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TRH receptors have been solubilized from GH4C1 cells using the plant glycoside digitonin. Solubilized receptors retain the principal binding characteristics exhibited by the TRH receptor in intact pituitary cells and their membranes. The binding of the methylhistidyl derivative of TRH [( 3H]MeTRH) attained equilibrium within 2-3 h at 4 C, and it was reversible, dissociating with a t1/2 of 7 h. Analysis of [3H]MeTRH binding to soluble receptors at 4 C yielded a dissociation constant (Kd) of 3.8 nM and a total binding capacity (Bmax) of 3.9 pmol/mg protein. Peptides known to interact with non-TRH receptors on GH cells failed to interfere with the binding of [3H]MeTRH, indicating that the TRH binding was specific. Chlordiazepoxide, a competitive antagonist for TRH action in GH cells, inhibited TRH binding to soluble receptors with an IC50 of 11 microM. When [3H]MeTRH was bound to membranes and the membrane proteins were then solubilized, we found enhanced dissociation of the prebound [3H]MeTRH from its solubilized receptor by guanyl nucleotides. Maximal enhancement of [3H]MeTRH dissociation by 10 microM GTP gamma S occurred within about 45 min at 22 C. GTP gamma S, GTP, GDP beta S, and GDP were all effectors of [3H]MeTRH dissociation, exhibiting EC50s in the range of 14-450 nM. The rank order of potency of the tested nucleotides was GTP gamma S greater than GTP congruent to GDP beta S greater than GDP much greater than ATP gamma S greater than GMP. We conclude that TRH receptors have been solubilized from GH cells with digitonin and retain the binding characteristics of TRH receptors in intact pituitary cells. Furthermore, prebinding [3H]MeTRH to GH4C1 cell membranes results in the solubilization of a complex in which the TRH receptor is linked functionally to a GTP binding protein.  相似文献   
We have investigated the biochemical actions of Neplanocin A (Nepl A), a carbocyclic adenosine analog, on purified calf liver S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase and in the GH4C1 strain of functional rat pituitary cells. Addition of 1 mol of Nepl A/2 mol of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase subunit led to rapid and complete inactivation. Concomitant with inactivation, half of the enzyme-bound NAD was reduced and adenine was released stoichiometrically from Nepl A. In GH4C1 cells Nepl A caused a dose-dependent rapid (within 5 min) and irreversible inactivation of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase and concomitant increase in intracellular S-adenosylhomocysteine. In cells treated with Nepl A for 4-5 days, methylation of DNA cytosine was depressed approximately 50%, and the level of cytoplasmic prolactin mRNA was elevated 2-fold. While acute (30 min) release of prolactin from intracellular stores was unaffected, Nepl A acted in a dose- and time-dependent manner to increase the production of both prolactin and growth hormone, the two hormones synthesized and secreted by GH4C1 cells. The lowest effective dose was 0.12 microM, the concentration required to decrease S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase activity by 50%. By 4-7 days the production of both hormones in Nepl A-treated cells was increased 2-3 times above control. The action on hormone production persisted for at least 7 days after removal of Nepl A from the culture medium. We conclude that Nepl A inhibits S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase, raises cellular S-adenosylhomocysteine, decreases bulk DNA methylation, and increases hormone synthesis in GH4C1 cells.  相似文献   
Previously, we reported that incorporation of threo-beta-fluoroasparagine into cellular protein inhibits N-linked glycosylation. We now show that short synthetic peptides which contain N-acetyl-threo-beta-fluoroasparagine fail to undergo glycosylation in a cell-free system except at extremely high substrate concentrations. An N-benzoyl-threo-beta-fluoroasparagine-containing peptide has a 100-fold lower Vmax/Km than the analogous N-benzoyl-asparagine-containing peptide. Substitution of a fluorine for a hydrogen on the beta-carbon of asparagine weakens the ability of the peptide to bind the oligosaccharyltransferase. A 100-fold excess of acetyl-threo-beta-fluoroasparaginyl-leucyl-threonine methylamide over acetyl-asparaginyl-leucyl-threonine methylamide inhibited glycosylation of the latter peptide by less than 10%. Both threo-beta-fluoroasparagine and erythro-beta-fluoroasparagine-containing peptides are glycosylated at the same rate. Glycofluoropeptides generated from beta-fluoroasparagine-containing peptides were N-glycosylated. These cell-free studies with synthetic fluoropeptides suggest that incorporation of beta-fluoroasparagine into cellular protein inhibits N-linked glycosylation by rendering protein substrates ineffective for glycosylation. In the course of this work, we also demonstrate that the N-linked glycosylating enzyme acts only on L-asparagine-containing peptides and not on D-asparagine peptides.  相似文献   
