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Purified fractions of soluble proteins from barley leaves have been shown to contain specific binding sites fortrans-zeatin, a natural cytokinin. Such binding is very strong in vitro in concentrated solutions of some salts (ammonium sulfate or potassium phosphate) with optimum at pH 7–8 and temperature within the range 0–20°C. The cytokinin-binding sites have high affinity for zeatin (Kd1.5·10–8 M) and low capacity corresponding to 1–1.5 pmol zeatin per milligram of initial soluble protein. Cytokinin binding is reversible; it is due to protein (or proteins) with molecular weight 40–45 kDa. This protein(s) does not bind3H-adenine and3H-abscisic acid. The ability of various compounds to displace3H-zeatin from its high-affinity binding sites is in strict accordance with their biological cytokinin activities. Other phytohormones as well as fusicoccin do not displace3H-zeatin from its binding sites. Specific zeatin binding is sensitive to heat, alkali, and pronase, but not to RNase treatment. The 150- to 200-fold purification of cytokinin-binding proteins was achieved by a combination of ammonium sulfate precipitation and Ultrogel AcA-54- and DEAE-cellulose chromatography. The zeatin-binding protein(s) from barley leaves is suggested to take part in cytokinin action in vivo.  相似文献   
Kringles K1-3, K4 and K5 are studied for their effect on tissue plasminogen activator-induced fibrin clot lysis in the presence of Glu- and Lys-plasminogen. It is established that kringles K4 and K5 inhibit fibrinolysis of Glu-plasminogen, and K1-3--that of Lys-plasminogen. The role of plasminogen molecule kringles in the plasminogen interaction with fibrin polymer is discussed.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to elucidate the possibility of using bacteriocinogenicity of Brucella as taxonomic feature, to determine their phylogenetic relation to other microorganisms by their bacteriocinogenic properties and to investigate the physicochemical properties of brucellacin and conditions for its stable detection. The Brucella cultures were isolated in the Caucasus. Investigation of their capacity for production of bacteriocin according to the procedure described by M.A. Konstantinova and A.D. Garmazova (1979) revealed that 62.1 per cent of the 216 cultures tested produced brucellacin. Isolation of bacteriocin with the methods developed was shown possible in all of the tested strains of B. melitensis, B. abortus, B. suis and in most of the strains of B. ovis. The methods also provided an increase in the synthesis and activity of brucellacin. The analysis of the characteristic features of bacteriocinogenicity and the properties of bacteriocin allowed recommending the use of additional taxonomic features for identification and differentiation of Brucella. Sensitivity of the indicator strains of Brucella to bacteriocins of other species (F. tularensis, Campylobacter fetus intestinalis B-8833, Y. enterocolitica, Vibrio cholerae and E. coli Fredericq) was noted which was additional evidence of the phylogenic relation between the above organisms. Investigation of the physicochemical properties of brucellacin confirmed the suggestion of the protein nature of the active principle of brucellacin and its similarity in different Brucella species.  相似文献   
This study combined morphological and morphometric information on egg clutches, egg capsules and paralarvae of two sympatric coastal octopuses from New Zealand waters, Octopus huttoni and Pinnoctopus cordiformis, to provide species-specific traits to identify their early life stages obtained from field surveys. Eggs of O. huttoni (2.5 mm length; 1 mm width) were entwined with one another forming strings that ranged from 11 to 25.8 mm in length. Eggs of P. cordiformis (6.4 mm length; 1.5 mm width) were significantly bigger than those of O. huttoni and were grouped in small clusters of about seven eggs. Paralarvae O. huttoni and P. cordiformis differed in hatching size (1.4 mm versus 3.1 mm mantle length), number of suckers per arm (four versus eight), number of lamellae per outer demibranch (five versus ten) and arrangements of chromatophores in the body surface (29 to 59 versus 91 to 179), respectively. The morphological traits described in hatchlings from the laboratory allowed comparisons with field-collected paralarvae, suggesting that such characters were reliable species-specific patterns to enable a consistent differentiation between the early life stages of these two sympatric species, even in the absence of the brooding female.  相似文献   
This study assesses the comparative sensitivity and possibility of obtaining fast results of various methods of biotesting for several surfactants: Tween 85, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), Fairy dishwashing gel, and Mif washing powder. The following test organisms are used for the study: luminescent bacteria Photobacterium phosphoreum (Beijerinck), preparation of Ecolum luminescent bacteria, unicellular algae Scenedesmus quadricauda (G.M. Smith), infusorian Paramecium caudatum (Ehrenberg), and crustacean Daphnia magna (Straus). It has been revealed that Fairy dishwashing gel possesses the strongest toxicity against the studied test objects. Daphnia and algae are most sensitive to the effects of Fairy and SDS, protozoan and luminescent bacteria are most sensitive to SDS, and Ecolum is most sensitive to Mif washing powder. The tested aquatic organisms and Ecolum are most tolerant to the effect of Tween 85.  相似文献   
蒙古高原岩黄芪属植物的分支分类学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
萨仁  赵一之 《植物研究》2001,21(1):18-23
以蒙古高原岩黄芪属植物为对象, 应用徐克学的最大同步法, 探讨了蒙古高原岩黄芪属(豆科)植物的系统演化, 并根据分支分类结果对蒙古高原岩黄芪属进行了系统学处理。作者首次将蒙古高原岩黄芪属分为岩黄芪亚属、半灌木岩黄芪亚属(新拟)和无刺岩黄芪组、丛枝岩黄芪组、无茎岩黄芪组、半灌木岩黄芪组等4 个组。本文对蒙古高原岩黄芪组的划分符合苏联植物志(1945)中的观点。  相似文献   
目的研究长爪沙鼠发情周期,揭示发情规律,优化判定方法。方法连续18 d采集50只长爪沙鼠阴道上皮脱落细胞涂片,采用角化细胞计数法研究长爪沙鼠发情周期规律。比较瑞氏染色、HE染色和直接镜检判定发情周期4个时相的优缺点。结果长爪沙鼠的发情周期有稳定型、不稳定型、假孕三种类型。其中稳定型占68.6%,发情周期为(106.3±35.0)h,可分为4个时相。4个时相角化细胞的比例分别为发情前期(13.5±7.8)%、发情期(86.7±9.9)%、发情后期(27.9±12.8)%和发情间期(3.3±2.8)%。结论角化细胞计数能准确地判定长爪沙鼠的发情周期及各个时相。直接镜检法能快速反映阴道脱落细胞的形态。  相似文献   
Endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) participate in revascularization and angiogenesis. EPC can be cultured in vitro from mononuclear cells of peripheral blood, umbilical cord blood or bone marrow; they also can be transdifferentiated from mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). We isolated EPCs from Wharton's jelly (WJ) using two methods. The first method was by obtaining MSC from WJ and characterizing them by flow cytometry and their adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation, then applying endothelial growth differentiating media. The second method was by direct culture of cells derived from WJ into endothelial differentiating media. EPCs were characterized by morphology, Dil-LDL uptake/UEA-1 immunostaining and testing the expression of endothelial markers by flow cytometry and RT-PCR. We found that MSC derived from WJ differentiated into endothelial-like cells using simple culture conditions with endothelium induction agents in the medium.  相似文献   


