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The segment inversion site of herpes simplex virus type 1 contains a series of tandem repeats with a purine bias on one strand and high G + C content (DR2 repeats) capable of adopting a non-B-DNA structure under a variety of conditions. Plasmids carrying eight contiguous copies of DR2 sequences undergo a series of supercoil-driven conformational transitions resulting in different extents of relaxation at pH 5.0. These transitions depend on the presence of an appropriate concentration of divalent cations (Mg2+ and Ca2+) which seem to interact specifically with the alternate structure(s). The transitions occurred at approximately the same superhelical density for all lengths of inserts studied. However, the onset of the transition can be shifted to lower negative superhelical densities by increasing NaCl concentrations. This leads to a reduction of the cooperativity of the transition, which takes place over a range of linking isomers under these conditions. Extrapolating from these results, we established physiological conditions where the alternate DNA structure is found at negative superhelical densities as low as -0.035. The existence of non-B-DNA conformations and/or the structural transitions of these sequences located in this region of intense biological activity implies their involvement in the life cycle of the virus.  相似文献   
The development of resistance to anticancer drugs urges the search for different treatment modalities. Several investigators have reported the concomitant development of drug resistance and resistance to natural killer (NK), lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) or monocyte/macrophage cell lysis, while others described unchanged or even increased susceptibility. We investigated this subject in the rat colon carcinoma cell line, CC531-PAR, which is intrinsically multidrug-resistant (MDR), and in three sublines derived from this parental cell line: a cell line with an increased MDR phenotype (CC531-COL), a revertant line from CC531-COL (CC531-REV), which demonstrates enhanced sensitivity to anticancer drugs of the MDR phenotype, and an independently developed cisplatin-resistant line (CC531-CIS). In a 4-h51Cr-release assay we found no difference in susceptibility to NK cell lysis. No significant differences in lysability by adherent LAK (aLAK) cells were observed in a 4-h assay. In a prolonged 20-h51Cr-release assay an enhanced sensitivity to aLAK-cell-mediated lysis was observed in the revertant, P-glycoprotein-negative cell line and in the cisplatin-resistant cell line (CC531-CIS). None of the cell lines was completely resistant to lysis by aLAK cells. Therefore, a role for immunotherapy in the treatment of drug-resistant tumors remains a realistic option.  相似文献   
Lipoic acid (LA) is an essential cofactor of alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complexes (KADHs) and the glycine cleavage system. In Plasmodium, LA is attached to the KADHs by organelle-specific lipoylation pathways. Biosynthesis of LA exclusively occurs in the apicoplast, comprising octanoyl-[acyl carrier protein]: protein N-octanoyltransferase (LipB) and LA synthase. Salvage of LA is mitochondrial and scavenged LA is ligated to the KADHs by LA protein ligase 1 (LplA1). Both pathways are entirely independent, suggesting that both are likely to be essential for parasite survival. However, disruption of the LipB gene did not negatively affect parasite growth despite a drastic loss of LA (>90%). Surprisingly, the sole, apicoplast-located pyruvate dehydrogenase still showed lipoylation, suggesting that an alternative lipoylation pathway exists in this organelle. We provide evidence that this residual lipoylation is attributable to the dual targeted, functional lipoate protein ligase 2 (LplA2). Localisation studies show that LplA2 is present in both mitochondrion and apicoplast suggesting redundancy between the lipoic acid protein ligases in the erythrocytic stages of P. falciparum.  相似文献   
The effect of 2′-fluoro-2′-deoxycytidine (dCfl) on the growth of certain viruses of the herpes type was investigated. It is shown that the compound has considerable anti-viral activity against HSV-I, HSV-II, pseudorabies virus and equine abortion virus. It has an effect comparable to that of araC and is more efficient than br5dC, but less so than acyclovir. Experiments with thymidine kinase-negative strains of HSV-I indicated that dCfl was phosphorylated by the viral kinase, and its Km appears to be low and close to that of thymidine. Density gradient centrifugation enabled us to show that dCfl was incorporated into cellular and viral DNA and RNA. The cytotoxic activity of dCfl appears to be about 10-times smaller than that of araC. Removal of the nucleoside analog, washing and replacement with deoxycytidine reversed this effect, indicating rather a cytostatic than cytotoxic effect.  相似文献   
Here we identify the recruitment of solvent ions to lipid membranes as the dominant regulator of lipid phase behavior. Our data demonstrate that binding of counterions to charged lipids promotes the formation of lamellar membranes, whereas their absence can induce fusion. The mechanism applies to anionic and cationic liposomes, as well as the recently introduced amphoteric liposomes. In the latter, an additional pH-dependent lipid salt formation between anionic and cationic lipids must occur, as indicated by the depletion of membrane-bound ions in a zone around pH 5. Amphoteric liposomes fuse under these conditions but form lamellar structures at both lower and higher pH values. The integration of these observations into the classic lipid shape theory yielded a quantitative link between lipid and solvent composition and the physical state of the lipid assembly. The key parameter of the new model, κ(pH), describes the membrane phase behavior of charged membranes in response to their ion loading in a quantitative way.  相似文献   
