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Coleoptile and root tips ofTriticum aestivum cv. Arnej 624 and those ofAvena sativa cv. Victory (Svalöf) as well as dry excised embryos ofTriticum aestivum cv. Rival (Svalöf) and those ofArachis hypogaea cv. 34 3A. H. were cultivated in media containing various concentrations of sucrose and growth regulators, like ascorbic acid, indole-3-acetic acid and gibberellin. Growth, differentiation and water uptake of the various explants were determined at regular time intervals. Further, the concentration of the endogenous ascorbic acid in mg./g. fresh weight, as well as the amount of this growth regulator utilized as per cent of the total were determined. Although all the three growth regulators promote growth in the explants, their effect is best felt when sucrose of a higher concentration (1.0 per cent) is added to the medium. In fact, the response to 1.0 per cent sucrose is sometimes as good as a combination of a growth regulator with sucrose, especially in the case of root explants. The results clearly indicate that the biosynthesis of ascorbic acid in the explants is catalyzed by the addition of indole-3-acetic acid as well as gibberellin. Simultaneously, the utilization of ascorbic acid is also appreciably increased by the presence of these growth regulators. Addition of 1.0 per cent sucrose to the medium containing the above mentioned growth regulators augments to a considerable extent not only the concentration of ascorbic acid, but also steps up its utilization. Enhancement of ascorbic acid as well as its increased utilization are correlated with rapid imbibition of water, growth and differentiation. The role of ascorbic acid in growth is discussed; and on the basis of the data presented here it is postulated that: (1) auxin and gibberellin function in the growth process by catalyzing the biosynthesis of ascorbic acid; and (2) that ascorbic acid not only participates in activation of various enzyme systems, but also stimulates the production of adenosine triphosphate by acting as an electron donor in photosynthetic phosphorylation as well as oxidative phosphorylation; (3) that the above action of ascorbic acid creates a favourable redox balance for synthesis of nucleic acids, proteins, enzymeproteins, and cell-wall constituents, thus enabling the processes of cell division and enlargement to proceed at a fast rate; and (4) that the relative rates of cell division and cell enlargement as well as “ageing” will determine the pattern of plant development.  相似文献   
Virus recognition and response by the innate immune system are critical components of host defense against infection. Activation of cell-intrinsic immunity and optimal priming of adaptive immunity against West Nile virus (WNV), an emerging vector-borne virus, depend on recognition by RIG-I and MDA5, two cytosolic pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) of the RIG-I-like receptor (RLR) protein family that recognize viral RNA and activate defense programs that suppress infection. We evaluated the individual functions of RIG-I and MDA5 both in vitro and in vivo in pathogen recognition and control of WNV. Lack of RIG-I or MDA5 alone results in decreased innate immune signaling and virus control in primary cells in vitro and increased mortality in mice. We also generated RIG-I−/− × MDA5−/− double-knockout mice and found that a lack of both RLRs results in a complete absence of innate immune gene induction in target cells of WNV infection and a severe pathogenesis during infection in vivo, similar to findings for animals lacking MAVS, the central adaptor molecule for RLR signaling. We also found that RNA products from WNV-infected cells but not incoming virion RNA display at least two distinct pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) containing 5′ triphosphate and double-stranded RNA that are temporally distributed and sensed by RIG-I and MDA5 during infection. Thus, RIG-I and MDA5 are essential PRRs that recognize distinct PAMPs that accumulate during WNV replication. Collectively, these experiments highlight the necessity and function of multiple related, cytoplasmic host sensors in orchestrating an effective immune response against an acute viral infection.  相似文献   
We have evaluated codon usage bias in Drosophila histone genes and have obtained the nucleotide sequence of a 5,161-bp D. hydei histone gene repeat unit. This repeat contains genes for all five histone proteins (H1, H2a, H2b, H3, and H4) and differs from the previously reported one by a second EcoRI site. These D. hydei repeats have been aligned to each other and to the 5.0-kb (i.e., long) and 4.8-kb (i.e., short) histone repeat types from D. melanogaster. In each species, base composition at synonymous sites is similar to the average genomic composition and approaches that in the small intergenic spacers of the histone gene repeats. Accumulation of synonymous changes at synonymous sites after the species diverged is quite high. Both of these features are consistent with the relatively low codon usage bias observed in these genes when compared with other Drosophila genes. Thus, the generalization that abundantly expressed genes in Drosophila have high codon bias and low rates of silent substitution does not hold for the histone genes.   相似文献   
The innate immune response is essential for controlling West Nile virus (WNV) infection but how this response is propagated and regulates adaptive immunity in vivo are not defined. Herein, we show that IPS-1, the central adaptor protein to RIG-I-like receptor (RLR) signaling, is essential for triggering of innate immunity and for effective development and regulation of adaptive immunity against pathogenic WNV. IPS-1−/− mice exhibited increased susceptibility to WNV infection marked by enhanced viral replication and dissemination with early viral entry into the CNS. Infection of cultured bone-marrow (BM) derived dendritic cells (DCs), macrophages (Macs), and primary cortical neurons showed that the IPS-1-dependent RLR signaling was essential for triggering IFN defenses and controlling virus replication in these key target cells of infection. Intriguingly, infected IPS-1−/− mice displayed uncontrolled inflammation that included elevated systemic type I IFN, proinflammatory cytokine and chemokine responses, increased numbers of inflammatory DCs, enhanced humoral responses marked by complete loss of virus neutralization activity, and increased numbers of virus-specific CD8+ T cells and non-specific immune cell proliferation in the periphery and in the CNS. This uncontrolled inflammatory response was associated with a lack of regulatory T cell expansion that normally occurs during acute WNV infection. Thus, the enhanced inflammatory response in the absence of IPS-1 was coupled with a failure to protect against WNV infection. Our data define an innate/adaptive immune interface mediated through IPS-1-dependent RLR signaling that regulates the quantity, quality, and balance of the immune response to WNV infection.  相似文献   
