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Some innominates of adult human females show areas of bone resorption on the dorsal aspect of the pubic corpus and preauricular area of the ilium. For both sites, many studies have shown a positive association between degree of resorption and parity. The present study tested hypotheses concerning resorption of the pubis and preauricular area. Samples of innominates from three prehistoric Amerindian populations were used. Within each population, only a minority of females, in general, showed resorption more severe than that which characterized males. The severity of resorption of the pubis was not significantly associated with that of the preauricular area. Pitting of the pubis, but not of the preauricular area, was significantly correlated with age-at-death in each sample of Amerindian females. Also, sacral angulation was not significantly associated with resorption of the preauricular area. Observations on resorption of the pubis and preauricular area in samples of Pan troglodytes and Gorilla gorilla are reported. In previous studies on resorption of the pubis and preauricular area in the human innominate, the proposed etiologies involve ligamentous hyperplasia and joint trauma. However, a number of studies on resorption of the pubis in the nonhuman mammalian innominate have been overlooked by anthropologists. These latter studies demonstrate that estrogen alone can induce resorption of the mammalian pubis by stimulating the synthesis of osteoclastic enzymes. Partial resorption of the pubis may be obstetrically advantageous in some mammals, as resorption would delay or inhibit synostosis of the interpubic joint. The relationship between estrogen and the preauricular area is an issue that requires further research.  相似文献   
This study examines the relationship between public symphyseal synostosis and sexual dimorphism of the pelvis in two sympatric species ofPresbytis—P. cristata andP. rubicunda. Whereas no specimen ofP. cristata shows fusion of the interpubic joint, a high percentage of female (43.8%) and male (83.3%)P. rubicunda have a fused public symphysis. As females of both species are similar in body size, they are predicted to give birth to similarly sized newborns. Based on comparison with other anthropoids, the percentage dimorphism in the ischiopubic index inP. cristata andP. rubicuda suggests selection on pelvic capacity in relation to obstetrics. In species characterized by cephalopelvic constriction (i.e., the size of the fetal cranium closely approximates the capacity of the maternal birth canal), successful birth seems possible only by a hormonally induced increase in pelvic joint mobility during delivery. However, fusion of the interpubic joint obviates pelvic joint mobility. Consequently, this study tests the hypothesis thatP. rubicunda shows obstetric adaptations of the pelvis that are not found inP. cristata. The results show that pelvic capacity is larger in females than males in bothP. cristata andP. rubicunda; the sexual difference is most pronounced at the inlet. Moreover, the pattern of pelvic dimorphism is nearly identical between the species. When females of the two species are compared,P. rubicunda evidences a shorter distance between the sacroiliac and hip joints and a wider bituberous diameter. The former is related to interspecific differences in locomotion, and the latter is associated with obstetrics.  相似文献   
A tenet of evolutionary theory is that phenotypic variation of a trait is inversely related to the intensity of stabilizing selection pressure. Among homologous bones, such as metapodials, a rudimentary, “nonfunctional” bone is expected to be more variable in length than nonrudimentary bones. This study compares variation and association in length among metapodials using 277 adult skeletons of Canis latrans. Canis latrans has a short, “functionless” first metacarpal (mc1) and “rudimentary, vestigial” first metatarsal (mt1). Results show that among the 10 metapodials, mt1 has the highest variation in length; other metapodials do not differ significantly from one another in their variation. Correlation coefficients for length of mc1 and mt1 with their ipsilateral metapodials 2-5 are significantly lower than coefficients for all other ipsilateral pairs. The correlation coefficient between left and right mt1 is significantly the lowest among all bilateral pairs of metapodials. Results are interpreted as follows. Mt1's high variation and low association in length are the outcome of less intense stabilizing selection pressure compared with other metapodials. The nonsignificant difference for variation in length between mc1 and metapodials 2-5 may be that mc1 is functional for development of a pollical dewclaw that helps restrain small prey.  相似文献   
In the Andean region of South America, understanding communities’ water perceptions is particularly important for water management as many rural communities must decide by themselves if and how they will protect their micro-watersheds and distribute their water. In this study we examine how Water User Associations in the Eastern Andes of Colombia perceive water scarcity and the relationship between this perception and observed climate, land use, and demographic changes. Results demonstrate a complex relationship between perceptions and observed changes. On the one hand, observed changes in land cover match perceptions of deforestation as the primary cause of increasing water scarcity. On the other hand, perceptions of climate driven changes in water availability are not reflected in observed precipitation data. Furthermore, water scarcity was perceived in regions where seasonal rainfall variability is higher but not in regions where annual rainfall is lower. We discuss how these results contribute to our understanding of adaptation to climate change and the implications of possible mismatches between environmental changes and local perceptions.  相似文献   
