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The presence of one of the oldest records of polycystine Radiolaria in the Lower Cambrian sedimentary sequence of the Ak-Kaya section (Gorny Altai) requires a biostratigraphic dating. The trilobites found recently a few tens of meters below the radiolarian-bearing level belong to Calodiscus resimus Repina, Serrodiscus fossuliferus Repina and Alacephalus aff. contortus Repina; they suggest that this part of the Shashkunar Formation can be correlated with the lower part of the Botomian stage. The absence of eyes in the two former species suggests a mode of life buried in the fine pelagic sediments. Indications of the presence of a strongly developed musculature on the third species point to a palaeoenvironment characterized by a relatively high hydrodynamic regime.  相似文献   
Middle and Upper Jurassic radiolarian faunas from two sections of Sicily are compared with the previously proposed zonations. The ages of the faunas are estimated by correlation with these zonations and by concurrent range zone. The faunas could be assigned to the Bathonian or earlier late Tithonian or early Berriasian. Two new spumellarian species (Bernoullius furcospinus andBernoullius rectispinus) from Middle Jurassic are described.  相似文献   
The rate of taxic turnover of nearly 400 radiolarian species/subspecies is analyzed in order to document long term biotic change of plankton during the Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (Aalenian to Aptian). The pattern and dynamic of diversity change is described using four indices: rate of species first and last occurrence, rate of diversification and rate of turnover. Plots of cumulative sampling effort suggest that the analyzed data represent an adequate sample of total standing diversity for most examined stages. Rates of species first occurrence exceed rates of last occurrence for most of the Middle Jurassic, except for the middle Bajocian. In contrast, the Late Jurassic was a time of decreasing radiolarian diversity and the Kimmeridgian records the lowest rate of diversification. It is followed by a dramatic increase in first occurrences near the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary with as a result the highest rate of diversification recorded in the late Tithonian. Regional radiolarian diversity was stable throughout most of the Early Cretaceous. A stratigraphic permutation test was performed to assess the influence of uneven sampling on the observed pattern of taxic turnover and identified the intervals for which randomly obtained patterns are significantly different from the observed pattern. The Kimmeridgian and late Tithonian events coincide with substantial climate-derived perturbations in water cycling, nutrient supply and oceanic productivity. They point to a negative relationship between radiolarian macroevolution and changes in the state of nutrient availability, although further work is needed to refine the temporal resolution of this relationship and to explore ecological aspects of its causal link with respect to radiolarian evolution.  相似文献   
Cambrian-Ordovician sedimentary sequences crop out extensively in the area surrounding the Sarydzhaz River, a remote mountainous region situated in the eastern part of Kyrgyzstan. These sequences, composed essentially of fine siliciclastic lithologies, were deposited on a passive margin of the peri-Gondwanan Karatau-Naryn microplate. Palaeontological constraints for the age of these sequences are rare. Recent efforts of geological mapping in the area discovered reasonably well-preserved radiolarian and conodont faunas. The occurrence of conodonts was mentioned previously, but no taxonomic details were ever reported. Two conodont assemblages are identified from the Oldzhobai Formation; the first is dominated by Paracordylodus gracilis, which can be correlated with the upper Tremadocian to lower Floian; the second assemblage is more diverse and characterized by Prioniodus elegans, suggesting a mid Floian age. This is the first discovery of Ordovician Radiolaria from Kyrgyzstan. In spite of its rather moderately good to poor preservation, the fauna is interesting in many respects, especially due to the presence of a new radiolarian species (Inanigutta (?) kyrgyza nov. sp.). The latter is easily identifiable by the distinctive pore pattern of its cortical shell and has therefore the potential to become in the future a biostratigraphic marker species.  相似文献   
Ostracode faunal assemblages which lived in bathyal environments are analysed from uppermost Maastrichtian - middle Eocene sediments of sites 1260 and 1261, drilled on the distal margin of Demerara, off Surinam (Leg 207, western tropical Atlantic). As for numerous other groups, the Cretaceous/Tertiary mass extinction event led to the disappearance of numerous bathyal ostracode species and it was followed by a very slow recovery during the Palaeocene. It appears that this extinction event was more devastating for detritus-feeder ostracode species than for filter or silt-eater groups, which crossed the K/T boundary without any or little morphological change. This extinction selectivity may be explained by the drop in productivity of surface waters which took place at the K/T boundary. Finally, psychrospheric ostracode species were encountered in Middle Eocene sediments, confirming thus the general cooling of deep oceanic realm recognised in general for this time interval.  相似文献   
In order to improve our understanding of the radiolarian biotic response and the palaeoceanographic changes associated with the Late Cenomanian oceanic anoxic event (OAE2), a high-resolution radiolarian study was carried out across the Bonarelli level at its typical locality (Bottaccione section, central Italy). Our results confirm that a drastic radiolarian faunal change took place during the OAE2. The radiolarian turnover took place within the median part of the Bonarelli level, associated with an interval of high organic matter preservation, but relatively low values of silica. Therefore, this part constitutes a critical period in the evolutionary history of Radiolaria. A synthesis of all data available in the Umbria-Marche basin suggests that the lower part of the Bonarelli level (and underlying limestones) records mainly radiolarian extinctions (ca. 41%), while its upper part (and overlying limestones) records mainly first occurrences (ca. 35%). Our results improve understanding of the paleoecology of the family Saturnalidae, which would seem to prefer oligotrophic environments.  相似文献   
Along the Sopoti section of Mali Gjere mountain are found two distinct mid-Cretaceous marly-shaly-siliceous intervals that occur near the top of the Vigla Limestone Formation (Aptian-Albian) of the Ionian zone in southern Albania. The lower interval is relatively rich in carbonate content (36% CaCO3 on average) and radiolaria (10% on average). It contains black shale levels rich in organic matter (up to 8.5% total organic carbon (TOC)) of marine origin, which did not experience any strong thermal maturation as suggested by their very low Tmax values. The age of the lower interval is latest Barremian to Early Aptian based on its calcareous nannofossil and radiolarian assemblages. It is therefore regarded as the equivalent of the Fourcade Level of Greece, reflecting the Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a (OAE1a). The upper interval is richer in both carbonate content (60% CaCO3 on average) and radiolaria (20% on average) but it is practically devoid of any preserved organic matter. Its age straddles the Aptian-Albian boundary based on integrated biochronologic data of dinoflagellates, calcareous nannofossils and radiolaria. It is tentatively considered as the sedimentary expression of OAE1b (sensu Leckie et al., 2002) in the Ionian zone of Albania. The presence of large Assipetra nannoliths in both shaly-siliceous intervals and the relative abundance of radiolaria suggest that their accumulation took place during periods of higher productivity in the Ionian zone of Albania.  相似文献   
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