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The ATP/ADP-antiporter inhibitors and the substrate ADP suppress the uncoupling effect induced by low (10-20 microM) concentrations of palmitate in mitochondria from skeletal muscle and liver. The inhibitors and ADP are found to (a) inhibit the palmitate-stimulated respiration in the controlled state and (b) increase the membrane potential lowered by palmitate. The degree of efficiency decreases in the order: carboxyatractylate (CAtr) greater than ADP greater than bongkrekic acid, atractylate. GDP is ineffective, Mg.ADP is of much smaller effect, whereas ATP is effective at much higher concentration than is ADP. Inhibitor concentrations, which maximally suppress the palmitate-stimulated respiration, correspond to those needed for arresting the state 3 respiration. The extent of the CAtr-sensitive stimulation of respiration by palmitate has been found to decrease with an increase in palmitate concentration. Stimulation of the controlled respiration by p-trifluoromethoxycarbonylcyanide phenylhydrozone (FCCP) and gramicidin D at any concentrations of these uncouplers is CAtr-insensitive, whereas that caused by a low concentrations of 2,4-dinitrophenol and dodecyl sulfate is inhibited by CAtr. The above effect of palmitate develops immediately after addition of the fatty acid. It is resistant to EGTA as well as to inhibitors of phospholipase (nupercain) and of lipid peroxidation (ionol). Moreover, palmitate accelerates spontaneous release of the respiratory control, developing in rat liver mitochondria under certain conditions. This effect takes several minutes, being sensitive to EGTA, nupercain and ionol. Like the fast uncoupling, this slow effect is inhibited by ADP but CAtr and atractylate are stimulatory rather than inhibitory. In artificial planar phospholipid membrane, palmitate does not increase the membrane conductance, FCCP increases it strongly and dinitrophenol only slightly. In cytochrome oxidase proteoliposomes, FCCP, gramicidin and dinitrophenol (less effectively) lower, whereas palmitate enhances the cytochrome-oxidase-generated membrane potential. In this system, monensin substitutes for palmitate. It is concluded that the ATP/ADP antiporter is somehow involved in the uncoupling effect caused by low concentrations of palmitate and, partially, of dinitrophenol, whereas uncoupling produced by FCCP and gramicidin is due to their action on the phospholipid part of the mitochondrial membrane. A possible mechanism of this effect is discussed.  相似文献   
Cytochrome c oxidase of the ba 3-type from Thermus thermophilus does not interact with cyanide in the oxidized state and acquires the ability to bind heme iron ligands only upon reduction. Cyanide complexes of the reduced heme a 3 in cytochrome ba 3 and in mitochondrial aa 3-type cytochrome oxidase are similar spectroscopically, but the a 32+-CN complex of cytochrome ba 3 is strikingly tight. Experiments have shown that the K d value of the cytochrome ba 3 complex with cyanide in the presence of reductants of the enzyme binuclear center does not exceed 10−8 M, which is four to five orders of magnitude less than the K d of the cyanide complex of the reduced heme a 3 of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase. The tightness of the cytochrome ba 3 complex with cyanide is mainly associated with an extremely slow rate of the ligand dissociation (k off ≤ 10−7 sec−1), while the rate of binding (k on ∼ 102 M−1·sec−1) is similar to the rate observed for the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase. It is proposed that cyanide dissociation from the cytochrome ba 3 binuclear center might be hindered sterically by the presence of the second ligand molecule in the coordination sphere of CuB2+. The rate of cyanide binding with the reduced heme a 3 does not depend on pH in the neutral area, but it approaches linear dependence on H+ activity in the alkaline region. Cyanide binding appears to be controlled by protonation of an enzyme group with pK a = 8.75.  相似文献   
Melanoma is the most lethal cutaneous cancer with a highly aggressive and metastatic phenotype. While recent genetic and epigenetic studies have shed new insights into the mechanism of melanoma development, the involvement of regulatory non‐coding RNAs remain unclear. Long non‐coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a group of endogenous non‐protein‐coding RNAs with the capacity to regulate gene expression at multiple levels. Recent evidences have shown that lncRNAs can regulate many cellular processes, such as cell proliferation, differentiation, migration and invasion. In the melanoma, deregulation of a number of lncRNAs, such as HOTAIR, MALAT1, BANCR, ANRIL, SPRY‐IT1 and SAMMSON, have been reported. Our review summarizes the functional role of lncRNAs in melanoma and their potential clinical application for diagnosis, prognostication and treatment.  相似文献   


The liver is an important organ for its ability to transform xenobiotics, making the liver tissue a prime target for toxic substances. The carotenoid bixin present in annatto is an antioxidant that can protect cells and tissues against the deleterious effects of free radicals. In this study, we evaluated the protective effect of bixin on liver damage induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) in rats.