Effects of ethanol on gastric mucosal adenosine 3', 5' monophosphate (cAMP)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L L Tague  L L Shanbour 《Life sciences》1974,14(6):1065-1073
The effects of ethanol on the gastric mucosal adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate (cAMP) system were evaluated. The activity of adenylate cyclase (AC), phosphodiesterase (PDE), and tissue content of cAMP were determined in the presence of ethanol. NaF stimulated AC in rat gastric mucosa was inhibited in vitro and in vivo by 20% ethanol. Basal AC activity was so low (0.05 ± 0.10 pmoles cAMP formed/min/mg protein) that consistent results without NaF could not be obtained. The PDE activity (172 ± 11 pmoles cAMP consumed/min/mg protein) was approximately 350 fold greater than the basal AC activity. All levels of ethanol tested (2.0–20.0%) significantly inhibited (p<0.05) PDE in vitro. Gastric mucosal levels of cAMP are not measurably altered by ethanol in vivo (5–20%).  相似文献   
We examined the effect of concentration on nitrogen uptake patterns for a suburban stream in Maryland and addressed the question: How does NO3 ? uptake change as a function of concentration and how do uptake patterns compare with those found for NH4 +? We applied a longitudinal (stream channel corridor) approach in a forested stream section and conducted short-term nutrient addition experiments in late summer 2004. In the downstream direction, NO3 ? concentrations decreased because of residential development in headwaters and downstream dilution; NH4 + concentrations slightly increased. The uptake patterns for NO3 ? were very different from NH4 +. While NH4 + had a typical negative relationship between first-order uptake rate constant (K c ) and stream size, NO3 ? had a reverse pattern. We found differences for other metrics, including uptake velocity (V f ) and areal uptake rate (U). We attributed these differences to a stream size effect, a concentration effect and a biological uptake capacity effect. For NO3 ? these combined effects produced a downstream increase in K c , V f and U; for NH4 + they produced a downstream decrease in K c and V f , and a not well defined pattern for U. We attributed a downstream increase in NO3 ? uptake capacity to an increase in hyporheic exchange and a likely increase in carbon availability. We also found that K c and V f were indirectly related with concentration. Similar evidence of ‘nutrient saturation’ has been reported in other recent studies. Our results suggest that higher-order uptake models might be warranted when scaling NO3 ? uptake across watersheds that are subject to increased nitrogen loading.  相似文献   
We examined seasonal and spatial linkages between N cycling and organic matter for a suburban stream in Maryland and addressed the question: How do longitudinal NH4 + uptake patterns vary seasonally and what is the effect of organic matter, stream size, transient storage and debris dams? We applied a longitudinal (stream channel corridor) approach in a forested stream section and conducted short-term nutrient addition experiments (adapted to account for the effect of nutrient saturation) covering 14–16 reaches, and compared two distinct seasons (late fall 2003 and late summer 2004). Longitudinal NH4 + uptake rate patterns had a distinct seasonal reversal; fall had the highest uptake rates in the upper reaches, while summer had the highest uptake rates in the lower reaches. This seasonal reversal was attributed to organic matter and evidenced by DON patterns. Transient storage did not have an expected effect on uptake rates in fall because it was confounded by leaf litter; litter produced higher uptakes, but also may have reduced transient storage. In summer however, uptake rates had a positive correlation with transient storage. Debris dams had no distinct effect on uptake in fall because of their recent formation. In summer however, the debris dam effect was significant; although the debris dams were hydraulically inactive then, the upstream reaches had 2–5 fold higher uptake rates. The seasonal and longitudinal differences in NH4 + uptake reflect interactions between flow conditions and the role of organic matter. Urbanization can alter both of these characteristics, hence affect stream N processing.  相似文献   
Schultz ([1949] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 7:401-424) presented a conundrum: among primates, sexual dimorphism of the pelvis is a developmental adjunct to dimorphism in other aspects of the body, albeit in the converse direction. Among species in which males are larger than females in body size, females are larger than males in some pelvic dimensions; species with little sexual dimorphism in nonpelvic size show little pelvic dimorphism. Obstetrical difficulty does not explain this relationship. The present study addresses this issue, evaluating the relationship between pelvic and femoral sexual dimorphism in 12 anthropoid species. The hypothesis is that species in which males are significantly larger than females in femoral size will have a higher incidence, magnitude, and variability of pelvic sexual dimorphism, with females having relatively larger pelves than males, compared with species monomorphic in femoral size. The results are consistent with the hypothesis. The proposed explanation is that the default pelvic anatomy in adulthood is that of the female; testosterone redirects growth from the default type to that of the male by differentially enhancing and repressing growth among the pelvic dimensions. Testosterone also influences sexual dimorphism of the femur. The magnitude of the pelvic response to testosterone is greater in species that are sexually dimorphic in the femur than in those that are monomorphic.  相似文献   
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