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Xyloglucan oligosaccharides were isolated with various degreesof polymerization (DP) and reduced with tritiated sodium borohydride.The 3H-oligosaccharides were tested for their ability to bindto amorphous and microcrystalline celluloses and to cellulosefilter paper. The time course of binding indicated that theradiolabeled oligosaccharides continued to be bound for at least1 h after heating at 120°C. The binding probably requiredthe organization of the oligosaccharides and celluloses by gradualannealing after heating. Although neither pentasaccharide (glucose:xylose, 3 : 2), heptasaccharide (glucose: xylose, 4 : 3) andnonasaccharide (glucose : xylose : galactose : fucose, 4 : 3: 1 : 1) failed to bind to the celluloses, binding occurredwith oligosaccharides with DP equivalent to more than four consecutive1,4-ß-glucosyl residues. The extent of binding tothe celluloses increased gradually from octasaccharide (glucose:xylose, 5 : 3) to hendecosanosaccharide (glucose/xylose, 12: 9), with the increase in the DP of 1,4-ß-glucosylresidues. The binding of reduced cello-dextrins to celluloserequired at least 4 consecutive 1,4-ß-glucosyl residues.The extent of binding of cellopentitol or cellohexitol to cellulosewas similar to that of hendecosanosaccharide, showing lowerbinding for xyloglucan oligosaccharides in spite of longer chainsof 1,4-ß-glucosyl residues. These findings suggestthat the mode of binding to cellulose of xyloglucan oligosaccharidesis different from that of cello-oligosaccharides. (Received February 18, 1994; Accepted June 1, 1994)  相似文献   
Hardening-induced soluble proteins of Chlorella vulgaris BeijerinkIAM C-27 (formerly Chlorella ellipsoidea Gerneck IAM C-27) wereisolated and purified by two-dimensional high-performance liquidchromatography (2D-HPLC) on an anion-exchange column, with subsequentreversed-phase chromatography. Some of the proteins were resolvedby SDS-PAGE, characterized by amino-terminal sequencing andidentified by searching for homologies in databases. Separationof the soluble proteins during the hardening of Chlorella bya combination of 2D-HPLC and SDS-PAGE revealed that at least31 proteins were induced or increased in abundance. Of particularinterest was the induction after 12 h of a 10-kDa protein withthe amino-terminal amino acid sequence AGNKPITEQISDAVGAAGQKVGand the induction after 6 h of a 14-kDa protein with the amino-terminalsequence ALGEESLGDKAKNAFEDAKDAVKDAAGNVKEAV. The amino-terminalsequences of these proteins indicated that they were homologousto late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins. Furthermore,the level of a 22-kDa protein also increased after 12 h. Theamino-terminal sequence of this protein, AAPLVGGPAPDFTAAAVFD,indicated that it was homologous to thioredoxin peroxidase. (Received June 9, 1995; Accepted September 12, 1995)  相似文献   
When UDP-[14C]glucose or UDP-[14C]xylose was incubated witha particulate fraction from soybean cells, radioactive polymerswere synthesized. On digestion with Aspergillus oryzae enzymes,these polymers gave 14C-monosaccharides and a 14C-disaccharidewith chromatographic and electrophoretic mobilities indistinguishablefrom those of authentic isoprimeverose (6-O--D-xylopyranosyl-D-glucopyranose).The disaccharide consisted of xylose and glucose, and the latterwas located at the reducing end. Evidence that the disaccharideis isoprimeverose was provided by methylation analysis. Hydrolysisof the methylated disaccharide yielded 2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-D-xyloseand 2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-D-glucose. Thus, incorporation of radioactivityinto isoprimeverose, the smallest structural unit of xyloglucan,suggests that xyloglucan is synthesized in vitro from UDP-glucoseand UDP-xylose. (Received November 20, 1980; Accepted February 14, 1981)  相似文献   
Xyloglucan 4-ß-D-glucosyltransferase, an enzyme responsiblefor the formation of the xyloglucan backbone, in a particulatepreparation of soybean cells has been compared with ß-1,4-glucan4-ß-D-glucosyltransferase of the same origin. Thefollowing observations indicate that the enzyme system of xyloglucansynthesis does not contain ß-1,4-glucan 4-ß-D-glucosyltransferaseactivity, although both enzymes transfer the glucosyl residuefrom UDP-glucose to form the ß-1,4-glucosidic linkage:1. The incorporation of [14C]glucose into xyloglucan dependedon the presence of UDP-xylose in the incubation mixture. 2.No measurable amount of radioactivity was incorporated fromUDP-[14C]xylose into the cello-oligosaccharides, although theincorporation of [14C]xylose into xyloglucan depended on thepresence of UDP-glucose in the incubation mixture (Hayashi andMatsuda 1981b). 3. The activity of xyloglucan 4-ß-D-glucosyltransferasewas stimulated more strongly by Mn2+ than by Mg2+, whereas Mg2+was the most active stimulator for the activity of ß-1,4-glucan4-ß-D-glucosyltransferase. 4. An addition of GDP-glucose(100 µM) to the incubation mixture inhibited the activityof xyloglucan 4-ß-D-glucosyltransferase by 17%, whereasthe activity of ß-1,4-glucan 4-ß-D-glucosyltransferasewas inhibited 56% under the same conditions. 