The animals were divided into four groups with six rats in each group. CCl4 (0.125 mL kg-1 body wt.) was injected intraperitoneally, and bixin (5.0 mg kg-1 body wt.) was given by gavage 7 days before the CCl4 injection. Bixin prevented the liver damage caused by CCl4, as noted by the significant decrease in serum aminotransferases release. Bixin protected the liver against the oxidizing effects of CCl4 by preventing a decrease in glutathione reductase activity and the levels of reduced glutathione and NADPH. The peroxidation of membrane lipids and histopathological damage of the liver was significantly prevented by bixin treatment.


Therefore, we can conclude that the protective effect of bixin against hepatotoxicity induced by CCl4 is related to the antioxidant activity of the compound.  相似文献   
The rate of cyanide binding with the oxidized cytochrome-c oxidase in proteoliposomes is controlled by ionization of a protein group with pK approximately 6.7, the ligand reacting with the protonated enzyme only [(1983) Bioorg. Chem. (USSR) 9, 216-227]. As shown here, the kinetics of cyanide binding depends on the pH inside the proteoliposomes. The reaction rate is affected by the electrical potential difference across the proteoliposome membranes as if the a3-linked ionizable group exchanged H+ with the proteoliposome interior electrogenically. The data corroborate a hypothesis on the existence of a proton well communicating cytochrome oxidase O2-reducing center with the M-aqueous phase.  相似文献   
This paper presents a new experimental approach for determining the individual optical characteristics of reduced heme a in bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase starting from a small selective shift of the heme a absorption spectrum induced by calcium ions. The difference spectrum induced by Ca2+ corresponds actually to a first derivative (differential) of the heme a 2+ absolute absorption spectrum. Such an absolute spectrum was obtained for the mixed-valence cyanide complex of cytochrome oxidase (a 2+ a 3 3+ -CN) and was subsequently used as a basis spectrum for further procession and modeling. The individual absorption spectrum of the reduced heme a in the Soret region was reconstructed as the integral of the difference spectrum induced by addition of Ca2+. The spectrum of heme a 2+ in the Soret region obtained in this way is characterized by a peak with a maximum at 447 nm and half-width of 17 nm and can be decomposed into two Gaussians with maxima at 442 and 451 nm and half-widths of ~10 nm (589 cm?1) corresponding to the perpendicularly oriented electronic π→π* transitions B 0x and B 0y in the porphyrin ring. The reconstructed spectrum in the Soret band differs significantly from the “classical” absorption spectrum of heme a 2+ originally described by Vanneste (Vanneste, W. H. (1966) Biochemistry, 65, 838–848). The differences indicate that the overall γ-band of heme a 2+ in cytochrome oxidase contains in addition to the B 0x and B 0y transitions extra components that are not sensitive to calcium ions, or, alternatively, that the Vanneste’s spectrum of heme a 2+ contains significant contribution from heme a 3 2+ . The reconstructed absorption band of heme a 2+ in the α-band with maximum at 605 nm and half-width of 18 nm (850 cm?1) corresponds most likely to the individual Q 0y transition of heme a, whereas the Q 0x transition contributes only weakly to the spectrum.  相似文献   
An iron-hexacyanide-covered microelectrode sensor has been used to continuously monitor the kinetics of hydrogen peroxide decomposition catalyzed by oxidized cytochrome oxidase. At cytochrome oxidase concentration ≈1 μM, the catalase activity behaves as a first order process with respect to peroxide at concentrations up to ≈300–400 μM and is fully blocked by heat inactivation of the enzyme. The catalase (or, rather, pseudocatalase) activity of bovine cytochrome oxi- dase is characterized by a second order rate constant of ≈2•102 M-1•sec-1 at pH 7.0 and room temperature, which, when divided by the number of H2O2 molecules disappearing in one catalytic turnover (between 2 and 3), agrees reasonably well with the second order rate constant for H2O2-dependent conversion of the oxidase intermediate FI-607 to FII-580. Accordingly, the catalase activity of bovine oxidase may be explained by H2O2 procession in the oxygen-reducing center of the enzyme yielding superoxide radicals. Much higher specific rates of H2O2 decomposition are observed with preparations of the bacterial cytochrome c oxidase from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. The observed second order rate constants (up to ≈3000 M-1•sec-1) exceed the rate constant of peroxide binding with the oxygen-reducing center of the oxidized enzyme (≈500 M-1•sec-1) several-fold and therefore cannot be explained by catalytic reaction in the a 3/CuB site of the enzyme. It is proposed that in the bacterial oxidase, H2O2 can be decomposed by reacting with the adventitious transition metal ions bound by the polyhistidine-tag present in the enzyme, or by virtue of reaction with the tightly-bound Mn2+, which in the bacterial enzyme substitutes for Mg2+ present in the mitochondrial oxidase.  相似文献   
