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Sapling density, shoot growth, and sapling architecture were studied in five major canopy dominants both under closed canopy and gaps in a warm-temperate rainforest. The five species showed wide variations in distribution, shoot growth, and sapling architecture. Distylium racemosum and Quercus acuta had significantly higher sapling densities under closed canopy than in gaps. Castanopsis sieboldii and Machilus thunbergii had significantly higher sapling densities in gaps than under closed canopy. Quercus salicina showed no significant difference in sapling density between the two habitats. Under closed canopy, C. sieboldii and M. thunbergii had wider crowns than the other species. Distylium racemosum had the greatest number of terminal shoots among the species. Quercus acuta had a branchless small crown. Quercus salicina showed intermediate values in crown width, depth and the number of terminal shoots among the species. Distylium racemosum showed the greatest height-growth rate among the species under the closed canopy, but was the slowest in gaps. Castanopsis sieboldii and M. thunbergii showed the greatest height-growth rates among the species in gaps. Quercus salicina showed the slowest height-growth rates both under closed canopy and gaps. All of the five species showed low mortality under closed canopy. For the major canopy dominants: (i) sapling architecture may not be an important factor in determining mortality but it may be important for height-growth rate; and (ii) sprouting helps saplings to survive until gap formation and facilitates rapid growth in the gaps.  相似文献   
Although pollination networks between plants and flower visitors are diverse and flexible, seed production of many plant species is restricted by pollen limitation. Obligate outcrossers often suffer from low pollinator activity or severe interspecific competition for pollinator acquisition among co-flowering species. This study focused on seasonal changes in plant–flower visitor linkages in an alpine ecosystem and examined whether and how this seasonality affected the seed-set of Primula modesta, a self-incompatible distylous herb having long-tubed flowers. First, we recorded the linkages between plants and flower visitors along the snowmelt gradient. Then, pollination experiment was conducted to estimate the degree of pollen limitation over the course of flowering season of P. modesta. Flower visitors were classified by their tongue length based on the morphological matching with P. modesta flowers. As the season progressed, plant–visitor linkages became more diverse and generalized, and the visitation frequency to P. modesta flowers increased. In the later part of the season, however, the seed set of P. modesta was significantly reduced due to severe pollen limitation, presumably because of increased competition for long-tongued pollinators among co-flowering species. The present study revealed that pollinator availability for specialist species may be restricted even when plant–visitor linkages are diverse and generalized as a whole. In the case of P. modesta, morphological matching and competition for pollinators might be the main factors explaining this discrepancy.  相似文献   
Tyrosine-H2O2-horseradish peroxidase system at pH 7.4 emitted light in visible region. Phenolic compounds other than tyrosine were also emissive, whereas methoxy phenylalanine and phenyl compounds were not, in H2O2-peroxidase systems. Chemiluminescence spectrum of tyrosine of tyrosine-H2O2-horseradish peroxidase system showed two prominent peaks at 478 nm and 500 nm (Luminescence 1) and additional two or three peaks near 550 and 610 nm (Luminescence 2). Luminescence 1 is quite similar to the phosphorescence originated from an excited tyrosine in triplet state, while Luminescence 2 is quite similar to the phosphorescence originated from an indole in triplet state. Possible formation of tyrosine cation radical (a precursor of the excited tyrosine) and indole cation radical in the enzyme protein (a precursor of the excited tryptophan residue) were discussed.  相似文献   
Aiba  Shin-ichiro  Kitayama  Kanehiro  Takyu  Masaaki 《Plant Ecology》2004,174(1):147-161
Habitat associations with topography and canopy structure of 42 abundant tree species were studied in a 2.74-ha plot of tropical montane forest on Mount Kinabalu, Borneo. Many of these species belong to the same higher taxa including eight families and four genera. Analysis of intraspecific spatial distributions for stems ≥ 10 cm diameter revealed that 28 species (including all six species of Fagaceae) showed aggregated distributions at the 100-m2 and/or 400-m2 scales, and that 20 species showed habitat associations with topography by torus-translation tests; 17 species showed both characteristics. Species' associations with the local canopy structure were characterized by crown position index (CPI), which was defined relative to neighbour trees. The CPI differed greatly among individual stems at 10–40 cm diameter, and 19 species showed significantly different frequencies of crowns exposed vertically versus those shaded beneath the