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Visual signalling can be affected by both the intensity and spectral distribution of environmental light. In shallow aquatic habitats, the spectral range available for visually mediated behaviour, such as foraging, can reach from ultraviolet (UV) to long wavelengths in the human visible range. However, the relative importance of different wavebands in foraging behaviour is generally unknown. Here, we test how the spectral composition of ambient light influences the behaviour of three‐spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) when foraging for live cladoceran Daphnia magna. Although paying particular attention to the UV waveband, we measured the foraging preferences of sticklebacks for prey presented under four different spectral conditions. These conditions selectively removed UV (UV–), short‐wave (SW–), mid‐wave (MW–) or long‐wave (LW–) light from the entire spectrum. The absence of UV and long wavelengths strongly reduced prey attractiveness for G. aculeatus compared with conditions without short‐wave and mid‐wave light. To control for potential light habitat preferences in the main experiment, we conducted a further choice experiment without prey stimuli. Fish in these trials did not discriminate significantly between the different spectral conditions. When comparing both experiments, it was observed that, although filter preferences for MW– and LW– conditions were virtually consistent, they differed at shorter wavelengths, with a reduced preference for UV– conditions and, at the same time, an increased preference for SW– conditions in the presence of prey. Thus, prey choice seems to be strongly affected by visual information at the short‐wave end of the spectrum. The foraging preferences were also mirrored by the chromatic contrast values between prey and the experimental background, as calculated for each lighting condition using a series of physiological models on stickleback perception. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 359–368.  相似文献   
Our study combined a mitochondrial cytochrome b phylogeny with cranial measurements from giant pouched rats collected across sub‐Saharan Africa. The mitochondrial phylogeny resolves two West African clades and a clade with east and central Africa representatives. This last clade can be further divided into four subclades. Altogether they represent six species (Cricetomys gambianus, Cricetomys ansorgei, Cricetomys emini, and three undescribed taxa) that can be distinguished on the basis of their mitochondrial DNA sequences and craniometry. In the absence of adequate craniometric data the existence of Cricetomys kivuensis cannot be confirmed by our data. Our combined molecular and craniometric data allowed us to broadly delineate the distribution ranges of the detected species. Cricetomys gambianus occurs in the savannah and forest clearings of West Africa. Cricetomys ansorgei is distributed in the savannah of East and southern Africa. Cricetomys emini, as currently recognized across the Guineo‐Congolian forest of Africa, is shown to be diphyletic. Cricetomys sp. 1, a separate operational taxonomic unit closely resembling C. emini, occurs in the forest zone of West Africa. An undescribed sister‐species of C. ansorgei, Cricetomys sp. 2, occurs in the forest of Central Africa along the left bank of the Congo River. Cricetomys sp. 3 occurs on the right bank of the Congo River from Cameroon to the Republic of Congo, whereas the true C. emini also occurs on the right bank of the Congo River but appears to be restricted to the Democratic Republic of Congo. Cranial phenotype within the genus tends to conform to ecological zonation (either forest or savannah) rather than to phylogenetic affiliation of the species concerned, suggesting that diversifying selection across environmental gradients could be responsible for biological diversification within the genus.  相似文献   
Aerobic and anaerobic ciliates swim towards the cathode when they are exposed to a constant DC field. Nyctotherus ovalis from the intestinal tract of cockroaches exhibits a different galvanotactic response: at low strength of the DC field the ciliates orient towards the anode whereas DC fields above 2-4 V/cm cause cathodic swimming. This reversal of the galvanotactic response is not due to backward swimming. Rather the ciliates turn around and orient to the cathode with their anterior pole. Exposure to various cations, chelators, and Ca(2+)-channel inhibitors suggests that Ca(2+)-channels similar to the "long lasting" Ca(2+)-channels of vertebrates are involved in the voltage-dependent anodic galvanotaxis. Evidence is presented that host-dependent epigenetic factors can influence the voltage-threshold for the switch from anodic to cathodic swimming.  相似文献   
THEO MEIJER 《Ibis》1993,135(3):315-319
