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High-performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE) is rapidly gaining acceptance as an analytical tool for the study of biological macromolecules. In the present study, the utility of HPCE for separation of glycoproteins is highlighted using a pure ovalbumin preparation. Ovalbumin, the 43-kDa glycoprotein of avian egg white, is known to be heterogeneous in nature with at least nine different carbohydrate structures having been identified on the single Asn residue. HPCE separation in an 87-cm capillary containing borate buffer and 1 mM putrescine resolves five major protein peaks in less than 30 min under nondenaturing conditions. This effect appears to be specific to glycoproteins since analysis of the nonglycosylated protein carbonic anhydrase under the same conditions showed no enhanced separation. The sodium borate buffer is proposed to play a key role in the separation by preferentially complexing with the diols of specific carbohydrate moieties on ovalbumin. Addition of putrescine enhances resolution by slowing bulk flow through the capillary and allowing electrophoretic separation of what is deduced to be closely related glycoforms of ovalbumin. Dephosphorylation of the ovalbumin with either calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase or potato acid phosphatase results in a shift of all peaks to a more rapid migration time and is consistent with a loss of negative charge. This suggests that all major ovalbumin isoforms are phosphorylated to the same degree and that heterology among ovalbumin isoforms resides solely in the carbohydrate structure. The enhanced resolution obtained with the employment of longer capillaries and modifiers of endo-osmotic flow was not restricted to ovalbumin since partial resolution of pepsin isoforms was observed under the same conditions.  相似文献   
Summary Conventional solution-phase polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and in situ PCR/PCR in situ hybridization are powerful tools for retrospective analysis of fixed paraffin wax-embedded material. Amplification failure using these techniques is now encountered in some centres using archival fixed tissues. Such ailures may not only be due to absent target DNA sequences in the tissues, but may be a direct effect of the type of fixative, fixation time and/or fixation temperature used. The type of nucleic acid extraction procedure applied will also influence amplification results. This is particularly true with in situ PCR/PCR in situ hybridization.To examine these effects in solution-phase PCR, -globin gene was amplified in 100 mg pieces of tonsillar tissue fixed in Formal saline, 10% formalin, neutral buffered formaldehyde, Carnoy's, Bouin's, buffered formaldehyde sublimate, Zenker's, Helly's and glutaraldehyde at 0 to 4°C, room temperature and 37°C fixation temperatures and for fixation periods of 6, 24, 48 and 72 hours and 1 week. DNA extraction procedures used were simple boiling and 5 days' proteinase K digestion at 37°C. Amplified product was visible primarily yet variably from tissue fixed in neutral buffered formaldehyde and Carnoy's, whereas fixation in mercuric chloride-based fixatives produced consistently negative results. Room temperature and 37°C fixation temperature appeared most conducive to yielding amplifiable DNA template. Fixation times of 24 and 48 hours in neutral buffered formaldehyde and Carnoy's again favoured amplification.Fixed SiHa cells (containing 1–2 copies of HPV 16) were examined using PCR in situ hybridization for the amplification of HPV 16. Discrete and diffuse amplification signals were obtained. Neutral buffered formaldehyde fixation for 12–24 hours yielded amplifiable material suitable for use with PCR in situ hybridization. Overall amplification success within cellular preparations was 40%, with non-specific background staining also seen. Possible technical problems encountered with PCR in situ hybridization are discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract: We have isolated from an American lobster ( Homarus americanus ) olfactory organ cDNA library a clone, hGαq, with >80% identity to mammalian and arthropod Gαq sequences. In brain and olfactory organ, hGαq mRNA was expressed predominantly in neurons, including virtually all the neuronal cell body clusters of the brain. Gαq protein was also expressed broadly, appearing on western blots as a single band of 46 kDa in brain, eyestalk, pereiopod, dactyl, tail muscle, olfactory organ, and aesthetasc hairs. These results suggest that hGαq plays a role in a wide variety of signal transduction events. Its presence in the olfactory aesthetasc hairs, which are almost pure preparations of the outer dendrites of the olfactory receptor neurons, the expression of a single hGαq mRNA species (6 kb) in the olfactory organ, and the localization of hGαq mRNA predominantly in the olfactory receptor neurons of the olfactory organ strongly suggest that one function of hGαq is to mediate olfactory transduction.  相似文献   