canopy. Mean growth rates at 10–40 cm diameter and size distributions of species were not related to topographic associations, but were explained by the associations with canopy structure; species with more exposed crowns grew faster and had less positively skewed distributions. Diversity in habitat associations was manifest between two genera (Syzygium and Tristaniopsis) in the family Myrtaceae and among species in these genera, but was less evident in other families and two genera (Garcinia and Lithocarpus). This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The absorption spectrum of native pea chromatin solubilizedunder minimal shearing conditions changed with increasing Ca2+concentration; the ratio of maximum to minimum absorption decreasedand the maximum absorption peak shifted to a longer wavelength.The concentration of Ca2+ to cause half complete sedimentationof chromatin was much lower for the solubilized native chromatin(more condensed and larger in size) than for the sonicated chromatin(less condensed and smaller in size). Solubilized native chromatinshowed a two-step melting profile in the absence of Ca2+. In the presence of Ca2+ the two Tms disappeared and a new higherTm appeared. Template activity of solubilized native chromatinincreased 3-fold upon dispersion and fragmentation by sonication.Addition of a small amount of ethylene glycol-bis (ß-aminoethylether)-N, N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) promoted the template activityof solubilized native chromatin, but not that of sonicated ordenatured DNA. The effect of EGTA was reversed by Ca2+. Thechromatin reconstituted in the presence of EGTA showed a lowerTm than the chromatin reconstituted in the presence of Ca2+.The relationship between chromatin structure and its templateactivity is discussed in relation to Ca2+. (Received August 12, 1985; Accepted December 7, 1985)  相似文献   
Tropical mangrove forests are characterized by clear zonation along a tidal gradient, and it has been supposed that the zonation is primarily controlled by soil factors. However, effects of disturbance on mangrove forests are still not well understood and may play an important role on the vegetation patterns and forest dynamics in some forest formations. In this study, the pattern of disturbance regime and its effects on regeneration of tropical mangrove forests along a tidal gradient were investigated in Ranong, Thailand. We established one or two 0.5 ha plots in four vegetation zones, i.e. Sonneratia albaAvicennia alba zone, Rhizophora apiculata zone, Ra – Bruguiera gymnorrhiza zone, Ceriops tagalXylocarpus spp. zone. Gap size (percentage gap area to total study area and individual gap size) was the largest in Sa–Aa zone which is located on the most seaward fringe, and it declined from seaward to inland. Canopy trees of S. alba and A. alba had stunted trunks and showed low tree density. On the contrary, canopy dominants in the other three inland zones, e.g. R. apiculata, B. gymnorrhiza, and Xylocarpus spp., had slender trunks and showed high tree density. Accordingly, differences in disturbance regime among the four zones were resulted from the forest structural features of each zone. Disturbance regime matched with regeneration strategies of canopy dominants. Seedlings and saplings of S. alba and A. alba, which need sunny condition for their growth, were abundant in gaps than in understorey. By contrast, R. apiculata, B. gymnorrhiza, and Xylocarpus spp., which can tolerate less light than S. alba and A. alba, had greater seedling and sapling density under closed canopy than gaps. Many large gaps may enhance the abundance of S. alba and A. alba in Sa–Aa zone, and a few small gaps may prevent the light demanding species to establish and grow in the other inland zones. Correspondence of disturbance regime and regeneration strategies (e.g. light requirement) of canopy dominants may contribute to the maintenance of the present species composition in each of the vegetation zones.  相似文献   
The distribution and regeneration strategy of the major canopy dominants in species-rich subtropical/warm temperate rainforests in south-western Japan was studied in a hilly zone below 1100 m a.s.l. Using the patch sampling method, four dominance-community types were numerically identified and they corresponded to four habitats which represented a combination of topography and altitude (i.e. ridgesvs slopes, and belowvs above 500 m a.s.l.) Seven major canopy dominants had their respective distributional core in one of these topo-altitudinal habitats. The seven canopy dominants could be classified into three species groups according to their size structure and growth habits. Group A (Tsuga sieboldii andQuercus gilva) and group B (Quercus acuta, Quercus salicina, Machilus thunbergii) were restricted to the emergent and canopy layer, respectively. These two groups had only a few subcanopy trees and saplings. Saplings of group B showed a rapid growth rate in canopy gaps. Group C (Distylium racemosum) was characterized by many subcanopy trees and saplings that grew steadily under the closed canopy.Castanopsis sieboldii showed intermediate characteristics between group B and C in the size structure and growth habit of its saplings. The density ofD. racemosum canopy trees was markedly reduced on ridges and slopes above 500 m and on slopes below 500 m. In these marginal habitats, the three species groups coexisted by sharing different strata within a community. This situation was possible due to the differences in regeneration strategies among the canopy species.  相似文献   
