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Sea urchin embryos can be dissociated into a suspension of single cells that reconstitute embryo-like structures. When reconstitution is conducted in stationary cultures the first step is attachment of the cells to the culture plate, which requires calcium and metabolic energy but not protein synthesis. We have found that protease treated cells form cell-cell associations in stationary cultures without attaching to the culture plates, and that cell-plate attachments are unaffected by inhibition of protein synthesis. These data suggest that cell surface proteins are needed for cell-plate attachment and that these proteins are present on freshly dissociated cells. We also demonstrated that butanol extracted cells attach to the plates, but do not form functional cell-cell associations unless the butanol extracted material is restored to them. We conclude that sea urchin embryo cells contain two classes of attachment components. The first class functions in the cell-plate attachments, is protease sensitive, and not extracted by butanol; the second class is necessary for cell-cell associations, is protease insensitive, and extracted by butanol. Since protease treated cells reconstitute embryo-like structures without attaching to the culture plates, only the second class of attachment components is necessary for embryo reconstitution.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The effects of organic solvents on the ATPase activity and the sliding disintegration of axonemes from Chlamydomonas were investigated. The axonemal ATPase was markedly activated by methanol accompanying with marked inhibition of the sliding disintegration of axonemes. On the contrary, glycerol inhibited the ATPase activity without serious inhibition of the sliding disintegration. As far as the axonemes are not irreversibly denatured by extremely high concentration of solvents, the effects of solvents both on the ATPase and the ability of sliding are reversible. Therefore, the inhibition of sliding accompanied by the activation of ATPase is probably due to an inability to couple the hydrolysis of ATP to sliding between dynein and microtubule in the presence of methanol. The axonemal ATPase was less sensitive to vanadate inhibition after exposure to methanol. This indicates that methanol makes the dyneinADP.Pi complex unstable and increases product release. On the other hand, glycerol and ethylene glycol seem to stabilize the force generation responsible for the sliding through stabilizing the dynein.ADP.Pi complex.  相似文献   
秦岭川金丝猴冬季和春季在自然栖息地的空间利用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
2000年9月到2003年3月共计197天的时间里,我们采用目标动物取样法(Focalanimalsampling)和行为的全事件记录法(Alloccurrencesampling)对一群生活在秦岭北坡周至保护区内的秦岭金丝猴(Rhinopithecusroxellana)在自然栖息地内空间利用的进行了研究。当猴群在离开人工投食区进行自由活动时我们开始收集数据。结果表明:秦岭川金丝猴在不同年龄性别组的个体对植被的空间利用明显不同,它们花费每天活动的14%的时间在地面上活动,53%时间在树叉处活动,33%的时间在树冠中间活动。与其它年龄性别个体相比,成年雄性有27%的观察时间在地上活动,并且20%的取食时间或29%的休息时间是在地上的,明显地高于其它年龄性别组的个体。群体迁移时,成年雄性有53%的时间在地上移动,而只有13%的时间是在树冠层移动的。在通过不同树冠的时候,成年雄性经常会同时抓住两边再把身体摆过去。它们也经常下到地上迁移而回避在树间跳跃。相比之下,亚成年雌性和青少年猴更加经常地在低植被层和树冠层中找食和休息。它们明显地比成年猴更加频繁地在树冠中移动,却很少下地。它们还经常使用跳跃的方式通过树冠间的空隙。从观察到摔下树的事例分析,青少年猴从树上摔下来的风险比成年猴大。本文进而讨论了影响秦岭金丝猴空间分布和移动的因素,比如说身体的重量等.  相似文献   
We analyzed the spatial distributions of two congeneric tree species, Neolistea aciculata and Neolistea sericea (Lauraceae), in a warm‐temperate forest on Miyajima Island, south‐western Japan. Both species were mainly found in valley sites on the island. Hence, these species shared the same topographic habitat niche. However, we found a clear difference between the spatial distributions of the two species in relation to the light environment. Neolistea aciculata was predominantly found in stands with low light, such as beneath the canopy of dense evergreen broadleaved forest. In contrast, N. sericea was predominantly associated with ample light, such as in secondary Pinus densiflora forest. In stands with moderate light conditions, both species were found. This habitat niche segregation in relation to light conditions presumably allows the coexistence of these two species in the predominantly successional forest on Miyajima Island.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Paranucleospora theridion n. gen, n. sp., infecting both Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and its copepod parasite Lepeophtheirus salmonis is described. The microsporidian exhibits nuclei in diplokaryotic arrangement during all known life‐cycle stages in salmon, but only in the merogonal stages and early sporogonal stage in salmon lice. All developmental stages of P. theridion are in direct contact with the host cell cytoplasm or nucleoplasm. In salmon, two developmental cycles were observed, producing spores in the cytoplasm of phagocytes or epidermal cells (Cycle‐I) and in the nuclei of epidermal cells (Cycle‐II), respectively. Cycle‐I spores are small and thin walled with a short polar tube, and are believed to be autoinfective. The larger oval intranuclear Cycle‐II spores have a thick endospore and a longer polar tube, and are probably responsible for transmission from salmon to L. salmonis. Parasite development in the salmon louse occurs in several different cell types that may be extremely hypertrophied due to P. theridion proliferation. Diplokaryotic merogony precedes monokaryotic sporogony. The rounded spores produced are comparable to the intranuclear spores in the salmon in most aspects, and likely transmit the infection to salmon. Phylogenetic analysis of P. theridion partial rDNA sequences place the parasite in a position between Nucleospora salmonis and Enterocytozoon bieneusi. Based on characteristics of the morphology, unique development involving a vertebrate fish as well as a crustacean ectoparasite host, and the results of the phylogenetic analyses it is suggested that P. theridion should be given status as a new species in a new genus.  相似文献   
就取食过程中惯用左手还是右手的问题,我们对安徽省黄山的一群短尾猴进行了研究。结果发现在调查的33只个体中,9只惯用右手取食,11只惯用左手取食,另外13只对左右手的使用没有偏好。而且短尾猴在左右手的偏好方面也没有性别或年龄的差异。以往的一些研究表明猕猴类动物习惯于用左手取食,但是研究群的短尾猴并没有表现出这种倾向。我们将短尾猴的研究结果与猕猴属其它种类进行了比较,并讨论了猕猴属在这一行为上的多样性。  相似文献   
A total of 49 novel polymorphic microsatellite markers in the ayu fish, Plecoglossus altivelis, were successfully isolated and characterized. The number of alleles per locus, observed heterozygosity, and expected heterozygosity ranged from two to 25 (11.3 on average), from 0.125 to 1.000 (0.648 on average), and from 0.123 to 0.957 (0.751 on average), respectively. These microsatellite markers will be useful for both studying population structure and identifying quantitative trait loci that control evolutionarily and economically important traits of ayu.  相似文献   
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