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1. Leaves of a chimaera which are composed of the tissues fromLycopersicum esculentum var. kinnari (L. e.) covered by twolayers of cells from Solatium villosum (S. v.) were comparedwith those of control plants, L. e. and S. v. with respect tothe respiratory activity. 2. As for the respiratory activity of leaf strips, the chimaerawas more active than either L. e.. or S. v. 3. To respiratory inhibitors examined leaf strips of the chimaeraresponded rather similarly to those of S. v. but differentlyfrom those of L. e. 4. Of various substrates tested, glycolic, ascorbic and chlorogenicacids were actively oxidized by cell-free extracts of leavesfrom every plant. The first two were especially good substratesfor S. v.: L. e. attacked most the third, and the chimaera oxidizedjust as well the first two as S. v. did and the third as L.e. did. 5. Ascorbic acid and chlorogenic acid contents of the leaf extractswere not correlated with the activities of the extracts of oxidizingthese substances. 6. Physiological interactions were suggested between the twotissues of different origins in the chimaera. (Received December 2, 1963; )  相似文献   
D-Glucose-6-phosphate: NADP oxidoreductase (glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase; EC [EC] ) and 6-phospho-D-gluconate: NADPoxidoreductase (6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase; EC [EC] )were found to be present in immature bamboo. Optimal pHs ofthe glucose-6-phosphate- and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenaseswere found to be 8.0 and 8.5, respectively. Both enzymes were demonstrated to be NADP-specific and NADPcould not be replaced by NAD. Fructose-6-phosphate was indirectlyutilized after convrsion to glucose-6-phosphate by glucose-6-phosphateisomerase coexisting in the enzyme preparation. Pattern of enzyme activity and of respiratory breakdown of glucose-1-14Cand glucose-6-14C were investigated in connection with lignificationof bamboo and discussed in comparison with sugar metabolismof fungi-infected plant tissues. As for the changes in the enzymeactivity with growth of bamboo, it was recognized that therewas a tendency that the activity of both enzymes increased andwas maintained at a certain level even in the aged tissues.In addition there was a drop of the C6/C1 ratio toward the tissuesof lower parts containing considerable amount of lignin andthis phenomenon was the same as that observed in pentose phosphatemetabolism of fungi-infected plant tissues. (Received September 5, 1966; )  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. In insect communities on fermented tree sap, agonistic interactions occur frequently among the component species. This study examined the effects of such interference competition on community structure and species co-occurrence on a spatio-temporally small scale.
2. Experimental removal of giant hornets ( Vespa mandarinia ), one of the most dominant species, showed no effect on either species richness or total abundance of the remaining insects. Significant increases in abundance were detected for five out of 19 taxa: V. ducalis , V. crabro , Lasius japonicus , Cryptarcha lewisi , and a group of micro sap beetles ( Epuraea spp., Haptoncus spp., and Haptoncurina spp.).
3. Behavioural observations indicated that interference did not alter the staying time at a patch (an exuding spot on a tree) for V. mandarinia , Rhomborrhina japonica , and Neope goschkevitschii . Interference-mediated departure from a patch was less frequent than departure without interference for all nine species observed, except for R. japonica . These behavioural contexts varied yearly for several species.
