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Free and derivatized aglycones and parent ascarosides of Ascaris lumbricoides and A. columnaris (Nematoda) were isolated by thin-layer and gas chromatography and analyzed by mass spectrometry and polarimetry. Results for monol aglycones confirmed previous chain-length assignments and the location of the l-hydroxyl group at C-2. The major monols of even carbon number possessed a methyl branch on the penultimate carbon (ω ? 1). Diol alycones were entirely unbranched homologues, mainly 31 and 33 carbons long, and had hydroxyl groups on C-2 and C-(ω ? 1). These aglycones were truly symmetrical, for they were optically inactive with the center bearing the glycone in diol ascaroside (C-2), being mostly or entirely the l configuration. Three major features of ascaroside structure—chain length composition of the aglycones, molecular weight of the unusual glycone (a dideoxyhexose), the kind and position of acyl groups—were clearly discernible in the spectra of intact ascarosides.  相似文献   
An octadecapeptide capable of inducing pigment dispersion in the chromatophores of the fiddler crab Uca pugilator has been isolated from lyophilized heads of the lubber grasshopper Romalea microptera. This pigment-dispersing factor (PDF) was purified by gel filtration, ion-exchange chromatography, partition chromatography, and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Automated gas-phase sequencing, followed by the identification of the carboxyl-terminal amide, established the primary structure of this PDF as Asn-Ser-Glu-Ile-Ile-Asn-Ser-Leu-Leu-Gly-Leu-Pro-Lys-Leu-Leu-Asn-Asp-Ala- NH2. This structure was confirmed by chemical synthesis and by demonstrating that the synthetic and native PDF displayed identical chromatographic behavior and biological activity. The Romalea PDF is structurally related to the crustacean pigment-dispersing hormones (PDHs), which are also octadecapeptides. The sequence of grasshopper PDF shows 78% homology with beta-PDH (from the crabs U. pugilator and Cancer magister) and 50% homology with alpha-PDH (from the prawn Pandalus borealis). This study provides the first direct chemical evidence for the structural relatedness of insect PDF to the crustacean PDHs, thus identifying them as an authentic family of arthropod peptides.  相似文献   
Changes in Epstein-Barr virus antibody titers associated with aging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antibody titers to the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), early antigen (EA) IgG, and virus capsid antigen (VCA) IgG and IgA, were measured in 44 geriatric subjects to determine if the depression in cellular immunity known to be associated with aging affects the expression of latent EBV. Similar assays were performed on plasma obtained from a young adult (medical student) population as a control group. We found that 89% of the geriatric samples were positive for EA IgG, and 83% of the plasma obtained from medical students were positive for EA IgG. One hundred percent of the geriatric subjects were positive for VCA IgG, and 87% of the medical students were positive for VCA IgG. Seven percent of the medical student blood samples were positive for VCA IgA; in contrast, 36% of the blood samples obtained from the geriatrics subjects were positive. Significant differences were also found in the geometric mean titers (GMT) of antibodies to EBV antigens; the GMT to EBV EA and VCA were significantly higher in the geriatric group. The data suggest that there may be some loss of control over latent EBV by the cellular immune response in geriatric individuals.  相似文献   
The soluble ferredoxin from Thermus thermophilus was examined by M?ssbauer and EPR spectroscopies and by reductive titrations. These studies demonstrate the presence of one 3Fe center, responsible for the characteristic g = 2.02 EPR signal in the oxidized protein, and one [4Fe-4S] center which is responsible for the rhombic EPR spectrum of the fully reduced protein. These assignments should replace those made by Ohnishi et al. (Ohnishi, T., Blum, H., Sato, S., Nakazawa, K., Hon-nami, K., and Oshima, T. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 345-348) prior to the discovery of the 3Fe clusters. The amino acid composition was determined and is discussed with reference to recent structural studies of 7Fe ferredoxins.  相似文献   
