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This study evaluated the results of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) from the first four years of organized mammography screening for breast cancer in Oslo, particularly our policy in differentiating in situ and invasive carcinoma. Lesions were aspirated directly, ultrasound guided, by stereotaxic device or biopsy localization plate. All lesions were aspirated by cytopathologists working with the radiologists at the breast diagnostic centre. Smears were evaluated immediately for assessment of adequacy and a preliminary diagnosis was given to the surgeon. When FNAC revealed malignancy, diagnostic terms were as follows: (1) invasive carcinoma; (2) ductal carcinoma in situ of comedo type (high nuclear grade), cannot evaluate infiltration; (3) ductal carcinoma in situ of low nuclear grade and (4) papillary tumour, cannot evaluate infiltration. There were 953 cases, 70% of which were nonpalpable. Insufficient material was obtained in 5.8%. Absolute and complete sensitivity were 81% and 91%, respectively. Specificity was 85%. There were 448 histologically proven carcinomas. 383 of these were invasive. 362 carcinomas (in situ and invasive) (80.8%) were diagnosed directly on FNAC. Distinction between invasive and in situ carcinoma was possible in 294 of 320 directly diagnosed invasive carcinomas (91.8%). PPV of a diagnosis of invasive carcinoma was 97%. Our data showed that definitive cytological diagnosis of invasive carcinoma was possible in more than 90% of fully diagnostic smears and allowed definitive primary surgery in these women.  相似文献   
Reproduction often comes at a cost of a reduction in body functions. In order to enhance their reproductive output, some insect species degenerate their thoracic muscles, typically resulting in reduced flight ability. From a life‐history trade‐off perspective, we expect the importance of body resource utilization to be amplified both with increased reproductive expenditure and with increased resource limitation. In this study, we measured age‐related changes in thorax weight, as a measure of flight muscle size, during a major part of the adult lifespan in males and females of the scorpionfly Panorpa vulgaris. The aim of the study was twofold: first to investigate whether scorpionflies have the potential to degenerate their flight muscles; second, and more importantly, to determine whether the magnitude of flight muscle degeneration is a plastic response in relation to resource availability, and if it differs between the sexes. The results clearly demonstrate that food availability does influence investment in flight muscle development. The build‐up of the thoracic muscles was strongly influenced by nutrient availability. Furthermore, the age‐related decrease in thorax weight was significantly different for males and females. Only females showed a strong age‐dependent decrease in thorax weight, indicative of muscle degeneration, yet no difference between food treatments was detected. For males, there was no significant directional change in thorax weight. Nevertheless, with increasing age, the difference in thorax weight between food treatments increased significantly. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 199–207.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Legal removal of migratory birds from the wild occurs for several reasons, including subsistence, sport harvest, damage control, and the pet trade. We argue that harvest theory provides the basis for assessing the impact of authorized take, advance a simplified rendering of harvest theory known as potential biological removal as a useful starting point for assessing take, and demonstrate this approach with a case study of depredation control of black vultures (Coragyps atratus) in Virginia, USA. Based on data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey and other sources, we estimated that the black vulture population in Virginia was 91,190 (95% credible interval = 44,520-212,100) in 2006. Using a simple population model and available estimates of life-history parameters, we estimated the intrinsic rate of growth (rmax) to be in the range 7–14%, with 10.6% a plausible point estimate. For a take program to seek an equilibrium population size on the conservative side of the yield curve, the rate of take needs to be less than that which achieves a maximum sustained yield (0.5 × rmax). Based on the point estimate for rmax and using the lower 60% credible interval for population size to account for uncertainty, these conditions would be met if the take of black vultures in Virginia in 2006 was <3,533 birds. Based on regular monitoring data, allowable harvest should be adjusted annually to reflect changes in population size. To initiate discussion about how this assessment framework could be related to the laws and regulations that govern authorization of such take, we suggest that the Migratory Bird Treaty Act requires only that take of native migratory birds be sustainable in the long-term, that is, sustained harvest rate should be <rmax. Further, the ratio of desired harvest rate to 0.5 X rmax may be a useful metric for ascertaining the applicability of specific requirements of the National Environmental Protection Act.  相似文献   
Abstract Annual surveys of wildlife populations provide information about annual rates of change in populations but provide no information about when such changes occur. However, by combining data from 2 annual surveys, conducted in different parts of the year, seasonal components of population change can be estimated. We describe a hierarchical model for simultaneous analysis of 2 continent-scale monitoring programs. The Christmas Bird Count is an early winter survey, whereas the North American Breeding Bird Survey is conducted in June. Combining information from these surveys permits estimation of seasonal population variance components and improves estimation of long-term population trends. The composite analysis also controls for survey-specific sampling effects. We applied the model to estimation of population change in northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus). Over the interval 1969–2004, bobwhite populations declined, with trend estimate of −3.56% per year (95% CI = [−3.80%, −3.32%]) in the surveyed portion of their range. Our analysis of seasonal population variance components indicated that northern bobwhite populations changed more in the winter and spring portion of the year than in the summer and fall portion of the year. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(1):44–51; 2008)  相似文献   