4. These results suggest that interference competition is a minor determinant of overall community structure, despite its conspicuousness. This weak effect of interference may be attributed to the short stay of dominant species and to individual behavioural responses, such as competitor avoidance. The variable influence of interference might be related to differences in species attributes, such as dominance hierarchies.  相似文献   
利用日本千叶重离子医用加速器 HIMAC 提供的碳离子束,对人类唾液腺细胞 (HSG) 在剂量率为 0.5 Gy/h 的低剂量率条件下进行了辐照,运用标准的克隆形成法得到了 3 种不同剂量平均线性能量转移 (LET) 碳离子束辐照 HSG 细胞的剂量存活效应 . 与先前 HSG 细胞在治癌剂量率 (1~5 Gy/min) 下对相近剂量平均 LET 碳离子束辐照的剂量存活效应数据相比, HSG 细胞对高 LET 碳离子束辐射表现出明显的剂量率效应 . 为在相同条件下得到碳离子束对 HSG 细胞的相对生物学效应 (RBE) ,利用 60Co-γ射线在剂量率为 0.5 Gy/h 的条件下辐照了 HSG 细胞,得到该细胞系对低 LET 射线响应的剂量存活效应 . 与先前在治癌剂量率下得到的 RBE 值相比,低剂量率条件下得到的 RBE 值总体减小 . 由实验发现的剂量率效应及低剂量率条件下 RBE 值的减小,表明由高 LET 碳离子束造成的辐射损伤在低剂量率条件下也存在着显著的修复效应 . 据此,对辐射造成细胞致死的原因进行了探讨 .  相似文献   
To evaluate the effects on CO2 exchange of clearcutting a mixed forest and replacing it with a plantation, 4.5 years of continuous eddy covariance measurements of CO2 fluxes and soil respiration measurements were conducted in a conifer-broadleaf mixed forest in Hokkaido, Japan. The mixed forest was a weak carbon sink (net ecosystem exchange, −44 g C m−2 yr−1), and it became a large carbon source (569 g C m−2 yr−1) after clearcutting. However, the large emission in the harvest year rapidly decreased in the following 2 years (495 and 153 g C m−2 yr−1, respectively) as the gross primary production (GPP) increased, while the total ecosystem respiration (RE) remained relatively stable. The rapid increase in GPP was attributed to an increase in biomass and photosynthetic activity of Sasa dwarf bamboo, an understory species. Soil respiration increased in the 3 years following clearcutting, in the first year mainly owing to the change in the gap ratio of the forest, and in the following years because of increased root respiration by the bamboo. The ratio of soil respiration to RE increased from 44% in the forest to nearly 100% after clearcutting, and aboveground parts of the vegetation contributed little to the RE although the respiration chamber measurements showed heterogeneous soil condition after clearcutting.  相似文献   
Shikimate : NADP oxidoreductase (5-dehydroshikimate reductase;EC [EC] ) was extracted from immature bamboo and partiallypurified. The optimal pH of the enzyme was found to be 11.0.The enzyme was demonstrated to be NADP specific. Michaelis constants (Km) for NADP and shikimic acid as substratewere found to be 1.4 10–4M and 2.0 10–4M, respectively,at pH 8.0. No metal requirement could be demonstrated sincelittle change in enzyme activity was observed on addition ofethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid (EDTA). On the other hand,the enzyme was potently inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzoicacid (PCMB). 5-Dehydroshikimate reductase was demonstrated to be widely distributedin woody plants such as bamboo, udo (Aralia cordata), asparagus(Asparagus officinalis) and tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera)as well as other higher plants. Shikimic acid content was comparatively low at the top, butafter reaching maximal content in the part just below the top,it began to decrease toward lower parts of bamboo. The enzymeactivity at the top was the highest and seemed to decrease towardthe tissues of lower parts. However the fact that the activitywas still maintained at a certain level even in the aged tissuessuggests that 5-dehydroshikimate reductase might play a significantrole for biosynthesis of lignin. (Received September 5, 1966; )  相似文献   
To determine whether an elevated carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) can induce changes in the wood structure and stem radial growth in forest trees, we investigated the anatomical features of conduit cells and cambial activity in 4‐year‐old saplings of four deciduous broadleaved tree species – two ring‐porous (Quercus mongolica and Kalopanax septemlobus) and two diffuse‐porous species (Betula maximowicziana and Acer mono) – grown for three growing seasons in a free‐air CO2 enrichment system. Elevated [CO2] had no effects on vessels, growth and physiological traits of Q. mongolica, whereas tree height, photosynthesis and vessel area tended to increase in K. septemlobus. No effects of [CO2] on growth, physiological traits and vessels were seen in the two diffuse‐porous woods. Elevated [CO2] increased larger vessels in all species, except B. maximowicziana and number of cambial cells in two ring‐porous species. Our results showed that the vessel anatomy and radial stem growth of Q. mongolica, B. maximowicziana and A. mono were not affected by elevated [CO2], although vessel size frequency and cambial activity in Q. mongolica were altered. In contrast, changes in vessel anatomy and cambial activity were induced by elevated [CO2] in K. septemlobus. The different responses to elevated [CO2] suggest that the sensitivity of forest trees to CO2 is species dependent.  相似文献   