5. Irpex exo-cellulasedid not hydrolyze the xyloglucan synthesized in vitro. 6. Theß-1,4-glucan synthesized in vitro was not a branchedxyloglucan because it gave no 2,3-di-O-methyl glucose derivativeon methylation analysis. 7. Pulse-chase experiments indicatedthat the ß-1,4-glucan was not transformed into thexyloglucan. The subcellular distribution of the xyloglucan synthase, however,was similar to that of the ß-1,4-glucan synthase (Golgi-located1,4-ß-D-glucan 4-ß-D-glucosyltransferase).Thus, it appears that the latter enzyme is located at a siteclose to xyloglucan synthase and is set aside for the assemblyof these polysaccharides into the plant cell surface. (Received May 21, 1981; Accepted October 13, 1981)  相似文献   
An enzyme preparation that catalyzes the degradation of xyloglucanwas obtained by extraction of the cell walls of soybean hypocotylswith a buffer containing 1.0 M NaCl. The enzyme preparationwas shown to catalyze two-step degradation of xyloglucan. Thepolysaccharide was first degraded into comparatively large fragments,which were then further degraded into monosaccharides. In orderto elucidate the mode of degradation of the xyloglucan duringcell growth, the activities of xyloglucandegrading enzymes ofsoybean-hypocotyl segments were assayed at different stagesof elongation. The total activities of the degrading enzymeswere lower in the elongating regions than in the non-elongatingregions. However, high levels of endo-ß-l,4-glucanasewere found in the elongating regions. These results suggestthat xyloglucan is hydrolyzed by endo-ß-1,4-glucanaseinto comparatively large fragments at the initial stage of growthand the resulting fragments are further degraded into monosaccharidesduring cell elongation. (Received May 20, 1981; Accepted August 8, 1981)  相似文献   
The transmembrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan syndecan-1 was identified from a human placenta cDNA library by the expression cloning method as a gene product that interacts with membrane type matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MT1-MMP). Co-expression of MT1-MMP with syndecan-1 in HEK293T cells promoted syndecan-1 shedding, and concentration of cell-associated syndecan-1 was reduced. Treatment of cells with MMP inhibitor BB-94 or tissue inhibitor of MMP (TIMP)-2 but not TIMP-1 interfered with the syndecan-1 shedding promoted by MT1-MMP expression. In contrast, syndecan-1 shedding induced by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate treatment was inhibited by BB-94 but not by either TIMP-1 or TIMP-2. Shedding of syndecan-1 was also induced by MT3-MMP but not by other MT-MMPs. Recombinant syndecan-1 core protein was shown to be cleaved by recombinant MT1-MMP or MT3-MMP preferentially at the Gly245-Leu246 peptide bond. HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells stably transfected with the syndecan-1 cDNA (HT1080/SDC), which express endogenous MT1-MMP, spontaneously shed syndecan-1. Migration of HT1080/SDC cells on collagen-coated dishes was significantly slower than that of control HT1080 cells. Treatment of HT1080/SDC cells with BB-94 or TIMP-2 induced accumulation of syndecan-1 on the cell surface, concomitant with further retardation of cell migration. Substitution of Gly245 of syndecan-1 with Leu significantly reduced shedding from HT1080/SDC cells and cell migration. These results suggest that the shedding of syndecan-1 promoted by MT1-MMP through the preferential cleavage of Gly245-Leu246 peptide bond stimulates cell migration.  相似文献   
Konishi T  Ohmiya Y  Hayashi T 《Plant physiology》2004,134(3):1146-1152
Sucrose (Suc) synthase (SuSy) is believed to function in channeling UDP-Glc from Suc to various beta-glucan synthases. We produced transgenic poplars (Populus alba) overexpressing a mutant form (S11E) of mung bean (Vigna radiata) SuSy, which appeared in part in the microsomal membranes of the stems. Expression of SuSy in these membranes enhanced the incorporation of radioactive Suc into cellulose, together with the metabolic recycling of fructose (Fru), when dual-labeled Suc was fed directly into the phloem of the leaf. This overexpression also enhanced the direct incorporation of the glucosyl moiety of Suc into the glucan backbone of xyloglucan and increased recycling of Fru, although the Fru recycling system for cellulose synthesis at the plasma membrane might differ from that for xyloglucan synthesis in the Golgi network. These findings suggest that some of the Suc loaded into the phloem of a poplar leaf is used directly by SuSys associated with xyloglucan and cellulose synthases in the stem. This may be a key function of SuSy because the high-energy bond between the Glc and Fru moieties of Suc is conserved and used for polysaccharide syntheses in this sink tissue.  相似文献   
Statistics in Biosciences - Inference procedure is a critical step of experimental researches to draw scientific conclusions especially in multiple testing. The false positive rate increases unless...  相似文献   
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