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Integration into the host genome is an essential step in the HIV-1 life cycle. However, the host genome sequence that is favored by HIV-1 during integration has never been documented. Here, we report that CD27, a T cell activation gene, includes a sequence that is a target for in vitro HIV-1 cDNA integration. This sequence has a high affinity for integrase, and the target nucleotides responsible for this higher affinity were identified using a crystal microbalance assay. In experiments involving a segment of the CD27 gene, integration converged in the target nucleotides and flanking sequence DNA, indicating that integration is probably dependent upon the secondary structure of the substrate DNA. Notably, decoy modified CD27 sequence DNAs in which the target nucleotides were replaced suppressed integration when accompanying the original CD27 sequence DNA. Our identified CD27 sequence DNA is useful for investigating the biochemistry of integrase and for in vitro assessment of integrase-binding inhibitors.  相似文献   
Several modification of the arrangements of α-helical molecules were found in the solid films of poly (γ-ethyl-L -glutamate), depending on the casting solvent and the temperature. The helical conformation is somewhat looser than the normal 18-residue, 5-turn α-helix. Using x-ray diffraction, the types of molecular arrangements were classified into tetragonal, pseudohexagonal, and hexagonal ones. Tetragonal packing was observed in the filmm (form T) prepared by casting the solution in trifluorethanol or dichlorethane. The sample obtained from chloroform solution is a well-ordered, pseudohexagonal modification (form I). Forms I and T change into a poorly crystalline form III by annealing at temperatures above 130° C. It is particularly noteworthy that the less-ordered form III exhibits a thermoreversible transition around 110°C into a well-ordered form H with the hexagonal molecular packing.  相似文献   
Polyclonal plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses in murine spleen cells induced by Staphylococcus aureus and S. epidermidis were studied. Injection of Balb/c mice with S. aureus strain 248βH resulted in the generation of anti-trinitrophenyl (TNP) and anti-sheep red blood cell PFC in their spleens. Cultures of Balb/c spleen cells in the presence of S. aureus 248βH, Cowan I, or a protein A-deficient mutant yielded many anti-TNP PFC. The larger the number of organisms that were added to the cultures, the better was the PFC response. Both living and killed organisms, were capable of inducing the response, but an excess of living 248βH organisms in the cultures abrogated the response. All of the organisms (12 strains of S. aureus and 11 strains of S. epidermidis) freshly isolated from patients had the ability to induce the polyclonal PFC response in cell cultures. These organisms stimulated cultured C3H/HeJ mouse spleen cells, which were unresponsive to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Cultured cells from the spleens of athymic nu/nu mice also responded to these organisms, and the number of PFC in nu/nu cell cultures was always greater than that in nu/+ cells prepared from a haired litter mate. Moreover, the responses of nu/nu spleen cell cultures to which nylon wool column-filtered splenic nu/+ T cells were added were lower than expected. These findings suggest that the polyclonal PFC response to staphylococci is thymus independent, but that the magnitude of the response is regulated by mature T cells. Cultures of macrophage-depleted spleen cells responded to the organisms to an extent similar to that of the control. The 248βH organisms were less capable of stimulating spleen cells of 2-week-old mice (i.e., early maturing B cells) than LPS. However, spleen cells from adult (7-week-old) and aged (9-month-old) mice responded well to both the organisms and LPS. Previous sensitization with the organisms in vivo did not affect any polyclonal responses of spleen cells in vitro to either the organisms or LPS. The role of staphylococcal protein A in the polyclonal PFC response to staphylococci is discussed.  相似文献   
