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Evaluate the reliability and validity of the Youth Self-Report (YSR) as a screening tool for mental health problems among young people vulnerable to HIV in Ethiopia.


A cross-sectional assessment of young people currently receiving social services.


Young people age 15–18 participated in a study where a translated and adapted version of the YSR was administered by trained nurses, followed by an assessment by Ethiopian psychiatrists. Internal reliability of YSR syndrome scales were assessed using Chronbach''s alpha. Test-retest reliability was assessed through repeating the YSR one month later. To assess validity, analysis of the sensitivity and specificity of the YSR compared to the psychiatrist assessment was conducted.


Across the eight syndrome scales, the YSR best measured the diagnosis of anxiety/depression and social problems among young women, and attention problems among young men. Among individual YSR syndrome scales, internal reliability ranged from unacceptable (Chronback’s alpha = 0.11, rule-breaking behavior among young women) to good (α≥0.71, anxiety/depression among young women). Anxiety/depression scores of ≥8.5 among young women also had good sensitivity (0.833) and specificity (0.754) to predict a true diagnosis. The YSR syndrome scales for social problems among young women and attention problems among young men also had fair consistency and validity measurements. Most YSR scores had significant positive correlations between baseline and post-one month administration. Measures of reliability and validity for most other YSR syndrome scales were fair to poor.


The adapted, personally administered, Amharic version of the YSR has sufficient reliability and validity in identifying young vulnerable women with anxiety/depression and/or social problems, and young men with attention problems; which were the most common mental health disorders observed by psychiatrists among the migrant populations in this study. Further assessment of the applicability of the YSR among vulnerable young people for less common disorders in Ethiopia is needed.  相似文献   
Stomata formed at high relative air humidity (RH) close less as leaf dries; an effect that varies depending on the genotype. We here quantified the contribution of each stomatal response characteristic to the higher water loss of high RH-grown plants, and assessed the relationship between response characteristics and intraspecific variation in stomatal size. Stomatal size (length multiplied by width), density and responsiveness to desiccation, as well as pore dimensions were analyzed in ten rose cultivars grown at moderate (60%) or high (85%) RH. Leaf morphological components and transpiration at growth conditions were also assessed. High growth RH resulted in thinner (11%) leaves with larger area. A strong positive genetic correlation of daytime and nighttime transpiration at either RH was observed. Stomatal size determined pore area (r = 0.7) and varied by a factor of two, as a result of proportional changes in length and width. Size and density of stomata were not related. Following desiccation, high RH resulted in a significantly lower (6–19%) decline of transpiration in three cultivars, whereas the relative water content (RWC) of high RH-expanded leaflets was lower (29–297%) in seven cultivars. The lower RWC of these leaflets was caused by (a) higher (33–72%) stable transpiration and/or (b) lower (12–143%) RWC at which this stable transpiration occurred, depending on the cultivar. Stomatal size was significantly correlated with both characteristics (r = 0.5 and -0.7, respectively). These results indicate that stomatal size explains much of the intraspecific variation in the regulation of transpiration upon water deprivation on rose.  相似文献   
Species abundance distributions (SADs) follow one of ecology's oldest and most universal laws – every community shows a hollow curve or hyperbolic shape on a histogram with many rare species and just a few common species. Here, we review theoretical, empirical and statistical developments in the study of SADs. Several key points emerge. (i) Literally dozens of models have been proposed to explain the hollow curve. Unfortunately, very few models are ever rejected, primarily because few theories make any predictions beyond the hollow-curve SAD itself. (ii) Interesting work has been performed both empirically and theoretically, which goes beyond the hollow-curve prediction to provide a rich variety of information about how SADs behave. These include the study of SADs along environmental gradients and theories that integrate SADs with other biodiversity patterns. Central to this body of work is an effort to move beyond treating the SAD in isolation and to integrate the SAD into its ecological context to enable making many predictions. (iii) Moving forward will entail understanding how sampling and scale affect SADs and developing statistical tools for describing and comparing SADs. We are optimistic that SADs can provide significant insights into basic and applied ecological science.  相似文献   
BackgroundTrachomatous trichiasis (TT) needs to be managed to reduce the risk of vision loss. The long-term impact of epilation (a common traditional practice of repeated plucking of lashes touching the eye) in preventing visual impairment and corneal opacity from TT is unknown. We conducted a randomized controlled trial of epilation versus surgery for the management of minor TT (fewer than six lashes touching the eye) in Ethiopia. Here we report the four-year outcome and the effect on vision and corneal opacity.

Methodology/ Principal Findings

1300 individuals with minor TT were recruited and randomly assigned to quality trichiasis surgery or repeated epilation using high quality epilation forceps by a trained person with good near vision. Participants were examined six-monthly for two-years, and then at four-years after randomisation. At two-years all epilation arm participants were offered free surgery. At four-years 1151 (88.5%) were re-examined: 572 (88%) and 579 (89%) from epilation and surgery arms, respectively. At that time, 21.1% of the surgery arm participants had recurrent TT; 189/572 (33%) of the epilation arm had received surgery, while 383 (67%) declined surgery and had continued epilating (“epilation-only”). Among the epilation-only group, 207 (54.1%) fully controlled their TT, 166 (43.3%) had minor TT and 10 (2.6%) had major TT (>5 lashes). There were no differences between participants in the epilation-only, epilation-to-surgery and surgery arm participants in changes in visual acuity and corneal opacity between baseline and four-years.

