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Woodlots are forest islands embedded within an urban matrix, and often represent the only natural areas remaining in suburban areas. Woodlots represent critical conservation areas for native plants, and are important habitat for wildlife in urban areas. Invasion by non-indigenous (NIS) plants can alter ecological structure and function, and may be especially severe in remnant forests where NIS propagule pressure is high. Woody shrubs in the Family Berberidaceae have been well documented as invaders of the forest–urban matrix in North America. Mahonia bealei (Berberidaceae) is a clonal shrub native to China, and is a popular ornamental in the Southeastern United States. Mahoni bealei is listed as “present” on some local and state floras, but almost nothing is known regarding its invasion potential in the United States. We sampled 15 woodlots in Clemson, South Carolina, to assess the invasion of M. bealei and other woody non-indigenous species (NIS). M. bealei invaded 87% of the woodlots surveyed and species richness of NIS on these woodlots varied from 5 to 14. Stepwise-multiple regression indicated that less canopy cover and older M. bealei predicted greater abundance of M. bealei , and that not all subdivisions were equally invaded (P < 0.0001; r2 = 0.88). The impact of M. bealei on native flora and fauna may be considerable, and it is likely to continue to spread in the Southeastern United States. M. bealei should be recognized as an aggressive invader in the Southeastern United States, with the potential for negative impacts on native flora and fauna.  相似文献   
Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase from yeast (AspRS) was screened for functional domains by measuring the effect of two types of amino acid mutations on its catalytic properties: (a) insertion of a dipeptide or a tetrapeptide along the polypeptide chain, (b) deletion of various lengths from the enzyme C-terminal. It was shown that insertion mutations significantly affect the kinetic properties of AspRS only when occurring in the second quarter of the molecule and the two centrally located mutations even inactivate the enzyme completely. Analysis of kinetic data strongly suggests that, in fact, all the observed activity modifications result from alteration of the activation reaction rate constant, kappa cat only. This led to the conclusion that the domain involved in aspartic acid activation should be located in the second quarter of the molecule. Furthermore, a deletion mutant with a modification of the last five amino acid residues was isolated. This mutant is fully active in the activation step, but has lost 80% of the wild-type aminoacylation activity. This involvement of the C-terminus in acylation implies that it has to be folded towards strategic regions of the enzyme, thus favouring conformations required for catalysis or maintaining the tRNA in a functional position.  相似文献   
A method called "South Western blot mapping" for rapid characterization of both DNA binding proteins and their specific sites on genomic DNA is described. Proteins are separated on a sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel, renatured by removing SDS in the presence of urea, and blotted onto nitrocellulose by diffusion. The genomic DNA region of interest is digested by restriction enzymes selected to produce fragments of appropriate but different sizes, which are subsequently end-labeled and allowed to bind to the separated proteins. The specifically bound DNA is eluted from each individual protein-DNA complex and analyzed by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. Evidence that tissue-specific DNA binding proteins may be detected by this technique is presented. Moreover, their sequence-specific binding allows the purification of the corresponding selectively bound DNA fragments and may improve protein-mediated cloning of DNA regulatory sequences.  相似文献   
Mutations at the hexosaminidase A (HEXA) gene which cause Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) have elevated frequency in the Ashkenazi Jewish and French-Canadian populations. We report a novel TSD allele in the French-Canadian population associated with the infantile form of the disease. The mutation, a GA transition at the +1 position of intron 7, abolishes the donor splice site. Cultured human fibroblasts from a compound heterozygote for this transition (and for a deletion mutation) produce no detectable HEXA mRNA. The intron 7+1 mutation occurs in the base adjacent to the site of the adult-onset TSD mutation (G805A). In both mutations a restriction site for the endonuclease EcoRII is abolished. Unambiguous diagnosis, therefore, requires allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization to distinguish between these two mutant alleles. The intron 7+1 mutation has been detected in three unrelated families. Obligate heterozygotes for the intron 7+1 mutation were born in the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean region of Quebec. The most recent ancestors common to obligate carriers of this mutation were from the Charlevoix region of the province of Quebec. This mutation thus has a different geographic centre of diffusion and is probably less common than the exon 1 deletion TSD mutation in French Canadians. Neither mutation has been detected in France, the ancestral homeland of French Canada.  相似文献   
