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An enzyme preparation from beef liver catalyzed the isomerization and epimerization of D-erythrose 4-phosphate to D-erythrulose 4-phosphate and D-threose 4-phosphate. The presence of D-erythrulose 4-phosphate and D-threose 4-phosphate was demonstrated by several analytical methods. After dephosphorylation, the presence of D-erythrulose and D-threose was confirmed by thin-layer chromatography, gas-liquid chromatography and an enzymatic method depending upon D-erythrulose reductase. The enzymatic products were also identified and simultaneously quantitated by a new procedure using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Each of three tetroses was distinguished by the combination of the reduction with sodium borodeuteride and the determination of relative intensities of the ion pairs m/z 379 and 380 of sugar tetritol trifluoroacetate. By gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, we observed that D-threose 4-phosphate was also converted into D-erythrulose 4-phosphate and D-erythrose 4-phosphate. At the equilibrium, about 90% of the tetrose 4-phosphate existed in the form of D-erythrulose 4-phosphate. On the basis of gas chromatography/mass spectrometric evidence together with gas chromatographic and thin-layer chromatographic patterns, it is suggested that the single enzyme of the beef liver catalyzed both reactions of isomerization and epimerization of aldotetrose 4-phosphate.  相似文献   
Summary Using histochemical procedures for the detection of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), and cytochrome c oxidase (cytox), we investigated the levels of these enzymes of the energy metabolism in postimplantation rat embryos (9.5–12.5 days of gestation). On day 10.5 of gestation, the neural tube, somites, myocardium, and mesenchyme displayed moderate levels of LDH activity; this activity gradually increased in strength, so that, on day 12.5 of gestation, intense LDH activity was uniformly distributed in these intraembryonic tissues. In contrast to LDH, distinet regional differences in the distribution of SDH and cytox were detected. On day 10.5 of gestation, the myocardium exhibited weak to moderate SDH and cytox activity, and on day 11.5, the myocardial activity of these enzymes had become moderate to intense. However, in all other embryonic tissues, e.g., the neural tube and somites, only weak SDH and cytox activity was present. On day 12.5 of gestation, the myocardium displayed very intense SDH and cytox activity, whereas the mantle layer of the neural tube, the spinal ganglia, and the myotomes exhibited only moderate levels of SDH and cytox activity. In the matrix of the neural tube and mesenchyme, these enzyme activities remained at low levels. At electron microscopy, cytox activity was detectable in the spaces between the inner and outer membranes as well as in the intracristal spaces of mitochondria. In general, cytox activity increased in paralled with the differentiation of mitochondria (i.e., increased mitochondrial numbers and size, and the development of mitochondrial cristae), but when the distribution of the cytox activity was considered in detail, it was found to differ among mitochondria. The relationship between, on the one hand, changes in the enzymatic patterns with a bearing on the energy-yielding metabolism and, on the other hand, cellular differentiation during major organogenesis in rat embryos is discussed.Dedicated to Professor Dr. T.H. Schiebler on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   
The role of CD3 and CD8 Ag in CD16-mediated CTL triggering was studied in TCR-alpha beta+ and TCR-gamma delta+ granular lymphocytes (GL). In TCR-alpha beta+/CD3+4-8+16+ GL obtained from patients with GL-proliferative disorders, antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity was inhibited by anti-CD3 and anti-CD8 mAb. Anti-CD3 mAb also inhibited antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity activity of TCR-gamma delta+/CD3+4-8-16+ GL from a patient and that of TCR-gamma delta+/CD3+4-8+/-16+ T cell clones established from patients with proliferating TCR-gamma delta+ GL. In TCR-gamma delta+ T cell clones, cytotoxicity against Fc gamma R+ targets was induced by stimulation of CD16 Ag with anti-CD16 mAb, and such cytotoxicity was also inhibited by anti-CD3 mAb. These results indicate that CD3 and CD8 molecules play a regulatory role in CD16-mediated CTL triggering.  相似文献   
A cell wall lytic enzyme (gamete wall-autolysin) from Chlamydomonasreinhardtii specifically cleaved several synthetic model peptides,-neo-endorphin, dynorphin (1–13), neurotensin and mastoparan,at the peptide bonds between consecutive hydrophobic amino-acidresidues. The cleavage was not significantly affected by high-saltconditions which are known to inhibit digestion of the cellwall. (Received December 14, 1989; Accepted April 5, 1990)  相似文献   
