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Summary Human labial salivary glands, obtained by biopsy from 32 subjects, were studied by light and electron microscopy. Intranuclear inclusions, unrelated to nucleoli, were present in many of the acinar nuclei in glands from 16 of the 32 donors. More than one inclusion was sometimes observed within a single nucleus. They measured about 1 in diameter, and were stainable in a variety of ways. They were eosinophilic, some were stained by Nile blue sulphate, some were PAS-positive, and all were Feulgen-negative. They were bounded by a single membrane, which never exhibited continuity with the nuclear envelope, and they showed considerable morphological variation. The more complex inclusions consisted of alternating shells of light and dark material with tiny dense granules embedded in the latter. The intranuclear inclusions, which apparently were non-viral in origin, were in some way related to the secretory cycle of the mucous cells, since they were found only in immature cells, and never in cells in which secretory products were abundant.This work was supported in part by grants from the Henry Spenadel Trust and the Max C. Fleischmann Foundation of Nevada, by grant CA-08748 from the National Cancer Institute, by grant 5 SO1 FR 05335-07 from the National Institutes of Health, by a grant from the National Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation, and by an Institutional Grant to the School of Dental and Oral Surgery, Columbia University, from the National Institutes of Health.The authors are indebted to Dr.Louis Mandel for performing the biopsies used in this study. The expert technical assistance of Mrs.Mona Seggio is acknowledged.  相似文献   
Summary In addition to mitochondrion-desmosome complexes, peroxisome-desmosome complexes were present in mouse hepatocytes. The latter complexes consisted of a desmosome which was flanked on one or both sides by a peroxisome. Occasional desmosomes were confronted on one side by a peroxisome and on the other by a mitochondrion. It is suggested that the association between organelles and desmosomes is fortuitous, and that no functional significance can be inferred from this association.This work was supported in part by grants from the Heart Association of Northeastern Ohio, Inc., by grant 3C179 from the Cleveland Foundation, by American Cancer Society Institutional Grant In-57-H, and by grant 5 SO1 FR05335-09 from the National Institutes of Health. The expert technical assistance of Merry A. Hetrick and Jeanne Luschin is acknowledged.  相似文献   
Previous reports on the fine structure of lizard epidermis are confirmed and extended by SEM and TEM observations of cell differentiation and the form of shed material from the American anole Anolis carolinensis. Attention is drawn to two issues: 1) the tips of the spinules arising from the mature oberhautchen are markedly curved; this morphology can be seen during differentiation; 2) the median keels of scales from all parts of the body show “naked” oberhautchen cells that lack characteristic spinules, but have a membrane morphology comprising a complex system of serpentine microridges. Maderson's ([1966] J. Morphol. 119:39–50) “zip-fastener” model for the role of the shedding complex formed by the clear layer and oberhautchen is reviewed and extended in the light of recent SEM data. Apparently periodic lepidosaurian sloughing permits somatic growth; understanding how the phenomenon is brought about requires integration of data from the organismic to the molecular level. The diverse forms of integumentary microornamentation (MO) reported in the literature can be understood by considering how the cellular events occurring during the renewal phase prior to shedding relate to the emergence of the form-function complex of the β-layer, which provides physical protection. Issues concerning the evolutionary origin of lepidosaurian skin-shedding are discussed. J. Morphol. 236:1–24, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
In hepatic mitochondria, the outer membrane enzyme, carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I (CPT-I), appears to colocalize with contact sites. We have prepared contact sites that are essentially devoid of noncontact site membranes. The contact site fraction has a high specific activity for CPT-I and contains a protein at 88 kDa that is recognized by antibodies directed at two different peptide epitopes on CPT-I. Similarly long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase (LCAS) specific activity is high in this fraction; a protein at 79 kDa is recognized by an antibody against LCAS. Although activity of carnitine palmitoyltransferase-II (CPT-II) is present, it is not enriched in the contact site fraction, and a protein of 68 kDa weakly reacted with anti-CPT-II antibody. Likewise, carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase (CACT) protein is present, but at a somewhat reduced level. Using an analytical continuous sucrose gradient, we demonstrate that the activities of CPT-I and LCAS and their associated immunoreactive proteins are present in a constant amount throughout the contact site subfractions. The enzymatic activity of CPT-II and its associated immunoreactive protein, as well as immunoreactive CACT, is absent in the lighter density gradient subfractions and is present in the higher density subfractions only in trace amounts. This heterogeneity of the contact site fraction is due to unvarying amounts of outer membrane and increasing amounts of attached inner membrane with increasing density of the subfractions.  相似文献   
To determine whether there are structural differences in two topologically separated, biochemically defined mitochondrial populations in rat heart myocytes, the interior of these organelles was examined by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy. On the basis of a count of 159 in situ subsarcolemmal mitochondria (SSM, i.e., those that directly abut the sarcolemma), these organelles possess mainly lamelliform cristae (77%), whereas the cristae in in situ interfibrillar mitochondria (IFM, i.e., those situated between the myofibrils, n = 300) are mainly tubular (55%) or a mixture of tubular and lamelliform (24%). Isolated SSM (n = 374), similar to their in situ counterparts, have predominantly lamelliform cristae (75%). The proportions of crista types in isolated IFM (n = 337) have been altered, with only 20% of these organelles retaining exclusively tubular cristae, whereas 58% are mixed; of the latter, lamelliform cristae predominate. This finding suggests that, in contrast to SSM, the cristae in IFM are structurally plastic, changing during isolation. These observations on >1,000 organelles provide the first quantitative morphological evidence for definitive differences between the two populations of cardiac mitochondria.  相似文献   
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