Sauer, A. and Robinson, D. G. 1985. Subcellular localizationof enzymes involved in lecithin biosynthesis in maize roots.—J.exp. Bot. 36: 1257–1266. The distribution of several enzymes involved in phospholipidbiosynthesis in growing primary roots of maize seedlings hasbeen investigated. Whereas the terminal enzyme in lecithin biosynthesis,CDP-choline: phosphorylcholine diglyceride transferase, as wellas glycerophosphate acyltransferase are primarily membrane-boundwith activities being similarly distributed between endoplasmicreticulum and Golgi apparatus-rich fractions, more than two-thirdsof the activity of phosphoryicholine CTP: cytidyl transferaseis found in the cytosol. The remainder of this enzyme is almostexclusively associated with fractions rich in Golgi apparatusmembranes. In addition, minor activities for both of the lecithinbiosynthetic enzymes were found localized in the inner mitochondrialmembrane. Attempts at inducing a translocation of cytidyl transferaseactivity from the cytosol to the endoplasmic reticulum by incubationin vitro and in vivo with mixtures of unsaturated fatty acidsinhibited all lecithin biosynthetic activities (membrane-boundand soluble) measured here. These results are discussed in termsof a relative autonomy for the Golgi apparatus in cellular phospholipidbiosynthesis. Consequences for membrane-flow in plant cellsare briefly considered. Key words: Endoplasmic reticulum, fatty acids, Golgi apparatus, lecithin biosynthesis, maize roots, mitochondria  相似文献   
The paired salivary glands of female ixodid ticks are essentialorgans of osmoregulation. As the female feeds, the rate of salivaryfluid secretion increases greatly enabling the tick to concentrateits bloodmeal by returning excess water and ions to the hostvia the salivary ducts. The glands are controlled by nervesand the neurotransmitter at the neuroeffector junction is dopamine.Cyclic AMP is a "second messenger" of the fluid secretory process.Specific endogenous salivary gland proteins are phosphorylatedby cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases which facilitate insome way the fluid secretory process. Fluid secretory capabilityand dopamine sensitive adenylate cyclase activity in glandsof feeding females are dependent on weight of the feeding tickfrom which they are obtained. Conversely, cyclic AMP-dependentphosphodiesterase is inversely related to the magnitude of fluidsecretory capability of the glands. Deletion of calcium or additionof verapamil to the bathing medium during experiments with isolatedglands inhibits dopamine-stimulated fluid secretion. The preciserole(s) of calcium in secretion is(are) unknown but it may helpregulate cyclic AMP by regulating activator and inhibitor proteinsof cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase. The inhibitor modulators areat much higher concentrations in salivary glands of ticks inthe rapid phase of feeding.  相似文献   
Abstract The Singing-Ground Survey (SGS) is a primary source of information on population change for American woodcock (Scolopax minor). We analyzed the SGS using a hierarchical log-linear model and compared the estimates of change and annual indices of abundance to a route regression analysis of SGS data. We also grouped SGS routes into Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) and estimated population change and annual indices using BCRs within states and provinces as strata. Based on the hierarchical model–based estimates, we concluded that woodcock populations were declining in North America between 1968 and 2006 (trend = −0.9%/yr, 95% credible interval: −1.2, −0.5). Singing-Ground Survey results are generally similar between analytical approaches, but the hierarchical model has several important advantages over the route regression. Hierarchical models better accommodate changes in survey efficiency over time and space by treating strata, years, and observers as random effects in the context of a log-linear model, providing trend estimates that are derived directly from the annual indices. We also conducted a hierarchical model analysis of woodcock data from the Christmas Bird Count and the North American Breeding Bird Survey. All surveys showed general consistency in patterns of population change, but the SGS had the shortest credible intervals. We suggest that population management and conservation planning for woodcock involving interpretation of the SGS use estimates provided by the hierarchical model.  相似文献   
Tick saliva: recent advances and implications for vector competence   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Abstract . Secretions of the tick salivary glands are essential to the successful completion of the prolonged feeding of these ectoparasites as well as the conduit by which most tick-borne pathogens are transmitted to the host. In ixodid ticks the salivary glands are the organs of osmoregulation, and excess water from the bloodmeal is returned via saliva into the host. Host blood must continue to flow into the feeding lesion as well as remain fluid in the tick mouthparts and gut. The host's haemostatic mechanisms are thwarted by various anti-platelet aggregatory, anticoagulatory and anti-vasoconstrictory factors in tick saliva. Saliva components suppress the immune and inflammatory response of the host permitting the ticks to remain on the host for an extended period of time and, adventitiously, enhancing the transmission and establishment of tick-borne pathogens. Over the years much work has been done on the numerous enzyme and pharmacological activities found in the tick saliva. The present article reviews the most recent work on salivary gland secretionith special emphasis on how they favour pathogen transmission.  相似文献   
Abstract: Monitoring surveys allow managers to document system status and provide the quantitative basis for management decision-making, and large amounts of effort and funding are devoted to monitoring. Still, monitoring surveys often fall short of providing required information; inadequacies exist in survey designs, analyses procedures, or in the ability to integrate the information into an appropriate evaluation of management actions. We describe current uses of monitoring data, provide our perspective on the value and limitations of current approaches to monitoring, and set the stage for 3 papers that discuss current goals and implementation of monitoring programs. These papers were derived from presentations at a symposium at The Wildlife Society's 13th Annual Conference in Anchorage, Alaska, USA.  相似文献   
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