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Biocompatible and biodegradable peptide hydrogels are drawing increasing attention as prospective materials for human soft tissue repair and replacement. To improve the rather unfavorable mechanical properties of our pure peptide hydrogels, in this work we examined the possibility of creating a double hydrogel network. This network was created by means of the coassembly of mutually attractive, but self-repulsive oligopeptides within an already-existing fibrous network formed by the charged, biocompatible polysaccharides chitosan, alginate, and chondroitin. Using dynamic oscillatory rheology experiments, it was found that the coassembly of the peptides within the existing polysaccharide network resulted in a less stiff material as compared to the pure peptide networks (the elastic modulus G' decreased from 90 to 10 kPa). However, these composite oligopeptide-polysaccharide hydrogels were characterized by a greater resistance to deformation (the yield strain γ grew from 4 to 100%). Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) was used to study the 2D cross-sectional shapes of the fibers, their dimensional characteristics, and the mesh sizes of the fibrous networks. Differences in material structures found with SANS experiments confirmed rheology data, showing that incorporation of the peptides dramatically changed the morphology of the polysaccharide network. The resulting fibers were structurally very similar to those forming the pure peptide networks, but formed less stiff gels because of their markedly greater mesh sizes. Together, these findings suggest an approach for the development of highly deformation-resistant biomaterials.  相似文献   
Activation of invariant NK T (iNKT) cells with the glycolipid alpha-galactosylceramide promotes CD8(+) cytotoxic T cell responses, a property that has been used to enhance the efficacy of antitumor vaccines. Using chimeric mice, we now show that the adjuvant properties of iNKT cells require that CD40 triggering and Ag presentation to CD8(+) T cells occur on the same APCs. We demonstrate that injection of alpha-galactosylceramide triggers CD70 expression on splenic T cell zone dendritic cells and that this is dependent on CD40 signaling. Importantly, we show that blocking the interaction between CD70 and CD27, its costimulatory receptor on T cells, abrogates the ability of iNKT cells to promote a CD8(+) T cell response and abolishes the efficacy of alpha-GalCer as an adjuvant for antitumor vaccines. These results define a key role for CD70 in linking the innate response of iNKT cells to the activation of CD8(+) T cells.  相似文献   
A molecular complex of simvastatin (SV) and glycyrrhizic acid (GA) (at their ratio of 1 : 4) has been synthesized. The complex named “simvaglyzin” (SVG) was stable in aqueous and aqueous-alcohol solutions at GA concentrations exceeding 0.2 mM. In vitro SVG acted as an uncompetitive inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA (3-HMG-CoA) reductase (Ki of 94 nM). Appearance of this inhibitory activity is associated with cytochrome P450-dependent conversion of SVG, because the addition of 1 mM metyrapone to the incubation medium fully prevented the inhibition of 3-HMG-CoA reductase. SV and SVG (used at 300 nM concentration) inhibited mevalonate synthesis rate by 39.15±8,27 and 38.85±3,04%, respectively. In vivo SVG showed a dose-dependent cholesterol lowering effect. In rats the cholesterol lowering effect of SVG used at daily doses equivalent to 66 and 100 mg/kg of SV was the same as the effect of SV administered at the daily dose of 200 mg/kg. The decrease in total cholesterol of blood serum was 7% and 9% (p < 0.05) and 8%, respectively. Myotoxicity of these SVG doses estimated by blood serum creatine phosphokinase (CPK) activity was lower than that of SV. In rats treated with SV the activity of CPK increased by 79% (p < 0.01), while in SVG treated rats it decreased by 30% and 36% (p < 0.05). Any increase of the hepatotoxicity markers alanine aminotransferase or aspartate aminotransferase in blood serum was not observed. The data suggest pharmacological synergism attributed to the SV-GA complex formation and increased safety of the resultant complex compared with a parent compound.  相似文献   
Many mutations that impact protein function occur at residues that do not directly contact ligand. To understand the functional contributions from the sequence that links the DNA-binding and regulatory domains of the LacI/GalR homologues, we have created a chimeric protein (LLhP), which comprises the LacI DNA-binding domain, the LacI linker, and the PurR regulatory domain. Although DNA binding site residues are identical in LLhP and LacI, thermodynamic measurements of DNA binding affinity show that LLhP does not discriminate between alternative DNA ligands as well as LacI. In addition, small-angle scattering experiments show that LLhP is more compact than LacI. When DNA is released, LacI shows a 20 A increase in length that was previously attributed to unfolding of the linker. This change is not seen in apo-LLhP, even though the linker sequences of the two proteins are identical. Together, results indicate that long-range functional and structural changes are propagated across the interface that forms between the linker and regulatory domain. These changes could be mediated via the side chains of several linker residues that contact the regulatory domains of the naturally occurring proteins, LacI and PurR. Substitution of these residues in LLhP leads to a range of functional effects. Four variants exhibit altered affinity for DNA, with no changes in selectivity or allosteric response. Another two result in proteins that bind operator DNA with very low affinity and no allosteric response, similar to LacI binding nonspecific DNA sequences. Two more substitutions simultaneously diminish affinity, enhance allostery, and profoundly alter DNA ligand selectivity. Thus, positions within the linker can be varied to modulate different aspects of repressor function.  相似文献   
The biodegradability of dicamba was investigated under anaerobic conditions with a consortium enriched from wetland soil. Degradation proceeded through an initial demethylation reaction, forming 3,6-dichlorosalicylic acid, followed by reductive dechlorination, forming 6-chlorosalicylic acid. The consortium, consisting of a sulfate reducer, three methanogens, and a fermenter, was unable to mineralize the aromatic ring.  相似文献   
The hydrogels assembled from a pair of self-repulsive but mutually attractive decapeptides are visualized by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It is found that in the absence of Gd(III)-chelate, gelation has little effect on MRI signal intensity. In the presence of Gd(III)-chelate, gelation leads to significant changes in water relaxation and MR signal intensity. The sol to gel transition is best visualized by T2-weighted imaging using large echo time with the sol producing a bright spot and the gel producing a dark spot. MRI studies point to high local Gd(III)-chelate concentration. Small-angle X-ray scattering study indicates that this local enrichment of Gd(III)-chelate has two contributing processes: first, the aggregation of peptides into fibers; second, within peptide fibers, Gd(III)-chelate further aggregate into clusters. This work demonstrates that the status of peptide-based hydrogels can be visualized by MRI with the aid of covalently linked Gd(III)-chelates. This result has implications for monitoring peptide scaffolds in vivo.  相似文献   
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