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The cells dissociated from developing embryos of Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) are cultured in vitro to examine the developmental fate of their pigment cells in relation to establishment of bilaterally asymmetric integumental coloration in vivo. When neurula embryos are dissociated using trypsin–EDTA in Dulbecco's modified Ca2+–, Mg2+–free phosphate buffered saline and then cultured in vitro using L–15–based fetal calf serum–supplemented growth medium at 20°C, numerous pigment cells appear twice in the same culture with an interval of approximately 1 month even under similar culture conditions. The first group of pigment cells, which is relatively larger in cell size (about 70 μm wide) and lower in cell density, emerges within 12 hr after plating, whereas the second, which is far smaller in cell size (about 30 μm) and overwhelmingly higher in cell density than the first, does so about 1 month after plating. The timing of their appearances in vitro is in good accordance, respectively, with that observed for the larvae under normal development in vivo; the first group appears at the period corresponding to hatching, whereas the second at the period corresponding to the completion of metamorphosis. Light microscopic examinations disclose that each group of pigment cells is composed of black melanophores and reflecting leucophores, and that the population density of melanophores and leucophores in the first group at the climax of appearance is approximated as 1:4. Typical xanthophores that are distributed in the skin of the larvae of this species are scarcely observed in culture in vitro. Because of their dual synchronous appearances with about 1 month interval under the similar culture conditions, and because of their low proliferative activity during the periods from the first appearance to the second, it is presumed that both groups of pigment cells are installed with a clock set differently for their differentiation. Light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry on cultured cells using the HNK–I antibody, which marks avian migratory neural crest cells, both disclose that the antibody cross–reacts with all these pigment cells, and that a certain number of immunoreactive unpigmented cells exist even at the time of the second appearance of pigment cells. These findings would imply that the second group of pigment cells served in a form of undifferentiated propigment cells up to metamorphosis, at which they start to differentiate under control of a clock presumably set during neurulation.  相似文献   
Inasmuch as the nitrogen cycle elicits the direct reduction of N2 to NH3 through enzymatic reactions, and inasmuch as l ‐DOPA ( l ‐dihydroxyphentlalamine), a catecholamine, can be a source of nitric oxide (NO), it is possible that melanin granules in the eye affect the generation of NO, which causes damage to the retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells during the oxidation of l ‐DOPA. In order to confirm this possibility, we analyzed the correlations of NO generation, cell growth, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities in two types (melanotic and amelanotic) of bovine RPE cells following exposure to l ‐DOPA. NO generation from l ‐DOPA was determined using an NO detector that is reliant on redox currents. The concentration of NO was measured in terms of diffusion currents run between a working electrode and a counter electrode, both being set in culture medium placed in a Petri dish. For the assays, l ‐DOPA was added to the medium at various concentrations (5, 29.9, 79.4, 152.7 or 249 μM), and 6 min after addition, an NO‐trapping agent 2,4‐carboxyphenyl‐4,4,5,5‐tetramethylimidazole‐1‐oxyl 3‐oxide (carboxy‐PTIO) was also added. The melanotic and amelanotic types of RPE cells were cultured separately in medium with l ‐DOPA under an atmosphere containing 20, 10 or 5% oxygen. Cell numbers were counted using a Coulter counter, and SOD activities were determined following incubation for 24, 48 or 72 hr using a modification of the luminol assay. The results obtained indicated that: (a) NO was produced from l ‐DOPA in a concentration‐dependent manner and was trapped quantitatively by carboxy‐PTIO; (b) the generation of NO was inhibited more markedly in the melanotic cell line than in the amelanotic one, suggesting an increased tolerance to l ‐DOPA‐derived cytotoxicity in the former; and (c) the SOD activities were more affected by oxygen concentration in the melanotic cells than in the amelanotic ones. From these results, it is concluded that melanin granules in RPE cells have a role in preventing the cytotoxicity derived from l ‐DOPA and in regulating the generation of NO and superoxide radicals.  相似文献   
Light-induced peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) may generate lipid hydroperoxides, which may have toxic effects on retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells in vitro. We investigated the effects of cool-white fluorescent light on the RPE cells incubated with linoleic acids (LA) or linoleic acid hydroperoxides (LHP) and the influence of antioxidative enzymes. We measured the bovine RPE cell number after exposure to fluorescent light (610 and 1,200 lux) in the presence of LA or LHP. Furthermore, the effects of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase on LA- or LHP-treated RPE cells were also examined. Both LA and LHP treatment increased RPE cell number under weak illumination (610 lux), but dose-dependently decreased the number of cells exposed to strong illumination (1,200 lux). With exposure to strong illumination, LA caused a greater reduction in RPE cell number than LHP. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that the number of RPE cells was significantly decreased in a manner dependent on the interactions of the illuminance of light and the concentrations of LA or LHP. The antioxidative enzymes significantly ameliorated the damage to RPE cells from LA or LHP and exposure to light. Therefore, the exposure to fluorescent light augmented the cytotoxic effects of LA and LHP on RPE cells, and this effect is likely to be mediated by reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   
We previously observed the presence of autofluorescent lipofuscin or its like in retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, which were incubated with linoleic acid hydroperoxides (LHP). We studied the effect of oxygen on the level of lipid peroxides in RPE cells in the presence of linoleic acids (LA) or LHP. The level of lipid peroxides in these cells was determined by use of the thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS), which responded to oxygen concentrations qualitatively, and a linear regression analysis. Multiple linear regression analysis disclosed that treatment with LA for 24 hr resulted in detectable increase in the level of TBARS in the cells, whereas treatment with LA or LHP for 48 hr caused detectable decrease. Stepwise linear regression analysis showed that the level of TBARS decreased in an oxygen-tension dependent manner in the cells incubated with LA for 48 hr. Thus, it was shown that short-term incubation with LA increased the level of TBARS in the cells and that LA decreased its level in an oxygen-tension dependent manner. For these results, the postulation was made that the prolonged auto-oxidation of LA caused production of lipofuscin-like materials, a complex of lipid peroxides and proteins that were insoluble in SDS and acetic acid solution.  相似文献   
Cytophotometric studies revealed that the content of Feulgen DNA in Purkinje cells in the developing rat cerebellum remains at the diploid level throughout the postnatal life. No evidence was found to suggest resumption of DNA synthesis in the neurons. This finding is in accord with autoradiographic observations that neuroblasts once differentiated from matrix cells do not synthesize DNA nor divide again.  相似文献   
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