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The shape and development of bony elements of the neurocranium and suspensorium were studied in three species of Japanese catfish (Silurus) from the viewpoint of comparative morphology. InS. asotus andS. biwaensis the order of appearance of the bony elements was similar, but the ossification of most elements was delayed inS. lithophilus. The neurocranium and Suspensorium of adultS. lithophilus retain juvenile features compared with the other two species. On the other hand, in the skull ofS. biwaensis the sagittal crest of the supraoccipital, the ridge of the pterotic, and the hyomandibular process are more developed than in the other two species.  相似文献   
Zinc is an essential trace element that increases osteoblast numbers and bone formation. However, the mechanisms involved in the Zn-induced differentiation of osteoblasts are poorly understood. We examined the roles of L-ascorbic acid (AA) and its transporter, sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter (SVCT) 2, in the Zn-induced expression of osteoblastic differentiation markers. Zinc time- and dose-dependently induced SVCT2 mRNA expression in the absence or presence of AA. Western blotting and kinetic assays showed that Zn increased functional SVCT2 protein levels and AA transport. In the presence of AA, 50 microM Zn enhanced mRNA expression of the osteoblastic differentiation markers alkaline phosphatase, alpha(1)(I) procollagen, osteopontin (OPN), and osteocalcin (OCN) by 3.9-, 3.8-, 3.3-, and 3.5-fold, respectively; in the absence of AA, the Zn-induced increase was 2.8-, 2.5-, 1.3-, and 1.1-fold, respectively. These findings suggest that AA and SVCT2 mediate Zn-induced OPN and OCN expression and partly regulate Zn-induced osteoblastic differentiation.  相似文献   
Acute inflammation is a prominent feature of central nervous system (CNS) insult and is detrimental to the CNS tissue. Although this reaction spontaneously diminishes within a short period of time, the mechanism underlying this inflammatory resolution remains largely unknown. In this study, we demonstrated that an initial infiltration of Ly6C+Ly6G? immature monocyte fraction exhibited the same characteristics as myeloid‐derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), and played a critical role in the resolution of acute inflammation and in the subsequent tissue repair by using mice spinal cord injury (SCI) model. Complete depletion of Ly6C+Ly6G? fraction prior to injury by anti‐Gr‐1 antibody (clone: RB6‐8C5) treatment significantly exacerbated tissue edema, vessel permeability, and hemorrhage, causing impaired neurological outcomes. Functional recovery was barely impaired when infiltration was allowed for the initial 24 h after injury, suggesting that MDSC infiltration at an early phase is critical to improve the neurological outcome. Moreover, intraspinal transplantation of ex vivo‐generated MDSCs at sites of SCI significantly reduced inflammation and promoted tissue regeneration, resulting in better functional recovery. Our findings reveal the crucial role of an Ly6C+Ly6G? fraction as MDSCs in regulating inflammation and tissue repair after SCI, and also suggests an MDSC‐based strategy that can be applied to acute inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   
Esters selected from the combination of tricycloalkanecarboxylic acids and some representative pyrethroidal alcohols were prepared, and their insecticidal activities were measured by topical application on housefly, mosquito and German cockroach. Both the exo- and endo-isomers of 2,3-trimethylenenorbornane-2-carboxylic acid exhibited a high level of activity when esterified with m-phenoxymandelonitrile. Piperonyl butoxide showed a strong synergistic effect on some of the esters. Several structural resemblances were found among these active tricyclic acids and the chrysanthemummonocarboxylic acids, which were suggested to be related to insecticidal activity.  相似文献   
Evoked potentials are widely used in clinical medicine for objective evaluation of sensory disturbances. However, gustatory evoked potentials (GEPs) have not been extensively studied due to lack of agreement among investigators regarding the waveforms. In this study GEPs and gustatory magnetic fields (GEMfs) were simultaneously recorded from five subjects in response to 0.3 M NaCl in an attempt to establish GEP recording as an objective gustatometer. Each subject received a total of 240 stimulus presentations over six sessions. Three GEP components (P1, N1 and P2) were observed and correlated with their corresponding equivalent current dipoles (ECD1, ECD2 and ECD3, respectively). ECD1 was localized to area G in all subjects, P1 being the indicator of intact gustatory projection to area G. No significant GEP activity was detected during the time preceding P1, which suggests that there was no activity in cortical gyri other than that detected by magnetoencephalography. ECD2 and ECD3 were localized to various cortical structures, including the inferior insula and the superior temporal sulcus, indicating that N1 and P2 reflect higher order gustatory functions. The present results indicate that measurement of GEPs may be useful for objective evaluation of gustatory disturbance.  相似文献   
