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Assessment of genetic diversity in a crop germplasm is a vital part of plant breeding. DNA markers such as microsatellite or simple sequence repeat markers have been widely used to estimate the genetic diversity in rice. The present study was carried out to decipher the pattern of genetic diversity in terms of both phenotypic and genotypic variability, and to assess the efficiency of random vis-à-vis QTL linked/gene based simple sequence repeat markers in diversity estimation. A set of 88 rice accessions that included landraces, farmer’s varieties and popular Basmati lines were evaluated for agronomic traits and molecular diversity. The random set of SSR markers included 50 diversity panel markers developed under IRRI’s Generation Challenge Programme (GCP) and the trait-linked/gene based markers comprised of 50 SSR markers reportedly linked to yield and related components. For agronomic traits, significant variability was observed, ranging between the maximum for grains/panicle and the minimum for panicle length. The molecular diversity based grouping indicated that varieties from a common centre were genetically similar, with few exceptions. The trait-linked markers gave an average genetic dissimilarity of 0.45 as against that of 0.37 by random markers, along with an average polymorphic information constant value of 0.48 and 0.41 respectively. The correlation between the kinship matrix generated by trait-linked markers and the phenotype based distance matrix (0.29) was higher than that of random markers (0.19). This establishes the robustness of trait-linked markers over random markers in estimating genetic diversity of rice germplasm.  相似文献   
Metabolism of radioactive lipids in kernels from peant plants subjected to 14C2 under field conditions was studied during dehydration (curing) of the seeds at 22°C or 50°C. Synthesis of lipid was predominant during the first 6 to 12 hours of dehydration whereas degradation dominated between 12 to 24 hours of curing. These changes were related to the moisture content of the dehydrating kernels; a moisture range of 42 to 47% was found to be an important factor influencing the observed pattern of lipid metabolism. The results from the present study also indicate compartmentalization of lipid metabolism in dehydrating peanut kernels.  相似文献   
Two high yielding semi-dwarf rice varieties namely IR-36 andJava, and one traditional tall indica rice variety, Akul, werecultivated in the dry and wet seasons, respectively, in 1987under irrigated field conditions. A few days after visible panicleinitiation, the panicle on the main shoot was dissected outto measure development, growth, soluble carbohydrates, aminoacid and phosphate contents of individual primary branches.Primary branch developmnent was quantified by noting the averagetime to anthesis of spikelets on the branch. The pattern ofdevelopment was hierarchical with each successive branch dominatingthe one immediately below it and hence, the measure of developmentincreased in an acropetal fashion from the bottom to the topin all varieties. However, in comparison to the developmentallyadvanced distal branches, the branches at the proximal regionhad the potential to generate larger numbers of spikelets, althoughactual potential to produce grains in them was quite poor. Almost2 weeks prior to mean anthesis, the gradient in assimilate concentrationof the primary branches was found to increase acropetally frombottom to top and correlated negatively with the developmentalscore (high score indicates less development and vice versa).During the following week, the situation reversed and a higherconcentration of assimilates was found in the lower branchesthan in the upper. Subsequent observations taken before meananthesis showed assimilate contents to be correlated positivelywith the developmental score. The role of assimilates in spikeletdevelopment on the primary branches has been discussed and itis concluded that there is no clear causative relationship betweenassimilate concentration and spikelet development. In the postanthesis period, little difference in assimilate concentrationof the branches was observed. The presence of a higher concentrationof assimilates did not help spikelet survival on the proximalbranches any more than that on the distal. Key words: Rice, spikelet, primary branch, anthesis, assimilates  相似文献   
Dwarf plant height and tillering ability are two of the most important agronomic traits that determine the plant architecture, and have profound influence on grain yield in rice. To understand the molecular mechanism controlling these two traits, an EMS-induced recessive dwarf and increased tillering1 (dit1) mutant was characterized. The mutant showed proportionate reduction in each internode as compared to wild type revealing that it belonged to the category of dn-type of dwarf mutants. Besides, exogenous application of GA3 and 24-epibrassinolide, did not have any effect on the phenotype of the mutant. The gene was mapped on the long arm of chromosome 4, identified through positional candidate approach and verified by cosegregation analysis. It was found to encode carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase7 (CCD7) and identified as an allele of htd1. The mutant carried substitution of two nucleotides CC to AA in the sixth exon of the gene that resulted in substitution of serine by a stop codon in the mutant, and thus formation of a truncated protein, unlike amino acid substitution event in htd1. The new allele will facilitate further functional characterization of this gene, which may lead to unfolding of newer signalling pathways involving plant development and architecture.  相似文献   
