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The apple rootstock,A106(Malus sieboldii),had 17 bivalents in pollen mother cells at meiotic metaphase 1,and 17 chromosomes in a haploid pollen cell.Karyotypes were prepared from root-tip cells with 2n=34 chromosomes,Seven out of 82 karyotypes(8.5%) showed one pari of satellites at the end of the short arm of chromosome 3.C-bands were shown on 6 pairs of chromosomes 2,4,6,8,14,and 16 near the telomeric regions of short arms.Probes for three ripening-related genes from Malus x domestica:endopolygalacturonase(EPG,0.6kb),ACC oxidase(1.2kb),and ACC synthase(2kb)were hybridized in situ to metaphase chromosomes of A106.Hybridization sites for the EPG gene were observed on the long arm of chromosome 14 in 15 out of 16 replicate spreads and proximal to the centromere of chromosomes 6 and 11.For the ACC oxidase gene,hylridization sites were observed in the telomeric region of the short arm of chromosomes 5 and 11 in 87% and 81% of 16 spreads respectively,proxiaml to the centromere of chromosome 1 in 81% of the spreads,and on the long arm of chromosome 13 in 50% of the spreads. Physical mapping of three fruit ripening genes in an apple rootstock A106.Twenty five spreads were studied for the ACC synthase gene and hybridization sites were observed in the telomeric region of the short arm of chromosome 12 in 96% of the spreads.chromosomes 9 and 10 in 76% of the spreads,and chromosome 17 in 56% of the spreads.  相似文献   
The control of Spodoptera frugiperda is based on synthetic insecticides, so some alternatives are the use of entomopathogenic fungi (EF) and neem extract. The objective of the study was to evaluate in vitro effectiveness of native EF and neem extracts on S. frugiperda larvae. Six EF were identified by DNA sequencing of ITS regions from three EF (Fusarium solani, Metarrhizium robertsii, Nigrospora spherica and Penicillium citrinum). They were evaluated in concentrations of 1 × 10⁸ spores/ mL. In addition, a second bioassay was carried out evaluating only F. solani, M. robertsii and N. sphaerica and the addition of vegetable oil. On the other hand, extraction of secondary metabolites from neem seed (Azadirachta indica) was carried out by performing, mass (g) and solvent volume (mL ethanol and water) combinations, which were subjected to microwaves and ultrasound. Subsequently, these extracts were evaluated in concentrations of 3%, 4% and 5%. A survival analysis was performed for each of the bioassays. With respect to the results of the first bioassay, F. solani obtained a probability of survival of 0.476 on the seventh day, while in the second bioassay, M. robertsii obtained 0.488 survival probability. This suggests that the expected percentage of larvae that stay alive on the sixth day is 48.8%. However, in the evaluation of the neem extract the combination 1:12/70% to 4% caused 84% mortality of larvae. The use of native HE and neem extracts has potential for the control of S. frugiperda.  相似文献   
The region of chromosome 2 encompassed by the polymorphic markers D2S378 (centromeric) and D2S391 (telomeric) spans an approximately 10-cM distance in cytogenetic bands 2p15-p21. This area is frequently involved in cytogenetic alterations in human cancers. It also harbors the genes for several genetic disorders, including Type I hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), familial male precocious puberty (FMPP), Carney complex (CNC), Doyne's honeycomb retinal dystrophy (DHRD), and one form of familial dyslexia (DYX-3). Only a handful of known genes have been mapped to 2p16. These include MSH2, which is responsible for HNPCC, FSHR, the gene responsible for FMPP, EFEMP-1, the gene mutated in DHRD, GTBP, a DNA repair gene, and SPTBN1, nonerythryocytic beta-spectrin. The genes for CNC and DYX-3 remain unknown, due to lack of a contig of this region and its underrepresentation in the existing maps. This report presents a yeast- and bacterial-artificial chromosome (YAC and BAC, respectively) resource for the construction of a sequence-ready map of 2p15-p21 between the markers D2S378 and D2S391 at the centromeric and telomeric ends, respectively. The recently published Genemap'98 lists 146 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in this region; we have used our YAC-BAC map to place each of these ESTs within a framework of 40 known and 3 newly cloned polymorphic markers and 37 new sequence-tagged sites. This map provides an integration of genetic, radiation hybrid, and physical mapping information for the region corresponding to cytogenetic bands 2p15-p21 and is expected to facilitate the identification of disease genes from the area.  相似文献   
Chromosomal region 2p15-p16, which corresponds to the genetic interval flanked by polymorphic markers D2S119 and D2S378 and covers a genetic distance of approximately 16 cM, is underrepresented in the existing maps of chromosome 2. This is primarily due to two large gaps of unknown physical distance within the known yeast and bacterial artificial chromosome (YAC and BAC, respectively) maps. In constructing a YAC/BAC contig covering 2p15-p16, a total of 55 sequence-tagged sites (25 of which are polymorphic), including new sequences derived from chromosomal walking, and 38 expressed sequence tags were screened by a commercially available RH panel (Stanford G3). A total of 45 of these sequences were placed; 32 of them were assigned at unique sites. The high-resolution TNG3 RH panel was then used to define further the chromosomal order of markers contained in the region flanked by D2S391 and D2S2153. This region harbors the genes for two autosomal dominant disorders, Carney complex (CNC), a multiple neoplasia syndrome, and Doyne honeycomb retinal dystrophy (DHRD), a disease leading to blindness at a young age. This is the first attempt to order cloned sequences in chromosomal region 2p15-p16, an area apparently resistant to YAC cloning. Construction of the 2p15-p16 RH map is critical for identifying the genes responsible for CNC and DHRD, as well as for the molecular elucidation of a chromosomal region that is frequently rearranged in tumors.  相似文献   
