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Abstract Flagellar antigen of Bacillus cereus H.1 was purified and tested for serodiagnostic antigen by ELISA. The antibody against the flagellar antigen of B. cereus H.1 reacted not only with the homologous specific antigen but also reacted with the flagellar antigens of 23 strains of B. cereus . This common flagellar antigen of B. cereus was found to be due to 61-kDa protein by SDS-PAGE and immunoblot assay. Monoclonal antibody H15A5 against common antigenic epitope of B. cereus also reacted with flagellar antigens of 21 strains of Bacillus thuringiensis by ELISA. This monoclonal antibody reacted with the 61-kDa protein of the flagella of B. cereus H.1 and H.2 and B. thuringiensis Kurstaki HD1, Alesti and Aizawai juroi by immunoblot analysis. These results indicated that the common antigenic epitope of the 61-kDa protein existed in the flagella both of B. cereus and B. thuringiensis .  相似文献   
The usual Bligh and Dyer method could extract only a small part of the lipids of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum. When the water in the solvent was replaced by 5% trichloroacetic acid, the lipid recovery reached the maximum level, which was 6 times higher than that by the former method. The use of HCl (2 M) or disruption of cells was also effective but prolonged extraction with the HCl-containing solvent caused degradation of some phosphoglycolipids. Twenty-three spots of polar lipids were detected on a thin-layer chromatogram of the total lipid. These were 10 phospholipids (18%), 6 aminophospholipids (17%), 3 aminophosphoglycolipids (15%), 2 phosphoglycolipids (31%), and 2 glycolipids (19%). The predominant polar lipids were a highly polar phosphoglycolipid (PGL1, 30%) and a glycolipid (GL1a, 16%). The other major lipids included an aminophospholipid (PNL1a, 9%), and an aminophosphoglycolipid (PNGL1, 7%). The complete structure determination of PNL1a, GL1a, and PNGL1 is described in the accompanying paper. Acetolysis of the total lipids followed by acid methanolysis was required for the complete cleavage of polar head groups, releasing core residues of diphytanyl glycerol diether (C20 diether) and dibiphytanyl diglycerol tetraether (C40 tetraether). A densitometric assay of a thin-layer chromatogram showed that the ratio of C20 diether and C40 tetraether was 1:14. GLC analysis of alkyl chlorides prepared from the total lipid by BCl3 treatment showed that phytanyl (C20), biphytanyl (C40), and unidentified alkyl chains accounted for 10, 83, and 7 mol% of the total alkyl chains, respectively. Strong acid hydrolysis of the macromolecular residue obtained after lipid extraction gave a significant amount of C40 tetraether, which had probably been bound covalently to other substances in the cells.  相似文献   
Summary The endocytotic process in cultured human RPE cells was observed after 1 min, 20 min, and 2 h incubation with cationized ferritin. Within 1 min the ferritin particles were seen to attach to the cell membrane, especially between microvilli. Uncoated and coated pits could be recognized on the cell membranes, and uncoated and coated endocytotic vesicles were found in the cytoplasm after 20 min of incubation. These vesicles were surrounded by abundant microfilaments and had no visible membranes. Loss of membrane may be an initial step in the process of developing into the irregular clumps of ferritin particles found inside the plasma membrane. With time, more irregular clumps of ferritin, smaller than the particles introduced during incubation, appeared just beneath the cell membrane. Lysosomes were adjacent to the clumps of ferritin particles associated with microtobules and finally degraded these particles. The phagolysosomes containing many particles were surrounded by many microtubules. Small ferritin particles surrounded but had not entered the rough endoplasmic reticulums, and no particles were seen either around or in the Golgi apparatus. Presented at the 7th International Congress of Eye Research, Nagoya, Japan, 27 September 1986.  相似文献   