In groundnut rosette diseased groundnut plants collected near Zaria, Nigeria, a luteovirus was detected by ELISA and ISEM. In ELISA only beet western yellows virus antiserum reacted, while in ISEM luteovirus particles were trapped by antisera beet western yellows virus, potato leafroll virus, pea leafroll virus and barley yellow dwarf virus. The data are in agreement with the interpretation that the assistor of groundnut rosette virus is possibly a member of the luteovirus group.  相似文献   
Summary A study was conducted in order to contribute to the methodology and topochemical localization of amino acid dehydrogenases in mammals; Nitro-BT, Tetra-Nitro-BT and phenazine methosulphate were used in the tests. Under anaerobic incubation conditions varying amounts of some -amino acids (dextrorotators) are oxidized in the mammalian kidney. The positive test result is regarded as the manifestation of a d-amino acid dehydrogenase activity. The investigation reveals that the kidney of carnivores (cat, dog, mink) shows the highest d-AAD-activity. However, this activity is histochemically not detectable in the kidney of genuine herbivores (guinea pig, rabbit, cattle). Rat, mouse, pig, and sheep take an intermediate position. In most of the species investigated the oxidative deamination of the d-amino acids takes place in the pars recta (renal cortex). In humans and sheep, however, the entire renal cortex gives positive results. The reaction is negative in the liver of most of the species tested.Out of the l-amino acids, tested in the course of the investigation, it is only l-proline that gives a positive result on kidney sections. In contrast to the findings concerning d-AAD activity, the formazan deposits are seen in the pars convoluta. In all probability this activity can bei regarded as a specific proline-dehydrogenase.Zusammenfassung Es wurde der Versuch unternommen, zur Methodik sowie zur topochemischen Lokalisation der Aminosäure-Dehydrogenasen beim Säugetier unter Verwendung von Nitro-BT bzw. Tetra-Nitro-BT und Phenazinmethosulfat beizutragen. Unter anaeroben Inkubationsbedingungen werden dabei einige -Aminosäuren der d-Reihe in unterschiedlicher Rate in der Säugerniere oxydiert und der positive Reaktionsausfall als Ausdruck einer d-Aminosäure-Dehydrogenaseaktivität angesehen. Wie die Untersuchungen ergaben, zeigt die Niere von Carnivoren (Katze, Hund, Nerz) die stärkste d-ASD-Aktivität, während die Aktivität in der Niere reiner Herbivoren (Meerschweinchen, Kaninchen, Rind) histochemisch nicht faßbar ist. Ratte, Maus, Schwein und Schaf nehmen eine Zwischenstellung ein. In der Nierenrinde der meisten untersuchten Tierarten findet die oxydative Desaminierung der d-Aminosäuren vorwiegend in der Pars recta der Hauptstücke statt; bei Schaf und Mensch zeigt die gesamte Nierenrinde einen positiven Reaktionsausfall. An der Leber der meisten untersuchten Arten war die Reaktion negativ.Von den getesteten l-Aminosäuren konnte nur mit l-Prolin ein positiver Befund an Nierenschnitten erhoben werden. Im Gegensatz zur d-ASD finden sich die Formazanablagerungen bei den meisten untersuchten Spezies in der Pars convoluta der Hauptstücke. Auf Grund der Untersuchungen wird angenommen, daß es sich hierbei um eine spezifische Prolin-Dehydrogenase handelt.  相似文献   
Hartmut Wohlrab  James Greaney 《BBA》1978,503(3):425-436
Mitochondria have been prepared from the flight muscles of mature blowflies (Sarcophaga bullata). Phosphate transport by these mitochondria, determined by rates of passive swelling in ammonium phosphate, is sensitive to inhibition by N-ethylmaleimide. 20 nmol of N-ethylmaleimide/nmol cytochrome a inhibit the swelling by 90%. When the mitochondria are inhibited by N-[3H]ethylmaleimide, then solubilized in dodecyl sulfate/mercaptoethanol at 100°C and then electrophoresed on dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, many labeled protein bands can be detected, including a large labeled peak that has the same mobility as the tracking dye, bromophenol blue. Sonic submitochondrial particles that are prepared from the N-[3H]ethylmaleimidelabeled mitochondria, solubilized, and electrophoresed on dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gels, possess only seven major labeled protein bands with no radioactive peak at the tracking dye. These labeled proteins have molecular weights of 71, 68, 64, 45, 32, 30, and approx. 10 · 103. The nmol N-[3H]-ethylmaleimide bound to each of these proteins per nmol cytochrome a are 0.15, 0.19, 0.35, 0.45, 0.87, 0.10, and 0.17, respectively, when the mitochondria are inhibited with 21.5 mol N-[3H]ethylmaleimide/mol cytochrome a at 10 μM cytochrome a. Coty and Pedersen ((1975) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 3515–3521) sensitized rat liver mitochondria to N-[3H]ethylmaleimide and identified five labeled proteins. Only the labeled 32 · 103 dalton and the 45 · 103 dalton proteins are common to both systems  相似文献   
Host cell proteins (HCPs) are inevitable process-related impurities in biotherapeutics commonly monitored by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). Of particular importance for their reliable detection are the anti-HCP polyclonal antibodies (pAbs), supposed to detect a broad range of HCPs. The present study focuses on the identification of suitable host animal species for the development of high-performance CHO-HCP ELISAs, assuming the generation of pAbs with adequate coverage and specificity. Hence, antibodies derived from immunization of sheep, goats, donkeys, rabbits, and chickens were compared concerning their amount of HCP-specific antibodies, coverage, and performance in a sandwich ELISA. Immunization of sheep, goats, donkeys, and rabbits met all test criteria, whereas the antibodies from chickens cannot be recommended based on the results of this study. Additionally, a mixture of antibodies from the five host species was prepared to assess if coverage and ELISA performance can be improved by a multispecies approach. Comparable results were obtained for the single- and multispecies ELISAs in different in-process samples, indicating no substantial improvement for the latter in ELISA performance while raising ethical and financial concerns.  相似文献   
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