Influence of maize root mucilage on soil aggregate stability   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This study was undertaken to determine the effects of root exudates on soil aggregate stability. Root mucilage was collected from two-month old maize plants (Zea mays L.) Mucilage and glucose solutions were added at a rate of 2.45 g C kg−1 dry soil to silty clay and silt loam soils. Amended soils, placed in serum flasks, were incubated for 42 d with a drying-wetting cycle after 21 d. Evolved CO2 was measured periodically as well as the water-stable aggregates and soluble sugar and polysaccharide content of the soil. In mucilage-amended soils CO2 evolution started with a lag phase of 2–3 days, which was not observed in glucose-amended soils. There was then a sharp increase in evolved CO2 up to day 7. During the second incubation period there were only small differences in evolved C between treatments. Incorporation of mucilage in both soils resulted in a spectacular and immediate increase in soil aggregate stability. Thereafter, the percent of water-stable aggregates quickly decreased parallel to microbial degradation. On completion of the incubation, aggregate stability in the silty clay soil was still significantly higher in the presence of mucilage than in the control. This work supports the assumption that freshly released mucilage is able to stick very rapidly to soil particles and may protect the newly formed aggregates against water destruction. On the silty clay, microbial activity contributes to a stabilization of these established organo-mineral bounds.  相似文献   
Catabolite repression of β-galactosidase synthesis in Escherichia coli   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
1. Repression by glucose of β-galactosidase synthesis is spontaneously reversible in all strains of Escherichia coli examined long before the glucose has all been consumed. The extent of recovery and the time necessary for reversal differ among various strains. Other inducible enzymes show similar effects. 2. This transient effect of glucose repression is observed in constitutive (i) and permease-less (y) cells as well as in the corresponding i+ and y+ strains. 3. Repression is exerted by several rapidly metabolizable substrates (galactose, ribose and ribonucleosides) but not by non-metabolized or poorly metabolized compounds (2-deoxyglucose, 2-deoxyribose, phenyl thio-β-galactoside and 2-deoxyribonucleosides). 4. The transient repression with glucose is observed in inducible cells supplied with a powerful inducer of β-galactosidase synthesis (e.g. isopropyl thio-β-galactoside) but not with a weak inducer (lactose); in the latter instance glucose repression is permanent. Diauxic growth on glucose plus lactose can be abolished by including isopropyl thio-β-galactoside in the medium. 5. In some strains phosphate starvation increases catabolite repression; in others it relieves it. Adenine starvation in an adenine-requiring mutant also relieves catabolite repression by glycerol but not that by glucose. Restoration of phosphate or adenine to cells starved of these nutrients causes a pronounced temporary repression. Alkaline-phosphatase synthesis is not affected by the availability of adenine. 6. During periods of transient repression of induced enzyme synthesis the differential rate of RNA synthesis, measured by labelled uracil incorporation in 2min. pulses, shows a temporary rise. 7. The differential rate of uracil incorporation into RNA falls during exponential growth of batch cultures of E. coli. This is equally true for uracil-requiring and non-requiring strains. The fall in the rate of incorporation has been shown to be due to a real fall in the rate of RNA synthesis. The significance of the changes in the rate of RNA synthesis is discussed. 8. A partial model of catabolite repression is presented with suggestions for determining the chemical identification of the catabolite co-repressor itself.  相似文献   
Integrated cultivation of salmonids and seaweeds in open systems   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Bacterial abundance and production in a vertical profile in Lake Kariba (17dgS), Zimbabwe, were affected by solar irradiance. At the surface, 1.87 × 109 bacteria 1–1 were found and abundance peaked at 10 m (2.5 × 109 bacteria l-1), then decreasing with depth. Bacterial reproduction at the surface(0.145 µg C1–1 h–1) was nearly four times less than the production at 10 m although bacterial numbers were only 26% less. Thus, bacterial production per cell was lower at the surface than deeper down, suggesting that bacterial production is inhibited at the surface.Bacterial production in GF/F filtered lake water in Whirl Pack bags showed an exponential decrease down to 3 m depth. The inhibition was well in accordance with light extinction in the UV region. Phosphatase activity was low in light exposed bags compared to dark, indicating photolysis of extracellular enzymes, or phototransformation of recalcitrant DOM, which substitutes enzyme activity. Hypolimnetic enzyme activity was less affected by solar light than epilimnetic.  相似文献   
