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Erythroid cells were fractionated by preformed Percoll density gradient from livers of 12.5 day old mouse fetuses. With combination of lysing of mature erythroid cells, the CFU-E (colony forming unit of erythroid) was enriched as high as 30% pure. The mRNA levels of the rt-genes previously cloned as genes expressed in the reticulocytes are estimated in the fractionated erythroid cells. These rt-genes show a drastic change in expression during erythroid differentiation; Their expression was not detectable at the CFU-E cell stage. But it reached to maximum at the polychromatic erythroblast (stage I) and then decreases with maturation. The result suggests that mRNA synthesis of these rt-genes may be induced after the stimulation of erythropoietin.  相似文献   
C-9-1, a monoclonal IgM antibody raised against human null cell acute lymphocytic leukemia cells reacted with restricted regions of embryonic and adult tissues of the mouse. The antigen positive sites in the embryos included embryonic ectoderm, visceral endoderm, trophoblastic cells invading the maternal decidua of 5∼7-day embryos, primordial germ cells of 10∼12-day embryos, epithelium of nasal chamber, the bronchus, Mullerian duct, epididymis and bladder of 12∼17-day embryos. In the adult mice, C-9-1 antigen was detected in renal tubules, a part of stomach, bladder, endometrium and epididymal sperm. Embryonal carcinoma cells, but not endodermal cells of teratocarcinoma expressed the antigen. Thus, C-9-1 antigen showed distribution similar to SSEA-1. However, C-9-1 antigen was not detected in preimplantation embryos, nor in oviduct, both of which are positive for SSEA-1.  相似文献   
The Hill reaction of chloroplasts was inhibited by washing themwith 0.8 M Tris buffer. This inhibition was further promotedby adding ferricyanide in the washing medium. When a reducingreagent, such as the 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP)-ascorbatesystem or the hydroquinone (HQJ-ascorbate system, had been addedto the Tris buffer, Hill reaction activity was unaffected. Hill reaction activity of Tris-washed chloroplasts recoveredup to 70% of the initial level by re-washing the chloroplastswith a preparation medium containing theabove reducing reagents. Photobleaching of carotenoid and chlorophyll is characteristicof Tris-washed chloroplasts. However, reactivated chloroplastsshowed no photobleaching as in the case with intact chloroplasts. (Received April 20, 1970; )  相似文献   
The mechanism of polyol accumulation in diapausing Bombyx eggs, conversion of [6-14C] glucose-6-phosphate into polyols and other neutral sugars was investigated in in vitro reaction systems. When a crude homogenate or a press juice of the eggs was incubated with [6-14C]glucose-6-P, the labelled trehalose, sorbitol and glycerol accumulated in the reaction mixture. In the press juice incubation system of developing eggs at day 1, 14C-sorbitol was detected in appreciable amounts, but it decreased rapidly with the development of the embryos. When the press juice was prepared from eggs in diapause, the formation of 14C-sorbitol was 3–5 times greater in eggs at early stages (day 2 to day 4) than in developing eggs.  相似文献   
Two cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinases, designated as protein kinase-I and -II, were obtained from the eggs of the silkworm, Bombyx mori . Protein kinase-I is highly dependent on cGMP, whereas protein kinase-II is dependent on cAMP. In developing non-diapause eggs, the level of cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase activity is quite high but that in the diapause eggs is not. The developmental changes in the two protein kinases and the level of cyclic nucleotides were also studied during the development of the eggs.  相似文献   
The micromeres at the 16-cell stage of sea urchin embryo have already been endowed with a faculty to self-differentiate into spicule-forming cells (11). The present experiment was designed to test whether the factor(s) necessary for such self-differentiation had already been localized at the 8-cell stage in an area corresponding to the presumptive micromere region in Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. Since the blastomeres at the 8-cell stage are all equal in size in normal embryo, unequal 3rd cleavage, by which small blastomeres are pinched off toward the vegetal pole (precocious micromeres), was experimentally induced either by treatment with 4NQO (4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide) at the 2-cell stage or by continuous culture in Ca-free sea water. The precocious micromeres were cultured in vitro in natural sea water containing horse serum. Descendants of the precocious micromeres formed spicules. In comparison their spicule formation with that by the descendants of the micromere of normal embryo, no differences were found regarding 1) time of initiation of spicule formation, 2) rate of growth of spicule, 3) size and shape of resultant spicule and 4) percentage of clones which formed spicule. The fact indicates that factor(s) indispensable for self-differentiation into spicule-forming cells have already been localized near the vegetal pole as early as the 8-cell stage.  相似文献   
