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In order to evaluate the importance of estrogen production in tumor and surrounding tissues, we measured mRNA expression levels of 5 enzymes participating to estrogen synthesis in situ and 4 breast cancer-related proteins in 27 pairs of tumor and non-malignant tissues. Steroid sulfatase (STS) mRNA was more frequently detected in tumor tissues rather than in their non-malignant counterparts. Estrogen sulfotransferase (EST) was constantly expressed with high level not only in tumor tissues but also in their surrounding non-malignant counterparts. In contrast, mRNA expression levels of aromatase, and 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type I and II were relatively low and detected only in small proportion of the patients. We also measured the mRNA expression levels of the same nine genes in tumor tissues of 197 breast cancer patients, and analyzed relationship between the mRNA expression level and the clinicopathological parameters. The mRNA expression levels of STS, aromatase and erbB2 in tumor tissues increased as breast cancer progressed. The tumoral mRNA expression levels of STS, estrogen receptor β, and erbB2 in patients with recurrence were higher than those in patients without recurrence. Upregulation of STS expression plays an important role in tumor progression of human breast cancer and is considered to be responsible for estrogen production in tumor and surrounding tissues.  相似文献   
A tailed bacteriophage, φMR11 (siphovirus), was selected as a candidate therapeutic phage against Staphylococcus aureus infections. Gene 61, one of the 67 ORFs identified, is located in the morphogenic module. The gene product (gp61) has lytic domains homologous to CHAP (corresponding to an amidase function) at its N-terminus and lysozyme subfamily 2 (LYZ2) at its C-terminus. Each domain of gp61 was purified as a recombinant protein. Both the amidase [amino acids (aa) 1–150] and the lysozyme (aa 401–624) domains but not the linker domain (aa 151–400) caused efficient lysis of S . aureus . Immunoelectron microscopy localized gp61 to the tail tip of the φMR11 phage. These data strongly suggest that gp61 is a tail-associated lytic factor involved in local cell-wall degradation, allowing the subsequent injection of φMR11 DNA into the host cytoplasm. Staphylococcus aureus lysogenized with φMR11 was also lysed by both proteins. Staphylococcus aureus strains on which φMR11 phage can only produce spots but not plaques were also lysed by each protein, indicating that gp61 may be involved in 'lysis from without'. This is the first report of the presence of a tail-associated virion protein that acts as a lysin, in an S. aureus phage.  相似文献   
An automated high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of the diuretic drug furosemide has been established. Dog plasma was injected directly into a two-column system with a BSA—ODS (ODS column coated with bovine serum albumin) precolumn and a C18 analytical column for the separation of furosemide. The two columns were automatically switched. Furosemide remained trapped on the precolumn while proteins were eluted to waste. After column switching, furosemide was washed onto the analytical column and analysed without interference. The greatest advantage of the method is its easy performance without manual sample preparation; it requires no extraction or deproteinization. The method allows determination of 0.1–10 μg/ml of furosemide with accuracy and precision comparable with previously reported values. The coefficients of variation obtained from replicate measurements of 1 μg/ml and 5 μg/ml samples were 1.65% and 2.40%, respectively. This method was used to measure the plasma levels of furosemide in beagle dogs to whom the drugs was administered, as a reference, in a toxicological study.  相似文献   
Rat pheochromocytoma PC 12 cell membranes were shown to possess A2-like adenosine binding sites as assessed by using 5'-N-ethylcarboxamide[3H]adenosine [( 3H]NECA). Specific [3H]NECA binding to PC 12 cell membrane at 0 degrees C was saturable and showed a monophasic saturation profile. In contrast, [3H]NECA binding to PC 12 cell membrane at 30 degrees C exhibited a biphasic profile suggesting the presence of two specific binding site. The rank order of potency for inhibition of [3H]NECA binding at 0 degrees C was NECA greater than 2-chloroadenosine greater than 2',5'-dideoxyadenosine greater than isobutylmethylxanthine much greater than phenylisopropyladenosine. These adenosine binding sites were solubilized with sodium cholate and the solubilized portion retained the same ligand binding characteristics as those of the membrane-bound form. Gel filtration experiments indicated an apparent Stokes radius of 6.7 nm for these adenosine binding sites/detergent complexes.  相似文献   
The thermotropic phase behavior of monosialoganglioside in a dilute aqueous dispersion at pH 6.8 was measured by using synchrotron radiation small-angle x-ray scattering and was analyzed by a shell-modeling method. Previous calorimetric studies on ganglioside systems have shown quite different thermotropic behaviors from other biological lipid systems, however, the details have still been ambiguous. Because of high statistical data and a shell-modeling analysis, we could elucidate the internal structural change of monosialoganglioside micelle induced by the elevation of temperature from 6 to 60 degrees C, that is, the shrinkage of the hydrophilic region and the slight expansion of the hydrophobic region occurring simultaneously, accompanying the elongation of the axial ratios of the ellipsoidal micelles. The model structures obtained explain the changes in the experimental scattering curves, the distance distribution functions, and the gyration radii. In addition we have also found an evident thermal hysteresis in the scattering curves and in the structural parameters. The present result suggests that the thickness of the hydrophilic region, namely, the conformation of oligosaccharide chains, is sensitive to a change of temperature.  相似文献   
