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The reactions of free and DNA-bound 2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-N-oxyl (PROXYL) probes with radicals generated during radiolysis of dilute aqueous solutions of DNA were examined. For the free PROXYL probe in deaerated solution with each of the four nucleotides (dAMP, dCMP, dGMP, and TMP) it was found that the pyrimidine radicals were more reactive toward the probe than were the purine radicals. Reactions of the electron adduct of TMP and the hydroxyl radical adducts of dAMP, dGMP, and TMP with the probe resulted in little or no reduction of the probe. For TMP these results are consistent with the fact that both the protonated electron and hydroxyl radical adducts of TMP will covalently bind to the nitroxide function of the probe. Reduction of the PROXYL probe was observed in reactions with the hydroxyl radical adduct of dCMP and with the electron adducts of dAMP, dCMP, and dGMP. Results of the radiolysis of the free PROXYL probe in deaerated dilute solution of DNA suggest that the PROXYL probe protects the DNA from water radical attack as the ratio of DNA bases to PROXYL probe increases above 50:1. Reactions of DNA-bound probes are dependent on the depth of the nitroxide function in relation to the major groove of the DNA helix. Two probes with tether lengths which are less than the depth of the major groove show an expected increase in reactions with DNA base radicals as compared to a probe with a tether that extends beyond the groove. The longer probe is involved largely in reactions with sugar and water radicals along the periphery of the DNA helix. In the presence of oxygen, there is a dramatic decrease in the loss of both the free and DNA-bound probes due to the lack of reaction of these probes with peroxyl radicals formed by the addition of molecular oxygen to DNA radicals.  相似文献   
(1) Treatment of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase from rabbit kidney outer medulla with the γ-35S labeled thio-analogue of ATP in the presence of Na+ + Mg2+ and the absence of K+ leads to thiophosphorylation of the enzyme. The Km value for [γ-S]ATP is 2.2 μM and for Na+ 4.2 mM at 22°C. Thiophosphorylation is a sigmoidal function of the Na+ concentration, yielding a Hill coefficient nH = 2.6. (2) The thio-analogue (Km = 35 μM) can also support overall (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity, but Vmax at 37°C is only 1.3 γmol · (mg protein)? · h?1 or 0.09% of the specific activity for ATP (Km = 0.43 mM). (3) The thiophosphoenzyme intermediate, like the natural phosphoenzyme, is sensitive to hydroxylamine, indicating that it also is an acylphosphate. However, the thiophosphoenzyme, unlike the phosphoenzyme, is acid labile at temperatures as low as 0°C. The acid-denatured thiophosphoenzyme has optimal stability at pH 5–6. (4) The thiophosphorylation capacity of the enzyme is equal to its phosphorylation capacity, indicating the same number of sites. Phosphorylation by ATP excludes thiophosphorylation, suggesting that the two substrates compete for the same phosphorylation site. (5) The (apparent) rate constants of thiophosphorylation (0.4 s?1 vs. 180 s?1), spontaneous dethiophosphorylation (0.04 s?1 vs. 0.5 s?1) and K+-stimulated dethiophosphorylation (0.54 s?1 vs. 230 s?1) are much lower than those for the corresponding reactions based on ATP. (6) In contrast to the phosphoenzyme, the thiophosphoenzyme is ADP-sensitive (with an apparent rate constant in ADP-induced dethiophosphorylation of 0.35 s?1, KmADP = 48 μM at 0.1 mM ATP) and is relatively K+-insensitve. The Km for K+ in dethiophosphorylation is 0.9 mM and in dephosphorylation 0.09 mM. The thiophosphoenzyme appears to be for 75–90% in the ADP-sensitive E1-conformation.  相似文献   
Male and female rats with two permanently indwelling intravenous catheters were infused for 2 hours with ovine prolactin. During equilibrium conditions the effects of intravenously injected L-DOPA and benzerazide (a blocker of dopa-decarboxylase) on steady state levels of ovine prolactin were measured. A dose of 4.5 mg L-DOPA per 100 gr body weight (b.w.) caused a transient increase of plasma ovine prolactin. A dose of 0.3 mg L-DOPA/100 gr b.w. had no effect, neither in males nor in females, while benzerazide (20 mg/100 gr b.w.) had only a slight effect. The experiments suggest that L-DOPA does not affect the peripheral uptake of prolactin from the plasma.  相似文献   
Using Electron Spin Resonance spectroscopy at low temperatures, we find that thiyl radicals resulting from irradiation of frozen aqueous solutions of a variety of thiols, including cysteine, glutathione, and penicillamine react with oxygen to form sulfinyl (RSO.) radicals. The identity of the cysteine sulfinyl radical has been confirmed by the use of molecular oxygen isotopically labeled with 17O. Previous workers have suggested the reaction of thiyl radicals and molecular oxygen resulted in the formation of the potentially damaging thiol peroxyl radical, RSOO.; our work shows no evidence for this species. The sulfinyl radicals are suggested to result from a direct reaction between thiyl radicals and molecular oxygen. This reaction results in the cleavage of the dioxygen bond.  相似文献   
<正> Na~++K~+-ATP酶反应序列包括依赖Na~+的磷酸化作用及依赖K~+的去磷酸化作用。具体包括五部分反应:1.Na~+和ATP与酶的高亲和结合部位任意结合;2.依赖Na~+和Mg~(++)的磷酸化反应,此步被ADP所抑制;3.从对ADP敏感的E_1~P转化成对K~+敏感的E_2-P;4.在K~+刺激下使E_2-P水解,释放无机磷;5.核苷酸促使E_2K→E_1K转换。 为探讨膜结合Na~+和K~+激活的核苷酸三磷酸酶活性及依赖Na~+的磷酸化反应的核苷酸特异性,我们选用ATP、CTP、ITP和GTP四种核苷酸做底物,观察Na~+与核苷酸的关系。  相似文献   
The inability to open the collapsible Eustachian tube (ET) has been related to the development of chronic otitis media. Although ET dysfunction may be due to anatomic and/or mechanical abnormalities, the precise mechanisms by which these structural properties alter ET opening phenomena have not been investigated. Previous investigations could only speculate on how these structural properties influence the tissue deformation processes responsible for ET opening. We have, therefore, developed a computational technique that can quantify these structure-function relationships. Cross-sectional histological images were obtained from eight normal adult human subjects, who had no history of middle ear disease. A midcartilaginous image from each subject was used to create two-dimensional finite element models of the soft tissue structures of the ET. ET opening phenomena were simulated by applying muscle forces on soft tissue surfaces in the appropriate direction and were quantified by calculating the resistance to flow (R(v)) in the opened lumen. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine the relative importance of muscle forces and soft-tissue elastic properties. Muscle contraction resulted in a medial-superior rotation of the medial lamina, stretching deformation in the Ostmann's fatty tissue, and lumen dilation. Variability in baseline R(v) values correlated with tissue size, whereas the functional relationship between R(v) and a given mechanical parameter was consistent in all subjects. ET opening was found to be highly sensitive to the applied muscle forces and relatively insensitive to cartilage elastic properties. These computational models have, therefore, identified how different tissue elements alter ET opening phenomena, which elements should be targeted for treatment, and the optimal mechanical properties of these tissue constructs.  相似文献   