We studied settling-site selection and the resulting survival of two sessile scale insects, Ceroplastes rubens and C. ceriferus, in the citrus tree, Citrus unshiu, in central Japan. C. rubens preferred 0-year-old twigs most as a settling-site; the density of nymphs settling on 0-year-old twigs was significantly higher than those on ≥1-year-old twigs, and few nymphs settled on ≥3-year-old twigs. The mean survival rates from settling until reproduction in the next year were significantly higher on more preferred twigs than on less preferred ones. In C. ceriferus, nymphs significantly preferred 1- and 2-year-old twigs to 0- and ≥3-year-old ones, and the mean survival rates on the more preferred 1- and 2-year-old twigs were significantly higher than those on less preferred ≥3-year-old twigs. However, the survival rate on less preferred 0-year-old twigs was slightly higher than those on 1- and 2-year-old ones. Thus, in both species of scale, it was the preferred twigs which were more profitable sites for survival after settling, except for less preferred 0-year-old twigs for C. ceriferus. In both scale species, most mortality was due to growth cessation, which is believed to be related to the twig quality as a food source. Predators and parasitoids were minor mortality factors. Both species showed constant survival rates until the density of settled nymphs exceeded double the “upper-limit” density, whereupon they decreased drastically. Nymphs of C. rubens settling on twigs of high scale density showed a spacing-out distribution, those of C. ceriferus did not. In C. rubens, an increase in preference for originally less profitable twigs at the later stage of the settling season was observed, but not in C. ceriferus. Accordingly, individuals of C. rubens showed a stronger tendency to avoid conspecifics than did C. ceriferus. Although nymphs of the two scales clearly preferred more profitable sites, their settling-site selection did not agree with the predictions from the ideal free distribution theory (Fretwell and Lucas, 1970). The discrepancies were (1) frequent settling on less profitable sites at the early stage of the settling season, (2) insufficient utilization of the most profitable twigs, and (3) virtually 100% mortality on overcrowded twigs under conditions where unoccupied profitable twigs still remained. These discrepancies are thought due to the limited dispersal time of nymphs.  相似文献   
The bacterial H+-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (NDH-1) catalyzes electron transfer from NADH to quinone coupled with proton pumping across the cytoplasmic membrane. The NuoK subunit (counterpart of the mitochondrial ND4L subunit) is one of the seven hydrophobic subunits in the membrane domain and bears three transmembrane segments (TM1–3). Two glutamic residues located in the adjacent transmembrane helices of NuoK are important for the energy coupled activity of NDH-1. In particular, mutation of the highly conserved carboxyl residue (KGlu-36 in TM2) to Ala led to a complete loss of the NDH-1 activities. Mutation of the second conserved carboxyl residue (KGlu-72 in TM3) moderately reduced the activities. To clarify the contribution of NuoK to the mechanism of proton translocation, we relocated these two conserved residues. When we shifted KGlu-36 along TM2 to positions 32, 38, 39, and 40, the mutants largely retained energy transducing NDH-1 activities. According to the recent structural information, these positions are located in the vicinity of KGlu-36, present in the same helix phase, in an immediately before and after helix turn. In an earlier study, a double mutation of two arginine residues located in a short cytoplasmic loop between TM1 and TM2 (loop-1) showed a drastic effect on energy transducing activities. Therefore, the importance of this cytosolic loop of NuoK (KArg-25, KArg-26, and KAsn-27) for the energy transducing activities was extensively studied. The probable roles of subunit NuoK in the energy transducing mechanism of NDH-1 are discussed.  相似文献   
The relationship between the development of Dictyostelium discoideum Ax-2 and the cell cycle at the onset of starvation was analysed with special reference to sorting behaviors during the formation of polarized cell masses (slugs), using a method for inducing good synchrony. Cells starved at different cell-cycle positions showed different developmental features during further culture. For example, cells just before mitosis and dividing cells were sorted out into the anterior prestalk zone of migrating slugs, while cells starved during most of the G2-phase, into the posterior prespore zone. Time courses of cell aggregation and tip formation were also found to vary greatly in a cell-cycle-related manner, and cells starved during the late G2-phase showed the most rapid development. Differential chemotaxis and cohesiveness are generally considered to be important for cell sorting in Dictyostelium development. In fact, remarkable differences in the chemotactic ability to a chemoattractant, cAMP, were detected among cells starved at any particular phase of the cell cycle. EDTA-resistant cohesiveness was also acquired differently depending on the cell cycle, and it was stronger in the cells showing more rapid aggregation. These findings indicate a close relation of the cell cycle to the cell sorting and pattern formation. The possible significance of the cell-cycle-related events presented here is discussed, with special emphasis on the process of cell aggregation.  相似文献   