Flowering phenology of alpine plants is strongly determined by the timing of snowmelt, and the conditions of pollination of widely distributed plants vary greatly during their flowering season. We examined the reproductive success of the distylous alpine herb, Primula modesta, along the snowmelt gradient under natural conditions, and compared it with the result of artificial pollination experiments. In addition, the compositions and visit frequencies of pollinators to the flower of P. modesta were examined during the flowering period. The pin and thrum plants of P. modesta growing at the same site have an equal ability to produce seeds if a sufficient amount of legitimate pollen grains are deposited on the stigma surface. However, under natural conditions, their seed‐set success was often (even if not always) restricted by pollen limitation, and the functional gender of the pin and thrum plants biased to the female and male, respectively, associated with their growing sites. These variations were not ascribed to resource limitation nor biased morph ratio but to the seasonal changes in pollination situations, a replacement of pollinator types from long‐ to short‐tongued pollinators resulted in unidirectional pollen transfer from long stamens (thrum plants) to long styles (pin plants). The functional gender specialization may enhance the evolution of dioecy from heterostyly, but the severe pollen limitation may cause the breakdown of heterostyly into homostyly. To consider the evolutionary pathway of heterostylous plants, an accumulation of the empirical data is required demonstrating how phenological synchrony between plants and pollinators is decided and to what degree this relationship is stable over years, along with estimates of selection and gene flow in individual plants.  相似文献   
We investigated if tropical rainforest trees produced more-lignified leaves in less productive environments using forests on Mount Kinabalu, Borneo. Our investigation was based on two earlier suggestions that slower litter decomposition occurs under less productive forests and that trees under resource limitation invest a large amount of carbon as lignin as a defense substance to minimize the loss from herbivores. When nine forests at different altitudes (700–3100 m) and soil conditions (derived from sedimentary or ultrabasic rocks) but with the same gentle relief position were compared, the concentrations of leaf-litter lignin were positively correlated with litterfall rates and leaf-litter nitrogen concentrations. These patterns would be reinforced in intact leaves if the effects of resorption at the time of leaf shedding were taken into account, because greater magnitude of resorption of mobile elements but not of lignin would occur in less productive environments (i.e. dilution of lignin in intact leaves). These results did not support earlier suggestions to explain the variation of leaf-litter lignin. Instead, we suggest that lower lignin contents are adaptive to recycle minerals without retarding decomposition in less productive environments.  相似文献   
We compared phosphorus (P) dynamics and plant productivity in two montane tropical rain forests (Mount Kinabalu, Borneo) that derived from similar parent materials (largely sedimentary rocks) and had similar climates but differed in terms of soil age. The younger site originated from Quaternary colluvial deposits, whereas the older site had Tertiary-age material. The older site had a distinctive spodic horizon, reduced levels of labile inorganic soil P, higher concentrations of recalcitrant organic soil P, and lower rates of net soil N mineralization. P fertilization led to soil nitrogen (N) immobilization in the P-deficient soil, indicating that soil N mineralization was limited by P at the P-deficient older site. Mean foliar nutrient concentration (on both a weight and an area basis) was similar at the two sites for all elements except P, which was lower at the older site. Aboveground net primary production (ANPP) was lower at the older site than at the younger one; this difference could be explained by the reduced availability of P and N (as down-regulated by P) at the older site. The relatively ample allocation of P and N to leaves, despite the reduced availability at the P-deficient old site, was attributable to its high resorption efficiency. High resorption resulted in lower concentrations of elements in leaf litter—that is, less decomposable low-quality litter. On the other hand, the concentration of leaf litter lignin was considerably lower at the older site; this appeared to be a de facto adaptive mechanism to avoid retarding litter decomposition.  相似文献   
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