A rapid radioreceptor assay for measuring ß-endorphin (ß-EP) in unextracted serum has been developed. The method is based upon the inhibition by ß-EP of 3H-naloxone binding to the specific receptors on rat brain membranes, prepared in a stable form of pellets. Effect of serum on the assay was minimized by adding pooled serum to the equal dilution of total serum in the assay mixture. Pharmacokinetic analysis of pharmacologically active ß-EP equivalents (ß-EP eq.) in rats was performed using this method. The serum disappearance of ß-EP eq. after iv administration followed a biexponential decline and pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by a two-compartment open model. The half-lives of α-phase and ß-phase were 2.6 ± 0.5 min and 6.2 ± 1.6 hr (mean ± SE; n=6), respectively. The volume of the central compartment (V1) and that of steady-state (Vdss) were 67 ± 16 and 480 ± 75 ml/kg (mean ± SE; n=6), respectively. The total body serum clearance (CLtot) was 2.1 ± 0.9 ml/min/kg (mean ± SE; n=6). The serum disappearance curve of ß-EP eq. obtained in the present study was similar to that previously reported by Houghten et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 77, 4588–4591 (1980)), in which the disapperance of total radioactivity of tritiated ß-EP in rats was examined.  相似文献   
The effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on antidromically identified tubero-infundibular (TI) neurons was examined in hypothalamic slices of ovariectomized female rats. Twenty antidromically evoked spikes were obtained in the medial basal hypothalamus, including the arcuate and ventromedial nuclei, by electrical stimulation of the median eminence. Sixteen of them had a notch in the rising phase and fractionation of the initial segment (IS)- and somatodendritic (SD)-spikes was elicited by repeated stimulation at frequencies higher than 10 Hz. The application of 0.5-1.5 mM GABA to the incubation medium inhibited SD spikes in 7 of these 16 neurons. The latency, amplitude and threshold of IS spikes were not affected by GABA except for one spike whose latency fluctuated. On the remaining 9 neurons having the notch, no effect of 5-10 mM GABA was discernible. Four of 20 antidromically evoked spikes, which had a smooth rising phase and a shorter duration, were not inhibited by 5-10 mM GABA, but a fluctuation of the latency was observed in one neuron. Fifteen neurons having spontaneous unit activity were also obtained in the arcuate nucleus and its adjacent area and tested with GABA. In 10 of the 15 neurons, spontaneous unit activity disappeared following 0.1-1.5 mM GABA perfusion, while the firing rate in the remaining 5 neurons was not affected by 5-10 mM GABA. These results provide evidence for a direct inhibitory effect of GABA on TI neurons and support the involvement of GABAergic neurons in regulating neuroendocrine functions.  相似文献   
(14)C-hydroxymethyldeoxyuridine (dHMU) is specifically incorporated into the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of bacteriophage SP8. Incorporation experiments demonstrate that the initiation of phage SP8 DNA synthesis occurs between 12.5 to 15 min after infection. Incorporation into host DNA does not occur. (14)C-dHMU can be used as an analytical tool for screening conditionally lethal phage mutants containing hydroxymethyluracil in their DNA to select those that are defective in DNA synthesis under restrictive conditions. The pyrimidine, (14)C-hydroxymethyluracil (HMU), is not incorporated into bacterial or phage DNA. Neither HMU nor dHMU can replace thymine as a growth requirement for Bacillus subtilis 168 Ind(-) Thy(-). HMU does not inhibit the utilization of thymine. Although dHMU inhibits deoxythymidine utilization, the inhibition is not competitive.  相似文献   
Complete structures of nearly 40 ether polar lipids from seven species of methanogens have been elucidated during the past 10 years. Three kinds of variations of core lipids, macrocyclic archaeol and two hydroxyarchaeols, were identified, in addition to the usual archaeol and caldarchaeol (for the nomenclature of archaeal [archaebacterial] ether lipids, see the text). Polar head groups of methanogen phospholipids include ethanolamine, serine, inositol, N-acetylglucosamine, dimethyl- and trimethylaminopentanetetrol, and glucosaminylinositol. Glucose is the sole hexose moiety of glycolipids in most methanogens, and galactose and mannose have been found in a few species. Methanogen lipids are characterized by their diversity in phosphate-containing polar head groups and core lipids, which in turn can be used for chemotaxonomy of methanogens. This was shown by preliminary simplified analyses of lipid component residues. Core lipid analysis by high-pressure liquid chromatography provides a method of determining the methanogenic biomass in natural samples. There has been significant progress in the biosynthetic studies of methanogen lipids in recent years. In vivo incorporation experiments have led to delineation of the outline of the synthetic route of the diphytanylglycerol ether core. The mechanisms of biosynthesis of tetraether lipids and various polar lipids, and cell-free systems of either lipid synthesis, however, remain to be elucidated. The significance and the origin of archaeal ether lipids is discussed in terms of the lipid composition of bacteria living in a wide variety of environments, the oxygen requirement for biosynthesis of hydrocarbon chains, and the physicochemical properties and functions of lipids as membrane constituents.  相似文献   
