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Chromosome numbers were determined for 342 clones ofCarex oxyandra collected from 35 localities in Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, Japan. Four intraspecific aneuploids, 2n=18, 20, 24 and 26, were found. In meiotic division, only bivalent chromosomes were observed in all clones at metaphases I and II, suggesting that the aneuploids are established gamodemes. In the mitotic metaphase chromosomes, trimodal variation in chromosome length was observed. The 2n=26 clones found on Mt. Hiko had two particularly small chromosomes. The cytodemes with higher number of chromosomes are distributed in more southern areas of Japan.Carex oxyandra, therefore, accompanied with chromosome fragmentations, might spread the geographical distribution to the southern parts. The morphological characters of leaves, spikes, scales, perigynia and nuts were similar among the four cytodemes, except for the small leaves on plants from Yaku Island.  相似文献   
Chromosome numbers were determined for 340 plants ofCarex conica from 83 populations in Japan. Six aneuploids, 2n=32, 33, 34, 36, 37 and 38, were found. Plants with even diploid chromosome numbers 2n=32, 34, and 36 were the most common and had different geographical distributions. Individuals with 2n=32 were from islands in the Seto Inland Sea and nearby coastal areas of the Chugoku District of Honshu; those with 2n=34 were from the Kanto, Chubu and Kinki Districts of Honshu; those with 2n=36 were from the mountainous areas of Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu Districts. Canonical discriminant analysis of 17 morphological characters demonstrated that the plants with 2n=32 were clearly distinct from those with 2n=34 or 36. All four aneuploids with even chromosome numbers showed normal bivalent pairing at meiotic metaphase I and probably represent cytogenetically stable cytodemes. Plants with 2n=33 had one heteromorphic trivalent and 15 bivalents, indicating a structural mutation. At mitotic metaphase I, one chromosome was markedly larger than the others, suggesting that the 2n=33 plants arose from 2n=34 plants by fusion of two chromsomes. The plant with 2n=37 was intermediate in morphology betweenCarex conica (2n=36) andC. morrowii (2n=38) and probably originated as an interspecific hybrid between these species.  相似文献   
Possible roles of coexisting cells in inducing neurite growth from a nerve cell were studied. Nerve growth factor (NGF)-inducing neurite growth from PC12h-R (a cell line derived from cultured nerve cells) was investigated at various cell densities. At the cell density 102104 cells/ml neurites appeared even without NGF. In contrast, no neurite appeared without NGF in single cell culture. The neurite growth observed in plural cell culture without NGF was only partially inhibited by antibody to NGF receptor (Ab-NGFR). However, the effect of the used medium alone was mostly inhibited by Ab-NGFR. These results suggest that the neurite inducing potency of coexisting cells is via different sites than the NGF receptor.Abbreviations Ab-IgG-FITC anti-mouse-IgG labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate - Ab-NF monoclonal antibody to neurofilament 160 kD - Ab-NGFR monoclonal antibody to NGF receptor - BDNF brain-derived neurotrophic factor - D-medium medium for differentiation culture - DMEM Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium - M-medium medium for multiplication culture - NGF nerve growth factor - NGFR NGF receptor - NT-3 neurotrophin-3 - PC12 pheochromocytoma cell line - PC12h-R subclone of PC12 - Sup-D supernatant of D-medium  相似文献   
The stigma of Brassica species contain NS-glycoproteins thatexhibit a high degree of structural homology to the S-glycoproteinsof self-incompatibility. Inheritance of and variations in theNS-glycoprotein were studied with reference to self-incompatibility.The detection of NS-glycoproteins was performed by cross-reactionwith an antiserum raised against a purified NS-glycoprotein.In B. campestris, four isoforms of the NS-glycoprotein weredifferentiated by their pI values, but their molecular weightswere identical to one another. The genes for these isoformsof NS-glycoprotein were controlled by alleles at a single locus,tentatively named the NS allele, which was independent of Salleles at both the protein and the DNA level. Segregation ofF2 plants with respect to the self-incompatibility behaviorof pollen tubes can be explained by the S allele model, butit appears not to be affected by the NS alleles. NS-glycoproteinswere found in all 21 species of Brassica and its allies examinedto date. The pI values of these glycoproteins varied among differentspecies. In addition to the isoforms of the NS alleles, maturestigmas contained other groups of proteins that reacted weaklywith the antiserum against the NS-glycoprotein. (Received July 30, 1991; Accepted February 21, 1992)  相似文献   
