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In order to select plant material for obtaining a high proportion of chlorophyll-free protein from Helianthus species by heat fractionation, leaf extracts from 11 field grown cultivars of H. annuus and H. debilis were investigated. In addition, press juices from H. annuus cv. Kinesisk were supplied with salts or urea before heat treatment in order to increase the proportion of chlorophyll-free protein during heat fractionation. The extracts were adjusted to pH 5.0, 6.0 and 8.0; then left for 20 min at 20°C, 50°C or 60°C and centrifuged at 2,500 g. The highest percentage chlorophyll-free protein of the total protein in the extract, more than 10%, was obtained for H. debilis cv. fl.pl. Sun Gold, H. annuus cv. Giganta, H. annuus cv. uniflorus and H. debilis cv. Stella, at pH 6.0 and 50°C. The low percentage chlorophyll-free protein obtained could be explained by the fact that a considerable part of the chlorophyll-free protein sedimented at original pH, low temperature and low centrifugation speed. This sedimentation at low temperature was probably due to interactions of phenolics. Besides, if the chlorophyll-associated membranes were highly fragmented during the disintegration of the plant material, the high temperature required to precipitate them completely led to further aggregation and thus to loss of chlorophyll-free proteins. Salts or urea present during heat treatment (pH 6.0/55°C for 20 min) did not considerably increase the proportion of chlorophyll-free proteins obtained.  相似文献   
Chlorophyll-free leaf protein concentrates for human consumption can be produced after separation of the chlorophyll-associated protein from the rest of the leaf protein. This protein separation was studied in four plant species using heat fractiona-tion. Press juice was prepared on a laboratory scale from field grown Atriplex hortensis, Brassica napus. Brassica oleracea and Helianthus annuus. Some further experiments were made with greenhouse grown plant material. After adjustment of pH to values between 4.0 and 8.0 the press juice was heated in water baths at 20, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60°C with or without 20 min holding time at appropriate temperature. Thereafter the juices were briefly centrifuged at 2500g. The protein content of the sediment was determined and the colour of the supernatant was observed. The species showed different protein sedimentation patterns, especially at neutral and weakly alkaline pH. Brassica napus had rapidly sedimenting proteins, low temperature was sufficient for complete sedimentation of chlorophyll-associated proteins and gave a high percentage of the total press juice protein as chlorophyll-free protein. Atriplex hortensis had slowly sedimenting proteins irrespective of temperature, required high temperature for complete sedimentation of chlorophyll-associated proteins and gave a low percentage chlorophyll-free proteins. Brassica oleracea and Helianthus annuus showed intermediated properties. Reasons for these differences among the species are discussed.  相似文献   
Photosynthetic leaf traits were determined for savanna and forest ecosystems in West Africa, spanning a large range in precipitation. Standardized major axis fits revealed important differences between our data and reported global relationships. Especially for sites in the drier areas, plants showed higher photosynthetic rates for a given N or P when compared with relationships from the global data set. The best multiple regression for the pooled data set estimated Vcmax and Jmax from NDW and S. However, the best regression for different vegetation types varied, suggesting that the scaling of photosynthesis with leaf traits changed with vegetation types. A new model is presented representing independent constraints by N and P on photosynthesis, which can be evaluated with or without interactions with S. It assumes that limitation of photosynthesis will result from the least abundant nutrient, thereby being less sensitive to the allocation of the non‐limiting nutrient to non‐photosynthetic pools. The model predicts an optimum proportionality for N and P, which is distinct for Vcmax and Jmax and inversely proportional to S. Initial tests showed the model to predict Vcmax and Jmax successfully for other tropical forests characterized by a range of different foliar N and P concentrations.  相似文献   
Molluscan communities were studied at 114 castles in the CzechRepublic. Altogether 70% of the land fauna species of the CzechRepublic were found at these sites. A range of environmentalfactors were recorded at each, and analysed for their influenceon species diversity. The variability of the molluscan communitieswas assessed. It was shown that castles act as islands (positiveeffect of castle size on species number) and that a high degreeof castle disintegration negatively affected species diversity.Limestone as a rock substrate was found to be a very importantfactor, while the effect of calcium in tree litter was unimportant.Species indicative of some environmental variables were identified.A complete literature review on castle-related molluscan faunawas performed for the Czech Republic. Castles present a characteristicset of habitats markedly differing from the surrounding landscape.Thus, they represent significant refuges for many species, asindicated by the high species diversity and the presence ofrare and geographically isolated species. (Received 20 July 2004; accepted 16 December 2004)  相似文献   
Mitosis and cytokinesis are described and illustrated for the first time in the mesokaryotic, catenate dinoflagellate Gonyaulax catenella. A structure similar to the central body of G. tamarensis and G. monilata is shown by light and electron microscopy to be situated intranuclearly near the arms of the U-shaped interphase nucleus, and is suggested to function in the segregation of daughter chromosomes. This structure has the fine structure of a nucleolus, and it is suggested that the term central body be replaced by persistent nucleolus (= endosome). The time required for the completion of mitosis is 4–6 hr, while cytokinesis requires at least 2 hr. Cytokinesis begins during the mitotic cycle, and the plane of fission is perpendicular to the mitotic plane of division. Parental fission moieties are retained and shared by the daughter cells while either a new antero-sinistral moiety or a posterodextral moiety is synthesized by the dividing cell.  相似文献   