Two functional input pathways for protons have been characterized in the heme-copper oxidases: the D-channel and the K-channel. These two proton-conducting channels have different functional roles and have been defined both by X-ray crystallography and by the characterization of site-directed mutants. Whereas the entrance of the D-channel is well-defined as D132(I) (subunit I; Rhodobacter sphaeroides numbering), the entrance of the K-channel has not been clearly defined. Previous mutagenesis studies of the cytochrome bo(3) quinol oxidase from Escherichia coli implicated an almost fully conserved glutamic acid residue within subunit II as a likely candidate for the entrance of the K-channel. The current work examines the properties of mutants of this conserved glutamate in the oxidase from R. sphaeroides (E101(II)I,A,C,Q,D,N,H) and residues in the immediate vicinity of E101(II). It is shown that virtually any substitution for E101(II), including E101(II)D, strongly reduces oxidase turnover (to 8-29%). Furthermore, the low steady-state activity correlates with an inhibition of the rate of reduction of heme a(3) prior to the reaction with O(2). These are phenotypes expected of K-channel mutants. It is concluded that the predominant entry point for protons going into the K-channel of cytochrome oxidase is the surface-exposed glutamic acid E101(II) in subunit II.  相似文献   
H2O2 addition to the oxidized cytochrome c oxidase reconstituted in liposomes brings about a red shift of the Soret band of the enzyme and an increased absorption in the visible region with two distinct peaks at approximately 570 and 605 nm. Throughout pH range 6-8.5, the spectral changes at 570 nm and in the Soret band titrate with very similar pH-independent Kd values of 2-3 microM. At the same time, Kd of the peroxide complex measured at 605 nm increases markedly with increased H+ activity reaching the value of 18 +/- 2 microM at pH 6.0. This finding may indicate the presence of two different H2O2-binding sites in the enzyme with different affinity for the ligand at acid pH. The Soret and 570 nm band effects are suggested to report H2O2 coordination to heme iron of alpha 3, whereas the maximum at 605 nm could arise from H2O2 binding to Cu alpha 3 followed by the enzyme transition into the 'pulsed' (or '420/605') conformation. Possible implication of the two H2O2-binding sites for the cytochrome oxidase redox and proton-pumping mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   
Circular dichroism spectra of bovine heart aa(3)-type cytochrome c oxidase have been studied with a major focus on the Soret band π → π* transitions, B(0(x,y)), in the two iron porphyrin groups of the enzyme. The spectra of the fully reduced and fully oxidized enzyme as well as of its carbon monoxide and cyanide complexes have been explored. In addition, CD spectra of the reduced and oxidized ba(3)-type cytochrome c oxidase from Thermus thermophilus were recorded for comparison. An attempt is made to interpret the CD spectra of cytochrome c oxidase with the aid of a classical model of dipole-dipole coupled oscillators taking advantage of the known 3D crystal structure of the enzyme. Simultaneous modeling of the CD and absorption spectra shows that in the bovine oxidase, the dipole-dipole interactions between the hemes a and a(3), although contributing significantly, cannot account either for the lineshape or the magnitude of the experimental spectra. However, adding the interactions of the hemes with 22 aromatic amino acid residues located within 12 ? from either of the two heme groups can be used to model the CD curves for the fully reduced and fully oxidized oxidase with reasonable accuracy. Interaction of the hemes with the peptide bond transition dipoles is found to be insignificant. The modeling indicates that the CD spectra of cytochrome oxidase in both the reduced and oxidized states are influenced significantly by interaction with Tyr244 in the oxygen-reducing center of the enzyme. Hence, CD spectroscopy may provide a useful tool for monitoring the redox/ionization state of this residue. The modeling confirms wide energy splitting of the orthogonal B(x) and B(y) transitions in the porphyrin ring of heme a.  相似文献   
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