Identification of breeding sites remains a critical step in species conservation, particularly in procellariiform seabirds whose threat status is of global concern. We designed and conducted an integrative radiotelemetry approach to uncover the breeding grounds of the critically endangered New Zealand Storm Petrel Fregetta maoriana (NZSP), a species considered extinct before its rediscovery in 2003. Solar‐powered automated radio receivers and hand‐held telemetry were used to detect the presence of birds on three island groups in the Hauraki Gulf near Auckland, New Zealand. At least 11 NZSP captured and radiotagged at sea were detected at night near Te Hauturu‐o‐Toi/Little Barrier Island with the detection of an incubating bird leading to the discovery of the first known breeding site for this species. In total, four NZSP breeding burrows were detected under mature forest canopy and three adult NZSP and two NZSP chicks were ringed. Telemetry data indicated NZSP showed strong moonlight avoidance behaviour over the breeding site, had incubation shifts of approximately 5 days and had a breeding season extending from February to June/July, a different season from other Procellariiformes in the region. Radiotelemetry, in combination with rigorously collected field data on species distribution, offers a valuable technique for locating breeding grounds of procellariiform seabirds and gaining insights into breeding biology while minimizing disturbance to sensitive species or damage to fragile habitat. Our study suggests an avenue for other breeding ground searches in one of the most threatened avian Orders, and highlights the general need for information on the location of breeding sites and understanding the breeding biology in data‐deficient birds.  相似文献   
Abstract: Human eyes contain an Mr 135K retinol-binding protein that is analogous to interstitial retinol-binding protein (IRBP) in the subretinal space of bovine eyes. It is a glycoprotein, because it binds 125I-concanavalin A, 125I-wheat germ agglutinin and 125I- Lens culinaris hemagglutinin. It does not bind Ricinus communis agglutinin I. After desialation, it binds Ricinus communis agglutinin I, but loses its capacity to bind wheat germ agglutinin. These observations, coupled with the known specificities of these lectins, suggest that at least one of the oligosaccharide chains is a sialated, biantennary complex type containing fucose. Both by direct analysis of dissected ocular tissues and by immunocytochemistry it was shown that human interstitial retinol binding protein is an extracellular protein that is confined predominantly to the subretinal space. Monkey retinas incubated in vitro in medium containing [3H]leucine were shown to synthesize and secrete this protein into the medium, a conclusion that was confirmed by immunoprecipitation with an immunoglobulin fraction prepared from rabbit antibovine IRBP serum. Virtually no other labeled proteins were detectable in the medium. It is concluded that interstitial retinol-binding protein meets many of the requirements for a putative transport protein implicated in the transfer of retinol between the pigment epithelium and retina during the visual cycle, and that the neural retina may play an important role in regulating its amount in the subretinal space.  相似文献   


The objective of the present study was to isolate and purify the protein fraction(s) of llama seminal plasma responsible for the ovulation-inducing effect of the ejaculate.  相似文献   
The diageotropica (dgt) mutation has been proposed to affect either auxin perception or responsiveness in tomato plants. It has previously been demonstrated that the expression of one member of the Aux/IAA family of auxin-regulated genes is reduced in dgt plants. Here, we report the cloning of ten new members of the tomato Aux/IAA family by PCR amplification based on conserved protein domains. All of the gene family members except one (LeIAA7) are expressed in etiolated tomato seedlings, although they demonstrate tissue specificity (e.g. increased expression in hypocotyls vs. roots) within the seedling. The wild-type auxin-response characteristics of the expression of these tomato LeIAA genes are similar to those previously described for Aux/IAA family members in Arabidopsis. In dgt seedlings, auxin stimulation of gene expression was reduced in only a subset of LeIAA genes (LeIAA5, 8, 10, and 11), with the greatest reduction associated with those genes with the strongest wild-type response to auxin. The remaining LeIAA genes tested exhibited essentially the same induction levels in response to the hormone in both dgt and wild-type hypocotyls. These results confirm that dgt plants can perceive auxin and suggest that a specific step in early auxin signal transduction is disrupted by the dgt mutation.  相似文献   