Summary Isobutene production by Rhodotorula minuta IFO 1102 was studied. It was confirmed that the gas species produced by this yeast was isobutene from the result of analysis with a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer. Oxygen supply was essential to the microbial production of isobutene. The optimum pH was found to be approximately pH 6.0 and optimum temperature 25°–27° C. Isobutene production rate was maximal when l-leucine and l-phenylalanine in the medium were being uptaken by the yeast.The results from an investigation of the role of l-leucine and l-phenylalanine suggested that l-leucine was the precursor of isobutene and l-phenylalanine the inducer for the enzyme concerned with isobutene production.  相似文献   
Proteolytic digests of biologically active fractions of recombinant human leukocyte interferon A expressed in large quantities in Escherichia coli were analyzed by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry and high-performance liquid chromatography. The values observed in the mass spectra of digests of the major fraction of recombinant human leukocyte interferon A with trypsin and Staphylococcus aureus protease V8 accounted for 93% of the amino acid sequences of human leukocyte interferon A predicted from the nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding the protein, indicating that the major fraction of recombinant human leukocyte interferon A was expressed with the same amino acid sequence as that translated from the nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding the protein. Mass spectrometry of proteolytic digests of two minor fractions of recombinant human leukocyte interferon A and mass and amino acid analyses of their high-performance liquid chromatography fractions showed that the amino group of the N-terminal amino acid residue of interferon was in part acetylated, and the Cys-1 and Cys-98 residues were oxidized to cysteic acid or linked to glutathione. These findings suggest that amino acid residues in recombinant proteins prepared in large quantities in E. coli are modified post-translationally.  相似文献   
The cellular level of cyclic 3',5'-AMP (cAMP) in the cyanobacteriumAnabaena cylindrica changed transiently in response to changesin extracellular environments. When the cells were transferedfrom dark to light, or anaerobic to aerobic conditions in thedark, the cAMP level rapidly decreased within one min and thengradually recovered. Addition of carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone(CCCP) which inhibits ATP synthesis caused an increase in cAMPlevel in the light but not in the dark. The level of cAMP increasedseveral fold by lowering the pH from 8 to 6. On the contrary,a rise of pH from 6 to 8 caused a decrease in the cAMP level.It is suggested that the change in membrane electrochemicalpotential is involved in the regulation of cellular cAMP concentration. (Received January 27, 1989; Accepted June 19, 1989)  相似文献   
Summary To determine both a threshold value of calcium concentration (CC) for the release of storage granules and that for the acceleration of degradation of these granules, the rat parathyroid glands were perfused in situ with HEPES-Ringer solutions containing different concentration of Ca2+ for 10 min. With perfusates containing 0.83–1.21 mM Ca2+ (equivalent to 8–11 mg/dl serum calcium), the number of type-I storage granules (large core) [NSG-I] and that of type-II storage granules (small core) [NSG-II] remained unchanged. With perfusates containing 0.83 mM Ca2+ (7.5 mg/dl) or less, however, both NSG-I and NSG-II decreased remarkably and the former was larger than the latter. On the contrary, with perfusates containing 1.27 mM Ca2+ (11.5 mg/dl) or more, NSG-II increased and the ratio of NSG-I to NSG-II was changed reversely. We concluded that a thereshold value of CC required for the release of storage granules may be present between 0.88 and 0.83 mM Ca2+ (8 and 7.5 mg/dl) and that a threshold value of CC for accelerating the transformation of type-I granules into type-II, the degradation of storage granules, may be situated at about 1.27 mM Ca2+ (11.5 mg/dl). Additionally, it was suggested that both prosecretory and storage granules are not only formed at the innermost Golgi cisterna but also at the trans-Golgi network.  相似文献   
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