Conclusions/ Significance

Most minor TT participants randomised to the epilation arm continued epilating and controlled their TT. Change in vision and corneal opacity was comparable between surgery and epilation-only participants. This suggests that good quality epilation with regular follow-up is a reasonable second-line alternative to surgery for minor TT for individuals who either decline surgery or do not have immediate access to surgical treatment.  相似文献   
To document the species composition, relative abundance and habitat association of small mammals, wet and dry season surveys were conducted along the altitudinal gradient of Jiren Mountain, Jimma area, Ethiopia. Sherman traps were used to capture small mammals from the six habitats: wetland, mixed plantation, open shrub, eucalyptus plantation, montane grassland and coffee plantation. The 393 trap nights, from the six habitat types, yielded 106 individual small mammals of tweleve species. The trapped rodents were Lophuromys flavopunctatus, Stenocephalemys albipes, Desmomys harringtoni, Mus mahomet, Lemniscomys barbarous, L. striatus, Tachyoryctes splendens, Mastomys natalensis and the insectivores Crocidura fumosa and C. turba. Two species of rodents Hystrix cristata and Helioscuirus gambianus were observed. Lophuromys flavopunctatus and S. albipes contributed 83.8% of the total capture. L. flavopunctatus, S. albipes and D. harringtoni were distributed in all habitats and gradients. T. splendens was captured from montane habitat, while the zebra mice were associated with the lower altitude habitats. Lophuromys flavopunctatus and M. natalensis extended their range deep into the coffee plantation habitats. Uncontrolled vegetation exploitation of the mountains for timber production and fire wood collection are the major threats. Conservation of the area to reduce the anthropogenic pressure is essential.  相似文献   

Field surveys were conducted in 2014 and 2015 to determine the distribution and association of wilt incidence with biophysical factors. Spatio-temporal analysis of wilt epidemics in the farms revealed a wide distribution of the disease. Cropping year, district, cultivar, crop density, planting date, weeding, sucker and bud management, source of moisture and planting materials, presence/absence of wilt in neighboring farms, disease management practices, farmers awareness towards wilt diseases, planting date and cropping system were significantly associated with disease incidence in a multiple-variable model. A wilt incidence of ≤30% had high probability of association to good weed, sucker and male bud management practices, high level of farmers awareness towards wilt, low population density, disease-free suckers, rainfed production, absence of wilt in neighboring farms and good disease management schemes. Findings of this study showed Fusarium wilt is a major constraint and need for on-farm trainings to concerned bodies about wilt management schemes.  相似文献   
Petros Y  Merker A  Zeleke H 《Hereditas》2007,144(1):18-24
Within and among population genetic diversity of 37 Guizotia abyssinica populations from Ethiopia were analyzed using inter simple sequence repeats (ISSRs). Five primers amplified a total of 118 genomic DNA fragments across a total of 370 individuals of which 106 were polymorphic (89.83%). The average number of polymorphic bands per primer was 21.2. More bands were generated by primer UBC 888 (BDB(CA)(7.) The total genetic diversity (Ht) and the coefficient of genetic differentiation (Gst) were 0.4115 and 0.0918 respectively, while the within population genetic diversity (Hs) and the among population genetic diversity(Dst) were 0.3738 and 0.03776 respectively suggesting more variability within the populations than among them. The standard genetic distances between the G. abyssinica populations of the eight regions ranged from 0.0281 (between Wollo and Gojam) to 0.1148 (between Jimma and Hararghe). Generally, the standard genetic distances are smaller between populations of neighboring regions and highest between those of Jimma and the other regions, ranging from 0.0696 (between Jimma and Shewa) to 0.1148 (between Jimma and Hararghe). The ISSR based UPGMA clustering using the standardized genetic distances matrix also placed populations from neighboring regions closer than those from farther apart areas, while the UPGMA clustering by regions based on the standard genetic distances produced three clusters following the proximity and the contiguity of the regions. The mean Shannon Weaver diversity indices for the populations of the eight regions ranged from 0.8197 (Jimma) to 0.9176 (Hararghe), with a mean of 0.8841 for the whole material.  相似文献   


Surgery for trachomatous trichiasis (TT) is a key component of the SAFE Strategy for trachoma control. Unfortunately, recurrent TT following surgery is common, probably due to various surgical and disease factors. To develop strategies to reduce recurrence rates it is necessary to understand its pathological basis. In this study we investigated the relationship between recurrent trichiasis and the expression of various cytokines and fibrogenic genes during a two-year follow-up period.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Individuals undergoing surgery for TT were examined at baseline (pre-operative), 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. Conjunctival swab samples were collected from the tarsal conjunctiva for RNA isolation on each occasion. Individuals who developed recurrent TT with at least 3 lashes touching the eye on one or more occasion were designated “cases” and an equal number of “controls” were randomly selected from those without recurrent TT, frequency matched for age and baseline TT severity. The expression of the following genes was measured by quantitative RT-PCR: S100A7, IL1B, CXCL5, TNFA, NOS2A, CTGF, MMP7, MMP9 and MMP12. Thirteen hundred individuals were enrolled and underwent surgery. By two years 122 had developed recurrent TT with at least 3 lashes touching the eye. Recurrent TT was consistently associated across multiple time points with about a 2-fold increase in S100A7 expression (p = 0.008). Clinically visible conjunctival inflammation was associated with increased S100A7, IL1B, CXCL5, MMP9 and MMP12 expression.


Increased S100A7 expression was associated with trachomatous conjunctival scarring and may be linked to the pathophysiology of recurrent TT. S100A7 expression could be a potential biomarker for this disease process. As part of the epithelial innate immune response S100A7 has multiple actions, potentially contributing to a chronic pro-inflammatory response, which may lead to ongoing tissue damage and increased scarring.  相似文献   
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