In non-nodulated soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill cv. Ransom]plants that were subjected to 15 d of nitrogen deprivation inflowing hydroponic culture, concentrations of nitrogen declinedto 1.0 and 1.4mmol Ng–1 dry weight in shoots and roots,respectively, and the concentration of soluble amino acids (determinedas primary amines) declined to 40µmol g–1 dry weightin both shoots and roots. In one experiment, nitrogen was resuppliedfor 10 d to one set of nitrogen-depleted plants as 1.0 mol m–3NH4+ to the whole root system, to a second set as 0.5 mol m–3NH4+ plus 0.5 mol m–3 NO3 to the whole root system,and to a third set as 1.0 mol m–3 NH4+ to one-half ofa split-root system and 1.0 mol m–3 NO3 to theother half. In a second experiment, 1.0 mol m–3 of nitrogenwas resupplied for 4 d to whole root systems in NH4+ : NO3ratios of 1:0, 9:1, and 1:1. Nutrient solutions were maintainedat pH 6.0. When NH4+ was resupplied in combination with NO3 to thewhole root system in Experiment I, cumulative uptake of NH4+for the 10 d of resupply was about twice as great as when NH4+was resupplied alone. Also, about twice as much NH4+ as NO3was taken up when both ions were resupplied to the whole rootsystem. When NH4+ and NO3 were resupplied to separatehalves of a split-root system, however, cumulative uptake ofNH4+ was about half that of NO3. The uptake of NH4+,which is inhibited in nitrogen-depleted plants, thus is facilitatedby the presence of exogenous NO3, and the stimulatingeffect of NO3 on uptake of NH4+ appears to be confinedto processes within root tissues. In Experiment II, resupplyof nitrogen as both NH4+ and NO3 in a ratio of either1:1 or 9:1 enhanced the uptake of NH4+. The enhancement of NH4+uptake was 1.8-fold greater when the NH4+: NO3-resupplyratio was 1:1 than when it was 9:1; however, only 1.3 timesas much NO3 was taken up by plants resupplied with the1 :1 exogenous ratio. The effect of NO3 on enhancementof uptake of NH4+ apparently involves more than net uptake ofNO3 itself and perhaps entails an effect of NO3uptake on maintenance of K+ availability within the plant. Theconcentration of K+ in plants declined slightly during nitrogendeprivation and continued to decline following resupply of nitrogen.The greatest decline in K+ concentration occurred when nitrogenwas resupplied as NH4+ alone. It is proposed that decreasedavailability of K+ within the NH4+-resup-plied plants inhibitedNH4+ uptake through restricted transfer of amino acids fromthe root symplasm into the xylem. Key words: Ammonium, Glycine max, nitrate, nitrogen-nutrition, nitrogen stress, split-root cultures  相似文献   
The role of ABA in the induction of freezing tolerance was investigatedin two wheat (T. aestivum L.) cultivars, Glenlea (spring var)and Fredrick (winter var). Exogenous application of ABA (5x10–5M for 5 days at 24°C) increased the freezing tolerance ofintact plants by only 3°C (LT50) in both cultivars. Maximalfreezing tolerance (LT50 of –9°C for Glenlea and –17°Cfor Fredrick) could only be obtained with a low temperaturetreatment (6/2°C; day/night) for 40 days. These resultsshow that exogenously applied ABA cannot substitute for lowtemperature requirementto induce freezing tolerance in intactwheat plants. Furthermore, there was no increase in the endogenousABA level of wheat plants during low temperature acclimation,suggesting the absence of an essential role for ABA in the developmentof freezing tolerance in intact plants. On the other hand, ABAapplication (5x10–5 M for 5 days at 24°C) to embryogenicwheat calli resulted in an increase of freezing tolerance similarto that achieved by low temperature. However, as in intact plants,there was no increase in the endogenous ABA level during lowtemperature acclimation of calli. These results indicate thatthe induction of freezing tolerance by low temperature is notassociated with an increase in ABA content. Using an antibodyspecific to a protein family associated with the developmentof freezing tolerance, we demonstrated that the induction offreezing tolerance by ABA in embryogenic wheat calli was correlatedwith the accumulation of a new 32 kDa protein. This proteinis specifically induced by ABA but shares a common antigenicitywith those induced by low temperature. These results suggestthat ABA induces freezing tolerance in wheat calli via a regulatorymechanism different from that of low temperature. (Received June 15, 1993; Accepted September 16, 1993)  相似文献   
The timing of root production is one of the parameters required for modelling the root system architecture. The objectives of this study are (1) to describe the rate of appearance of adventitious root primordia of maize and their rate of emergence out of the stem; (2) to test equations for the prediction of the rank of the phytomer on which root emergence occurs, in a wide range of field situations.Maize, cultivar Dea, was grown in controlled conditions and in the field in 1987, 1988, 1989 and 1991. Plants were regularly sampled and the following data were recorded: foliar stage, number of root primordia and number of emerged roots per phytomer. Root primordia were counted in transverse thin sections in the stem.At a single plant level, root primordia differentiation occurred sequentially on the successive phytomers, with no overlapping between two phytomers. The same was true for root emergence. Roots belonging to the same phytomer emerged at approximately the same time.At a plant population level, there was a linear relationship between the rank of the phytomer on which root primordia were differentiated and cumulated degree-days after sowing. A linear relationship was also observed between the rank of the phytomer on which roots were emerging and cumulated degree-days or foliar stage. In the range of field situations tested (several years, sowing dates and planting densities), both equations gave an accurate prediction of the timing of root emergence during the plant cycle.  相似文献   
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