Summary From the central nervous system ofDrosophila melanogaster 3rd instar larvae, eight continuous cell lines have been established (named ML-DmBG1 to 8). Using ML-DmBG2, single colony isolation was carried out and six colonial clones were obtained. All reacted to the antibody to horseradish peroxidase, which is a neuronal marker in insects. Acetylcholine, a known neurotransmitter inDrosophila, was detected in three of the colonial clones by high performance liquid chromatography. Therefore, it is concluded that the established colonial clones are neural cells originating in the larval central nervous system. Among them, some variation was observed with respect to morphology, acetylcholine content, and reactivity to anti-HRP. The variation may reflect the heterogeneity of cells composing the central nervous system.  相似文献   
Abstract: We have analyzed free chiral amino acids (aspartate and serine) in the human frontal cortex at different ontogenic stages (from 14 weeks of gestation to 101 years of age) by HPLC with fluorometric detection after derivatization with N-tert -butyl-oxycarbonyl- l -cysteine and o -phthaldialdehyde. Exceptionally high levels of free d -aspartate and d -serine were demonstrated in the fetal cortex at gestational week 14. The ratios of d -aspartate and of d -serine to the total corresponding amino acids were also high, at 0.63 and 0.27, respectively. The concentration of d -aspartate dramatically decreased to a trace level by gestational week 41 and then remained very low during all postnatal stages. In contrast, the frontal tip contained persistently high levels of d -serine throughout embryonic and postnatal life, whereas the d -amino acid content in adolescents and aged individuals was about half of that in the fetuses. Because d -aspartate and d -serine are known to have selective actions at the NMDA-type excitatory amino acid receptor, the present data suggest that these d -amino acids might play a pivotal role in cerebral development and functions that are related to the NMDA receptor.  相似文献   
Adsorption of BSA on QAE-dextran: equilibria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Equilibrium isotherms for adsorption of bovine serum albumin (BSA) on a strong-base (QAE) dextran-type ion exchanger have been determined experimentally. They were not affected by the initial concentration of BSA but were affected by pH considerably. They were correlated by the Langmuir equation when pH >/= 5.05 and by the Freundlich equation of pH 4.8, which is close to pl approximately 4.8 of BSA. The contribution of ion exchange to adsorption of BSA on the ion exchanger was determined experimentally. The maximum amounts of inorganic anion exchanged for BSA were 1% and 0.4% of the exchange capacity of the ion exchanger at pH 6.9, respectively. Since the effect of the ion exchange on the adsorption appeared small, BSA may be adsorbed mainly by electrostatic attraction when pH >/= 5.05 and by hydrophobic interaction or hydrogen bonding at pH 4.8. When NaCl coexisted in the solution, the shape of the isotherm was similar to the Langmuir isotherm, but it is shifted to the right. When the concentration of NaCl was 0.2 mol/dm(3), BsA was not adsorbed on the resin. When BSA was dissolved in pure water, the saturation capacity of BSA on HPO(4) (2-),-orm resin was about 2 times larger than that for adsorption from the solution with buffer (pH 6.9 and 8.79). The saturation capacity for adsorption of BSA in pure water on HPO(4) (2-) + H(2)O(4) (-)-from resin was much smaller than that from the solution with buffer. The isotherms for univalent Cl(-)-and H(2)PO(4) (-)-form resin was peculiar; that is, the amount of BSA adsorbed decreased with increasing the liquid-phase equilibrium concentration of BSA. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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