Foot regeneration in the freshwater hydra Pelmatohydra robusta was examined using a monoclonal antibody AE03 as a marker. This antibody specifically recognizes mucous-producing ectodermal epithelial cells in the basal disk, but not cells in the peduncle region located just above the basal disk in the foot. When the basal disk was removed by amputation at the upper or lower part of the peduncle, AE03-positive (basal disk) cells always appeared at the regenerating tip of the footless polyp approximately 12-16 h later. When a small piece of tissue was cut out from the upper or lower peduncle region, the tissue invariably turned into a smooth spherical or oblong shape within a few hours. AE03 signal appeared in these spheres variably depending on their origin: when tissue pieces were derived from the lower peduncle, the signal appeared in nearly all pieces and often covered the entire surface of the pieces within 24 h. In contrast, the signal appeared in less than 10% of pieces derived from the upper peduncle. Furthermore, the signal seldom covered more than half of the surface of these pieces. When maintained for many days, pieces derived from the upper peduncle often regenerated tentacles, whereas those from the lower peduncle seldom did. These and other observations suggest that epithelial cells in the peduncle can rapidly differentiate into basal disk cells when the basal tissue is removed. However, cells in the upper peduncle are not irreversibly committed to differentiate into basal disk cells because, when cut out as small tissue pieces, they could remain AE03 negative and become tentacle cells. In contrast, the cells in the lower peduncle apparently are irreversibly committed to differentiate into basal disk cells, as they always turned rapidly into AE03-positive cells once they were physically separated from (and freed from the influence of) the basal disk itself, regardless of the separation methods used.  相似文献   
KPNAYKGKLPIGLWamide, a novel member of the GLWamide peptide family, was isolated from Hydra magnipapillata. The purification was monitored with a bioassay: contraction of the retractor muscle of a sea anemone, Anthopleura fuscoviridis. The new peptide, termed Hym-370, is longer than the other GLWamides previously isolated from H. magnipapillata and another sea anemone, A. elegantissima. The amino acid sequence of Hym-370 is six residues longer at its N-terminal than a putative sequence previously deduced from the cDNA encoding the precursor protein. The new longer isoform, like the shorter GLWamides, evoked concentration-dependent muscle contractions in both H. magnipapillata and A. fuscoviridis. In contrast, Hym-248, one of the shorter GLWamide peptides, specifically induced contraction of the endodermal muscles in H. magnipapillata. This is the first case in which a member of the hydra GLWamide family (Hym-GLWamides) has exhibited an activity not shared by the others. Polyclonal antibodies were raised to the common C-terminal tripeptide GLWamide and were used in immunohistochemistry to localize the GLWamides in the tissue of two species of hydra, H. magnipapillata and H. oligactis, and one species of sea anemone, A. fuscoviridis. In each case, nerve cells were specifically labeled. These results suggest that the GLWamides are ubiquitous among cnidarians and are involved in regulating the excitability of specific muscles.  相似文献   
We examined the laterality of the human gustatory neural pathway by measuring gustatory-evoked magnetic fields (GEMfs) and demonstrating the activation of the human primary gustatory cortex (PGC). In patients whose chorda tympani nerve had been severed unilaterally on the right side, we stimulated the normal side (i.e., left side) of the chorda tympani nerve with NaCl solution using a device developed for measuring GEMfs. We used the whole-head magnetoencephalography system for recording GEMfs and analyzed the frequency and latency of PGC activation in each hemisphere. "The transitional cortex between the insula and the parietal operculum" was identified as PGC with the base of the central sulcus in this experiment. Significant difference was found in frequencies among bilateral, only-ipsilateral, and only-contralateral responses by the Friedman test (P < 0.05), and more frequent bilateral responses were observed than only-ipsilateral (P < 0.05) or only-contralateral responses (P < 0.01) by the multiple comparison tests. In the bilateral responses, the averaged activation latencies of the transitional cortex between the insula and the parietal operculum were not significantly different in both hemispheres. These results suggest that unilateral gustatory stimulation will activate the transitional cortex between the insula and the parietal operculum bilaterally in humans.  相似文献   
To understand the immunomodulatory roles of neutrophils in Leishmania major infection, we examined the expression of cytokine and chemokine mRNAs from neutrophils of the infected resistant C3H/HeJ and susceptible BALB/c mice. We also examined the effects of neutrophil depletion on the expression of cytokine by peritoneal macrophages and draining lymph node cells and on the footpad lesions and parasite burdens in these mice. Neutrophils from resistant C3H/HeJ but not from susceptible BALB/c mice expressed mRNAs for IL-12p40, IFN-gamma,TNF-alpha and monokine induced by IFN-gamma(MIG). Neutrophil depletion of the resistant mice reduced the expression of IFN-gammaandTNF-alpha in peritoneal macrophages but did not affect the expression of IL-12p40 and IFN-gamma in draining lymph node cells and the growth of footpad lesions. On the other hand, neutrophil depletion of susceptible BALB/c mice did not affect the expression of TNF-alpha and monocyte-derived chemokine (MDC) in peritoneal macrophages but induced the early stage expression of IL-4 in draining lymph node cells and exacerbated the footpad lesions and increased the parasite burden. The exacerbation of footpad lesions induced by neutrophil depletion was abolished by rIL-12 treatment. Our results suggest that even in susceptible BALB/c but not in C3H/HeJ mice there is a certain resistance requiring neutrophils at the early stage of infection.  相似文献   
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