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Specimens of Gahnia sieberiana from Brisbane, Queensland, andof Gahnia clarkei from near Orbost, Victoria, were collectedand examined both morphologically and anatomically. The speciesgrow in wet areas and are of interest because they representthe largest arborescent species known in the Cyperaceae. Stemdiameters up to 120 mm and stems up to 10 m long have been observed.Such long stems tend to be supported by nearby vegetation. Althoughfresh stems are tough and woody, they are brittle. Branchingof the stems is sympodial, and numerous branches are producedby plants growing in exposed habitats. There is less branchingin plants from shaded habitats. Basal shoots may also occur.Adventitious roots develop basally on most plants, but withG. sieberiana, some adventitious roots form near the shoot apexand grow in and around leaf bases. Anatomical features of interestare an endodermoid layer composed of sclereids with elongate,undulated, outer tangential walls that are lignified and suberized,short vessel elements with horizontal to oblique simple perforationplates, and relatively short sclereids surrounding vessel elementsin the vascular bundles. Some vascular bundles are bipolar.The presence of short vessel elements here is in marked contrastto the longer tracheary elements in other arborescent monocotyledons. Arborescence, stem anatomy, Cyperaceae, Gahnia, saw sedge, Monocotyledon, bipolar bundles, morphology, endodermoid layer  相似文献   
The content and pattern of soluble isoperoxidases were determined in epidermal explants taken from different internodes of tobacco plants in the vegetative and floral states. There were qualitative and quantitative differences in the isoperoxidases, with a decrease in content and fewer bands being observed acropetally, i.e., in going from the base of the stem towards the apex. Epidermal explants from floral branches were grown in in vitro culture, with various media moditications, to form de novo floral or vegetative buds, roots or callus. Changes in soluble isoperoxidases were followed electrophoretically in relation to these varying morphogenetic pathways. In each of them, the number of bands increased on both the anodic and cathodic sides with time in culture. Compared to each other these four morphogenetic programmes were different in their peroxidase zymograms, mainly through varying kinetics in the development of activity of the isoenzymes. The changes observed during root and vegetative bud formation agree with previously published data, and the changes during floral bud formation agree with those observed in vivo.  相似文献   
1. Detecting the impacts of invading Bythotrephes cederstrœmi (Crustacea, Onychopoda, Cercopagididae) on zooplankton in North American lakes has been hampered by the brevity of pre-invasion data, and by the difficulty of distinguishing the effects of the invader from other stresses. The data from Harp Lake in Ontario, Canada, circumvent these difficulties. Bythotrephes appeared in the lake in 1993. There is a 15-year pre-invasion data set, and no significant complicating concurrent stresses.
2. The species composition and the size structure of the crustacean zooplankton community of Harp Lake changed after the invasion. Several small species either declined dramatically in abundance (e.g. Bosmina longirostris , Tropocyclops extensus ) or disappeared ( Chydorus sphaericus , Diaphanosoma birgei , Bosmina ( Neobosmina ) tubicen ). In contrast the abundance of the larger cladocerans Holopedium gibberum and Daphnia galeata mendotae and the hypolimnetic copepod Leptodiaptomus sicilis increased. Several univariate and all multivariate summarizations of zooplankton abundance, biomass and size structure highlighted the uniqueness of the post-invasion community.
3. The alterations in the zooplankton community could not be attributed to changes in lake acidity, thermal regimes, penetration by ultraviolet light, nutrient status, fish stocking or the abundances of native invertebrate predators, but they were correlated with Bythotrephes abundance, both within and among years. Hence, we hypothesize that the invasion by Bythotrephes has significantly altered the crustacean zooplankton community of Harp Lake.  相似文献   
1. The great silver water beetle Hydrophilus piceus is one of the largest aquatic insects in Europe. In Britain it is rare and endangered, and confined to a small number of low-lying marshes. Very little is known about the beetle populations in any of these areas, or the connectivity between them.
2. To investigate the population structure of H. piceus in Britain, four polymorphic microsatellite loci were identified and characterized. The genome of this beetle seems to have few microsatellites but contains a high proportion of a larger repeated sequence.
3. All six of the main British populations (Somerset, Lewes, Pevensey, Romney, North Kent and Norfolk) showed substantial genetic diversity at the microsatellite loci. However, estimates of effective population size at one site (Pevensey) were remarkably low, at <10 adults for the period 2004–05.
4. Most of the genetic diversity was partitioned within rather than among the populations, although there was, nevertheless, significant genetic sub-structuring. Almost all population pairwise F st estimates were significantly different from zero, and there was a clear isolation-by-distance effect. Assignment tests and cluster analyses demonstrated interpopulation relationships largely consistent with their geographical separations.
5. Hydrophilus disperses by flight, and records from moth traps indicated that there was no month in which the beetles never flew, but that flight activity was highest in the spring.