European Starlings Sturnus vulgaris have been said to be determinate layers, that is, they do not react to egg removals by laying extra eggs nor to egg additions by laying fewer eggs. Especially in species with a relatively small clutch-size, such as the Starling, it is important to start these experiments early during the laying period to give the laying female the possibility of reacting to these additions and/or removals. I report here addition ( n = 11 nests) and removal experiments ( n = 35) early in laying period in a captive Starling colony. Additional information is presented about the development of incubation behaviour, a good predictor of clutch-size. When three eggs were added to nests at 1500h on the first day of laying, females laid the normal number of eggs, and incubation behaviour developed regularly. Egg removals (one egg on three successive days) that started early in the laying period (at 1500h on the first day or at 0800h on the second day) arrested the development of incubation behaviour and resulted in the laying of extra eggs. Removals later in the laying period had no effect on the number of eggs laid nor on incubation behaviour. Following Kennedy's (1991) terminology, the starling is an addition-determinate, and appears to be a removal-indeterminate, layer.  相似文献   
1. How species reach and persist in isolated habitats remains an open question in many cases, especially for rapidly spreading invasive species. This is particularly true for temporary freshwater ponds, which can be remote and may dry out annually, but may still harbour high biodiversity. Persistence in such habitats depends on recurrent colonisation or species survival capacity, and ponds therefore provide an ideal system to investigate dispersal and connectivity. 2. Here, we test the hypothesis that the wide distributions and invasive potential of aquatic snails is due to their ability to exploit several dispersal vectors in different landscapes. We explored the population structure of Physa acuta (recent synonyms: Haitia acuta, Physella acuta, Pulmonata: Gastropoda), an invasive aquatic snail originating from North America, but established in temporary ponds in Doñana National Park, southern Spain. In this area, snails face land barriers when attempting to colonise other suitable habitat. 3. Genetic analyses using six microsatellite loci from 271 snails in 21 sites indicated that (i) geographically and hydrologically isolated snail populations in the park were genetically similar to a large snail population in rice fields more than 15 km away; (ii) these isolated ponds showed an isolation‐by‐distance pattern. This pattern broke down, however, for those ponds visited frequently by large mammals such as cattle, deer and wild boar; (iii) snail populations were panmictic in flooded and hydrologically connected rice fields. 4. These results support the notion that aquatic snails disperse readily by direct water connections in the flooded rice fields, can be carried by waterbirds flying between the rice fields and the park and may disperse between ponds within the park by attaching to large mammals. 5. The potential for aquatic snails such as Physa acuta to exploit several dispersal vectors may contribute to their wide distribution on various continents and their success as invasive species. We suggest that the interaction between different dispersal vectors, their relation to specific habitats and consequences at different geographic scales should be considered both when attempting to control invasive freshwater species and when protecting endangered species.  相似文献   
An electron microscopic study revealed that during aggregation the cytoplasm of a number of cells increases in electron density. Increased electron density is shown to be the consequence of cell shrinkage, which causes a closer packing of cytoplasmic components. Originally electron-dense cells are spread randomly over the aggregate. The anterior prestalk region of the slug is almost devoid of electron-dense cells. In the posterior prespore region, cells with varying degrees of electron density are intermixed with 15–20% electron-lucent cells. During culmination all cells of the prespore region become very electron dense. Besides introducing a new criterion to recognize prespore cells at an early stage of development, our data give further evidence that induction of prespore cell differentiation is not necessarily position dependent.  相似文献   
We investigated the relationship between egg size and composition and their subsequent effects on hatching and fledging success in Eurasian Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus on the island of Schiermonnikoog (53̀30'N, 06̀10'E) in the Dutch Wadden Sea between 1986 and 1990. Egg size variation was considerable. The ratio in egg volume of the largest over the smallest egg was more than 1.5 in each of five years. Differences between females accounted for, on average, 61% of the total variance of egg volume. Individual females produced similarly sized eggs from one year to another. Nevertheless, average egg volume per clutch declined by 0.2 cm3 per year as females aged, but this explains little of the observed variation. Female size and food supplementation had no significant effect on egg volume. In absolute terms, large eggs contain more lean dry matter and lipid than small eggs, but the proportion of both constituents decreases with egg size. Consequently, the combustible energy content of eggs increases less than proportionally with egg size. Hatchability averaged 87% and was not correlated with egg volume. Hatchling weight increased with egg size, averaging 65% of fresh egg weight. Chick survival until fledging did not increase with egg volume. Consequently, within the size range observed, large and small eggs are of comparable quality. Since both the costs and benefits of large eggs compared with small eggs seem small at best, we propose that, within the size range encountered in this population, egg size can be considered an evolutionarily neutral trait.  相似文献   
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