The -amylase activity and ultrastructure of aleurone cells inseeds of Avena sativa L. were studied using seed halves withembryo (embryo seeds) which had imbibed water and seed halveswithout embryo (embryo-less seeds) which had imbibed water withor without GA3. -Amylase activity was detected in the aleurone layers of embryoseeds that had imbibed water and embryo-less seeds that hadimbibed GA3-water. The ultrastructure of aleurone cells withdetectable -amylase activity showed marked changes in the roughsurfaced endoplasmic reticulum (rER), in the flattened sacculesforming stacks and in the aleurone grains. The progressive changesin the rER were as follows: first, the number of slender rERincreased; then, the inner space became wider and showed roundor oval profile; and finally, the rER became slender again witha reduced number of adhering ribosomes. The flattened sacculesforming stacks were appressed to the surface of aleurone grains.With time, they decreased in number and finally disappeared.In parallel with the decrease of flattened saccules, digestionof proteinaceous material inside the aleurone grains proceeded. (Received February 24, 1987; Accepted September 3, 1987)  相似文献   
The flowering of Lemna paucicostata 6746 grown on 14-h photoperiodwas enhanced by the addition of high concentrations of ironto the medium, which also increased the endogenous iron concentration.The addition of asparagine, aspartate, glutamate, -alanine,glycine or serine to the medium also increased the endogenousiron level, resulting in the promotion of flowering. In contrast,the addition of cysteine, cystine, glutamine, arginine, threonineor phenylalanine lowered the endogenous iron level, resultingin the inhibition of flowering. Glycine and asparagine added to the medium during an inductive96-h dark period did not promote iron uptake and had no effecton flowering, but when added during the subsequent 120-h lightperiod, they promoted both iron uptake and flowering response.The increase in the endogenous iron level seems to favor floraldevelopment rather than induction of photoperiodic floweringof Lemna paucicostata 6746. (Received September 8, 1986; Accepted March 31, 1987)  相似文献   
Thymidylate synthetase (EC from rat regenerating liver has been purified over 5000-fold to apparent homogeneity by a procedure involving two affinity methods. Molecular weight of the native enzyme was found to be about 68,000, as determined by gel filtration. Electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels containing sodium dodecyl sulfate yielded a single band of molecular weight of 35,000, suggesting that thymidylate synthetase is a dimer of very similar or identical subunits. The Michaelis constants for deoxyuridylate (dUMP) and (+/-)L-5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate are 6.8 microM and 65 microM, respectively. Reaction kinetics and product inhibition studies reveal the enzymatic mechanism to be ordered sequential. 5-Fluoro-dUMP, halogenated analog of the nucleotide substrate is a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme, with an apparent Ki value of 5 nM. Amethopterin, analog of the cofactor is also a competitive inhibitor with an apparent Ki value of 23 microM.  相似文献   
Summary The ruv operon of Escherichia coli consists of two genes, orfl1 and ruv, which encode 22 and 37 kilodalton proteins, respectively, and are regulated by the SOS system. Although the distal gene, ruv, is known to be involved in DNA repair, the function of orf1 has not been studied. To examine whether orf1 is also involved in DNA repair, we constructed a strain with a deletion of the entire ruv operon. The strain was sensitive to UV even after introduction of low copy number plasmids carrying either orf1 or ruv, but UV resistance was restored by introduction of a plasmid carrying both orfl and ruv. These results suggest that orf1 as well as ruv is involved in DNA repair. Therefore, orf1 and ruv should be renamed ruvA and ruvB, respectively.  相似文献   
Summary Treatment of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium cells with a low dose of hydrogen peroxide induces expression of a large number of genes, and confers resistance to oxidative stresses. The oxyR gene encodes a positive regulatory protein for a subset of these genes involved in the defense against oxidative damage. We cloned a DNA fragment that contains the E. coli oxyR region on a plasmid vector, and analyzed the nucleotide sequence of the gene. The amino acid sequence of OxyR protein, deduced from the nucleotide sequence, shows a high degree of homology to the sequences of a number of bacterial activator proteins including LysR, cysB, IlvY, MetR and NodD. The product of the oxyR gene identified by the maxicell procedure was a 34 kDa protein, which agrees with the size predicted from the nucleotide sequence of the gene.  相似文献   
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