Nothing is currently known about microbial composition of saline lakes of the Novosibirsk region and its dependence on physical-chemical parameters of waters. We studied the structure of microbial communities of saline lakes of the Novosibirsk region and the effect of physical-chemical parameters of waters on microbial communities of these lakes.


According to the ion content, the lakes were classified either as chloride or chloride-sulfate types. Water salinity ranges from 4.3 to 290 g L?1. Many diverse microbial communities were found. Filamentous and colonial Cyanobacteria of the genera Scytonema, Aphanocapsa, and/or filamentous Algae dominated in littoral communities. Spatial and temporal organization of planktonic microbial communities and the quantities of Archaea and Bacteria were investigated using fluorescent in situ hybridization. We have found that the dominant planktonic component is represented by Archaea, or, less frequently, by Bacteria. Various phylogenetic groups (Bacteria, Archaea, Algae, and Cyanobacteria) are nonuniformly distributed. The principal component analysis was used to detect environmental factors that affect microorganism abundance. We found the principal components responsible for 71.1 % of the observed variation. It was demonstrated that two-block partial least squares was a better method than principal component analysis for analysis of the data. We observed general relationships between microbial abundance and water salinity.


We have performed the first-ever study of the structure of the microbial communities of eleven saline lakes in the Novosibirsk region along with their physical-chemical parameters of waters. Our study demonstrates that saline lakes in the Novosibirsk region contain a unique microbial communities that may become a prolific source of microorganisms for fundamental and applied studies in various fields of ecology, microbiology, geochemistry, and biotechnology, and deserve further metagenomic investigation.
目的建立长爪沙鼠原代肝细胞分离培养体系。方法以雄性长爪沙鼠为供体,采用组织消化法和Seglen两步灌流法分离肝细胞,以台盼蓝染色检测细胞得率和活率,过碘酸-希夫氏反应(PAS)鉴定肝细胞,倒置显微镜观察肝细胞形态变化,并使用含有多种细胞因子的培养基维持培养。结果组织消化法和Seglen两步灌流法平均每只长爪沙鼠可分别获得肝细胞(1.33±0.34)×107个、(3.97±1.15)×107个,细胞活率分别为(29.4±6.05)%、(80.3±4.56)%,这两种方法在细胞得率及活率方面存在显著差异。肝细胞内因有大量的糖原颗粒,经PAS染色后被染成红色。结果表明肝细胞在贴壁后72 h内,肝细胞形态发生显著变化。结论采用胶原酶经肝门静脉灌流分离肝细胞是一种高效获得肝细胞的方法。各种细胞因子有利于维持肝细胞在体外的生长分化,长爪沙鼠原代肝细胞分离培养体系的建立将为肝脏相关疾病研究和防治药物的开发提供技术支持。  相似文献   
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