It is often hypothesized that slow inbreeding causes less inbreeding depression than fast inbreeding at the same absolute level of inbreeding. Possible explanations for this phenomenon include the more efficient purging of deleterious alleles and more efficient selection for heterozygote individuals during slow, when compared with fast, inbreeding. We studied the impact of inbreeding rate on the loss of heterozygosity and on morphological traits in Drosophila melanogaster. We analysed five noninbred control lines, 10 fast inbred lines and 10 slow inbred lines; the inbred lines all had an expected inbreeding coefficient of approximately 0.25. Forty single nucleotide polymorphisms in DNA coding regions were genotyped, and we measured the size and shape of wings and counted the number of sternopleural bristles on the genotyped individuals. We found a significantly higher level of genetic variation in the slow inbred lines than in the fast inbred lines. This higher genetic variation was resulting from a large contribution from a few loci and a smaller effect from several loci. We attributed the increased heterozygosity in the slow inbred lines to the favouring of heterozygous individuals over homozygous individuals by natural selection, either by associative over‐dominance or balancing selection, or a combination of both. Furthermore, we found a significant polynomial correlation between genetic variance and wing size and shape in the fast inbred lines. This was caused by a greater number of homozygous individuals among the fast inbred lines with small, narrow wings, which indicated inbreeding depression. Our results demonstrated that the same amount of inbreeding can have different effects on genetic variance depending on the inbreeding rate, with slow inbreeding leading to higher genetic variance than fast inbreeding. These results increase our understanding of the genetic basis of the common observation that slow inbred lines express less inbreeding depression than fast inbred lines. In addition, this has more general implications for the importance of selection in maintaining genetic variation.  相似文献   
We describe three new species of the genus Gromia from bathyal and abyssal depths in the Weddell Sea. The new species are characterized by a combination of morphological and molecular criteria. All three species possess a distinct oral capsule and a layer of ‘honeycomb membranes’, which form the inner part of the organic test wall. Both these features are typical of gromiids. Their identification as gromiids is confirmed by analyses of partial small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) gene sequences. Gromia marmorea sp. nov. is a rounded species with a prominent oral capsule and a characteristically mottled appearance. In Gromia melinus sp. nov. , the test surface exhibits a polygonal pattern of ridges, with a layer of clay particles coating the surface between the ridges. Gromia winnetoui sp. nov. represents an elongate morphotype in which the organic test is enclosed within an agglutinated case, a feature previously unknown in gromiids. Phylogenetic analysis using the maximum‐likelihood method revealed that all three species form distinct clades, reflecting the morphological differences among Weddell Sea species, as well as between deep‐water Southern Ocean Gromia and previously described gromiids. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 157 , 451–469.  相似文献   
RIVERA NUÑEZ, D., OBON DE CASTRO, C., TOMAS-LORENTE, F., FERRERES, F. & TOMAS-BARBERAN, F. A., 1990. Infrasectional systematics of the genus Sideritis L. section Sideritis (Lamiaceae). A new taxonomic division of the section Sideritis is proposed on the basis of morphological, cytological and chemical characters. The following subsections art-recognized: Grandiflora, Ovata, Camarae, Linearifolia, Gymnocarpae, Stachydioides, Lacaitae, Hirsuta, Chamaedryfolia, Arborescens, Flavovirens, Leucantha, Angustifolia, Serrata and Scordioides . Possible evolutionary pathways are discussed.  相似文献   
This study examines the importance of avian incubation costs as determinants of clutch-size variation by performing clutch-size and brood-size manipulations in the same population of Collared Flycatchers Ficedula albicollis during the same breeding season. In 2 5 cases when three or more clutches of the same size were completed on the same day, we moved two eggs on the day after the last egg had been laid from one randomly selected clutch (C) to another (C) and moved two other eggs from this to a third clutch (C+). In 20 other cases of simultaneously completed clutches of the same size, we moved two randomly selected young from one brood to a second and from that moved two other young to a third (B, B and B+groups). Most females were weighed the day after completion of the clutch and 1–4 days before hatching of the young, and some of them also 10–14 days after hatching of the young. We measured the daily energy expenditure of females incubating manipulated clutches of 4, 6 and 8 eggs by means of the doubly-labelled water (D218O) technique and also recorded their nest attendance. Hatching success of fertilized eggs was reduced in the enlarged clutches compared with control and reduced clutches. Females expired on average 3142.6 ml CO2 and expended 78.6 kJ per day while incubating, which corresponds to a metabolic intensity of 3.3 times BMR. Daily energy expenditure increased with clutch-size due to higher costs while incubating, and not because of changed activity patterns. There were no significant differences in length of incubation, female mass or mass changes between phases for the C, C and C+groups. In both the C and B groups, enlarged broods produced significantly more fledged young than control broods, and those significantly more than reduced broods. Fledgling tarsus-length and mass did not differ significantly between treatments in either the C or B groups. There was no significant difference in breeding success between clutch and brood manipulations. In this season, incubation costs did not entail significant fitness losses, expressed either as fledgling production or female condition. Also, control females could have raised more young to fledging age than they did with no apparent costs.  相似文献   
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