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Roots of in vitro plantlets of a hybrid Cichorium intybus L.x C. endivia L. placed for 10 d in an agitated liquid inductionmedium in darkness at 35 °C give somatic embryos of varioussizes which disrupt the epidermis. Proembryos can be observedinside the root; they show a fibrillar network linking the surfacecells. The network is observed in agitated and static liquidmedium; it is not well developed on solid medium. It is notremoved by lipid solvents and pectinase but disappears partlywith protease. Ether-methanol (1:1 v/v) for 45 min and Tris-HC1buffer for 3 h at 30 °C destroy it. As in animal cells suchexternal proteic networks are constituents of an extracellularmatrix linked to the cytoskeleton, we tested microtubule destabilizationby colchicine and cold treatments which removed the network;this effect was reversed by DMSO and high temperature. Cichorium, extracellular matrix, extracellular proteins, somatic embryogenesis  相似文献   
1. Invasive species can transform aquatic ecosystems, and the nuisance growth of the freshwater macrophyte Juncus bulbosus has become a problem in many lakes and rivers in northern Europe. It affects biodiversity strongly and conflicts with human uses, not least compromising the generation of hydroelectricity. The causes of the proliferation of these massive stands of J. bulbosus are not finally resolved, however. 2. In this study, a wide range of catchment, lake and sediment parameters (n = 34) were assessed for 139 lakes in Southern Norway, with the aim of explaining the presence or absence of J. bulbosus and to assess potential drivers behind its prolific growth. 3. Juncus bulbosus was more often present in lakes with lower pH and phosphate concentrations, and a higher element ratio of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to total phosphorus (DIN : TotP). 4. Despite the many parameters measured across substantial environmental gradients, none explained nuisance growth. Genetic screening (amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting) of plants from a subset of lakes and additional river sites also showed no genetic differences between the various growth forms. A macrophyte trophic index, however, suggested that the most problematic growth occurred in the most oligotrophic lakes. 5. The lack of consistent patterns may reflect either factors not assessed in our survey, or that the current extension of stands represents a gradual cumulative response over time, not characterised effectively in our snapshot survey. Nevertheless, we can now exclude some putative causes of nuisance growth, including in particular genetics and N‐deposition.  相似文献   
Chemical and physiological changes occurring in root sapwood of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.), when attacked by Fomes annosus (Fr.) Cke, were studied. The transformation of sapwood to reaction zone, induced by the fungal attack, implies a very sharp increase of carbonate content, correlated with higher amounts of potassium, calcium and magnesium. The buffer capacity of the reaction zone is strong, especially in the pH range 6–9. The high peroxidase activity in the rays of the sapwood is almost totally absent in the reaction zone, probably due to inactivating phenolic compounds. o-Diphenol oxidase was detectable only in the presence of microorganisms. p-Diphenol oxidase was active in connection with decaying wood but not in the reaction zone.  相似文献   
1. Although there is a great deal of theoretical and empirical data about the life history responses of time constraints in organisms, little is known about the latitude‐compensating mechanism that enables northern populations' developmental rates to compensate for latitude. To investigate the importance of photoperiod on development, offspring of the obligatory univoltine damselfly Lestes sponsa from two populations at different latitudes (53°N and 63°N) were raised in a common laboratory environment at both northern and southern photoperiods that corresponded to the sites of collection. 2. Egg development time was shorter under northern photoperiod regimes for both populations. However, the northern latitude population showed a higher phenotypic plasticity response to photoperiod compared with the southern latitude population, suggesting a genetic difference in egg development time in response to photoperiod. 3. Larvae from both latitudes expressed shorter larval development time and faster growth rates under northern photoperiod regimes. There was no difference in phenotypic plastic response between northern and southern latitude populations with regard to development time. 4. Data on field collected adults showed that adult sizes decreased with an increase in latitude. This adult size difference was a genetically fixed trait, as the same size difference between populations was also found when larvae were reared in the laboratory. 5. The results suggest phenotypic plasticity responses in life history traits to photoperiod, but also genetic differences between north and south latitude populations in response to photoperiod, which indicates the presence of a latitudinal compensating mechanism that is triggered by a photoperiod.  相似文献   
Ethanolic sprays of gibberellins were applied to developing shoots of about 12-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) grafts during the shoot elongation period in two consecutive years. Both male and female flowering was increased by these treatments in both years. The effect was particularly distinct in male flowering. However, different clones showed varying responses to the treatment. This variation was associated with both the genotype and the environmentally determined year-to-year fluctuation in flowering. Differences among clones were analysed further by introducing a model earlier developed for comparisons of the growth rhythm in various woody and herbaceous species.  相似文献   
Abstract: Patterns of bone deposition are reported and deduced from mid‐shaft sections of 21 limb bones of the dicynodont Placerias hesternus from the Placerias Quarry (Upper Triassic), Arizona, USA. All sampled elements of P. hesternus have a large medullary cavity completely filled with bony trabeculae surrounded by dense cortical bone. Dense Haversian bone extends from the perimedullary region to at least the mid‐cortex in all sampled bones. Primary bone in the outer cortex of limb elements of P. hesternus is generally zonal fibrolamellar with a peripheral layer of parallel‐fibred bone. These data suggest periodic rapid osteogenesis followed by slower growth. Among dicynodonts, this strategy is most similar to growth previously reported in other Triassic (Lystrosaurus, Wadiasaurus) and some Permian taxa (Oudenodon, Tropidostoma). An external fundamental system (EFS), suggesting complete or near complete cessation of appositional growth, is present in the largest tibia. This is the first report of EFS in dicynodonts and may represent the attainment of maximum size in P. hesternus. Slow‐growing peripheral bone was observed in elements of varying size in our sample and may support a differential growth pattern between P. hesternus individuals from this locality. A complete growth series of P. hesternus, analysis of Placerias specimens from other localities, and further sampling of other Upper Triassic dicynodonts are needed to better understand a more complete picture of the growth and remodelling patterns that we have initially investigated.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We studied breeding dispersal of double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) associated with management practices that suppressed their reproduction on Lake Champlain in the northeastern United States. We implemented an experiment on one colony by spraying corn oil on cormorant eggs in portions of the colony and leaving other portions untreated. Gulls (Larus spp.) consumed cormorant eggs during the oiling process, but we reduced and then eliminated predation levels after the first year of the study. We used mark-recapture techniques within the experimental framework to measure rates of breeding dispersal for cormorants from the experimental colony and an unmanaged colony in Lake Champlain. Egg oiling increased the movement rate to the unmanaged colony by 3% during the year with no egg predation by gulls. When gulls depredated cormorant eggs at high rates during egg oiling, movement to the unmanaged colony increased by 20%. When cormorants are managed to reduce population sizes, methods that limit dispersal away from the managed colony may be most effective. Such methods would mitigate effects to nontarget populations and allow for a greater portion of the metapopulation to be managed.  相似文献   
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