In clonal rat pituitary cells (GH cells), thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) induced a pattern of changes in cytosolic free calcium concentrations [( Ca2+]i) composed of two phases: an acute spike phase to micromolar levels which decayed (t1/2 = 8 s) to a near-basal concentration and then rose to a prolonged plateau phase of elevated [Ca2+]i (as measured using Quin 2). Closely following these changes in [Ca2+]i, TRH stimulated a rapid "spike phase" of pronounced, but brief, enhancement of the rate of prolactin and growth-hormone secretion and then a "plateau phase" of prolonged enhancement. These two phases were dissociated using two classes of pharmacologic agents: the ionophore ionomycin, and a calcium channel antagonist nifedipine. Ionomycin (100 nM) specifically blocked (less than 90%) the spike phase of TRH action by rapidly emptying the TRH-regulated reservoir of cellular Ca2+ to generate a TRH-like spike in [Ca2+]i; nifedipine inhibited (less than 50%) the plateau phase of TRH-induced changes in [Ca2+]i and hormone secretion by preventing Ca2+ influx through voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. These agents demonstrated that the TRH-induced spike in [Ca2+]i in GH cells is caused by release of an ionomycin-sensitive pool of cellular Ca2+ with a small component (10%) due to influx of extracellular Ca2+. The TRH-induced plateau in [Ca2+]i is due to influx of extracellular Ca2+, about half of which enters through voltage-dependent calcium channels and half of which enters via nifedipine/verapamil-insensitive influx. The TRH-induced spike in [Ca2+]i led to a burst in hormone secretion, and the plateau in [Ca2+]i produced a prolonged enhancement of secretion; the spike and plateau phases were generated independently by TRH. A spike in [Ca2+]i is necessary, but not sufficient, to induce burst release of hormone, while the prolonged rate of hormone secretion is intimately related to the steady-state [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   
In mice bearing the prostaglandin-producing HSDM1 fibrosarcoma, the plasma concentration of 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGE2 was elevated before the development of hypercalcemia, and the magnitude of the rise was greater than that of PGE2. When hydrocortisone, which inhibits synthesis of PGE2 by HSDM1 cells in culture, was administered to tumor-bearing mice, the steroid hormone prevented the rises in plasma PGE2 metabolite and calcium concentrations. At the dose levels used, hydrocortisone did not inhibit the calcium-mobilizing action of parathyroid hormone in vivo or the bone resorption-stimulating activity of PGE2in vitro. These findings are consistent with our hypothesis that the hypercalcemic syndrome in HSDM1 tumor-bearing mice is due to the secretion of PGE2 by the tumor.  相似文献   
Bone resorption in organ cultures of neonatal mouse calvaria was stimulated by choleragen (cholera enterotoxin) in a dose-related manner (0.5 to 5.0 ng/ml). Stimulation was potentiated by the cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitor isobutylmethylxanthine (4 μM) and was inhibited by human calcitonin (100 ng/ml), but not by indomethacin (0.7 μM), an inhibitor of the fatty acid cyclooxygenase. The action of choleragen on cyclic AMP accumulation and bone resorption was consistent with the known characteristics of this toxin: 1. choleragen increased cyclic AMP accumulation in bone cultures; 2. there was a lag period (20 – 120 min) prior to an increase in cyclic AMP accumulation following addition of choleragen; 3. incubation with choleragen for only 4 h stimulated bone resorption in the subsequent 44 h as much as did continuous incubation with choleragen for 48 h; and 4. choleragenoid, the biologically inactive toxoid, did not stimulate bone resorption in the concentration range in which choleragen was active. We conclude that activation of adenylyl cyclase and the subsequent increase in cyclic AMP production can stimulate bone resorption, and that cyclic AMP may, therefore, be involved in the enhanced bone resorption mediated by parathyroid hormone and other agents which increase cyclic AMP in bone.  相似文献   
The mTOR (mammalian or mechanistic Target of Rapamycin) is linked with oral cancer. Therefore, it is of interest to study the molecular docking-based binding of paclitaxel (a FDA approved drug for oral cancer) and its analogues with mTOR. Hence, we report the binding features of 10-Deacetyltaxol, 7-Epi-10-deacetyltaxol, 7-Epi-Taxol and 6alpha-Hydroxypaclitaxel with mTOR for further consideration.  相似文献   
The integrity of biofilms on voice prostheses used to rehabilitate speech in laryngectomized patients causes unwanted increases in airflow resistance, impeding speech. Biofilm integrity is ensured by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). This study aimed to determine whether synthetic salivary peptides or mucolytics, including N-acetylcysteine and ascorbic acid, influence the integrity of voice prosthetic biofilms. Biofilms were grown on voice prostheses in an artificial throat model and exposed to synthetic salivary peptides, mucolytics and two different antiseptics (chlorhexidine and Triclosan). Synthetic salivary peptides did not reduce the air flow resistance of voice prostheses after biofilm formation. Although both chlorhexidine and Triclosan reduced microbial numbers on the prostheses, only the Triclosan-containing positive control reduced the air flow resistance. Unlike ascorbic acid, the mucolytic N-acetylcysteine removed most EPS from the biofilms and induced a decrease in air flow resistance.  相似文献   
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