As with many viruses, rabies virus (RABV) infection induces type I interferon (IFN) production within the infected host cells. However, RABV has evolved mechanisms by which to inhibit IFN production in order to sustain infection. Here we show that RABV infection of dendritic cells (DC) induces potent type I IFN production and DC activation. Although DCs are infected by RABV, the viral replication is highly suppressed in DCs, rendering the infection non-productive. We exploited this finding in bone marrow derived DCs (BMDC) in order to differentiate which pattern recognition receptor(s) (PRR) is responsible for inducing type I IFN following infection with RABV. Our results indicate that BMDC activation and type I IFN production following a RABV infection is independent of TLR signaling. However, IPS-1 is essential for both BMDC activation and IFN production. Interestingly, we see that the BMDC activation is primarily due to signaling through the IFNAR and only marginally induced by the initial infection. To further identify the receptor recognizing RABV infection, we next analyzed BMDC from Mda-5−/− and RIG-I−/− mice. In the absence of either receptor, there is a significant decrease in BMDC activation at 12h post infection. However, only RIG-I−/− cells exhibit a delay in type I IFN production. In order to determine the role that IPS-1 plays in vivo, we infected mice with pathogenic RABV. We see that IPS-1−/− mice are more susceptible to infection than IPS-1+/+ mice and have a significantly increased incident of limb paralysis.  相似文献   
The type I interferon (IFN) signaling response limits infection of many RNA and DNA viruses. To define key cell types that require type I IFN signaling to orchestrate immunity against West Nile virus (WNV), we infected mice with conditional deletions of the type I IFN receptor (IFNAR) gene. Deletion of the Ifnar gene in subsets of myeloid cells resulted in uncontrolled WNV replication, vasoactive cytokine production, sepsis, organ damage, and death that were remarkably similar to infection of Ifnar −/− mice completely lacking type I IFN signaling. In Mavs−/−×Ifnar−/− myeloid cells and mice lacking both Ifnar and the RIG-I-like receptor adaptor gene Mavs, cytokine production was muted despite high levels of WNV infection. Thus, in myeloid cells, viral infection triggers signaling through MAVS to induce proinflammatory cytokines that can result in sepsis and organ damage. Viral pathogenesis was caused in part by massive complement activation, as liver damage was minimized in animals lacking complement components C3 or factor B or treated with neutralizing anti-C5 antibodies. Disease in Ifnar −/− and CD11c Cre+ Ifnar f/f mice also was facilitated by the proinflammatory cytokine TNF-α, as blocking antibodies diminished complement activation and prolonged survival without altering viral burden. Collectively, our findings establish the dominant role of type I IFN signaling in myeloid cells in restricting virus infection and controlling pathological inflammation and tissue injury.  相似文献   
A novel series of oxime containing benzyl-1,3-dioxane-r-2-carboxylic acid derivatives (6a-k) were designed as selective PPARα agonists, through bioisosteric modification in the lipophilic tail region of PPARα/γ dual agonist. Some of the test compounds (6a, 6b, 6c and 6f) showed high selectivity towards PPARα over PPARγ in vitro. Further, highly potent and selective PPARα agonist 6c exhibited significant antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic activity in vivo, along with its improved pharmacokinetic profile. Favorable in-silico interaction of 6c with PPARα binding pocket correlate its in vitro selectivity profile toward PPARα over PPARγ. Together, these results confirm discovery of novel series of oxime based selective PPARα agonists for the safe and effective treatment of various metabolic disorders.  相似文献   
The importance of earthworms in metal pollution monitoring is widely recognized in terrestrial ecosystems. Metal bioaccumulation by soil-dwelling earthworms can be used as an ecological indicator of metal availability in soils. In this study, we quantify the level of DTPA extractable metals in casts and tissues of earthworms (endogeic: Metaphire posthuma (Vaillant) and anecic: Lampito mauritii Kinberg) and ingesting soils, collected form cultivated land, urban garden and sewage soils. Soil and worm casts collected from sewage and cultivated land showed the greater metal concentrations. The concentration of Zn, Fe, Pb and Mn in earthworm casts was in the order: sewage soil > cultivated land > urban garden, while for Cu and Cd the order was cultivated land > sewage soil > urban garden. Data suggested that the level of DTPA extractable metals was higher than that of surrounding soils. We got close relationships between metal concentration in worm tissues and surrounding soils: Zn (r2 = 0.94 and 0.89, P < 0.01 for both), Fe (r2 = 0.95 and 0.97, P < 0.01 for both), Cu (r2 = 0.93 and 0.96, P < 0.01), Pb (0.63, P < 0.01 and 0.57, P > 0.05), and Cd (r2 = 0.15, P > 0.01 and 0.75, P < 0.01), respectively, for M. posthuma and L. mauritii. The study clearly indicates that earthworms have efficient potentials for bioaccumulation of metals in their tissues which can be used as an ecological indicator of soil contaminations. A species-specific metal accumulation pattern was observed in studied earthworms. Comparatively, endogeic showed the higher metal contents in their tissues than anecic (t-test: P < 0.05); collected form different habitats studied. Data suggested that species-specific feeding behaviour, earthworm niche structure, ecological category of inhabiting earthworm and even horizontal distribution of contaminants in soil layers are some major determinant for metal accumulation patterns in soil dwelling earthworms. The difference in burrowing patterns can influence the patterns of metal bioaccumulations between endogeic and anecic, although other factors are also contributory. Further more detailed study is still required to elaborate the proposed hypothesis.  相似文献   
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