Immunoblots of interphotoreceptor matrix preparations from 20 species belonging to six vertebrate classes were probed with antibodies against bovine interstitial retinol-binding protein (b-IRBP). Each preparation displayed an immunoreactive protein band. In the Osteichthyes, the apparent Mr of this band was 67,600 +/- 2,700 (mean +/- SD, n = 8). In two of the Osteichthyes, the band was resolved into a closely spaced doublet. Including previously published data for five mammals and one amphibian, species from the other classes (Chondrichthyes, one species; Amphibia, four species; Reptilia, one species; Aves, one species; Mammalia, nine species) had IRBPs with Mr that averaged 2.0 times that of the Osteichthyes, namely 134,200 +/- 8,600 (mean +/- SD, n = 17). Frog IRBP was very similar to mammalian IRBP in terms of its immunohistochemical distribution (determined with rabbit anti-frog IRBP antibodies), its molecular weight (sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and gel-filtration chromatography), retinol- and concanavalin A-binding ability, and because it was synthesized and secreted in vitro by the isolated retina but not by the pigmented layers of eye. Goldfish IRBP apparently binds exogenous (3H)-retinol but does not bind concanavalin A and has about half the Mr of frog IRBP. The occurrence of IRBP-like proteins cross-reacting with anti b-IRBP antibodies in the interphotoreceptor matrix of all six major vertebrate classes is consistent with the hypothesis that IRBP is an important element in the vertebrate visual cycle.  相似文献   
A common approach to re‐establishing cottonwood–willow habitat along regulated rivers is through installing dormant, rootless cuttings, yet there is little published information exploring floodplain characteristics that optimize growth of southwestern riparian willows planted in this manner. The goal of this project was to evaluate relationships between growth attributes of Salix exigua and soil texture and soil water availability. Monitoring plots were established in five willow swales planted with dormant S. exigua cuttings along the banks of the Middle Rio Grande in central New Mexico. Data analysis revealed significantly higher aerial cover, height, and stem density for S. exigua plants installed in plots with intermediate levels (15–25%) of fine textured soils distributed through the soil profile. Similar relationships were found in relation to soil water availability. Regression analysis of percent fines and available water at different depth increments provided limited explanation of variability in willow growth attributes at different plots. Findings indicate that S. exigua plants established from cuttings can achieve heights and aerial cover values similar to naturally established willow bars if the floodplain soil profile contains intermediate levels of fine textured soils and the maximum depth to groundwater is within 1.5 m of the ground surface. Where sites are dominated by coarse sand, S. exigua growth may be improved if maximum depth to groundwater is within 1 m of the ground surface.  相似文献   
Here, we describe a fast, easy-to-use, and sensitive method to profile in-depth structural micro-heterogeneity, including intricate N-glycosylation profiles, of monoclonal antibodies at the native intact protein level by means of mass spectrometry using a recently introduced modified Orbitrap Exactive Plus mass spectrometer. We demonstrate the versatility of our method to probe structural micro-heterogeneity by describing the analysis of three types of molecules: (1) a non-covalently bound IgG4 hinge deleted full-antibody in equilibrium with its half-antibody, (2) IgG4 mutants exhibiting highly complex glycosylation profiles, and (3) antibody-drug conjugates. Using the modified instrument, we obtain baseline separation and accurate mass determination of all different proteoforms that may be induced, for example, by glycosylation, drug loading and partial peptide backbone-truncation. We show that our method can handle highly complex glycosylation profiles, identifying more than 20 different glycoforms per monoclonal antibody preparation and more than 30 proteoforms on a single highly purified antibody. In analyzing antibody-drug conjugates, our method also easily identifies and quantifies more than 15 structurally different proteoforms that may result from the collective differences in drug loading and glycosylation. The method presented here will aid in the comprehensive analytical and functional characterization of protein micro-heterogeneity, which is crucial for successful development and manufacturing of therapeutic antibodies  相似文献   
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