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C6-Aldehydes emitted from intact tea leaves were analyzed quantitatively.Emission of the aldehydes increased temporarily in mid-May whenenzymatic activities involved in aldehyde formation from lipidsbegan to increase. Levels of C6-aldehydes in tea leaves alsoincreased temporarily. However, the accumulated C6-aldehydesdid not always correspond to emitted ones. (Received December 1, 1991; Accepted March 18, 1992)  相似文献   
Treatment of a mixture of Cys(R)(O) and Cys(R) with an acid was found to generate cystine in fairly good yields, when suitable R, R, and an acid were selected. An unsymmetrical cystine peptide was prepared by treatment of a mixture of Z(OMe)-Cys(R) (0)-Ala-NH2 (R=Acm or MBzl) and Z(OMe)-Cys(MBzl)-Gly-OBzl with TFA or 1 M TFMSA/TFA.3 Oxytocin was obtained in an excellent yield by TFA treatment of the protected peptide containing Cys(Acm)(0) and Cys(MBzl). Thus, formation of the disulfide bond was found feasible at the position of Cys(R) (0).The following abbreviations are used Boc t-butyloxycarbonyl - Z(OMe) p-methoxybenzyloxycarbonyl - MBzl p-methoxybenzyl - Acm acetamidomethyl - Bzl benzyl - Ad l-adamantyl - tBu t-butyl - TFA trifluoroacetic acid - TFMSA trifluoromethanesulfonic acid - TMSOTf trimethylsilyl trifluoromethane sulfonate  相似文献   
In situ synthesis and degradation of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase(RuBPCase) were studied quantitatively in the 12th leaf bladeof the rice plant during the life span of the leaf. Levels ofRuBPCase protein were determined by rocket immunoelectrophoresis.The amounts of RuBPCase synthesized and degraded were estimatedusing 15N tracer. RuBPCase was scarcely recognized in the leaf when the tip ofthe leaf had just emerged from the 1 lth leaf sheath. Then itincreased rapidly and reached its maximum content a week afterthe completion of leaf expansion. At this time RuBPCase accountedfor 56% of the soluble leaf protein N (26% of the total leafN). The total amount of RuBPCase synthesized up to this timewas about 90% of the amount synthesized throughout the leaf'slife. Degradation of RuBPCase started about the time when it reachedthe maximum content and proceeded at a faster rate during senescencethan that of the remaining soluble protein. When the leaf hadsenesced completely, it contained little measurable RuBPCasealthough the total leaf N was about 30% of the maximum level.These results clearly suggest that RuBPCase is a major N componentwhich is used as remobilized N for the growth of young tissues. Influx and efflux of N and the synthesis and degradation ofRuBPCase are discussed in relation to leaf age. (Received February 18, 1983; Accepted June 16, 1983)  相似文献   
Glutelin accumulation in the apical spikelet of the top primary branch (superior spikelet) and the second spikelet of the lowest secondary branch (inferior spikelet) of the ear of the rice plant (Oryza sativa L.) was characterized during grain filling.In the superior spikelet, the accumulation of dry matter and nitrogen started immediately after flowering and rapidly reached the maturation level by 20 days after heading (DAH). At 7 DAH, total RNA content had already reached its maximum level and glutelin mRNA content 70% of its maximum. The increase in glutelin mRNA was followed by a rapid increase in glutelin between 7 and 16 DAH.In the inferior spikelet dry matter, nitrogen and glutelin accumulation were low immediately after flowering and increased only after grain filling of the superior spikelet was almost complete. Total RNA and glutelin mRNA increased much later at slower rates than in the superior spikelet.It is very likely that the retardation of dry matter, total nitrogen and glutelin accumulation in the inferior spikelet is due to retardation of differentiation and development of endosperm tissue, and to glutelin gene expression in endosperm cells. It is suggested that the delayed development resulted from limited partitioning of nutrients to the inferior spikelet at the early stage of ripening.  相似文献   
Summary Using - and -hemoglobin sequences, we made a maximum likelihood inference as to the phylogenetic relationship among carnivores, including the two pandas, giant and lesser. Molecular phylogenetic studies up to 1985 had consistently indicated that the giant panda is more closely related to the bear than to the lesser panda. In 1986, however, a contradictory tree was constructed, using hemoglobins and so on, in which the two pandas link together (Tagle et al. 1986). In contrast to that tree, our conclusion supports the close relationship between bear and giant panda. The surface impression of a close relationship between the two pandas drawn from pairwise amino acid differences is explained by a rapid rate of hemoglobin evolution in the bear compared to that in the two pandas.Offprint requests to: T. Hashimoto  相似文献   
