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There are many situations in which grain distributions resulting from in situ hybridization of radioactively labeled probes to unique genes should be subjected to a statistical analysis. However, the problems posed by analysis of in situ hybridization data are not straightforward, and no completely satisfying method is currently available. We have developed a procedure in which the major and any number of minor site(s) of hybridization may be specifically located and the significance of each tested. This zmax procedure first tests the overall distribution for departure from randomness and then identifies significantly overlabeled whole chromosomes (or chromosome arms or other large segments), a process that may be repeated to pinpoint significantly overlabeled regions within these chromosomes. We describe in detail the derivation of the zmax statistic, present tables of significant zmax levels, and show with examples how zmax is used in tests of significance of in situ hybridization data.  相似文献   
There are many situations in which grain distributions resulting from in situ hybridization of radioactively labeled probes to unique genes should be subjected to a statistical analysis. However, the problems posed by analysis of in situ hybridization data are not straightforward, and no completely satisfying method is currently available. We have developed a procedure in which the major and any number of minor site(s) of hybridization may be specifically located and the significance of each tested. This Zmax procedure first tests the overall distribution for departure from randomness and then identifies significantly overlabeled whole chromosomes (or chromosome arms or other large segments), a process that may be repeated to pinpoint significantly overlabeled regions within these chromosomes. We describe in detail the derivation of the Zmax statistic, present tables of significant Zmax levels, and show with examples how Zmax is used in tests of significance of in situ hybridization data.  相似文献   
Integrated cultivation of salmonids and seaweeds in open systems   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Bacterial abundance and production in a vertical profile in Lake Kariba (17dgS), Zimbabwe, were affected by solar irradiance. At the surface, 1.87 × 109 bacteria 1–1 were found and abundance peaked at 10 m (2.5 × 109 bacteria l-1), then decreasing with depth. Bacterial reproduction at the surface(0.145 µg C1–1 h–1) was nearly four times less than the production at 10 m although bacterial numbers were only 26% less. Thus, bacterial production per cell was lower at the surface than deeper down, suggesting that bacterial production is inhibited at the surface.Bacterial production in GF/F filtered lake water in Whirl Pack bags showed an exponential decrease down to 3 m depth. The inhibition was well in accordance with light extinction in the UV region. Phosphatase activity was low in light exposed bags compared to dark, indicating photolysis of extracellular enzymes, or phototransformation of recalcitrant DOM, which substitutes enzyme activity. Hypolimnetic enzyme activity was less affected by solar light than epilimnetic.  相似文献   
In non-nodulated soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill cv. Ransom]plants that were subjected to 15 d of nitrogen deprivation inflowing hydroponic culture, concentrations of nitrogen declinedto 1.0 and 1.4mmol Ng–1 dry weight in shoots and roots,respectively, and the concentration of soluble amino acids (determinedas primary amines) declined to 40µmol g–1 dry weightin both shoots and roots. In one experiment, nitrogen was resuppliedfor 10 d to one set of nitrogen-depleted plants as 1.0 mol m–3NH4+ to the whole root system, to a second set as 0.5 mol m–3NH4+ plus 0.5 mol m–3 NO3 to the whole root system,and to a third set as 1.0 mol m–3 NH4+ to one-half ofa split-root system and 1.0 mol m–3 NO3 to theother half. In a second experiment, 1.0 mol m–3 of nitrogenwas resupplied for 4 d to whole root systems in NH4+ : NO3ratios of 1:0, 9:1, and 1:1. Nutrient solutions were maintainedat pH 6.0. When NH4+ was resupplied in combination with NO3 to thewhole root system in Experiment I, cumulative uptake of NH4+for the 10 d of resupply was about twice as great as when NH4+was resupplied alone. Also, about twice as much NH4+ as NO3was taken up when both ions were resupplied to the whole rootsystem. When NH4+ and NO3 were resupplied to separatehalves of a split-root system, however, cumulative uptake ofNH4+ was about half that of NO3. The uptake of NH4+,which is inhibited in nitrogen-depleted plants, thus is facilitatedby the presence of exogenous NO3, and the stimulatingeffect of NO3 on uptake of NH4+ appears to be confinedto processes within root tissues. In Experiment II, resupplyof nitrogen as both NH4+ and NO3 in a ratio of either1:1 or 9:1 enhanced the uptake of NH4+. The enhancement of NH4+uptake was 1.8-fold greater when the NH4+: NO3-resupplyratio was 1:1 than when it was 9:1; however, only 1.3 timesas much NO3 was taken up by plants resupplied with the1 :1 exogenous ratio. The effect of NO3 on enhancementof uptake of NH4+ apparently involves more than net uptake ofNO3 itself and perhaps entails an effect of NO3uptake on maintenance of K+ availability within the plant. Theconcentration of K+ in plants declined slightly during nitrogendeprivation and continued to decline following resupply of nitrogen.The greatest decline in K+ concentration occurred when nitrogenwas resupplied as NH4+ alone. It is proposed that decreasedavailability of K+ within the NH4+-resup-plied plants inhibitedNH4+ uptake through restricted transfer of amino acids fromthe root symplasm into the xylem. Key words: Ammonium, Glycine max, nitrate, nitrogen-nutrition, nitrogen stress, split-root cultures  相似文献   
