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Aspects of the morphology of II species of Triviidae are described, including the living animal, shell, radula, mantle complex, central nervous system and reproductive system. Interspecific differences in radular morphology are important in distinguishing closely allied species. Trivia aperta, T. costata and T. verhoeft are protandric hermaphrodites while T. caluariola, T. neglccta, T. pellucidula, T. rubra, T. solandri and T. suavis are gonochoric. The elaboration of the receptaculum seminis varies between species. In T. aperta, T. calvariola, T. neglecta and T. who& the receptaculum is undivided while in T. costafa, T. pellucidula, T. solandri and T. suavis there are two or more lobes of the receptaculum.  相似文献   
Rethinking Mammalian Brain Evolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A critical review of past and current theories of mammalianbrain evolution is presented in order to discuss conceptualproblems that persist in the field. Problems with the conceptof homology arise because of the interaction of cell lineagesand axonal connectivity in the determination of structural featuresof the brain. Focusing on the continuity of information representedby ontogenetic mechanisms as opposed to morphological featuresavoids many of these problems and suggests homological relationshipsthat otherwise have gone unnoticed. Many apparently progressivetrends and parallelisms in mammalian brain evolution turn outto result from the influence of underlying developmental homologies.Confusions about evolutionary advancement, increasing architectonicdifferentiation, and the evolution of new brain structures resultfrom a failure to appreciate how increasing brain size can biasdevelopmental processes with respect to axonal competition,increased cellular metabolic demands and decreased informationprocessing efficiency. Explanations of the evolution of novelstructures and new connectional patterns are criticized fortheir failure to consider the constraints of neural developmentalprocesses. The correlations between structural neogenesis, functionalspecialization and size changes in brain evolution are explainedby a theory of competitive displacement of neural connectionsby others during development under the biasing influences ofdifferential allometry, cell death or axon-target affinity changes.The "displacement hypothesis" is used to propose speculativeaccounts for the differential enlargement and multiplicationof cortical areas, the origins of mammalian isocortex, the unusualfeatures of dolphin cortex and the dramatic structural and functionalreorganizations that characterize human brain evolution.  相似文献   
The negative gravitropic response in the grass leaf-sheath pulvinusis a consequence of cell elongation involving all cells exceptthose of the uppermost region of the upper flank of an horizontallyoriented pulvinus. The lowermost layer of cells elongate maximally,and the regions in between elongate to intermediate extents.The resulting curvatures of a responding pulvinus can be expressedmathematically by relating the angle of curvature () to theoriginal length (L0) and the maximal length of the lower surface(L1) and the diameter of the organ (D), using the equation, = (L1L0)/D, where is in radians. The elongation response(S) of any individual cell within the pulvinus can be expressedby the equation, S = 0.5-r cos, where r is the radius of thepulvinus and is in degrees. Microscopic measurement of celllengths in different regions of the pulvinus supports the mathematicalpredictions. Indirect support is also obtained from the useof colchicine, coumarin, dichloro-benzonitrile (DCBN) and isopropylN-chlorophenyl carbamate which exaggerate the inherent asymmetryduring gravitropic response. Coumarin and DCBN also induce thickeningsin the radial walls which appear first in the statenchyma, andlater, in cells located towards the outer periphery of the pulvinus.The distribution patterns of these thickenings suggest thatthe asymmetric growth response of the pulvinus may be due toa differential and radial, centrifugal transport of growth promotorsfrom the central statenchyma region. Gravity perception, grass pulvinus  相似文献   
Systematics and phylogeny of the Aglajidae (Opisthobranchia: Mollusca)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The generic limits within the Aglajidae are reviewed and modified, based on the study of 21 species. Navanax Pilsbry, 1895 is reinstated as a genus distinct from Aglaja. The generic placement of several species is altered from previous works. An evaluation of morphological characters suggests that each of six genera has distinctive external morphology. The systematic value of twelve characters is critically reviewed. The evolutionary relationships of the Aglajidae and its genera to other philinacean familes are discussed.  相似文献   
Scyllaeidae represents a small clade of dendronotoid nudibranchs. Notobryon wardi Odhner, 1936, has been reported to occur in tropical oceans from the Indo‐Pacific and eastern Pacific to temperate South Africa. The systematics of Notobryon has not been reviewed using modern systematic tools. Here, specimens of Notobryon were examined from the eastern Pacific, the Indo‐Pacific, and from temperate South Africa. Additionally, representatives of Scyllaea and Crosslandia were studied. Scyllaeidae was found to be monophyletic. Notobryon was also found to be monophyletic and is the sister group to Crosslandia plus Scyllaea. The molecular data also clearly indicate that within Notobryon, at least three distinct species are present, two of which are here described. Genetic distance data indicate that eastern Pacific and South African exemplars are 10–23% divergent from Indo‐Pacific exemplars of Notobryon wardi. Scyllaea pelagica has been regarded as a single, circumtropical species. Our molecular studies clearly indicate that the Atlantic and Indo‐Pacific populations are distinct and we resurrect Scyllaea fulva Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 for the Indo‐Pacific species. Our morphological studies clearly corroborate our molecular findings and differences in morphology distinguish closely related species. Different species clearly have distinct penial morphology. These studies clearly reinforce the view that eastern Pacific, Indo‐Pacific, and temperate biotas consist largely of distinct faunas, with only a minor degree of faunal overlap. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 311–336.  相似文献   
The Kanosh Shale (Upper Arenig, Lower Ordovician) of west-central Utah. USA. contains abundant carbonate hardgrounds and one of the earliest diverse hardground communities. The hardgrounds were formed through a combination of processes including the development of early digenetic nodules in clay sediments which were exhumed and concentrated as lags by storms. These cobble deposits. together with plentiful biogenic metrical. were cemented by inorganically precipitated calcite on the sea floor. forming intraformational conglomerate hardgrounds. Echinoderms may have -played a critical role in the development of hardground faunas since their disarticulated calcite ossicles were rapidly cemented by syntaxial overgrowths. forming additional cobbles and hardgrounds. The echinoderms thus may have taphonomically facilitated the development of some of the hard substrates they required. A significant portion of the hardground cements may have been derived from the early dissolution of aragonitic mollusk shells. Kanosh hardground species include the earliest bryozoans recorded on hardgrounds and large numbers of stemmed echinoderms. primarily rhipidocystid cocrinoids. Bryozoans and echinoderms covered nearly equal areas of the hardground surfaces. and there was a distinct polarization between species which preferred the upper. exposed portions of the hardgrounds and others which were most common on undercut. overhang surfaces. The Kanosh Shale hardground fossils combine elements of Late Cambrian assemblages and Middle Ordovician faunas, thus confirming predicted trends in hardground community evolution. especially the replacement of cocrinoids by bryozoans and. to a lesser extent, by other stemmed echinoderms, especially crinoids. The Kanosh community marks the transition from the Cambrian Fauna to The Paleozoic Fauna in The hardground ecosystem. *Carbonate hardgrounds, aragonite dissolution, calcite cement, Echinodermara, Trepostomata, Nicholsonclla. Dianulites. Porifpra. taphonomic facilitation, Utah. Pogonip Group, Kanosh Shale. Ordovician.  相似文献   
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