Calcium Deposition in Idioblasts of Mulberry Leaves   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Large, rounded idioblasts were observed in adaxial leaves ofmulberry plants; they were clearly distinguishable from epidermal,trichome and parenchyma cells. The size and density of idioblastsvaried according to leaf age. Cytological features of idioblastswere as follows: the outermost region (‘cap’) ofidioblasts was situated on the adaxial surface as a dome-likeprotrusion; a cylindrical protuberance extended from the capregion to the inner part of the idioblast; in idioblasts frommature leaves a crystal mass was suspended from the lower tipof the cylindrical protuberance. Elemental analysis of idioblastsdemonstrated that silicon (Si) was localized in both the capregion and the cylindrical protuberance but calcium (Ca) waspresent in the large crystal, indicating site-specific cellularlocalization of Ca and Si within an idioblast. Histochemicalassays showed that a distinct Ca crystal filled the vacuolesof idioblasts in mature leaves, while immature leaves had manyidioblasts without Ca deposition. The increase in the Ca contentof leaves was directly proportional to the increase in leafage and appeared to be closely related to the Ca sink capacityof the developing idioblast vacuoles. The maximum sink capacitywas quantified to be approximately 40 ng per idioblast whenmulberry plants were grown hydroponically with excess Ca.Copyright1999 Annals of Botany Company Morus alba, idioblast, Ca deposition, Ca sink capacity, silicon, X-ray microanalysis, histochemistry, scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   
  1. Seed germination of Begonia Evansiana ANDR. was investigatedat 29?C.
  2. The germination was induced under long-day conditions,the criticaldaylength being about 8 hours. Exposure to at least2 or 3 cyclesof long days was necessary for germination. Theseeds couldgerminate under otherwise non-inductive photoperiods,when thedark period was interrupted with a short period ofillumination.Thus the photoperiodic behaviour of Begonia seedsin germinationis similar to that of typical long-day plantsin flowering.
  3. The application of gibberellin brought aboutno germinationin complete darkness, but markedly reduced thecritical daylengthfor germination, even 1-minute photoperiodsbeing inductive.The germination under continuous light wasalso favoured bygibberellin application. The action of gibberellinin germinationof Begonia seeds may be to intensify the lightaction or tosubstitute for a part of it.
1Present address: Dept. of Botany, Hokkaido University, Sapporo. (Received October 19, 1959; )  相似文献   
THE rare existence of organ-specific antisera transcending species differences was pointed out by Coombs1. Similar new organ, or “erythrocyte-specific”, antisera reacting selectively to the erythrocytes of several species of Myomorpha are described here. The antisera, “anti-A”, were prepared by the method of Adachi and Furusawa2: adult guinea-pigs were sensitized with the “antigen-A” (the protein portion of dd mouse erythrocyte membrane). The detailed procedure for preparing labelled antibody, the staining method and its specific reactivity to mouse erythrocytic cells have been reported before3. Circulating erythrocytes from various animals were stained with the fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled “anti-A”. Smeared cell preparations were fixed with acetone at ? 20° C for 20 min and incubated with the labelled antisera, which had been thoroughly absorbed with the emulsion of mouse liver and kidney to remove the cross-reacting antibodies, at 37° C for 90 min. A light microscope with a darkfield condenser was used for the fluorescent observations using Orsen's interference filter system. Clear fluorescent reactions, though of varied intensities, were observed with those animals classified as Myomorpha, that is, mouse, rat, golden hamster and Chinese hamster (Table 1, Fig. 1). Mammalian erythrocytes other than those of the guinea-pig used as the sensitized animal showed faint fluorescences. Nucleated erythrocytes of the chick, quail, turtle, toad and goldfish were negative to the reaction. The erythrocyte-specific reactivity of the labelled antisera was examined with the liver, kidney and thymus cells of the animals whose erythrocytes displayed intense fluorescences; they showed, however, no fluorescence.  相似文献   
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