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Ca2+ binding to calmodulin was measured in the presence of mastoparan or caldesmon fragment. Mastoparan and caldesmon fragment were used as model compounds of enzymes and cytoskeleton proteins, respectively, working as the target of calmodulin. Although the Ca2+ bindings of the two globular domains of calmodulin occur independently in the absence of the target peptide (or proteins), mastoparan and caldesmon fragment increased the affinity of Ca2+ and, at the same time, produced the positive cooperative Ca2+ bindings between the two domains. The result of Ca2+ binding was compared with 1H NMR spectra of calmodulin in the presence of equimolar concentration of mastoparan. It is known that a conformation change of the C-terminal half-region (C-domain) occurs by the Ca2+ binding to C-domain. A further change in conformation of C-domain was demonstrated by the Ca2+ binding to the N-terminal half-region (N-domain) in the presence of mastoparan. It indicates that the two domains of calmodulin get into communication with each other in the associated state with the target, and we concluded that the Ca2+ binding to the N-domain is responsive to the development of calmodulin function.  相似文献   
Combined two-dimensional proton nuclear magnetic resonance allowed the determination of complete oligosaccharide structures of glycolipids belonging to the globo series, without any other analytical methods. Although a chemical modification by peracetylation was required for the above purpose, the derivatization permitted facile assignment of the pyranose ring proton resonances of the oligosaccharide moiety. Two-dimensional chemical-shift-correlated spectroscopy of the acetylated glycolipid enabled us to elucidate the glycosidic positions from the chemical shifts of the protons at the substituted sites. The monosaccharide species were also identified from the characteristic splitting patterns of the methine protons on individual pyranose rings. The sequence of the monosaccharides was inferred from the interresidue connectivity across glycosidic linkages shown by two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy, which also gave intraresidue interaction on the pyranose rings. The linkage sites of long oligosaccharide chains having more than five monosaccharides, such as globopentaosylceramide, were analyzed by two-dimensional J-relayed coherence transfer, which yielded 1,3 interactions along with 1,2 interactions.  相似文献   
Pharbitis nil, strain Violet which had been exposed to high-intensitylight (18,000 lux at 23?C) for 7 days followed by a low-temperaturetreatment (13–14?C) for 7 days initiated flower buds evenunder continuous light, but plants given these treatments inreverse order failed to bud. Three days of high-intensity lightat 23?C was most effective in promoting the flower-inducingeffect of the subsequent low-temperature period. Six days oflow temperature following the 3-day high-intensity light periodinduced near-maximum flowering response. DCMU (5?10–6M) given during the high-intensity light period inhibited flowering,but when given during or after the low-temperature period itwas ineffective. DCMU at the same concentration given before,during or after an inductive 16-hr dark period at 26?C did notinhibit flowering. Sucrose, ATP, NADPH and some other reducingagents tested did not nullify the DCMU effect nor substitutefor the effect of high-intensity light. But, the high-intensitylight effect could be substituted, at least partly, by 5-chlorosalicylicacid, 3,4-dichlorobenzoic acid and some other benzoic acid derivatives,which are highly effective in inducing long-day flowering inthe short-day plant, Lemna paucicostata. (Received October 20, 1981; Accepted February 3, 1982)  相似文献   
Calcium binding lysozyme from pigeon egg-white was crystallized by the hanging drop vapor diffusion technique using ammonium sulphate as a precipitant. The crystals belong to the orthorhombic system, space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), and have unit cell dimensions of a = 34.2 A, b = 34.8 A, and c = 99.4 A. One asymmetric unit contains one molecule of the pigeon lysozyme. The crystals diffract X-rays at least to 2.0 A resolution and are suitable for high resolution structure analysis. The diffraction data up to 3.0 A resolution were collected with a diffraction image processor, DIP100, using a Fuji imaging plate as an area detector. The structure was solved by the molecular replacement technique and refined to an R factor of 0.216. Least-squares fitting of the main-chains of pigeon egg-white lysozyme with those of chicken egg-white lysozyme and baboon alpha-lactalbumin showed that the main-chain folding of pigeon lysozyme is more similar to that of chicken lysozyme than that of alpha-lactalbumin. The largest differences between the pigeon and chicken lysozymes are in the surface loop regions.  相似文献   
