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THE polysaccharides obtained from some basidiomycetes, Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. ex Fr.) Quel.1, Flammulina velutipes (Curt, ex Fr.) Sing.2, Lentinus edodes (Berk.) Sing.2–4, Polia cocos, Wolf (Bukuryo)5 and Schizophyllum commune Fr.7, strongly inhibit the growth of sarcoma 180 and their anti-tumour activity is host-mediated8,9.  相似文献   
Non-host resistance is the most general form of disease resistance in plants because it is effective against most phytopathogens. The importance of hypersensitive responses (HRs) in non-host resistance of Nicotiana species to the oomycete Phytophthora is clear. INF1 elicitin, an elicitor obtained from the late-blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans , is sufficient to induce a typical HR in Nicotiana species. The molecular mechanisms that underlie the non-host resistance component of plant defence responses have been investigated using differential-display polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in a model HR system between INF1 elicitin and tobacco BY-2 cells. Differential-display PCR has revealed that Cdc27B is down-regulated in tobacco BY-2 cells after treatment with INF1 elicitin. Cdc27B is one of 13 essential components of the anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C)-type E3 ubiquitin ligase complex in yeast. This APC/C-type E3 ubiquitin ligase complex regulates G2-to-M phase transition of the cell cycle by proteolytic degradation. In this study, we investigated the roles of this gene, NbCdc27B , in plant defence responses using virus-induced gene silencing. Suppression of NbCdc27B in Nicotiana benthamiana plants induced defence responses and a gain of resistance to Colletotrichum lagenarium fungus. Elicitin-induced hypersensitive cell death (HCD) was inhibited mildly in plants silenced with tobacco rattle virus::Cdc27B. Cdc27B could manage the signalling pathways of plant defence responses as a negative regulator without HCD.  相似文献   
Using a thin-layer chromatographic technique, we have identifiedthe photoassimilates that are transported intercellularly frombranchlets to internodes in Chara corallina. An internode-branchletcomplex having a primary apex was used in these experiments.After feeding 1 mol m3 NaH14CO3 to a branchlet for 10 min, the14C-labelled photoassimilates (14C-photoassimilates) found inthe sol endoplasm of the branchlet were composed of sucrose,amino acids, malate, and sugarphosphates. The composition ofthe 14C-photoassimilates transported from the source branchletto the sink internode in 10 min was the same as that in thesol endoplasm of the source branchlet. From the proportion ofeach 14C-photoassimilate in both the source branchlet and thesink internode, it was deduced that the main photoassimilatesinvolved in the intercellular transport were sucrose and aminoacids. We found previously that polar transport of photoassimilatesoccurs from a branchlet to an internode with an apex. Determinationof the amount of sucrose, amino acids, glucose-6-phosphate,and malate in both branchlet and internode with or without anapex revealed that there were gradients in the concentrationsof sucrose, serine, and glutamic acid between the sol endoplasmof the two cells. The levels were higher in the branchlet andlower in the internode and the gradients decreased when theapex was detached. Therefore, it is concluded that sucrose andthese amino acids are the compounds involved in the polar intercellulartransport. Key words: Chara corallina, intercellular transport, photoassimilates, 14C  相似文献   
The concentration of ions in plant cells and tissues is an essential factor in determining physiological function. In the present study, we established that concentration gradients of mobile ions exist in both xylem exudates and tissues within a barley (Hordeum vulgare) primary leaf. For K+ and NO3?, ion concentrations generally decreased from the leaf base to the tip in both xylem exudates and tissues. Ion gradients were also found for Pi and Cl? in the xylem. The hydathode strongly absorbed Pi and re‐translocated it to the rest of the plant, whereas Cl? was extruded. The ion concentration gradients developed early during leaf growth, increased as the tissue aged and remained under both high and low transpiration conditions. Measurement of the expression profiles of Pi, K+ and NO3? transporters along the longitudinal axis of the leaf revealed that some transporters are more expressed at the hydathode, but for most transporters, there was no significant variation along the leaf. The mechanisms by which longitudinal ion gradients develop in leaves and their physiological functions are discussed.  相似文献   
Ascites teratocarcinoma OTT-6050 is a totipotent tumor line producing indefinitely the simple type of embry-oid bodies (EBs). In culture with fetal calf serum (FCS) in Eagle's minimal essential medium (MEM), these EBs show developmental growth, only in which some differentiative events result. EBs also show this developmental growth in MEM supplemented with two fractions of FCS separated with a Amicon PM 10 membrane, i.e. a low molecular weight Fraction L (mol. wt. less than 10,000) and a high molecular weight Fraction H (mol. wt. more than 10,000). Fraction H is necessary for the survival of EBs in vitro. Fraction L enhances the uptake of 3H-thymidine into EB cells with increase in the Vmax , but no change in the K m. On culture of EBs with both Fractions, a marked bimodal increase in alkaline phosphatase (ALPase) activity is seen on day 1–2 and 4, resulting from the differential expressions of two electrophoretically distinct ALPases (Bands I and II). The differential expressions of ALPase are also observed cytochemically, one activity being on the inner cells and the other on the surrounding cells of EBs. From the cytochemical similarity of ALPase activity to that of normal mouse embryos, Band I ALPase is inferred to be the epiblast (developmentally totipotent stem cell)-type and Band II ALPase to be the distal (parietal) endoderm-type.  相似文献   