Genotyping by sequencing, a new low-cost, high-throughput sequencing technology was used to genotype 2,815 maize inbred accessions, preserved mostly at the National Plant Germplasm System in the USA. The collection includes inbred lines from breeding programs all over the world.


The method produced 681,257 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers distributed across the entire genome, with the ability to detect rare alleles at high confidence levels. More than half of the SNPs in the collection are rare. Although most rare alleles have been incorporated into public temperate breeding programs, only a modest amount of the available diversity is present in the commercial germplasm. Analysis of genetic distances shows population stratification, including a small number of large clusters centered on key lines. Nevertheless, an average fixation index of 0.06 indicates moderate differentiation between the three major maize subpopulations. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) decays very rapidly, but the extent of LD is highly dependent on the particular group of germplasm and region of the genome. The utility of these data for performing genome-wide association studies was tested with two simply inherited traits and one complex trait. We identified trait associations at SNPs very close to known candidate genes for kernel color, sweet corn, and flowering time; however, results suggest that more SNPs are needed to better explore the genetic architecture of complex traits.


The genotypic information described here allows this publicly available panel to be exploited by researchers facing the challenges of sustainable agriculture through better knowledge of the nature of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Mycorrhizal specialization has been shown to limit recruitment capacity in orchids, but an increasing number of orchids are being documented as invasive or weed-like. The reasons for this proliferation were examined by investigating mycorrhizal fungi and edaphic correlates of Microtis media, an Australian terrestrial orchid that is an aggressive ecosystem and horticultural weed.


Molecular identification of fungi cultivated from M. media pelotons, symbiotic in vitro M. media seed germination assays, ex situ fungal baiting of M. media and co-occurring orchid taxa (Caladenia arenicola, Pterostylis sanguinea and Diuris magnifica) and soil physical and chemical analyses were undertaken.

Key Results

It was found that: (1) M. media associates with a broad taxonomic spectrum of mycobionts including Piriformospora indica, Sebacina vermifera, Tulasnella calospora and Ceratobasidium sp.; (2) germination efficacy of mycorrhizal isolates was greater for fungi isolated from plants in disturbed than in natural habitats; (3) a higher percentage of M. media seeds germinate than D. magnifica, P. sanguinea or C. arenicola seeds when incubated with soil from M. media roots; and (4) M. media–mycorrhizal fungal associations show an unusual breadth of habitat tolerance, especially for soil phosphorus (P) fertility.


The findings in M. media support the idea that invasive terrestrial orchids may associate with a diversity of fungi that are widespread and common, enhance seed germination in the host plant but not co-occurring orchid species and tolerate a range of habitats. These traits may provide the weedy orchid with a competitive advantage over co-occurring orchid species. If so, invasive orchids are likely to become more broadly distributed and increasingly colonize novel habitats.  相似文献   
Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) is a monogenic variant of migraine with aura. One of the three known causative genes, ATP1A2, which encodes the α2 isoform of Na,K-ATPase, causes FHM type 2 (FHM2). Over 50 FHM2 mutations have been reported, but most have not been characterized functionally. Here we study the molecular mechanism of Na,K-ATPase α2 missense mutations. Mutants E700K and P786L inactivate or strongly reduce enzyme activity. Glutamic acid 700 is located in the phosphorylation (P) domain and the mutation most likely disrupts the salt bridge with Lysine 35, thereby destabilizing the interaction with the actuator (A) domain. Mutants G900R and E902K are present in the extracellular loop at the interface of the α and β subunit. Both mutants likely hamper the interaction between these subunits and thereby decrease enzyme activity. Mutants E174K, R548C and R548H reduce the Na+ and increase the K+ affinity. Glutamic acid 174 is present in the A domain and might form a salt bridge with Lysine 432 in the nucleotide binding (N) domain, whereas Arginine 548, which is located in the N domain, forms a salt bridge with Glutamine 219 in the A domain. In the catalytic cycle, the interactions of the A and N domains affect the K+ and Na+ affinities, as observed with these mutants. Functional consequences were not observed for ATP1A2 mutations found in two sporadic hemiplegic migraine cases (Y9N and R879Q) and in migraine without aura (R51H and C702Y).  相似文献   
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