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The regional levels of several cell marker proteins in the brain and the ability of operant discrimination learning on a multiple fixed ratio (FR), fixed interval (FI) schedule were determined in rats with microencephaly induced by prenatal treatment with methylazoxymethanol (MAM), an antimitotic agent, on the 11 th to 13 th days (Group A) or on the 15 th day (Group B) of gestation. The cell marker proteins were determined with a sensitive enzyme immunoassay. Neuron-specific enolase (NSE; gamma gamma-enolase) had a significantly lowered level in the neocortex anterior in Group A. Non-neuronal enolase (NNE; alpha alpha-enolase) was significantly reduced in the superior colliculus, lateral geniculate body and optic nerve, but increased 1.5 fold in the retina in Group A. S-100b protein, a marker of astroglial cells, showed no significant change. As for the learning performance, the Group B animals showed an elevated behavioral activity and made evident discrimination between the FI and FR schedule. But Group A animals had prolonged FR components requiring responses to light on, and their spontaneous activity counts recorded by Automex showed an inhibition of behavior in light environments. These findings suggest a causative role of some developmental abnormality in the central visual system, indicated by the aberrant cell marker levels, in the disturbed learning ability of the Group A animals.  相似文献   
Injection of pregnant rats with cytosine arabinoside (ara-C) (280 mg/kg) on day 15 of gestation caused a significant rise (about two times the control value) in monoamine concentrations (norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin) accompanied by a decrease (about 60% of the control) in the brain weight and DNA content in the cerebrum of the offspring at 60 days of age. When neonatal rats were injected with ara-C (30 mg/kg/day) for four consecutive days from the fourth to seventh days after birth, a decrease of DNA content per cerebellum and an elevation of monoamine concentrations in the cerebellum were found. However, the total content of each monoamine per cerebrum or cerebellum showed no difference from the control. These results suggest that monoaminergic neurons may remain intact, with normal monoaminergic synapses compressed into a small brain volume. The neonatal administration of ara-C caused an elevation of 2, 3-cyclic nucleotide 3-phosphodiesterase (CNPase) (EC activity and myelin protein content in the cerebellum, suggesting a relative increase in myelin concentration as a result of hypoplasia of granule cells.  相似文献   
Abstract: Methylazoxymethanol (MAM) injection to rats on day 15 of gestation caused a significant rise in monoamine concentrations (1.6, 2.0, and 2.8 times the control value for serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, respectively) accompanying a decrease in the brain weight and DNA content in the cerebral hemispheres of the offspring at 3 months of age; in the brain stem, these changes were much smaller. Similar change of monoamine concentrations was observed in cytosine arabinoside-induced microencephaly. The decrease of DNA content and the elevation of monoamine levels were lower with MAM injection on day 15, 13, or 17 of gestation (in that order). Serotonin content of the MAM-treated cerebral hemispheres was already 50% higher than the control immediately after birth. The activity of tryptophan hydroxylase in the MAM-treated cerebrum was 1.6 times the control value, with no change in the brain stem, while the concentration of tryptophan in the brain and plasma was equal to the control value, suggesting an important role played by this enzyme in the elevation of serotonin content. Although the marked decrease of DNA content in the cerebral hemispheres of MAM-treated rats indicates a loss of cerebral cells due to prenatal MAM poisoning, the kind of cells destroyed remain to be studied. That the remaining neurons, axons, and oligodendroglia were intact was suggested by the normal activity of CNPase.  相似文献   
The NGF content in each region of the brain of four-week-old rats was ranked in the decreasing order of cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, midbrain/diencephalon, and pons/medulla ob-longata, and the NGF concentration, in the decreasing order of hippocampus, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, midbrain/diencephalon, and pons/medulla oblongata in both AFD and SFD groups. The NGF content and concentration in the cerebral cortex were about the same value at each age between those in the AFD and SFD groups. Those in the hippocampus were a little higher in the SFD group than in the AFD group at the ages of three and four weeks, unlike those in the other regions, where the values for the cerebellum, midbrain/diencephalon and pons/medulla oblongata tended to be somewhat higher in the AFD group than in the SFD group. The NGF concentrations in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex increased with growth: the concentration in the hippocampus at four weeks of age was about 4-fold of that at one week in the AFD group and about 5.7-fold of that at one week in the SFD group; and likewise the concentration in the cerebral cortex at four weeks of age was about 5.3-fold in the AFD group and about 7-fold in the SFD group. The NGF concentrations in the cerebellum decreased, and those in midbrain/diencephalon and pons/medulla oblongata hardly changed with growth in either AFD or SFD group. From these results NGF may have stronger implications for the neuronal growth in the hippocampus compared with those in the lower brain regions of the SFD rats.  相似文献   
Introduction: We investigated whether adding ultrafine (nano-scale) oxygen-carrying bubbles to water concurrently with dissolved carbon-dioxide (CO2) could result in safe, long-duration anesthesia for fish. Results: To confirm the lethal effects of CO2 alone, fishes were anesthetized with dissolved CO2 in 20°C seawater. Within 30 minutes, all fishes, regardless of species, died suddenly due to CO2-induced narcosis, even when the water was saturated with oxygen. Death was attributed to respiration failure caused by hypoxemia. When ultrafine oxygen-carrying bubbles were supplied along with dissolved CO2, five chicken grunts were able to remain anesthetized for 22 hours and awoke normally within 2–3 hours after cessation of anesthesia. Conclusions: The high internal pressures and oxygen levels of the ultrafine bubbles enabled efficient oxygen diffusion across the branchia and permitted the organismal oxygen demands of individual anesthetized fish to be met. Thus, we demonstrated a method for safe, long-duration carbon dioxide anesthesia in living fish under normal water temperatures.  相似文献   