6. The genetic data highlight the need to maintain or regenerate habitat connectivity within flying distance for H. piceus , and to sustain large areas of suitable breeding marshes.  相似文献   
Genetic variation was examined in five microsatellite loci to seek evidence of genetic differentiation and restricted gene flow that would support the taxonomic division of Gymnadenia into three species ( G. borealis , G. conopsea , and G. densiflora ). A total of 107 alleles was detected in 17 populations from England, Scotland, and Ireland. The mean expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.48 to 0.81. The differentiation in allele frequencies amongst populations that had been assigned to each taxon on the basis of morphology was sufficiently large to support the taxa as distinct species. Phylogenetic trees based on microsatellite allele frequencies, as well as assignment tests, supported the existence of three distinct groups with at least partial restriction of gene flow between them. There was substantial homozygote excess, leading to high F IS estimates, for most loci in most populations. This is unlikely to have been a result of widespread null alleles, and more probably reflects a high level of inbreeding in G. conopsea . This inference requires further investigation. The implications of the results of this and other taxonomic studies for the conservation of Gymnadenia in Britain are discussed.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 349–360.  相似文献   
Two new rosulate species of Streptocarpus are described from the eastern seaboard of South Africa. The first is endemic to Mpumalanga Province. This species has almost actinomorphic corollas with small cylindrical tubes and was previously included within Streptocarpus parviflorus. However, molecular and morphological data and habitat preference do not support this classification. The second species is from the Msikaba River Gorge in the Eastern Cape Province. It adds to the already impressive list of endemic plant species from this region and is allied to other rosulate species of the Eastern Cape. It approaches Streptocarpus rexii in flower size but differs in its much shorter corolla tubes, which lack purple nectar guides. In addition, the corolla floors are marked with yellow bars reminiscent of Streptocarpus cyaneus and also seen in sympatric populations of the small‐flowered Streptocarpus modestus. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 743–748.  相似文献   
Carriacou, a small island in the Grenadines, Lesser Antilles, has a Cenozoic rock record that has been important in interpreting the geologic history of the Southern Lesser Antilles Arc Platform. The Lower‐Middle Miocene sedimentary succession of the southeast and east coasts, consisting of the Belmont, Kendeace, Carriacou and Grand Bay formations, has been interpreted as a shallowing‐upward sequence from turbidite basin to nearshore?/beach? palaeoenvironments. An earlier interpretation of the Belmont Formation as having been deposited in shallow water is at variance with the turbiditic nature of the succession; the included fossils are considered allochthonous. However, an interpretation of the Grand Bay Formation as deep water is supported by multiple lines of evidence, including sedimentology (turbidites), ichnology (autochthonous association of burrows typical of deep‐water environments) and palaeontology (terrestrial, planktic, and shallow and deep water benthic species mixed together). The minimum depth of deposition of the Grand Bay Formation was 150–200 m. This suggests that the (unseen) contact between the Carriacou and Grand Bay formations is either an unconformity, formed following rapid deepening of the basin, or a fault, the Grand Bay Formation being deposited in a separate basin from the shallowing‐upwards Belmont‐Kendeace‐Carriacou formations, against which it is now juxtaposed  相似文献   
For the many lakes world‐wide with short residence times, changes to the rate of water throughput may have important effects on lake ecology. We studied relationships between current and predicted residence times and phytoplankton biomass using a eutrophic lake in the north‐west of England with an annual residence time averaging about 20 days, as a test case. Using 32 years of recent hydrological flow data for Bassenthwaite Lake, multiple sets of scaled flow for each year, and the process‐based phytoplankton response model, PROTECH, we modelled the effects of changing river flow on phytoplankton biomass in the lake. The impact on biomass was shown to depend on seasonal changes in flow rather than annual changes. Furthermore, there was a qualitative difference in impact depending on whether the nutrient loading to the lake came principally from flow‐independent sources, or from flow‐dependent ones. Predictions for changes in river flow under future climate scenarios in the north‐west of England have suggested that, despite little change in the annual flow magnitude, there will be a shift to greater flow in the winter and lesser flow in the summer. Applying these flow predictions to our modelling of Bassenthwaite Lake revealed that, with flow‐independent nutrient loading, and no overall increase in nutrient load, phytoplankton abundance in the summer could increase by up to 70%, including an increased proportion of Cyanobacteria. Conversely, were the loading completely dependent on the flow, the biomass would fall. In many parts of the world, river flow is expected to decrease in the summer even more than in England, suggesting these areas may expect substantial changes to seasonal phytoplankton biomass as a result of climate‐driven changes to seasonal river flow. Such changes would be in addition to any other changes owing to warming effects or eutrophication.  相似文献   
WITH the exception of muscarone, the potencies of the optical enantiomers of stimulants of the cholinergic post-ganglionic parasympathetic (muscarinic) nervous junction differ greatly, typically by about 200:1 (refs. 1 and 2). Furthermore, the absolute configuration of all the more potent enantiomers is the same3, that of L(+)-muscarine. The ratio of activities for muscarone, however, is only about 3:1 (refs. 1 and 2) and the more potent enantiomer is the D(?). Various rationalizations of this exception have been proposed in the absence of any conformational information. We have determined the conformation of muscarone in crystals of the iodide and suggest an alternative explanation of the activities of the enantiomers which fits the proposed structure-activity relationships of muscarinic3, 4 and nicotinic5 agonists of cholinergic nervous systems.  相似文献   
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