Six indica rice varieties belonging to three duration groups,each group containing one tall and one dwarf variety, were grownunder irrigated field conditions during the wet season of 1986.At the time of culm elongation, the distal 5–6 internodesof a variety elongated. The pattern of extension was hierarchical,each successive internode dominating the one immediately belowit and hence the final internode lengths increased in acropetalfashion from the bottom to the top. Between the tall and dwarfvarieties, the lengths of the individual intemodes did not differmuch in the apical and basal positions, but significant differenceswere found between the lengths of the middle internodes. Withincrease in length, the internodes became visibly thinner anddry matter content per unit length decreased. Analyses of solublecarbohydrates, amino acids, and phosphate contents of the internodesindicated that the concentration of the metabolites increasedin acropetal succession from the base to the apex. In general,the dwarf varieties contained at least the same, if not a higherconcentration of the metabolites as the tall varieties. Thepossible role of the metabolites in internode extension is discussed. Key words: Rice, internode extension, assimilates, phosphates, sink  相似文献   
Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Warimba) plants were grownin a controlled environment (20°C) in two photoperiods (8or 16 h). In the first instance, plants were maintained in eachof the photoperiods from germination onwards at the same irradiance(375 µE m–2 s–1). In the second case, allplants were grown in a long photoperiod until 4 days after double-ridgeinitiation when half the plants were transferred to a shortphotoperiod with double the irradiance (16 h photoperiod at225 or 8 h at 475 µE –2 s–1). The rates of growth and development of the apices were promotedby the longer photoperiod in both experiments. Shoot dry weightgain was proportional to the total light energy received perday whereas the dry weight of the shoot apex increased withincreasing photoperiod even when the total daily irradiancewas constant. The principal soluble carbohydrate present in the shoot apexwas sucrose, although low concentrations of glucose and fructosewere found in the apices of long photoperiod plants late indevelopment. Sucrose concentration was invariably greater inthe slow-growing apices of short photoperiod plants, but roseto approach this level in the long photoperiod plants when theterminal spikelet had been initiated. Triticum aestivum, wheat, apex, spikelet initiation, photoperiod, flower initiation  相似文献   
Mohapatra, S. S., Poole, R. J. and Dhindsa, R. S. 1987. Coldacclimation, freezing resistance and protein synthesis in alfalfa(Medicago sativa L. cv. Saranac).—J. exp. Bot. 38: 1697–1703. Changes in freezing resistance (percent survival at —10°C), pattern of protein synthesis and translatable mRNApopulation during cold acclimation of alfalfa (Medicago sativaL. cv. Saranac) have been examined. Two days of cold acclimationat 4 °C increased freezing resistance from about 6% to 40%,protein content by 200% and total RNA content by 100%. Acclimationfor longer periods did not cause further increases in freezingresistance, protein content or RNA content. Examination of proteinchanges by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(SDS-PAGE) coupled with protein staining, and by fluorographyof in vivo labelled proteins separated by SDS-PAGE, showed thatseveral proteins are increasingly or newly synthesized duringcold acclimation. Analysis of in vitro translation productsby SDS-PAGE and fluorography shows changes in the populationof translatable mRNAs. It is concluded that in this varietyof alfalfa cold acclimation for only 2 d is sufficient to confermaximum freezing resistance, and that changes in proteins duringcold acclimation are regulated most probably at the transcnptionallevel. Key words: Freezing resistance, protein synthesis, cold acclimation, SDS-PAGE, Medicago sativa L.  相似文献   
Wheat, variety Sonalika, was grown at different densities inboth field and pots during the winter seasons 1983–84and 1984–85. Grain yield pattern of the spikelets of themain shoot inflorescence was similar in both the field and pots,the spikelets in the middle part of the ear contributed mostand yield per spikelet decreased progressively towards the apexand the base. Increased population density decreased yield ofgrain, primarily by decreasing spikelet number and the fertilityof florets. High population density accelerated growth of thespike for some time during the pre-anthesis period and the solublecarbohydrate concentration was also higher under these conditions.During both anthesis and post-anthesis, the soluble carbohydrateconcentration and the growth of the spike declined much fasterin the high-density population. High density also decreasedthe floret fertility and growth in dry weight in all the spikelets,but it was more severe on the basal spikelets, resulting incomplete sterility of the florets at these nodes. The solublecarbohydrate concentration of these slow-growing, sterile, basalspikelets was found to be higher in comparison to that of fertilespikelets in the middle and top positions within the ear. Soluble carbohydrates, spike, spikelet, fertility, grain number  相似文献   
Regulation of Spikelet Development in Rice by Hormones   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
Four indica rice varieties belonging to two maturity groupswere cultivated in medium irrigated land during the wet seasonof 1989. In all varieties, the primary branches of the panicledeveloped basipetally. Poor development of spikelets on thebasal branches resulted in a high percentage (50–60%)of degeneration and sterility and, consequently, grain yieldwas poor. Application of gibberellic acid (GA3) and kinetin(6-furfuryl amino purine) improved development and grain yieldon all branches. The treatments were more effective on the proximalbranches and reduced the existing gradient in growth, developmentand yield between the distal and proximal branches. In contrastto this, 3-indole acetic acid (IAA) treatment increased spikeletgrowth and development in the distal branches, but suppressedthem in the proximal branches thus increasing the heterogeneityin primary branch growth and development. The soluble carbohydrateand amino acid content per unit dry weight of the primary branchesincreased at the time of anthesis following the applicationof growth regulators. The assimilate level declined rapidlyat the post-anthesis stage. Associated with the depressed growthand development in the lower branches of the panicle by IAAtreatment, was a significantly higher level of assimilates inthese branches in the post-anthesis period. The physiologicalmechanism of spikelet growth regulation is discussed. Key words: Rice, assimilates, development, spikelets, fertility, hormones  相似文献   
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