The activity of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) in cell lysate of cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) after a 24-hour incubation with 10(-3) and 10(-4)M of paraquat (PQ) was decreased. However, LDH released into the culture medium of HUVEC during the 24-hour incubation with PQ was not increased. Many investigators show that the change in serum ACE activity reflects the impairment of vascular endothelial cells. We showed in this report that ACE was decreased even at an early stage of endothelial injury induced by PQ, when LDH release is not yet increased.  相似文献   
We constructed three simian-human immunodeficiency viruses (SHIVs) lacking regulatory gene(s) and analyzed their induction of protective immunity against challenge infection with gene-intact SHIV in rhesus macaques. Inoculation of SHIV-dn lacking nef and SHIV-drn lacking nef and vpr induced transient viremia, while that of SHIV-dxrn lacking nef, vpr, and vpx induced no viremia. The SHIVs with fewer deletions were more effective in inducing neutralizing antibodies and cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses. When these macaques were challenged with parental gene-intact SHIV-NM-3rN, all the SHIV-dn-vaccinated macaques and two of the four SHIV-drn-vaccinated macaques showed complete resistance. The other two SHIV-drn-vaccinated macaques and all SHIV-dxrn-vaccinated macaques did not show complete resistance, but they did show suppression of replication of the challenge virus. These results suggested that as more genes were deleted, protective immunity was decreased.  相似文献   
A large gene cluster for the Clostridium cellulovorans cellulosome has been cloned and sequenced upstream and downstream of the cbpA and exgS genes (C.-C. Liu and R. H. Doi, Gene 211:39-47, 1998). Gene walking revealed that the engL gene cluster (Y. Tamaru and R. H. Doi, J. Bacteriol. 182:244-247, 2000) was located downstream of the cbpA-exgS genes. Further DNA sequencing revealed that this cluster contains the genes for the scaffolding protein CbpA, the exoglucanase ExgS, several endoglucanases of family 9, the mannanase ManA, and the hydrophobic protein HbpA containing a surface layer homology domain and a hydrophobic (or cohesin) domain. The sequence of the clustered genes is cbpA-exgS-engH-engK-hbpA-engL-man A-engM-engN and is about 22 kb in length. The engN gene did not have a complete catalytic domain, indicating that engN is a truncated gene. This large gene cluster is flanked at the 5' end by a putative noncellulosomal operon consisting of nifV-orf1-sigX-regA and at the 3' end by noncellulosomal genes with homology to transposase (trp) and malate permease (mle). Since gene clusters for the cellulosome are also found in C. cellulolyticum and C. josui, they seem to be typical of mesophilic clostridia, indicating that the large gene clusters may arise from a common ancestor with some evolutionary modifications.  相似文献   
engE, coding for endoglucanase E, one of the three major subunits of the Clostridium cellulovorans cellulosome, has been cloned and sequenced (Y. Tamaru and R. H. Doi, J. Bacteriol. 181:3270-3276, 1999). The N-terminal-half region of EngE possesses three repeated surface layer homology (SLH) domains, which are homologous to those of some bacterial S-layer proteins. Also, the C-terminal-half region consists of a catalytic domain of glycosyl hydrolase family 5 and a duplicated sequence (dockerin) for binding EngE to scaffolding protein CbpA. Our hypothesis is that the SLH domains serve in the role of anchoring to the cell surface. This model was investigated by using recombinant EngEs (rEngE) with and without SLH domains that were synthesized in Escherichia coli and cell wall preparations from C. cellulovorans. When rEngE and SLH polypeptides of EngE were incubated with cell wall fragments prepared by sodium dodecyl sulfate treatment, these proteins bound strongly to the cell wall. However, rEngEs without SLH domains lost their ability to bind to cell walls. When rEngE was incubated with mini-CbpA, consisting of two cohesin domains, and cell wall fragments, the mini-CbpA was able to bind to the cell wall with rEngE. However, the binding of mini-CbpA was dramatically inhibited by addition of a chelating reagent, such as EDTA, which prevents cohesin-dockerin interactions. These results suggest not only that the SLH domains of EngE can bind to the cell surface but also that EngE plays an anchoring role for cellulosomes through the interaction of its dockerin domain with a CbpA cohesin.  相似文献   
Soybean protein isolate (SPI) was digested with protease to produce a peptides containing the low-molecular fraction (LD3) or a mixture of high- and low-molecular fractions (HD1). Rats were fed a diets containing SPI, LD3, or HD1 at a protein level equivalent to the 20% casein diet for 4 weeks. The serum triglyceride concentration was lower in rats fed SPI, LD3, and HD1 diets than in rats fed the casein diet, and the differences were significant for the cholesterol-enriched diet. The value for the LD3 group was the lowest among all groups for both the cholesterol-free and -enriched diets. The level of triglyceride in the post-perfused liver was significantly lower in the LD3 and HD1 groups and the SPI group than in the casein group irrespective of the presence of cholesterol in the diet. In the cholesterol-free diet, LD3 feeding as compared to casein feeding caused a reduction in triglyceride secretion from the liver to perfusate and an increment of hepatic ketone body production. The addition of cholesterol to the diets somewhat attenuated these effects of LD3. These results suggest that the low-molecular fraction in soybean peptides causes triglyceride-lowering activity through a reduction in triglyceride secretion from the liver to the blood circulation and the stimulation of fatty acid oxidation in the liver. There is a possibility that soybean peptides modulate triglyceride metabolism by changes in the hepatic contribution.  相似文献   
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