We analyzed the spatial distributions of two congeneric tree species, Neolistea aciculata and Neolistea sericea (Lauraceae), in a warm‐temperate forest on Miyajima Island, south‐western Japan. Both species were mainly found in valley sites on the island. Hence, these species shared the same topographic habitat niche. However, we found a clear difference between the spatial distributions of the two species in relation to the light environment. Neolistea aciculata was predominantly found in stands with low light, such as beneath the canopy of dense evergreen broadleaved forest. In contrast, N. sericea was predominantly associated with ample light, such as in secondary Pinus densiflora forest. In stands with moderate light conditions, both species were found. This habitat niche segregation in relation to light conditions presumably allows the coexistence of these two species in the predominantly successional forest on Miyajima Island.  相似文献   
Ozone (O3) is an air pollutant with an impact increasingly important in our industrialized world. It affects human health and productivity in various crops. We provide the evidences that treatment of Arabidopsis thaliana with O3 results in ascorbate‐derived oxalic acid production. Using cultured cells of A. thaliana as a model, here we further showed that oxalic acid induces activation of anion channels that trigger depolarization of the cell, increase in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, generation of reactive oxygen species and cell death. We confirmed that O3 reacts with ascorbate in the culture, thus resulting in production of oxalic acid and this could be part of the O3‐induced signalling pathways that trigger programmed cell death.  相似文献   
1. Habitat loss and fragmentation potentially affect the performance of bees that forage nectar and pollen of plants in their habitats. In forest landscapes, silvicultural conifer plantations often have reduced and fragmented natural broadleaf forests, which seem to provide more floral resources for bees than do the plantations. 2. This study evaluated the effects of forest characteristics (i.e. elevation, area, edge length, and tree size of natural forests) on pollen diets (plant taxa assemblages of pollen grains in provisions) and total provision mass in oviposited chambers in nests made by a standardised number of Osmia cornifrons bees at 14 sites in a forestry area in central Japan. 3. From April to May, the numbers of nests and chambers per nest increased, and the provision mass per chamber decreased. Main pollen sources were Prunus at higher elevations in April and Wisteria at lower elevations in May, foraging on which increased the numbers of nests and chambers per nest. The provision mass per chamber was smaller at higher elevations in more fragmented natural forests. Decreases in the area of natural forests within the foraging range (400‐m radii) of O. cornifrons increased the utilisation of Rubus pollen and decreased the total provision mass. 4. These findings suggest that the loss and fragmentation of natural broadleaf forests change pollen diets and reduce the provision mass of mason bees, which may reduce the number and size of their offspring.  相似文献   
  1. Several factors affecting sporulation of a wild yeast, Hansenulasaturnus, especially carbon sources and the carbon-nitrogenratio of sporulation medium were studied.
  2. The sporulationis stimulated at a certain definite C/N ratioof glucose medium.
  3. Several carbon sources such as ethanol, acetate, lactate,glycerol,succinate, glucose, gluconate and citrate are utilizedby theorganism both for growth and sporulation.
  4. The numberof spores in an ascus depends on the C/N ratio ofthe medium.An increase in the ratio stimulates the yield of2-and 3-sporedasci, especially of the former. One-spored ascibecome abundantas this ratio decreases.
  5. Lysine promotes sporulation in anacetate medium, and its presencein a large amount in glucosemedium also stimulates sporulation,while a small amount isinhibitory. When lysine was employedas the sole nitrogen source,most of the asci were 1-spored.
  6. It is discussed that sporulationof yeast is induced by a balanceof metabolism, rather thanby one definite "sporulation substrate".
1 Present address: Laboratory of Microbiology, Department ofAgriculture, T{circumflex}hoku University, Sendai. (Received May 23, 1961; )  相似文献   
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