 The expression of tenascin (TN) in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc and synovial membrane was examined in 18 human TMJ samples from patients with internal derangement of the TMJ and ten control specimens by an immunohistological technique using paraffin-embedded tissue and specific anti-human TN monoclonal antibody (RCB-1). The expression of TN was observed in all 28 samples, but it was limited to the walls of blood vessels, the perineurium, and the surface of the TMJ disc. The expression of TN was diffuse in the stroma of mildly hypertrophic synovial membranes and focal in the surface of severely hypertrophic synovial membranes. The clinical symptoms of internal derangement of the TMJ are thought to be related to the degree of synovitis. The present study demonstrates that TN is expressed specifically in the portion of the TMJ synovial membrane affected with internal derangement. Accepted: 17 December 1996  相似文献   
Specific antibodies directed against Drosophila melanogaster acidic ribosomal protein S14 were used in a comparative study of eucaryotic and procaryotic ribosomes by immunoblotting and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Common antigenic determinants and, thus, structural homology were found between D. melanogaster, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S25), rabbit liver (S12), Bacillus subtilis (S6), and Escherichia coli (S6) ribosomes.  相似文献   
When tea leaves were homogenized and incubated, the volatileC6-compounds hexanal, cis-3-hexenal, cis-3-hexenol and trans-2-hexenalwere formed much more by summer leaves than by winter leavesof tea plants (Camellia sinensis). The enzymes lipolytic acylhydrolase (LAH), lipoxygenase, fatty acid hydroperoxide lyase(HPO lyase) and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and an isomerizationfactor were responsible for the sequential reactions of C6-compoundformation from linoleic and linolenic acids in tea leaf lipids,and there were seasonal changes in their activities. The tealeaf enzymes were of 3 types: LAH and lipoxygenase, which hadhigh activities in summer leaves and low activities in winterleaves; ADH, which had low activity in summer leaves and highactivity in winter ones; and HPO lyase and the isomerizationfactor, which did not seem to have any effect on the rate ofC6-compound formation throughout the year. Changes in enzymeactivities were induced by shifts in the environmental air temperaturerather than by the age of the leaves. The combined activitiesof these enzymes determined the amounts and compositions ofthe volatile C6-compounds formed, which are the factors thatcontrol the quality of the raw leaves processed for green tea. (Received October 6, 1983; Accepted December 20, 1983)  相似文献   
The relation between N content and ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate(RuBP) carboxylase protein was examined in the 12th leaf bladeof rice. Plants were grown under different amounts of N afterthe emergence of the 12th leaf blade. RuBP carboxylase proteinincreased with leaf N during leaf expansion. The synthesis ofRuBP carboxylase predominated during this period, and changesin the amounts of carboxylase synthesized until leaf death paralleledchanges in the N influx to the leaves. When the carboxylasereached its maximum content, the proportion of RuBP carboxylaseto leaf N was 27 to 28% irrespective of N treatment. As theleaf senesced, however, this proportion differed significantlywith the treatment. It was higher in the N-deficient leaf thanin the N-sufficient leaf. This was due to different patternsof RuBP carboxylase degradation for the treatments during senescence.RuBP carboxylase was degraded actively during the early stageof senescence in the N-sufficient leaf, whereas its degradationproceeded almost constantly in the N-deficient leaf during senescence. (Received October 17, 1983; Accepted January 27, 1984)  相似文献   
Isolated tea chloroplasts utilized linoleic acid, linolenicacid and their 13-hydroperoxides as substrates for volatileC6-aldehyde formation. Optimal pH values for oxygen uptake,hydroperoxide lyase and the overall reaction from C18-fattyacids to C6-aldehydes were 6.3, 7.0 and 6.3, respectively. Methyllinoleate, linoleyl alcohol and -linolenic acid were poor substratesfor the overall reaction, but linoleic and linolenic acids weregood substrates. The 13-hydroperoxides of the above fatty acidsand alcohol also showed substrate specificity similar to thatof fatty acids. Oxygen uptakes (relative Vmax) with methyl linoleate,linoleyl alcohol, linolenic acid, -linolenic acid and arachidonicacid were comparable to or higher than that with linoleic acid.In winter leaves, the activity for C6-aldehyde formation fromC18-fatty acids was raduced to almost zero. This was due tothe reduction in oxygenation. The findings presented here provideevidence for the involvement of lipoxygenase and hydroperoxidelyase in C6-aldehyde formation in isolated chloroplasts. (Received July 11, 1981; Accepted November 5, 1981)  相似文献   
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