive condition in a greenhouse. Single stemmed plants of the cultivar BP1 were grown at 35(±2)/20(±2) °C day/night temperatures, relative humidity of 58%, and a 16 h photoperiod. Twenty-eight days after transplanting paclobutrazol was applied as a foliar spray or soil drench at rates of 0, 45.0, 67.5, and 90.0 mg active ingredient paclobutrazol per plant. Regardless of the method of application paclobutrazol increased chlorophyll a and b contents of the leaf tissue, delayed physiological maturity, and increased tuber fresh mass, dry matter content, specific gravity, dormancy period of the tubers. Paclobutrazol reduced the number of tubers per plant. A significant interaction between rates and methods of paclobutrazol application were observed with respect to plant height and tuber crude protein content. Foliar application gave a higher rate of net photosynthesis than the soil drench. Paclobutrazol significantly reduced total leaf area and increased assimilate partitioning to the tubers. The study clearly showed that paclobutrazol is effective to suppress excessive vegetative growth, favor assimilation to the tubers, increase tuber yield, improve tuber quality and extend tuber dormancy of potato grown in high temperatures and long photoperiods.  相似文献   
Primates - We studied the attitudes of people towards the crop foraging activities and conservation of the Anubis baboon (Papio anubis) in Maze National Park, Ethiopia, sub-Saharan Africa, based on...  相似文献   
The type of immune response is critical for successful protection and typically determined by pathogen-associated danger molecules. In contrast, protein antigens are usually regarded as passive target structures. Here, we provide evidence that the structure of the antigen can profoundly influence the type of response that is elicited under else identical conditions. In mice, gene gun vaccines induce predominantly Th2-biased immune reactions against most antigens. One exception is E. coli beta-galactosidase (βGal) that induces a balanced Th1/Th2 response. Because both, the delivered material (plasmid DNA-coated gold particles) as well as the procedure (biolistic delivery to the skin surface) is the same as for other antigens we hypothesized that Th1 induction could be a function of βGal protein expressed in transfected cells. To test this we examined gene gun vaccines encoding structural or functional variants of the antigen. Employing a series of gene gun vaccines encoding individual structural domains of βGal, we found that neither of them induced IgG2a antibodies. Even disruption of the homo-tetramer association of the native protein by deletion of a few N-terminal amino acids was sufficient to abrogate IgG2a production. However, enzymatically inactive βGal with only one point mutation in the catalytic center retained the ability to induce Th1 reactions. Thus, structural but not functional integrity of the antigen must be retained for Th1 induction. βGal is not a Th1 adjuvant in the classical sense because neither were βGal-transgenic ROSA26 mice particularly Th1-biased nor did co-administration of a βGal-encoding plasmid induce IgG2a against other antigens. Despite this, gene gun vaccines elicited Th1 reactions to antigens fused to the open reading frame of βGal. We interpret these findings as evidence that different skin-borne antigens may be differentially handled by the immune system and that the three-dimensional structure of an antigen is an important determinant for this.  相似文献   
A range of activities are currently underway to improve access to malaria prevention and control interventions. As disease control strategies change over time, it is crucial to understand the health-seeking behaviour and the local socio-cultural context in which the changes in interventions operate. This paper reflects on how people in an area of seasonal malaria perceive the causes and transmission of the disease, and what prevention and treatment measures they practise to cope with the disease. It also highlights some of the challenges of malaria treatment for health care providers. The study was undertaken in 2003 in Adami Tulu District in south-central Ethiopia, where malaria is a major health problem. Pre-tested structured questionnaires and focus group discussions were conducted among men and women. Malaria, locally known as busa, was perceived as the most important cause of ill health in the area. Respondent's perception and knowledge about the cause and transmission of the disease were relatively high. The newly introduced insecticide-treated nets were not popular in the area, and only 6.4% of households possessed at least one. The results showed that patients use multiple sources of health care for malaria treatment. Public health facilities, private clinics and community health workers were the main providers of malaria treatment. Despite higher treatment costs, people preferred to use private health care providers for malaria treatment due to the higher perceived quality of care they offer. In conclusion, effort in the prevention and control of malaria should be intensified through addressing not only public facilities, but also the private sector and community-based control interventions. Appropriate and relevant information on malaria should be disseminated to the local community. The authors propose the provision of effective antimalarial drugs and malaria prevention tools such as subsidized or free insecticide-treated nets.  相似文献   
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