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Colorectal cancer (CRC) remains a major worldwide cause of cancer-related morbidity and mortality largely due to the insidious onset of the disease. The current clinical procedures utilized for disease diagnosis are invasive, unpleasant, and inconvenient; hence, the need for simple blood tests that could be used for the early detection of CRC. In this work, we have developed methods for glycoproteomics analysis to identify plasma markers with utility to assist in the detection of colorectal cancer (CRC). Following immunodepletion of the most abundant plasma proteins, the plasma N -linked glycoproteins were enriched using lectin affinity chromatography and subsequently further separated by nonporous silica reversed-phase (NPS-RP)-HPLC. Individual RP-HPLC fractions were printed on nitrocellulose coated slides which were then probed with lectins to determine glycan patterns in plasma samples from 9 normal, 5 adenoma, and 6 colorectal cancer patients. Statistical tools, including principal component analysis, hierarchical clustering, and Z-statistics analysis, were employed to identify distinctive glycosylation patterns. Patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer or adenomas were shown to have dramatically higher levels of sialylation and fucosylation as compared to normal controls. Plasma glycoproteins with aberrant glycosylation were identified by nano-LC-MS/MS, while a lectin blotting methodology was used to validate proteins with significantly altered glycosylation as a function of cancer progression. The potential markers identified in this study for diagnosis to distinguish colorectal cancer from adenoma and normal include elevated sialylation and fucosylation in complement C3, histidine-rich glycoprotein, and kininogen-1. These potential markers of colorectal cancer were subsequently validated by lectin blotting in an independent set of plasma samples obtained from 10 CRC patients, 10 patients with adenomas, and 10 normal subjects. These results demonstrate the utility of this strategy for the identification of N -linked glycan patterns as potential markers of CRC in human plasma, and may have the utility to distinguish different disease states.  相似文献   
Both scientists and the public would benefit from improved communication of basic scientific research and from integrating scientists into education outreach, but opportunities to support these efforts are limited. We have developed two low-cost programs—"Present Your PhD Thesis to a 12-Year-Old" and "Shadow a Scientist”—that combine training in science communication with outreach to area middle schools. We assessed the outcomes of these programs and found a 2-fold benefit: scientists improve their communication skills by explaining basic science research to a general audience, and students'' enthusiasm for science and their scientific knowledge are increased. Here we present details about both programs, along with our assessment of them, and discuss the feasibility of exporting these programs to other universities.  相似文献   
Vanadium plays an important role in biological systems and exhibits a variety of bioactivities. In an effort to uncover the chemistry and biochemistry of vanadium with nitrogen- and oxygen-containing ligands, we report herein the synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of vanadium(IV) complexes with hydrazide ligands. Substituents on these ligands exhibit systematic variations of electronic and steric factors. Elemental and spectral data indicate the presence of a dimeric unit with two vanadium(IV) ions coordinated with two hydrazide ligands along with two H(2)O molecules. The stability studies of these complexes over time in coordinating solvent, DMSO, indicates binding of the solvent molecules to give [V2O2L2(H2O)2(DMSO)2]2+ (L=hydrazide ligand) and then conversion of it to a monomeric intermediate species, [VOL(DMSO)3]1+. Hydrazide ligands are inactive against urease, whereas vanadium(IV) complexes of these ligands show significant inhibitory potential against this enzyme and are found to be non-competitive inhibitors. These complexes also show low phytotoxicity indicating their usefulness for soil ureases. Structure-activity relationship studies indicate that the steric and/or electronic effects that may change the geometry of the complexes play an important role in their inhibitory potential and phytotoxicity.  相似文献   
Porcine mucosal heparin was fragmented into low-molecular-weight (LMW) heparin by treatment of periodate-oxidized heparin with sodium hydroxide, followed by reduction with sodium borohydride and acid hydrolysis. Gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis showed a mixture of heparin fragments with an average size of eight disaccharide units. 1D 1H NMR showed two-thirds of the N-acetyl groups were lost on periodate cleavage, suggesting cleavage had occurred at the glucopyranosyluronic acid (GlcpA) and idopyranosyluronic acid (IdopA) residues located within and adjacent to the antithrombin III (ATIII) binding site. The N-acetyl glucopyranose (GlcpNAc) residue was lost on workup. The GlcpA residue, within the ATIII binding site, is on the non-reducing side of the N-sulfo, 3, 6-O-sulfo glycopyranosylamine (GlcpNS3S6S) residue. Thus, periodate cleaved heparin should be enriched in GlcpNS3S6S residues. Two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy (2D COSY) confirmed that LMW heparin prepared through periodate cleavage contained GlcpNS3S6S at its non-reducing end. As expected, this LMW heparin also showed reduced ATIII mediated anti-factor IIa and anti-factor Xa activities.  相似文献   
Genome sequencing for many important fungi has begun during recent years; however, there is still some deficiency in proteome profiling of aspergilli. To obtain a comprehensive overview of proteins and their expression, a proteomic approach based on 2D gel electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry was used to investigate A. ochraceus. The cell walls of fungi are exceptionally resistant to destruction, therefore two lysis protocols were tested: (1) lysis via manual grinding using liquid nitrogen, and (2) mechanical lysis via rapid agitation with glass beads using MagNalyser. Mechanical grinding with mortar and pestle using liquid nitrogen was found to be a more efficient extraction method for our purpose, resulting in extracts with higher protein content and a clear band pattern in SDS-PAGE. Two-dimensional electrophoresis gave a complex spot pattern comprising proteins of a broad range of isoelectric points and molecular masses. The most abundant spots were subjected to mass spectrometric analysis. We could identify 31 spots representing 26 proteins, most of them involved in metabolic processes and response to stress. Seventeen spots were identified by de novo sequencing due to a lack of DNA and protein database sequences of A. ochraceus. The proteins identified in our study have been reported for the first time in A. ochraceus and this represents the first proteomic approach with identification of major proteins, when the fungus was grown under submerged culture.  相似文献   
