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A study of bacterial surface oligosaccharides were investigated among different strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to correlate structural features essential for binding to the MAb 2C7. This epitope is widely expressed and conserved in gonococcal isolates, characteristics essential to an effective candidate vaccine antigen. Sample lipooligosaccharides (LOS), was prepared by a modification of the hot phenol-water method from which de-O-acetylated LOS and oligosaccharide (OS) components were analyzed by ES-MS-CID-MS and ES-MSnin a triple quadrupole and an ion trap mass spectrometer, respectively. Previously documented natural heterogeneity was apparent from both LOS and OS preparations which was admixed with fragments induced by hydrazine and mild acid treatment. Natural heterogeneity was limited to phosphorylation and antenni extensions to the alpha-chain. Mild acid hydrolysis to release OS also hydrolyzed the beta(1-->6) glycosidic linkage of lipid A. OS structures were determined by collisional and resonance excitation combined with MS and multistep MSn which provided sequence information from both neutral loss, and nonreducing terminal fragments. A comparison of OS structures, with earlier knowledge of MAb binding, enzyme treatment, and partial acid hydrolysis indicates a generic overlapping domain for 2C7 binding. Reoccurring structural features include a Hepalpha(1-->3)Hepbeta(1-->5)KDO trisaccharide core branched on the nonreducing terminus (Hep-2) with an alpha(1-->2) linked GlcNAc (gamma-chain), and an alpha-linked lactose (beta-chain) residue. From the central heptose (Hep-1), a beta(1-->4) linked lactose (alpha-chain), moiety is required although extensions to this residue appear unnecessary.   相似文献   
Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs) play a pivotal role in immunity by recognising conserved structural features of pathogens and initiating the innate immune response. TLR signalling is subject to complex regulation that remains poorly understood. Here we show that two small type I transmembrane receptors, TMED2 and 7, that function as cargo sorting adaptors in the early secretory pathway are required for transport of TLRs from the ER to Golgi. Protein interaction studies reveal that TMED7 interacts with TLR2, TLR4 and TLR5 but not with TLR3 and TLR9. On the other hand, TMED2 interacts with TLR2, TLR4 and TLR3. Dominant negative forms of TMED7 suppress the export of cell surface TLRs from the ER to the Golgi. By contrast TMED2 is required for the ER-export of both plasma membrane and endosomal TLRs. Together, these findings suggest that association of TMED2 and TMED7 with TLRs facilitates anterograde transport from the ER to the Golgi.  相似文献   
Intrinsic protein fluorescence may interfere with the visualization of proteins after SDS-polyacrylamide electrophoresis. In an attempt to analyze tear glycoproteins in gels, we ran tear samples and stained the proteins with a glycoprotein-specific fluorescent dye. The fluorescence detected was not limited to glycoproteins. There was strong intrinsic fluorescence of proteins normally found in tears after soaking the gels in 40% methanol plus 1-10% acetic acid and, to a lesser extent, in methanol or acetic acid alone. Nanograms of proteins gave visible native fluorescence and interfere with extrinsic fluorescent dye detection. Poly-L-lysine, which does not contain intrinsically fluorescent amino acids, did not fluoresce.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase) is a polyribonucleotide nucleotidyl transferase (E.C. that degrades mRNA in prokaryotes. Streptomyces antibioticus PNPase also assays as a guanosine 3'-diphosphate 5'-triphosphate (pppGpp) synthetase (E.C. It may function to coordinate changes in mRNA lifetimes with pppGpp levels during the Streptomyces lifecycle. RESULTS: The structure of S. antibioticus PNPase without bound RNA but with the phosphate analog tungstate bound at the PNPase catalytic sites was determined by X-ray crystallography and shows a trimeric multidomain protein with a central channel. The structural core has a novel duplicated architecture formed by association of two homologous domains. The tungstate derivative structure reveals the PNPase active site in the second of these core domains. Structure-based sequence analysis suggests that the pppGpp synthetase active site is located in the first core domain. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first structure of a PNPase and shows the structural basis for the trimer assembly, the arrangement of accessory RNA binding domains, and the likely catalytic residues of the PNPase active site. A possible function of the trimer channel is as a contribution to both the processivity of degradation and the regulation of PNPase action by RNA structural elements.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To produce a practical algorithm to predict which patients with early rheumatoid arthritis will develop radiological erosions. DESIGN: Primary care based prospective cohort study. SETTING: All general practices in the Norwich Health Authority, Norfolk. SUBJECTS: 175 patients notified to the Norfolk Arthritis Register were visited by a metrologist soon after they had presented to their general practitioners with inflammatory polyarthritis, and again after a further 12 months. All the patients satisfied the American Rheumatism Association''s 1987 criteria for rheumatoid arthritis and were seen by a metrologist within six months of the onset of symptoms. The study population was randomly split into a prediction sample (n = 105) for generating the algorithm and a validation sample (n = 70) for testing it. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Predictor variables measured at baseline included rheumatoid factor status, swelling of specific joint areas, duration of morning stiffness, nodules, disability score, age, sex, and disease duration when the patient first presented. The outcome variable was the presence of radiological erosions in the hands or feet, or both, after 12 months. RESULTS: A simple algorithm based on a combination of three variables--a positive rheumatoid factor test, swelling of at least two large joints, and a disease duration of more than three months--was best able to predict erosions. When the accuracy of this algorithm was tested with the validation sample, the erosion status of 79% of patients was predicted correctly. CONCLUSIONS: A simple algorithm based on three easily measured items of information can predict which patients are at high risk and which are at low risk of developing radiological erosions.  相似文献   
The coefficient of dispersion, an index of the relative proportion of the population at high and low densities, was calculated for a number of outbreak area populations of the red locust. The comparison of these indices showed that the proportion of the population at high densities was greatest near the middle of the adult locust's life. The data suggested that the proportion of locusts at high densities was greater with higher mean locust densities and after the formation of swarms. On the other hand this value was probably lower in a habitat made up of patches of tall and short grass or of burnt-off ground and unburnt stands, than in uniform grassland, and was probably also lower after insecticide attack than before.
Résumé Les populations adultes du criquet nomade dans certains foyers d'origine ont été estimées pendant un certain nombre d'années. La technique employée consiste à conduire un véhicule suivant un tracé préétabli de façon à couvrir systématiquement la superficie et de compter le nombre de sauterelles chassées d'une bande de la largeur d'un Land Rover; les nombres sont notés tous les 160 mètres.Le coëfficient de dispersion (la variance divisée par la moyenne) a été calculé par le comptage des criquets s'envolant dans les sections de 160 m. Celui-ci est un index de la proportion relative de criquets à des densités hautes et basses. Il est indépendant de la grandeur totale de la population de sorte qu'il est possible de faire des comparaisons tant entre les distributions de la population dans des régions différentes et les distributions existant à des périodes différentes dans la même région.La comparaison de ces indices démontra qu'en général le coëfficient de dispersion était le plus élevé vers le milieu du stade adulte (juin, juillet, aôut) c.à.d. qu'à ce moment la plus grande proportion de la population était concentrée sur la plus petite surface.A cause du nombre d'exemples relativement petit il est difficile de déterminer l'effet indépendant d'autres facteurs sur le coëfficient de dispersion. Il est cependant probable qu'à une densité moyenne de criquets plus élevée la proportion de criquets était plus grande à des densités élevées.En outre la densité des criquets formant des essaims est en effet très élevée; la formation d'essaims tendait à accroître le coëfficient de dispersion.Un traitement insecticide paraissait réduire le coëfficient de dispersion. Ceci n'est pas surprenant puisque seuls les essaims en repos on été attaqués.Enfin il est possible que la proportion de criquets à des densités élevées était plus grande dans un habitat relativement uniforme que dans un habitat consistant en des morceaux de terre avec des herbes longues et courtes ou en des terres incinérées et des plages non incinérées.
Total nuclear protein from the embryonic D. melanogaster cell line Kc and crude hydroxyapatite fractions thereof were used for immunization of mice. From the spleen cells of these mice we established 755 permanent lymphoid cell lines using the hybridoma technique originally developed by Köhler and Milstein (1975). Radioimmunoassay showed 455 of these cell lines secreted antibodies which bound to component(s) contained in the antigen mixtures used for immunization. Screening of 311 cell lines using indirect immunofluorescence revealed 58 lines whose antibodies showed a highly selective staining pattern on polytene chromosomes from the salivary glands of D. melanogaster third instar larvae. Eight of these cell lines were cloned and further characterized. We were able to order the staining patterns into three distinct classes based on the staining behaviour of the monoclonal antibodies: staining of active regions, staining of phase dark bands or staining of most interbands. The molecular weight of those antigens against which the monoclonal antibodies were directed was determined in SDS polyacrylamide gels.  相似文献   
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