Leucine rich repeat kinases 1 and 2 (LRRK1 and LRRK2) are paralogs which share a similar domain organization, including a serine-threonine kinase domain, a Ras of complex proteins domain (ROC), a C-terminal of ROC domain (COR), and leucine-rich and ankyrin-like repeats at the N-terminus. The precise cellular roles of LRRK1 and LRRK2 have yet to be elucidated, however LRRK1 has been implicated in tyrosine kinase receptor signaling1,2, while LRRK2 is implicated in the pathogenesis of Parkinson''s disease3,4. In this report, we present a protocol to label the LRRK1 and LRRK2 proteins in cells with 32P orthophosphate, thereby providing a means to measure the overall phosphorylation levels of these 2 proteins in cells. In brief, affinity tagged LRRK proteins are expressed in HEK293T cells which are exposed to medium containing 32P-orthophosphate. The 32P-orthophosphate is assimilated by the cells after only a few hours of incubation and all molecules in the cell containing phosphates are thereby radioactively labeled. Via the affinity tag (3xflag) the LRRK proteins are isolated from other cellular components by immunoprecipitation. Immunoprecipitates are then separated via SDS-PAGE, blotted to PVDF membranes and analysis of the incorporated phosphates is performed by autoradiography (32P signal) and western detection (protein signal) of the proteins on the blots. The protocol can readily be adapted to monitor phosphorylation of any other protein that can be expressed in cells and isolated by immunoprecipitation.  相似文献   
Mutations in leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) are a common cause of inherited Parkinson’s disease (PD). The protein is large and complex, but pathogenic mutations cluster in a region containing GTPase and kinase domains. LRRK2 can autophosphorylate in vitro within a dimer pair, although the significance of this reaction is unclear. Here, we mapped the sites of autophosphorylation within LRRK2 and found several potential phosphorylation sites within the GTPase domain. Using mass spectrometry, we found that Thr1343 is phosphorylated and, using kinase dead versions of LRRK2, show that this is an autophosphorylation site. However, we also find evidence for additional sites in the GTPase domain and in other regions of the protein suggesting that there may be multiple autophosphorylation sites within LRRK2. These data suggest that the kinase and GTPase activities of LRRK2 may exhibit complex autoregulatory interdependence.  相似文献   
We examined the formation of motile, chemotactically active, anucleate fragments from human blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN, granulocytes), induced by the brief application of heat. These granule-poor fragments are former protopods (leading fronts, lamellipodia) that become uncoupled from the main body of the cell and leave it, at first with a connecting filament that breaks and seals itself. The usual random orientation of such filaments can be controlled by preorientation of cells in a gradient of the chemotactic peptide, N-formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine (F-Met-Leu-Phe) (2x10(-9) M- 1x10(-8)). Cytochalsin B, 2.5-5 μg/ml, prevents fragment formation; colchicine, 10(-5) M, does not. In scanning electron micrographs, fragments are ruffled and the cell body rounded up and rather smooth. In transmission electron micrographs, fragments contain microfilaments but lack centrioles and microtubules. Like intact cells, both bound and free fragments can respond chemotactically to an erythrocyte destroyed by laser microirradiation (necrotaxis); the free, anucleate fragments may do so repeatedly, even after having been held overnight at ambient temperatures. We propse the name cytokineplast for the result of this self-purification of motile apparatus. The exodus of the motile machinery from the granulocyte requires anchoring of the bulk of the cell to glass and uncoupling, which may involve heat-induced dysfunction of the centrosome. In ultrastructural studies of the centrosomal region after heat, centriolar structure remains intact, but pericentriolar osmiophilic material appears condensed, and microtubules are sparse. These changes are found in all three blood cell types examined: PMN, eosinophil, and monocyte. Of these, the first two make fragments under our conditions; the more sluggish monocyte does not. Uncoupling is further linked to centrosomal dysfunction by the observation that colchicines-treated granulocytes (10(-5)M, to destroy the centrosome’s efferent arm) make fragments after less heat than controls. If motive force and orientation are specified mainly from the organelle-excluding leading front, then endoplasmic streaming in PMN is a catch-up phenomenon, and microtubules do not provide the vector of locomotion but rather stabilize and orient the “baggage” (nucleus, granuloplasm)—i.e., they prevent fishtailing. Moreover, constraints emanating from the centrosome may now be extended to include, maintenance of the motile machinery as an integral part of the cell.  相似文献   
Four fallow deer, Cervus dama, became infected with Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) sp. by oral application of triturated guts from tabanids collected in an area with deer but without any cattle; four control calves remained negative. Upon challenge with triturated guts from tabanids from an area with pastured cattle, the four calves became infected with Trypanosoma (M.) theileri. The prepatent period in deer was five days or less. Haematopota spp. and Tabanus spp. were identified as vectors of the deer trypanosomes. It is concluded that the trypanosomes of C. dama belong to a Megatrypanum species that is not identical with T. theileri.  相似文献   

By introducing the TSAO-resistance mutation 138Glu→Lys in only the p51 subunit of HIV-1 RT, we obtained compelling evidence for a structural and functional role of the p51 subunit in the sensitivity and/or resistance of the enzyme to the TSAO-derivatives.  相似文献   
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