Pritham EJ  Putliwala T  Feschotte C 《Gene》2007,390(1-2):3-17
We previously identified a group of atypical mobile elements designated Mavericks from the nematodes Caenorhabditis elegans and C. briggsae and the zebrafish Danio rerio. Here we present the results of comprehensive database searches of the genome sequences available, which reveal that Mavericks are widespread in invertebrates and non-mammalian vertebrates but show a patchy distribution in non-animal species, being present in the fungi Glomus intraradices and Phakopsora pachyrhizi and in several single-celled eukaryotes such as the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila, the stramenopile Phytophthora infestans and the trichomonad Trichomonas vaginalis, but not detectable in plants. This distribution, together with comparative and phylogenetic analyses of Maverick-encoded proteins, is suggestive of an ancient origin of these elements in eukaryotes followed by lineage-specific losses and/or recurrent episodes of horizontal transmission. In addition, we report that Maverick elements have amplified recently to high copy numbers in T. vaginalis where they now occupy as much as 30% of the genome. Sequence analysis confirms that most Mavericks encode a retroviral-like integrase, but lack other open reading frames typically found in retroelements. Nevertheless, the length and conservation of the target site duplication created upon Maverick insertion (5- or 6-bp) is consistent with a role of the integrase-like protein in the integration of a double-stranded DNA transposition intermediate. Mavericks also display long terminal-inverted repeats but do not contain ORFs similar to proteins encoded by DNA transposons. Instead, Mavericks encode a conserved set of 5 to 9 genes (in addition to the integrase) that are predicted to encode proteins with homology to replication and packaging proteins of some bacteriophages and diverse eukaryotic double-stranded DNA viruses, including a DNA polymerase B homolog and putative capsid proteins. Based on these and other structural similarities, we speculate that Mavericks represent an evolutionary missing link between seemingly disparate invasive DNA elements that include bacteriophages, adenoviruses and eukaryotic linear plasmids.  相似文献   
Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States, with a 5-year survival rate of less than 4%. Effective early detection and screening are currently not available, and tumors are typically diagnosed at a late stage, frequently after metastasis. Existing clinical markers of pancreatic cancer lack specificity, as they are also found in inflammatory diseases of the pancreas and biliary tract. In the work described here, naturally occurring glycoproteins were enriched by using lectin affinity chromatography and then further resolved by nonporous reversed-phase chromatography. Glycoprotein microarrays were then printed and probed with a variety of lectins to screen glycosylation patterns in sera from normal, chronic pancreatitis, and pancreatic cancer patients. Ten normal, 8 chronic pancreatitis, and 6 pancreatic cancer sera were investigated. Data from the glycoprotein microarrays were analyzed using bioinformatics approaches including principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clustering (HC). Both normal and chronic pancreatitis sera were found to cluster close together, although in two distinct groups, whereas pancreatic cancer sera were significantly different from the other two groups. Both sialylation and fucosylation increased as a function of cancer on several proteins including Hemopexin, Kininogen-1, Antithrombin-III, and Haptoglobin-related protein, whereas decreased sialylation was detected on plasma protease C1 inhibitor. Target alterations on glycosylations were verified by lectin blotting experiments and peptide mapping experiments using microLC-ESI-TOF. These altered glycan structures may have utility for the differential diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis and identify critical differences between biological samples from patients with different clinical conditions.  相似文献   
Human GMP reductase (hGMPR) enzyme is involved in a cellular metabolic pathway, converting GMP into IMP, and also it is an important target for anti-leukemic agents. Present computational investigations explain dynamical behavior of water molecules during the conformational transition process from GMP to IMP using molecular dynamics simulations. Residues at substrate-binding site of cancerous protein (PDB Id. 2C6Q) are mostly more dynamic in nature than the normal protein (PDB Id. 2BLE). Nineteen conserved water molecules are identified at the GMP/IMP binding site and are classified as (i) conserved stable dynamic and (ii) infrequent dynamic. Water molecules W11, W14, and W16 are classified as conserved stable dynamic due to their immobile character, whereas remaining water molecules (W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, W7, W8, W9, W10, W12, W13, W15, W17, W18, and W19) are infrequent with dynamic nature. Entrance or displacement of these infrequent water molecules at GMP/IMP sites may occur due to forward and backward movement of reference residues involving ligands. Four water molecules of hGMPR-I and nine water molecules of hGMPR-II are observed in repetitive transitions from GMP to IMP pathway, which indicates discrimination between two isoforms of hGMPRs. Water molecules in cancerous protein are more dynamic and unstable compared to normal protein. These water molecules execute rare dynamical events at GMP binding site and could assist in detailed understanding of conformational transitions that influence the hGMPR's biological functionality. The present study should be of interest to the experimental community engaged in leukemia research and drug discovery for CML cancer.  相似文献   
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