To investigate the role of apolipoprotein E (apo E) secreted by peripheral tissues in local lipoprotein metabolism, we developed a cell strain that constitutively produced and secreted apo E. A fusion plasmid containing rat apo E genomic DNA under control of mouse metallothionein promotor was constructed and transfected into Chinese hamster ovary cells. A stable transformant designated CHO-MAEII constitutively secreted rat apo E mainly in the form of sialylated free protein. The secretion was further enhanced by metal induction up to 1 micrograms apo E/ml per 12 h. When incubated with 125I-labeled very low density lipoprotein (125I-VLDL) at 37 degrees C, CHO-MAEII took up and degraded 125I-VLDL with higher affinity than control cells. Furthermore, considerable amount of methylated 125I-VLDL was degraded by CHO-MAEII, while no methylated 125I-VLDL was degraded by control cells. No significant differences were found in the uptake of 125I-LDL. The data indicated that apo E molecules secreted by CHO-MAEII were transferred to 125-VLDL particles, which caused a higher affinity of these particles for LDL receptors on the cells. It is suggested that apo E secreted from peripheral tissues enhances the uptake of lipoproteins by themselves or by surrounding cells in the local environment which demand cholesterol and express LDL receptors. CHO-MAEII was a good model for these 'auto- or paracrine-like functions' of apo E.  相似文献   
A method was developed and applied for monitoring two types of fast-start locomotion (feeding and escape) of a cruiser fish, Japanese amberjacks Seriola quinqueradiata. A data logger, which incorporated a 3-axis gyroscope, a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis magnetometer, was attached to the five fish. The escape, feeding and routine movements of the fish, which were triggered in tank experiments, were then recorded by the data logger and video cameras. The locomotor variables, calculated based on the high resolution measurements by the data logger (500 Hz), were investigated to accurately detect and classify the types of fast-track behaviour. The results show that fast-start locomotion can be detected with a high precision (0.97) and recall rate (0.96) from the routine movements. Two types of fast-start movements were classified with high accuracy (0.84). Accuracy was greater if the data were obtained from the data logger, which combined an accelerometer, a gyroscope and a magnetometer, than if only an accelerometer (0.80) or a gyroscope (0.66) was used.  相似文献   
We identified a new subgroup of koala retrovirus (KoRV), named KoRV-J, which utilizes thiamine transport protein 1 as a receptor instead of the Pit-1 receptor used by KoRV (KoRV-A). By subgroup-specific PCR, KoRV-J and KoRV-A were detected in 67.5 and 100% of koalas originating from koalas from northern Australia, respectively. Altogether, our results indicate that the invasion of the koala population by KoRV-J may have occurred more recently than invasion by KoRV-A.  相似文献   
S-Alkyl-N-alkylisothiourea compounds containing various cyclic amines were synthesized in the search for novel nonimidazole histamine H3 receptor (H3R) antagonists. Among them, four N-alkyl S-[3-(piperidin-1-yl)propyl]isothioureas 18, 19, 22, and 23 were found to exhibit potent and selective H3R antagonistic activities against in vitro human H3R, but were inactive against in vitro human H4R. Furthermore, three alkyl homologs 1820 showed inactivity for histamine release in in vivo rat brain microdialysis, suggesting differences in antagonist affinities between species. In addition, in silico docking studies of N-[4-(4-chlorophenyl)butyl]-S-[3-piperidin-1-yl)propyl]isothiourea 19 and a shorter homolog 17 with human/rat H3Rs revealed that structural differences between the antagonist-docking cavities of rat and human H3Rs were likely caused by the Ala122/Val122 mutation.  相似文献   
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