The timing of root production is one of the parameters required for modelling the root system architecture. The objectives of this study are (1) to describe the rate of appearance of adventitious root primordia of maize and their rate of emergence out of the stem; (2) to test equations for the prediction of the rank of the phytomer on which root emergence occurs, in a wide range of field situations.Maize, cultivar Dea, was grown in controlled conditions and in the field in 1987, 1988, 1989 and 1991. Plants were regularly sampled and the following data were recorded: foliar stage, number of root primordia and number of emerged roots per phytomer. Root primordia were counted in transverse thin sections in the stem.At a single plant level, root primordia differentiation occurred sequentially on the successive phytomers, with no overlapping between two phytomers. The same was true for root emergence. Roots belonging to the same phytomer emerged at approximately the same time.At a plant population level, there was a linear relationship between the rank of the phytomer on which root primordia were differentiated and cumulated degree-days after sowing. A linear relationship was also observed between the rank of the phytomer on which roots were emerging and cumulated degree-days or foliar stage. In the range of field situations tested (several years, sowing dates and planting densities), both equations gave an accurate prediction of the timing of root emergence during the plant cycle.  相似文献   
Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases are serine/threonine kinases that are rapidly activated in response to mitogenic stimuli. Here we examined the enzymatic activity and phosphorylation state of the individual p44mapk and p42mapk isoforms during early G1 and late G1 phase of the mammalian cell cycle. Release of fibroblast cells from early G1 block was accompanied by a rapid rise in the myelin basic protein (MBP) kinase activity of p44mapk and p42mapk, which declined slowly over several hours to reach negligible values as cells enter S phase. When cells were released from late G1 block, the activity of p44mapk and p42mapk increased transiently, and then rapidly declined to baseline values during G1 to S phase transition. Cells released at the G1/S boundary in a medium lacking growth factors entered S phase in the complete absence of MAP kinase activity. Unlike MAP kinases, the histone H1 kinase activity of p33cdk2 was elevated in late G1-arrested cells and continued to increase during S phase entry. The enzymatic activation of p44mapk and p42mapk in both early G1 and late G1 phase was accompanied by an increase in the phosphothreonine and phosphotyrosine content of the proteins. These findings suggest that the sustained activation of MAP kinases during G1 progression and their inactivation at the G1/S transition are two regulatory processes involved in the mitogenic response to growth factors. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The effect of mutual shading on the root/shoot ratio and on the number of nodal roots of maize was studied. Plants of two varieties (Dea and LG2281) were grown in individual pots of 9 L, at three plant densities: 7.5, 11 and 15 plants m–2. A control experiment was carried out in order to study if root growth was affected by the small size of the pots. Maize plants (cv Dea) were grown at a low plant density (7.5 plants m–2) in pots of two different volumes (9 and 25 L respectively). In both experiments plants were watered every two hours with a nutrient solution. Some plants were sampled at five dates in the main experiment and the following data were recorded: foliar stage; root, stem and leaf dry weight; number of root primordia and number of emerged roots per phytomer. The final sampling date occurred at silking.Results of the control experiment showed that the root biomass was lower in small pots but the number of nodal roots per phytomer was not affected.Results of the main experiment showed that the total plant biomass and the root/shoot ratio were lower at high plant density. The number of emerged roots was strongly reduced on the upper phytomer (P8). This reduction was mainly due to a lower percentage of root primordia which elongated. A proposed interpretation is that the number of roots which emerge on upper phytomers is controlled by carbohydrate availability.  相似文献   
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