The plasma glutathione peroxidase (PGSH-PO), which is different from erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase (EGSH-PO) in immunochemical property and substrate specificity, was purified from male Wistar rat serum. The amino acid sequence of 5 independent peptides were determined and a cDNA clone for this enzyme was isolated from placental cDNA library. The nucleotide sequence of the cDNA revealed that, similar to EGSH-PO cDNA, the seleno-cysteine was genetically encoded by "TGA" codon. On comparing the nucleotide sequences of EGSH-PO and PGSH-PO, no significant homology was found in the vicinities of "TGA" codons of both enzymes.  相似文献   
Two cDNA clones, AATCDPK1 and cATCDPK2, encoding Ca2+-dependent, calmodulin-independent protein kinases (CDPK) were cloned from Arabidopsis thaliana and their nucleotide sequences were determined. Northern blot analysis indicated that the mRNAs corresponding to the ATCDPK1 and ATCDPK2 genes are rapidly induced by drought and high-salt stress but not by low-temperature stress or heat stress. Treatment of Arabidopsis plants with exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) had no effect on the induction of ATCDPK1 or ATCDPK2. These findings suggest that a change in the osmotic potential of the environment can serve as a trigger for the induction of ATCDPK1 and ATCDPK2. Putative proteins encoded by ATCDPK1 and ATCDPK2 which contain open reading frames of 1479 and 1488 bp, respectively, are designated ATCDPK1 and ATCDPK2 and show 52% identity at the amino acid sequence level. ATCDPK1 and ATCDPK2 exhibit significant similarity to a soybean CDPK (51 % and 73%, respectively). Both proteins contain a catalytic domain that is typical of serine/threonine protein kinases and a regulatory domain that is homologous to the Ca2+-binding sites of calmodulin. Genomic Southern blot analysis suggests the existence of a few additional genes that are related to ATCDPK1 and ATCDPK2 in the Arabidopsis genome. The ATCDPK2 protein expressed in Escherichia coli was found to phosphorylate casein and myelin basic protein preferentially, relative to a histone substrate, and required Ca2+ for activation.  相似文献   
Using31P-,23Na- and39K-NMR, we assessed ischemic changes in high energy phosphates and ion contents of isolated perfused rat hearts continuously and systematically. To discriminate intra- and extracellular Na+, a shift reagent (Dy(TTHA)3–) was used in23Na-NMR study. In39K-NMR study, the extracellular K+ signal was suppressed by inversion recovery pulse sequence in order to obtain intracellular K+ signal without using shift reagnets. During the early period of ischemia, increases in intracellular Na+ and inorganic phosphate (Pi) were observed in addition to the well-documented decreases in creatine phosphate and ATP and a fall of intracellular pH, suggesting an augmented operation of Na+–H+ exchange triggered by a fall of the intracellular pH resulted from breakdown of ATP. At around 15 min of ischemia, a second larger increase in intracellular Na+ and a decrease in intracellular K+ were observed in association with a second increase in Pi. This was accompnanied by an abrupt rise of the ventricular end-diastolic pressure. As there was a depletion of ATP at this time, the increase in intracellular Na+ and associated decrease in intracellular K+ may be explained by inhibition of the Na+–K+ ATPase due to the depletion of ATP. A longer observation with31P-NMR revealed a second phosphate peak (at lower magnetic field to ordinary Pi peak) which increased its intensity as ischemic time lengthened. The pH of this 2nd peak changed in parallel with the changes in pH of the bathing solution, indicating the appearance of a compartment whose hydrogen concentration is in equilibrium with that of the external compartment. Thus, the peak could be used as an index of irreversible membrane damage of the myocardium.  相似文献   
Three enzymes (DD1, DD2, and DD3) having dihydrodiol dehydrogenase activity were purified to homogeneity from bovine cytosol. DD1 and DD2 were identified as 3 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and high-Km aldehyde reductase, respectively, as judged from their molecular weights, substrate specificities and inhibitor sensitivities. DD3 was a unique enzyme which could specifically catalyze the dehydrogenation of trans-benzenedihydrodiol and trans-naphthalenedihydrodiol without any activity toward the other tested alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, and quinones. The Km value of DD3 (0.18 mM) for benzenedihydrodiol was lower than those of other dihydrodiol dehydrogenases so far reported. DD3 immunologically crossreacted with DD1, but showed no crossreactivity with DD2. Additionally, DD3 was inhibited in a competitive manner, with a low Ki value of 1 microM, by androsterone, which was a good substrate for DD1. It was assumed that DD3 is a novel enzyme which is specific to dihydrodiols, exhibiting similarity to DD1 in immunological and structural properties.  相似文献   
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