In the current widely used round spermatid injection (ROSI) protocol for the mouse, the spermatid nucleus is separated from most of the cytoplasm before ROSI by drawing a spermatid in and out of a pipette. This results in the highest rate of normal fertilization. However, this separation method is not always consistent and can be time-consuming. An alternative separation method that cuts away the cytoplasm using the tip of an injection pipette was developed. After removing the cytoplasm, ROSI was performed following both post- and pre-activation protocols and development in vitro and in vivo were examined. The new method consistently removed the bulk of the cytoplasm, as shown by quantifying mitochondria. ROSI without the cytoplasm resulted in significantly higher rates of fertilization than ROSI with the cytoplasm into either post- or pre-activated oocytes. Furthermore, the offspring production rates of ROSI without the cytoplasm were also high (50% and 49% for the post- and pre-activation protocols, respectively). This new method for separating the cytoplasm is an alternative way of producing offspring using ROSI.  相似文献   
Calmodulin (CaM) is a small Ca2+-binding protein, which has been found in all of eucaryotic cells examined. CaMs isolated from various species have highly conserved amino acid sequence (more than 90% identical), and show the same biological functions. CaM isolated from the baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) (yCaM), however, shares only 60% identity in the amino acid sequence with CaM from vertebrate, and shows quite distinct conformational and biochemical properties compared with those of CaM from other species. The conformational details of yCaM, however, have not been revealed yet. We achieved the chemical shift assignments of yCaM (146 amino acids) in the apo-state using uniformly 15N- and 13C-labeled protein. Consequently, the resonances of 95% atoms in the backbone amides were successfully assigned.  相似文献   
We have determined solution structures of the N-terminal half domain (N-domain) of yeast calmodulin (YCM0-N, residues 1-77) in the apo and Ca(2+)-saturated forms by NMR spectroscopy. The Ca(2+)-binding sites of YCM0-N consist of a pair of helix-loop-helix motifs (EF-hands), in which the loops are linked by a short beta-sheet. The binding of two Ca(2+) causes large rearrangement of the four alpha-helices and exposes the hydrophobic surface as observed for vertebrate calmodulin (CaM). Within the observed overall conformational similarity in the peptide backbone, several significant conformational differences were observed between the two proteins, which originated from the 38% disagreement in amino acid sequences. The beta-sheet in apo YCM0-N is strongly twisted compared with that in the N-domain of CaM, while it turns to the normal more stable conformation on Ca(2+) binding. YCM0-N shows higher cooperativity in Ca(2+) binding than the N-domain of CaM, and the observed conformational change of the beta-sheet is a possible cause of the highly cooperative Ca(2+) binding. The hydrophobic surface on Ca(2+)-saturated YCM0-N appears less flexible due to the replacements of Met51, Met71, and Val55 in the hydrophobic surface of CaM with Leu51, Leu71, and Ile55, which is thought to be one of reasons for the poor activation of target enzymes by yeast CaM.  相似文献   
Using structure-based drug design, we identified and optimized a novel series of pyrimidodiazepinone PLK1 inhibitors resulting in the selection of the development candidate TAK-960. TAK-960 is currently undergoing Phase I evaluation in adult patients with advanced solid malignancies.  相似文献   
The vigorous proliferation of Ralstonia solanacearum OE1-1 in host intercellular spaces after the invasion of host plants is necessary for the virulence of this bacterium. A folate auxotroph, RM, in which a mini-Tn5 transposon was inserted into pabB encoding para-aminobenzoate synthase component I, lost its ability to vigorously proliferate in intercellular spaces along with its systemic infectivity and virulence after inoculation into roots and infiltration into leaves of tobacco plants. Complementation of RM with the pabB gene allowed the mutant to multiply in intercellular spaces and to cause disease. In tobacco plants that were pretreated with folate, RM was able to vigorously proliferate in the intercellular spaces and cause disease. Interestingly, when it was inoculated through cut stems, the mutant multiplied in the plants and was virulent. Moreover, the mutant multiplied well in stem fluids but not in intercellular fluids, suggesting that the folate concentration within intercellular spaces may be a limiting factor for bacterial proliferation. Therefore, folate biosynthesis contributes to the vigorous proliferation of bacteria in intercellular spaces and leads to systemic infectivity resulting in virulence.  相似文献   
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