The equivalent circuit that has been used in the analysis of nerve voltage-clamp data is that of the membrane capacity in parallel with the membrane resistance. Voltage-clamp experiments on frog atrial tissue indicate that this circuit will not suffice for this cardiac tissue. The change in membrane current associated with a step change in membrane potential does not show a rapid spike of capacitive current as would be expected for the simple parallel resistance-capacitance network. Rather, there is a step change in current followed by an exponential decay in current with a time constant of about 1 msec. This relatively slow capacitive charging current suggests that there is a resistance in series with the membrane capacity. A possible equivalent circuit is that of a series resistance external to the parallel resistance-capacitance network of the cell membranes. Another possible circuit assumes that the series resistance is an integral part of the cell membrane. The data presented in this paper demonstrate that the equivalent circuit of a bundle of frog atrial muscle is that of an external resistance in series with the cell membranes.  相似文献   
Three elderberry lectins isolated from the bark of three different species of the genus Sambucus which are native to Europe (S. nigra), North America (S. canadensis), and Japan (S. sieboldiana) were studied comparatively with regard to their carbohydrate binding properties and some structural features. All three lectins contained two identical carbohydrate binding sites per molecule and showed a very high specificity for the Neu5Ac(alpha 2-6)-Gal/GalNAc sequence. However, relative affinities for various oligosaccharides were significantly different among them, suggesting differences in the detailed structure of the carbohydrate binding sites of these lectins. The three lectins were immunologically related, but not identical, and all were composed of hydrophobic and hydrophilic subunit regions, although the molecular sizes of these subunits were slightly different among the three lectins. N-terminal sequence analysis of the subunits of these lectins suggested that they have a very similar structure in this region but also indicated the occurrence of N-terminal processing such as the deletion of several amino acid residues at the N-termini for both hydrophobic and hydrophilic subunits of all three lectins. Tryptic peptide mapping of the three lectins showed a similar pattern for all of them but also showed the presence of some unique peptides for each lectin.  相似文献   
Fresh meat, poultry, and seafood purchased from Seattle area grocery stores were investigated for the presence of Shiga-like toxin-producing Escherichia coli by using DNA probes for Shiga-like toxin (SLT) genes I and II. Of the 294 food samples tested, 17% had colonies with sequence homology to SLT I and/or SLT II genes.  相似文献   
本研究以湖南沅江鼎城段河蚬(Corbicula fluminea)为研究对象,在进一步验证该群体性别组成的基础上,分析壳长组成与性别比例之间关系,探讨该群体雄性、雌性和雌雄同体之间关系;同时以单鞭毛精子为参照,分析比较双鞭毛精子的形态特征,以期为我国河蚬的性别发生及生殖适应策略研究提供基础资料。结果显示:沅江鼎城段河蚬(n = 770)雄性、雌性和雌雄同体最小性成熟壳长分别为2.92 mm、5.66 mm和5.30 mm。697只性成熟河蚬中雄性、雌性和雌雄同体的比例近似1︰1︰6。雌雄同体的平均壳长[(22.55 ± 0.33)mm,n = 517]显著大于雄性[(20.44 ± 1.03)mm,n = 95]和雌性[(19.79 ± 0.99)mm,n = 85](P < 0.05),但雄性与雌性的平均壳长之间差异不显著(P > 0.05)。河蚬可以产生单鞭毛和双鞭毛两种类型的精子,单鞭毛精子头长范围4.93 ~ 21.79 μm,平均值(14.27 ± 0.82)μm(n = 30),双鞭毛精子头长范围10.29 ~ 22.04 μm,平均值(15.62 ± 0.62)μm(n = 26)。单、双鞭毛精子头长差异不显著(P > 0.05)。双鞭毛精子(n = 26)长尾的平均长度[(38.07 ± 1.44)μm]显著大于其短尾[(31.08 ± 1.60)μm]和单鞭毛精子(n = 30)尾部长度[(30.15 ± 1.75)μm](P < 0.01),但其短尾与单鞭毛精子的尾部平均长度之间无显著性差异(P > 0.05)。结果表明:湖南沅江鼎城段河蚬为雄性先熟,且可能存在雄性和(或)雌性向雌雄同体转换现象。河蚬具有单鞭毛型和双鞭毛型2种类型的精子,且双鞭毛精子的2个尾部不等长。同域共存河蚬的单鞭毛与双鞭毛精子在运动及受精能力方面的差异值得深入研究。  相似文献   
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