Changes in inorganic phosphate (Pi) concentrations in barley leaves during growth of plants with sufficient or deficient supplies of Pi were studied. Measurements of the Pi distribution from subcellular levels to the leaf tissue level under the same experimental conditions allowed us to analyse the relationship between the Pi homeostasis of various compartments and Pi re-translocation in the whole plant. Under Pi deficiency, the finding of growth-dependent changes in the Pi concentrations of whole leaves established that Pi was re-translocated from the older leaves to the young leaves. Translocation of 32Pi was also confirmed with an ‘imaging plate’ system, which made it possible to follow Pi movement in the same plantlet. To analyse the mechanism of Pi re-translocation, the Pi distribution amongst various compartments of the leaves was measured. Under Pi deficiency, the cytoplasmic Pi concentration of the first leaf remained constant until 16d after sowing, while vacuolar Pi was completely exhausted after 8 to 10d. Exhaustion of vacuolar Pi in the first leaf coincided with the appearance of the second leaf. The Pi concentration in the apoplast changed similarly to that of the whole leaf. However, the apoplastic Pi concentration was affected to some extent by the vacuolar Pi concentration and the growth of the younger leaf, because the main change in apoplastic Pi concentration coincided with the time of the disappearance of the vacuolar Pi and the appearance of the younger leaf. The Pi concentration in the apoplast was about 0.1 to I molm?3, even in the absence of Pi, which was much higher than that in the usual soil environment (a few mmolin?3). This suggests that the Pi absorbed by root cells is concentrated in the transport process from the root to the leaf apoplast. The content of Pi in the xylem exudate was constant irrespective of growth culture conditions. The root may be functioning as the constant Pi supplier to the above tissues.  相似文献   
Processes of vacuolation were investigated with the explanted and implanted rudiments of amphibian notochord. Explanted notochords generally underwent vacuolation when they were surrounded by other differentiating tissues. In the absence of these tissues, they were not only unable to vacuolate but also unable to survive. When the notochords were implanted into the ventral mass of yolk granules of neurula, they showed no vacuolation and died within a few days if they were alone and not surrounded by other differentiating tissues. These facts suggest that the presence of other differentiating tissues surrounding the notochord is a requisite for the notochord to vacuolate. Further, the fact that in explanted notochords, vacuolation was frequently interrupted and was left unfinished when the surrounding tissues were scarce, suggests that the quantity of the surrounding tissues is important in promoting vacuolation. Interruption of the vacuolation occurs in the explanted notochord at any stage from the beginning to the end of the process. Therefore, almost all the stages of vacuolation were observed in these notochords. Very frequently, different parts of a single notochord presented different stages of vacuolation. All these stages were essentially the same as those found in the normal notochord. From these results, it emerges that although vacuolation of the explanted and implanted notochords is carried out with the same process as in the normal intact one, it is accomplished only when they are surrounded by a sufficient quantity of other differentiating tissues.  相似文献   
High‐dispersal rates in heterogeneous environments and historical rapid range expansion can hamper local adaptation; however, we often see clinal variation in high‐dispersal tree species. To understand the mechanisms of the species’ distribution, we investigated local adaptation and adaptive plasticity in a range‐wide context in Sitka spruce, a wind‐pollinated tree species that has recently expanded its range after glaciations. Phenotypic traits were observed using growth chamber experiments that mimicked temperature and photoperiodic regimes from the limits of the species realized niche. Bud phenology exhibited parallel reaction norms among populations; however, putatively adaptive plasticity and strong divergent selection were seen in bud burst and bud set timing respectively. Natural selection appears to have favoured genotypes that maximize growth rate during available frost‐free periods in each environment. We conclude that Sitka spruce has developed local adaptation and adaptive plasticity throughout its range in response to current climatic conditions despite generally high pollen flow and recent range expansion.  相似文献   
Intercellular transport of 14C-labelled photoassimilates, bothin isolated upper shoots and in isolated internode-branchletcomplexes of Chara corallina, was measured. The isolated uppershoots were composed of a primary apex, two mature internodes,and three branchlet whorls. A 10 min loading of the isolatedupper shoot with H14CO3 resulted in a greater accumulationof 14C in the apical complex and branchlets than in the internodes,while a subsequent 50 min chase with unlabelled solution inthe light resulted in a greater accumulation of 14C in internodesthan in other parts of the shoot. In the isolated internode-branchlet complex, when the apex wasnot detached, the amount of 14C transported from branchletsto internodes was about fives times that transported from internodesto branchlets. Removal of the apex resulted in a decrease intransport from branchlets to internodes and an increase in transportin the opposite direction. In an attempt to explain the mechanism of the polar transportof photosynthetically fixed carbon between branchlets and internodes,photosynthetic activities of both types of cells were investigated.Detached branchlets have higher photosynthetic 14C-fixationactivities than those of internodes. Chlorophyll contents, measuredin terms of surface area, in internodes and branchlets werealmost identical. The ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carboxylase(RuBPCase) activity of branchlets was 1.6 times that of internodes,and the rate of ferricyanide-dependent evolution of oxygen inbranchlets was 1.4 times that in internodes. Key words: Chara, internode, branchlet, polar transport, photosynthesis  相似文献   
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